Went in today to switch off my splint to a cast. I am 2 weeks out of surgery and I fell because of my scooter tipped over. Managed to sleep it off and this morning there is just a dull throbbing. He said he tried the suture kit to start, but it didnt hold, so he made another incision and sewed it up old school, whatever that means. Even if they didnt I think Ill stick with the booth because I dont want to wake up and accidentally do something like put too much weight etc when Im half asleep so I keep the boot on but much looser. Im 2 weeks in to this and accidentally put weight on the wrong foot in a near fall from my knee scooter. I fell off my knee scooter tonight and put all my 220lbs to catch myself and felt some good pain at the time but now an hour or two later I dont feel any pain just wondering some symptoms of a re-rupture. I would like to thank you all for writing and hope everyone a quick recovery. I was SO really when he told me Im not worried., I go back next week to have him review how things are going. The pain was ongoing for a couple of hours but it was no where near the pain of the initial rupture or the few days after surgery. Currently have a splint on. But as a caretaker who works from home and helps every time she has to get up, I am so frightened and have no idea what to do. I asked my doc about it and he said everything looked good and that it would be difficult to re-rupture with the boot (or in my case it was the splint) on. I think that reading the experiences of others helps give you the mental strength required to continue after this injury. I tell you, it was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. I am 3 weeks 2 days post op for achilles debridement and calcaneal exostomy (sorry for the spelling). Like davidk said above, I think it was the calf muscle contracting. I had my splint on and I don;t think I put my full weight on it because I kind of instinctively let myself fall as soon as I felt pressure. That area is tender. Read our editorial policy. I swear I am feeling a wet sensation like bleeding from the incision. I do some very light massaging like you and that is a little bit uncomfy, but i dont push that at all. It appears you have not yet Signed Up with our community. WebThe goal of correcting a failed bunion repair, using a procedure called revision surgery, Paul, Im in the same boat as you. I have my follow up in two days Im hoping I didnt do anything to ruin my progress. No swelling. My tear was just above my ankle, roughly in the middle. Let me know how your Thursday appt goes. Hopefully I didnt re injure my Achilles. I am 11 days post op (tore Achilles playing soccer), and have an appointment with my Doc tomorrow to assess healing of stitches so that I can be moved into a moon boot with heel lifts. Moral of the story? In severe cases mostly involving more elderly patients, resection arthroplasty is often performed by removing the bottom of the toe joint with the big toe left immobilized entirely. he said it did shift a tiny tiny bit but that it was absolutely looking fine for healing. The weight was probably on for less than 1 second before I quickly caught my balance. I cant believe so many people has fallen off their scooter and on their no weight bearing leg such as myself. It makes walking normaly on it seeem dangerous & unstable & generally uncomfortable & painful if you bend it before the joint stiffness clears up. The doctor explained that the PARS operation is passing multiple threads through the tendon and looping it against the opposite side. Better Choices For Hip Surgery - And Faster Healing And Recovery, Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones: Review Of Orthopedic Surgery Android Apps. Bunion surgery is normally done as an out-patient, meaning you arrive at hospital a couple of hours before your surgery and are discharged later that day. Our patients benefit from our team-centered approach with world-renowned surgeons and specialized physician assistants, nurses and physical therapists. Merry Christmas. Saturday I stubbed toe using knee scooter, lost my balance and fell. I am in a walking boot and air brace at night. The fact is these casts and boots are meant to be sturdy, Its human reaction to use our legs to break a fall. 8. I have an appointment tomorrow and Im crossing my fingers that everything is alright. Im relieved to read someones experience at least not ending negatively. ive emailed my dr but its basically 3 am here. I see my doc on Monday and believe he will let me take one of the two heel lifts out of the boot then. My docs office hasnt returned my call yet so Im hoping thats a good thing. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. I am down to two or three pain pills a day.y wrist is still a little sore , but I've been wearing a brace for support. And the upper part of calf is hard to the touch. 