\text{ClO}^-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\underline{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} The client begins to complain of increased abdominal pain and begins to vomit. The nurse takes the opportunity to teach the family member about preventing the spread of the cold. What technique does the nurse use? Multiple Choice Q09 Based on the nurse's knowledge of the most common hospital-acquired infections, which apparatus is most important to remove first? The nurse checking the client's vital signs observes that there are no visible signs of life. Avoid touching the outer surfaces of the gown. The nurse bases her next action on the principle that: The nurse recognizes the client has reached stage III of general anesthesia when the client: The nurse is physically preparing a client for surgery. A 79-year-old man is scheduled for surgical repair of an inguinal hernia. $$ A post op client reports severe abdominal pain. Hand hygiene is needed after contact with objects near the client. Nursing care planning for patients who underwent prostatectomy includes: maintaining homeostasis and hemodynamic stability, promoting comfort, preventing complications, and providing information about the procedure, prognosis, and treatment. Which finding is an early indicator of bladder cancer? A patient undergoes surgery for removing a malignant tumor, followed by a urinary diversion procedure. 4. $$. A client comes to the emergency department reporting becoming very ill after consuming shrimp and lobster. Which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching? The primary care provider orders a computed tomography (CT) examination of the chest. Patricia O'Connor, a 17-year-old high school student, is returning to the medical-surgical unit where you practice nursing from surgery. What velocity and acceleration of A are observed by a passenger fixed to and rotating with the ship? Fentanyl is categorized as which type of intravenous anesthetic agent? The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with bladder cancer and requiring a cystectomy. Select all that apply. With increasing severity, paralysis, dysphagia, bladder and bowel dysfunction develop. an older adult client with a history of heart failure. "Limit contact with large groups of people." c. "Avoid taking over-the-counter calcium supplements." d. "Follow a low-protein diet." ; b. The nurse should prepare to administer: A patient with renal failure is scheduled for a surgical procedure. The nurse is caring for the client 36 hours after the client's admission and identifies the client's potassium level of 6.0 mEq/L (6.0 mmol/L). Select all that apply. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? The nurse understands that a change in which part of the brain is responsible for changes in the client's ability to perceive sensation? What is the best action for the nurse to take? Which nursing action carries the greatest likelihood of contributing to the spread of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE)? A nurse in a pediatric unit is talking with the mother of a preschool-age child. What area does the nurse know needs to be addressed before the client is taken to the operating room? A nurse in a pediatric clinic is caring for a child who has iron deficiency anemia and a new prescription for ferrous sulfate tablets. The parents of a 6-year-old child with celiac disease tell the school nurse that their . A client is being admitted to the hospital with a positive tuberculosis test and suspicious chest x-ray. The nurse should suspect which of the following disorders? What lobe of the cerebral cortex is largely responsible for the ability of humans to achieve higher levels of mental functioning and is also involved with motor functions that direct body movements? Select all that apply. The nurse is reviewing the plan of care for assigned clients. A school nurse is assessing a school-aged child and notices white flakes that don't brush off the hair and a rash on the back of the child's neck. Air flowing at 40 kPa, 210 K, and a Mach number of 3.4 impinges on a two-dimensional wedge of half-angle $8^{\circ}.$ Determine the two possible oblique shock angles, $\beta_{\text {weak}}$ and $\beta_{\text {wrong}}$ that could be formed by this wedge. Select all that apply. Approximately how many feet from others should the nurse tell the client to maintain? After teaching a patient scheduled for ambulatory surgery using moderate sedation, the nurse determines that the patient has understood the teaching based on which of the following statements? The nurse is caring for a college student with meningococcal meningitis. The client is approximately 24 hr postoperative and describes the pain as "severe". The nurse caring for a patient who is at risk for malignant hyperthermia subsequent to general anesthesia would assess for the most common early sign of: A physician calls the nurse for an update on his client who underwent abdominal surgery 5 hours ago. A 50-year-old client was admitted to a healthcare facility after a traffic accident. The nurse is caring for a 40-year-old client who is 2 hours postoperative following an appendectomy. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? A cataract is an opacity of the lens that distorts image projected onto the retina and that can progress to blindness. A nurse is providing teaching to a parent of a preschooler who has eczema. The mother states her older child has just been diagnosed with chickenpox. Which of the following pain scales should the nurse use to evaluate the client's pain? This nurse also has another client today who has an upper respiratory infection. Adult Health - Gastrointestinal. When the nurse's hands are visibly soiled. Test the drainage for glucose. What action should the nurse take? a. A nurse is caring for a client who is on droplet precautions. Which statement about neonatal development is accurate? It is now 16:30. Morphine 6 mg IV bolus every 4 hours PRN is prescribed. Intracranial pressure is the pressure that the brain, blood, and CSF exert inside the cerebrospinal cavity. can be followed using Utilize a powered air, purifying respirator (PAPR). A nurse is caring for a client with Guillain-Barre syndrome. The nurse is assisting a colleague with wound care. Which of the following foods should the nurse recommend? The nurse observes profuse sweating above the level of injury. Which of the following conditions should the nurse identify as the leading cause of death among this age group? They open in the back to reduce inadvertent contact with the client and objects. The nurse has administered the preanesthetic as ordered. The nurse is educating a client with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) about ways the virus can be transmitted. Use a sterile cotton-tipped applicator to apply the prescription to the site. A nurse is caring for a client who underwent a skin biopsy and has three stitches in place. The students demonstrate understanding when they identify which of the following as an inhalation anesthetic? A nurse is working with a client with an infectious disease that requires the nurse to wear a particulate air filter respirator. When planning care for a client in the postoperative period, prioritize nursing diagnoses in the sequence from highest to lowest priority? A client for whom transmission-based precautions are required is experiencing sensory deprivation. How many years must have elapsed for the client to require this shot? Which room assignment will the nurse make? The nurse reports that according to documentation, no drainage has been recorded. A nurse is providing teaching about iron deficiency anemia to the parents of a toddler. Which client action indicates an accurate understanding of this information? The client tells the nurse, "I think I'm going to be sick." The health care provider is concerned with the symptom he finds because it is considered diagnostic for bladder cancer. "Temper tantrums are the toddler's attempt to gain control of a situation.". When would surgery be contraindicated for this patient due to laboratory results? Which of the following would the instructor include in this plan about these agents and this type of anesthesia? What measures should the nurse take when caring for a client with autonomic dysreflexia? The client has a history of anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, and exercise-induced asthma. A nurse is providing teaching to a parent of a child who has a fracture of an epiphyseal plate. The nurse is caring for a postoperative client who develops evisceration of the abdominal incision. What interview questions would the nurse ask the client? A nurse is performing a sterile dressing change on a client and notices that there is a hole in one of the sterile gloves. A client undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery is subjected to intentional hypothermia. The nurse caring for a patient after urinary diversion surgery monitors the patient closely for peritonitis by assessing for which of the following? The mother tells the nurse that her son is a "picky eater." b. An unconscious patient with normal pulse and respirations would be considered to be in what stage of general anesthesia? She is concerned her newborn will develop the disease. What important information should the nurse keep in mind when caring for this client? Which nursing interventions should the nurse implement when caring for elderly clients? Based on the nurse's knowledge of the most common hospital-acquired infections, which apparatus is most important to remove first? The nurse is admitting a 55-year-old male patient diagnosed with a retinal detachment in his left eye. The nurse's assessment of a postop client reveals a temperature of 103.2F, tachycardia, and client complaints of increased incisional pain. The neuron is the basic structural and functional cell of the nervous system. A nurse is caring for a child who has acute gastroenteritis but is able to tolerate oral fluids. Record your answer using a whole number. A nurse is assessing a toddler who has suspected lead poisoning. The nurse is caring for a client after hypophysectomy and notes clear nasal drainage from the client's nostril. The nurse assesses the client's pupils and notes the client's pupils are unequal. A nurse is caring for a 55-year-old post-operative client. The thalamus integrates sensations, thus the person perceives a whole experience, rather than individual impulses. This wound is healing by: The nurse positions the client in the lithotomy position in preparation for. Select all that apply. The client's vital signs are Temp 97.2F, HR 105, RR 24 and BP 110/50. A good outcome includes recovery without complications and adequate pain management . Which precaution is the priority when collecting and delivering the specimens to the laboratory? A 17-year-old client is having same-day surgery. Which of the following should be the primary medical management goal? Which precautions will the nurse begin? A parent of a toddler asks a nurse at a well-child visit how the child's frequent temper tantrums can best be handled. Which could be the consequence of an injury close to where the brain and spinal cord connect? Which of the following should the nurse recommend as a method of preventing iron deficiency anemia? What should a nurse be alert for when caring for such a client? Immediately after any potential or actual injury to the brain, a neurologic evaluation should be done. (C ) Urea forms an insoluble precipitate. A nurse prefers to use an alcohol-based hand rub when providing care for clients. A client is brought to the operating room for an elective surgery. Which client has the highest risk for developing an infection? Initially, MS may be manifested as difficulty in walking, tremors, lack of coordination, pins and needles, numbness, and visual changes including loss of vision. Cover the wound with a sterile, saline - soaked dressing 4. Which of the following clinical manifestations exhibited by the client would indicate the goal was met of avoiding injury? A. What is the cause of the infection? The nurse is receiving a confused client with a draining wound onto the medical-surgical unit. For which effect should the nurse monitor the client who has had a stroke? The nurse should be. The nurse is completing a preoperative assessment. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? "The glove is an important barrier in preventing the transmission of your loved-one's antibiotic-resistant infection to you or other people you come in contact with.". See Lumbar Puncture previously mentioned. As a circulating nurse, what task are you solely responsible for? When the nurse finishes on the telephone, she goes to assess the client. A veteran nurse is working with a new graduate nurse. Nursing Nursing questions and answers The nurse is caring for a 40-year-old client who is 2 hours postoperative following an appendectomy. The nurse is caring for a 27-year-old client who presents with possible signs of an infected abdominal wound. A nurse is providing discharge instructions to a parent and his school-age child who has juvenile idiopathic arthritis. A polymerase chain reaction. A client with cancer has been receiving chemotherapy for the past few weeks. Wear a mask when working within 3 feet of the client. $$. A nurse is providing teaching to the parent of an infant who has gastroesophageal reflux. What response by the family member indicates that the nurse's teaching was successful? Which assessment finding explains the absence of drainage? "I'm glad that my child's ostomy is only temporary.". Which of the following statements should the nurse make? What would be the best action by the nurse? A) Flashing lights in the visual field The client's vital signs are Temp 97.2F, HR 105, RR 24 and BP 110/50. A nurse is working with a new graduate nurse. The client becomes upset stating, "You did not wash your hands!" A nurse prepares to suction a client's tracheostomy tube. \text{ClO}_4^-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\underline{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} Write the formula for a monosaccharide that has three carbons. B. What postoperative difficulties can the nurse anticipate for this patient? Which assessment finding requires immediate nursing intervention? Which of the following actions by the nurse is inappropriate? When assessing vital signs, which result indicates a need to alert the anesthesiologist immediately? What does the nurse consider is the most likely cause of the client's change in condition? What is the priority action by the nurse? Routine nasal and rectal swabbing of a newly admitted hospital client has come back positive for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), indicating that the client is colonized with MRSA. Nursing assessment findings reveal urinary output < 30 ml/hr, tachycardia, tachypnea, decreased hemoglobin, and acute confusion. What data obtained by the nurse is indicative of this damage? Which of the following provider prescriptions should the nurse clarify? A nurse is caring for a toddler who has a fractured right femur and is in Bryant traction. observe the colleague and take no further action. The nurse is caring for a 52-year-old client who has experienced a complex lower leg fracture that needed surgical repair and is now immobilized. The child's parent asks the nurse what the common name for this disease is. Hemiplegia - half the body (right to left). A nurse is caring for a client with herpes zoster. The client returns to the ICU after surgery intubated and mechanically ventilated with a Salem sump nasogastric tube, a Foley catheter, and a PICC line in place. An experienced nurse is teaching a student nurse about the proper use of hand hygiene. The client's vital signs are Temp 97.2F, HR 105, RR 24 and BP 110/50. C restriction enzymes. A small ball of mass $m$ attached at the midpoint of a tightly stretched elastic cord of length $l$ can slide on a horizontal plane. The nurse reminds the visitor of a client with an antibiotic-resistant infection that gloves are necessary. 1. Medulla passes through the foramen magnum (great hole) in the occipital region of the skull; it lies just below the pons and rests on the floor of the skull. Lower the head of the bed. Select all that apply. $$. $$ Get the client out of bed and ambulate to a bedside chair. What nursing interventions are appropriate to decrease HCAIs? 100% Correct (All) 1.The nurse is assessing a healthy child at the 2 year check up. What priority education should the nurse provide to assist in preventing respiratory complications? During admission paperwork, the client reports having enjoyed a hearty breakfast this morning to be ready for the procedure. Select all that apply. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect the client to manifest with acute lead poisoning? A nurse is assessing a preschooler who has a calcium level of 8.0 mg/dL. The client's vital signs are Temp 97.2F, HR 105, RR 24 and BP 110/50. "Limit contact with large groups of people." = A nurse is caring for a client who is 24 hr. The client is receiving 0.9% normal saline at 75 mL/h, has a nasogastric tube to low wall suction with 200 mL every 8 hours of light yellow fluid, and a wound drain with 50 mL of dark red drainage every 8 hours. When explaining to the client about collecting the specimens, the nurse would inform the client that the specimens will be collected daily for: Every 2 hours, the nurse turns and repositions the client who is experiencing frequent diarrhea. Damage to the respiratory system A nurse is caring for a client with a neurologic problem who has been advised to have an electroencephalogram (EEG). The client returns to the ICU after surgery intubated and mechanically ventilated with a Salem sump nasogastric tube, a Foley catheter, and a PICC line in place. How will the nurse appropriately remove this personal protective equipment (PPE)? The nurse should instruct parents to bring their children back for rescreening in a year for which of the following laboratory values? What type of problems can this client have because of their anxiety and fear? The nurse is summoned to a client's hospital room when an unlicensed assistive personnel observes the client begin to have a seizure. The nurse suspects that the client is experiencing which type of incontinence? The nurse is concerned about infection and is reviewing the white blood cell count (WBC) in the chart. "If someone is exposed to my blood, I may transmit the virus to him or her.". What related complication should the nurse be aware of? As the eye ages, the lens loses water and increases in size and density, causing compression of lens fibers. What are benefits of a cover gown? Which of the following responses by the nurse is appropriate? A nurse is caring for a 55-year-old postoperative client. Place a surgical mask on the client and transport to the CT department at the specified time. Which of the following actions is the nurse's priority? What is the best respirator mask for this nurse? Based on this information, what type of precautions should the nurse initiate and review the procedures with staff members? Which would be considered significant blood exposures by occupational health? Her heart rate has dropped from 120 to 55, her blood pressure has increased from 110/44 to 195/62, and her. A nurse is implementing the principles of surgical asepsis while inserting a client's indwelling urinary catheter. The physician asks the nurse for the total amount of drainage collected in the Hemovac since surgery. During the surgical procedure, the client exhibits tachycardia, generalized muscle rigidity, and a temperature of 103F. How will the nurse likely respond? Dendrites are short, highly branched extensions of the cell body. Infectious disease, communicable disease, and contagious disease do not describe food poisoning. How will the team proceed with care? The nurse is caring for four clients on a medical-surgical unit.. B plasmid transformation. The expression of thousands of genes at one time You are doing a preoperative assessment on a patient going to surgery. One of the parents of the child becomes upset and demands to know the reason for the nurse's action. the client returns to the icu after surgery intubated and mechanically ventilated with a salem sump nasogastric tube, a foley catheter, and a picc line in place. Definition $\hspace{1cm}$ Correct Answer $\hspace{1cm}$ Possible Answers\ What is the magnitude of the impulse on the passenger during the collision. The nurse is obtaining a health history from a client describing urinary complications. Menses usually resume within 3 months following injury. Which individual would be responsible for ensuring that procedure and site verification occurs and is documented? Endoderm and mesoderm are formed by the migration of cells down into the ______ of the embryonic disc. The potential effects of prior medication therapy must be evaluated before surgery. 3- third intention. Which nursing diagnosis is appropriate for the client with a new ileal conduit? Each outlet has the same diameter as the inlet, and the air at these outlets has a pressure of $1.4 \mathrm{~MPa}$ and a temperature of $36^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$. 1. $$ What is your response to her situation as ordered by the physician? Apply a topical corticosteroid ointment to the affected area. What action should the nurse take? an 81-year-old man with active tuberculosis and a productive cough. The vagus nerve a much larger portion of the body than the others. \underline{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\text{HClO}_2 The nurse should perform the compressions using which of the following techniques? A client with chronic alcoholism and late-stage cirrhosis of the liver has significant damage to Wernicke's area. Instruct the patient care technician (PCT) to obtain a set of vital signs 3. The nurse working with a patient after an ileal conduit notices that the pouching system is leaking small amounts of urine. a. The nurse receives the client's culture and sensitivity report on her tracheal aspirate. What condition might increased ICP indicate? The nurse should place the infant in which of the following positions following feedings? postoperative following abdominal surgery . Which of the following instructions should the nurse provide to the parent? A nurse is preparing to begin chest compressions on an infant. A. Which statement accurately describes this process? 4 hours PRN is prescribed highest to lowest priority of drainage collected in the teaching short! Liver has significant damage to Wernicke 's area infection that gloves are necessary and with! Whom transmission-based precautions are required is experiencing which type of intravenous anesthetic?! Following conditions should the nurse is caring for a 55-year-old postoperative client who underwent skin. Structural and functional cell of the following techniques providing discharge instructions to a parent a. A circulating nurse, `` you did not wash your hands! their anxiety and fear diversion surgery monitors patient! To her situation as ordered by the nurse reminds the visitor of a preschool-age child preschool-age child attempt. Plasmid transformation are no visible signs of life amount of drainage collected in the sequence from highest to lowest?! 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