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. September 13, 2014 at 4:29 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. Wish me the best! After reading these comments I do feel a little bit better. The surgeon pushed around on my calf (very uncomfortable for me) and said not to worry. I started full boot walking (FWB) at 4 1/2 weeks and have not experienced any pain at all when I boot walk. Been doing the double and assisted single heel lifts, balancing on my bad foot passing a weight left to right and try to remain balanced for 30 seconds or more. I just got the walking boot on September 21. I also have a wonderful husband who actually remembered the 20+ years I took care of him (house wife, a damn good one lol! ) Anyway, this group was a big help in keeping me from getting to down about my accident yesterday. This is the third month of my recovery after two operations on my ankle. He did use a flat stone with muscle cream and worked the tendon and scar tissue. I took pain medications and anti-inflammatories and the next day I woke up and Im not nearly and any kind of pain. There is no need to worry about your recovery well make sure everything goes smoothly and that you dont experience any problems with bunion surgery screws. !Also nice to know im not traveling through this shit storm alone. Best of luck to everyone who is going through this. I'm doing lots of walking trying to prepare. Read Also: 50 Foot 12 Gauge Extension Cord. thankfully, I did not. I was recommended to only put 25% of my weight on it and to not to walk on it yet , as my physical therapy should begin next week . This comment section though was reassuring. I dont know If my brain is telling me I already can put some weight in my injured leg or something but now im in panic trying to remember the extend of pressure I did to realize if I could damage the repair. Hey all, I figured Id add to this thread as well. Anyone had a similar experience that can give me some hope or I guess let me know if you all think I ripped it out all over again? Otherwise, ice, elevate, and rest as much as possible. Or did you for a time? I took a fall while trying to maneuver my scooter; I fell off to the right and instinctively tried catch myself with my right foot. The DR told me The only way we are going to know if any damage was done, will be after all of my rehab is done, but more then likely i am ok. Yikes! After about 15 minutes or so the shooting pain was gone and my pain level was back to my normal. Today, went to get on the knee scooter and misjudged. They didnt put me on any type of rehab or did they give me any exercises to do. Noticed a small bump off to the side of my tendon by the incision. You May Like: Mens Pants With Zipper At Ankle. She hasnt had any of the types of fall or dramatic slips described by many on this blog. I am still able to move my foot and toes, but it is limited like it was before I fell. Ice is also essential. Im a bit concerned that I caused some damage or re ruptured the tendon and will call my doctor on Monday to see what he says. Wound looks fine and I did not do any damage to the Achilles. However everything feels a bit looser .. just not as stiff as before. Key question is did you have your boot on? I actually had another fall yesterday believe it or not. After surgery, the patient can walk and engage in other weight-bearing activities because of the use of screws. With being in the case, your foot isnt able to move, so the stitches should be fine. I was fortunate that my surgery site has fully healed at 3 weeks and there was no bleeding but I have yet seen my surgeon. I just read your story! And the first stages of bone healing happen once the bones are squeezed together. People mostly do it that arent taking recovery slowly and seriously. WebFoot Irritation From Retained Hardware. Doc said that everything was fine, and that healing was going well, Were you OK when you went to the doctor? That day, my foot really hurt; it had actually almost stopped hurting before the fall. Everyone says theyll follow up and never do. Not only was there no damage, but everything healed very nicely. I stupidly put my NWB foot down, NO BOOT, just bare foot to the floor putting weight down on it. He describes the procedure in greater detail in an article in Podiatry Today. I was lucky when I fell doing a similar thing (one little step in the house, using crutches). I had posterior tibial tendon surgery 12 days ago and I am scared that I re injured my ankle. I called doctors office was told if additional pain or swelling to come in Im praying there is no additional harm cant handle any more surgery. each week feels better and better! Remember that. Ill share my Oops! story here as well and report any follow up. I can wiggle my toes, move my ankle move my toes up and down. Notes on Any one else fall on their foot after having a bunionectomy 5 days ago? Dont stress and think positive!!! Sitting now with my leg elevated. I never had to take any pain meds after the first day after surgery. And the day after my surgery in a splint my crutches slipped and i accidentally caught my fall with my injured foot. Immediately following the outpatient surgical procedure, your orthopedic surgeon will place a boot on your foot. Dont Miss: Pain In Front Of Ankle And Top Of Foot. If you closely follow your foot and ankle surgeon's instructions, you can help minimize pain and swelling after your bunion surgery. I had archilles tendon and calcanel exostectomy 2 weeks ago. Rick, nice to have you and LeahMichelle to compare notes with since were all going through it about the same time. I was just hoping that the pop feeling I felt was my incision and maybe part of a stitch? Wishing you all a speedy recovery! Will be calling the doctor when we get back home. I took off my boot and checked my incision point which was now covered in Seri strips since the sutures were out. Thanks! For mild cases, non-invasive methods, like wraps, splints, and other apparatus can be worn, but these do not correct the bunion. Was it re-ruptured? Webover the past several days ive felt my foot healing as far as pain goes, the pain Today, I was able to push back on the docs hands with more force than Ive been able to since surgery. Finding this blog gave me a sense of relief! Had detach reattach surgery today am in splint & slipped with scooter. Should I be concerned? As long as you have that boot on your good to go. Yikes! Until recently, there hasnt been a simple solution or a cure for bunions. He had our roommate cook every dinner and he took care of the rest. or a Splint? I have been since week 4 and it seems to be going well so far. I used to get those weird quick shoots of pain down there, but cant say its happened recently. ive followed the drs instructions to elevate and ice consistently. Stitches not out yet. Id have to think youre good that far out. I do have a little tingle in my toes which is scaring me. I feel very dumb. But you are right - my husband is reminding me that no matter what happens, we will figure it out. I considered my fall to be pretty big, and I put a lot of weight down for a second or 2, so i hope this can calm anyone who had a mild fall and is worried. I was able to see my surgeon at noon, after many nervous minutes and concern on his part, he was able to confirm that the Achilles was still continuous, and attached. Thanks again, wish me luck. Hello Megan! I too can say I fall into this category. And depending on the type of fracture, the sizes might range from 1.5 mm to 7.3 mm. If you have more questions, please come to my site and check it out! Hopefully you will find that you are fine as well, but the best thing is to check it out with your dr. because at least you can stop worrying and wondering. The surgeon has two options for internal or external fixation after the osteotomy. My knee and the hard part of the splint took the weight but Im still so scared I injured my Achilles again. slight burn and throb. I know its my fault and I aaa being stupid, just wondering if anyone else had similar surgery and experience. And the most frequent treatment for bunions is this one. Landed on my toes of the injured foot and felt a pain throughout my leg. Got the ok to ween off the boot and start doing heel lifts, bike ride and wear two shoes but still avoid sudden movements. I am 12 days post op and just had a pretty scary fall. This thread has been very helpful. The thing is I always pushed myself to the limits and thought I was young enough to handle it. I experienced a complete rupture of the Achilles - and there was NO QUESTION about whether or not I had ruptured it. Update: Saw ortho today and had cast removed. WebBut the lack of difference in the right foot is concerning. Also, they will ensure long-lasting correction without the possibility of the bunion coming back. I have to travel out of town to my hospital, so I decided to wait it out. This x-ray on the left shows a foot with severe arthritis of the bunion joint , and less arthritis of the smaller toe joints. Oh Mark, Im sorry to hear that! Im 4.5 weeks post op and slipped on my crutches tonite. You will have to ask someone to drive you home. Initially, there was some discomfort on back of achilles near incision and didnt think a ton of it. It was painful. Im in a half hard cast and the on call doctor pretty much told me 90% its fine but still a chance I messed it up. Is it not natural for the brain to try to plant that foot? I already torned an ACL and internal meniscus while playing soccer at a competing level and now i feel like this will be my life. The shock, trauma, and pain are the main things you feel and you arent expecting so thats what you have to deal with. I will be thinking of you and I hope you check in so we can support each other when we're healing. Yes, I fell hard on my foot. Everything seems to feel the same back there so hopefully nothing crazy happened. Im hoping I see some quick improvement! Best of luck to all who have dealt with is type of surgery. What to Look for in a Shoe to Wear After Bunion Surgery?Arch Support. With adequate arch support, youll find it much easier to increase your mobility while decreasing the amount of pain you feel when moving.Adjustability. Finding a pair of post-op shoes that you can easily adjust and navigate around your bandages is one of the most critical things.Rocker Bottom Shoes. Extra Depth. Rounder Toe-Boxes. More items What a relief to read these posts! I literally just did the same thing! i run a small fast casual restaurant and am on my feet most of my 10 hour days. I was going at somewhat of an angle, so its hard to gauge what % of weight i actually put on my nwb leg. I do risk by doing it and I probably should just put it on when doing any waking. And one of the most important things to have in mind is to find the best possible doctor because dealing with some screw problems can easily turn this non-invasive procedure into disaster and cause even bigger problems after bunion surgery. I had a full Achilles tendon rupture, I am now 2 weeks 5 days post op. For those going through this ordeal, remember that everything after the surgery is positive progress. The fiberglass edge of the cast caused more pain under my toes than the tendon site itself. The tendon hurt at the time - a bit like it did when the ankle was stretched to go into the new cast. I loosen it when Im sitting or laying, but any other time its strapped in. -David. My doctor removed my cast 7 days ago now, and gave me a boot but advised me to not put ANY weight on it. Inserting hardware is an imperfect science because everyone displaces stress differently on their feet, so what might work for one person may cause pain with another. I will be ready to celebrate when the healing process is finished in a few months. Its more swollen now, but initial pain went down, except for my lower, inner Achilles area that originally hurt the most. There was something in the back of my head telling me that there is something wrong. Mine was a complete rupture. Im getting ready for the same surgery (heel spur removal) on my other foot in August. My concern now is how stiff it is and the certain sensations I get back there. for being 2.5 months post op are you able to walk again with no problem? As for yall that have slipped or taken a step on your foot. 2 weeks from that i will be BOOT FREE. Happy walking! As the bump increases in size, often the great toe pushes laterally toward the second toe. I know not everyone is as fortunate as I am to have this kind of help. I was first in a cast for 2 weeks and have now been in a moon boot for 1 week, still on crutches NWB. I am seeing my doctor in a few days but I am terribly worried that I screwed the whole thing up. Dr. Noman Siddiqui was one of the first surgeons in the United States to correct bunions through minimally invasive bunion correction. I couldnt sleep just worried about having to undergo surgery again and reading all these stories. Instinctively, my nwb leg reached out to catch my fall. The back of my leg and my heel are tingling and I just had the feeling. Leave this Update. Like I was pushing a muscle stretch too far. Anyway at some point I put down the wrong foot! Hopefully that eases someones anxiety a bit. Im 4 weeks post surgery and am half weight bearing. Im curious to hear how your walking is now versus when you just started. Will try to update after dr appointment. The screw head is approx 2-3mm above the bone, so that small area can create swelling and discomfort to the top of the foot. This was certainly a relief to find this forum but I am a little concerned. It hurt for a split second and then I lifted it up immediately off the floor and it turned out to be fine. the first day after surgery was brutal. I knew immediately that Id done so because I literally felt it pulling off the heel bone, and it literally sounded like someone tearing fabric in two. Im much more slower in my movements now and am limiting myself a lot more. Im now 10 days post op from the second repair. my next foot, my left is my weaker leg. was my weaker leg so I am a little concerned. The pain is totally gone now, and all seems back to normal, so Im going to assume that no damage has been done. WebI had bunion surgery 4 weeks ago, age 63, I have fallen off my knee scooter several times, so Ive decided to quit using it altogether. My skin towards the bottom of my incision was softer due to getting it wet in the shower, and when I looked it was bleeding. Yes. I see the doctor in 2 days to get stitches removed and so for now I am just waiting it out until then. Stumbled this evening and put full weight on nwb leg. For more severe cases, the soft tissue must be further disturbed. I can still wiggle my toes and slightly move my ankle. Im about 7 weeks out of the boot now, and able to walk 2-3 miles without stopping. I appreciate everyones stories and advice by the way, stay strong and patient everyone! I start physical therapy tomorrow and hope to get my right leg strong enough to be able to support crutches and a scooter when my left foot is non-weight bearing. I completely ruptured the Archilles tendon in my left foot. We all heal at our own pace. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are Bunion surgery is an outpatient procedure, meaning you can return home the same day. New bleeding occured. Today calf behind incision is really sore and had a knot in it. Im still a little numb and tingling on the top of my foot around my big toe, but hopefully that will go away in time. And not even one "good" foot because that accidentally stepped on foot after surgeryconnectwise knowledge base I did something similar even earlier in my recovery, twice. It did feel much better afterwards. Surgeons prefer not using screws that will hold the bunion correction in only a few cases. I felt pain immediately, it was a HORRIBLE stabbing burning pain. Roost I was sure I re-tore it, and was so angry at myself. Now the tendon doesnt hurt, but it hurts a bit higher up, I guess near the calf muscle. I was hopping up on a bar stool and accidentally tapped the casted foot on the ground. I'm just trying to be extra careful! It's amazing how quickly you can lose muscle strength by inactivity which is what has happened to my right leg now. Still, reading the experiences and responses here may help me to just take a deep breath and calm down. Paul, Now, already with a good job and stable life, I decided to get back to sports. The corrective surgery for bunion is known as a metatarsal osteotomy or bunionectomy. Glad I found this blog but still nervous.. Like most I fell/put weight on achilles repair. I saw my surgeon today, going in for another check in a week just to make sure that everything is good to go for surgery on the 7th. lost my balance and my foot hit the floor. Currently have my leg propped up and ice being applied. This morning after going to the bathroom I misjudged getting back on my knee scooter and came straight down on my toes of my bad foot. I have two really shallow stairs that lead up to a larger staircase on the right that takes me upstairs. I was 5 weeks post op after achilles debridement and reattachment - also had the gastrocnemius lengthening procedure. I have my first post op appt Tuesday morning. I'm 3 months post surgery and because it's revision surgery from a fusion in 2016, I'm so afraid of anyweight on the new surgery I use the wheelchair most of the time. You will get through this like so many others before you. WebIn 2010, a study in the Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery was the first to demonstrate that I started that yesterday and loving it, although my Achilles is really tight so its challenging. Right now 4 hrs later it still stings burns. PT said I should be crutch free by Saturday! If you try and do too much too soon, or start wearing inappropriate shoes too quickly, problems may arise. The basis for bunion surgery has classically been centered on the method with which surgeons use to realign the deviated bones. Excruciatingly painful. Light stretching and so on. Everything was going great until i slipped off my scooter while making a turn. The recurrence rate is about 20% over a patients lifetime. I sent a message to my doctor and he stated that the cast will protect the foot and it really cant move any direction so I should be fine. Ive been researching this issue like crazy. My wrist is a little sore today but not horrible so I'm hoping it's just a. I would have went to the nearest hospital or urgent care, oh please let me know what the doc says. And my foot is not almost completely motioning. Torn my Achilles and I was exactly 1 week of surgery and still in my soft About 8 days post repair of a full Achilles tear, my crutch sipped and I caught myself with the injured foot (in a splint, not a hard cast). I felt tingling in the toes but no pain really. I remember thinking I was prepared for my first and how wrong I was. This morning I lost my balance and fell off my scooter, dull weight in my injured leg with my aircast boot on. Im a little worried I did some damage or worse re-tore the Achilles. I was terrified that I might have ruined the whole process! I breathed a sigh of relief, thanked the Lord Jesus, and decided to come post in hopes that my incident can bring a bit of comfort to the next person going through the same thing. Just curious anyone who re-ruptured your Achilles did you feel lots of pain afterwards? Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. No pain, just the tingling and twitching. Always contact your doctor immediately if any of the following things happen during bunion surgery recovery: Arthrex Minimally Invasive Bunionectomy System Surgical Technique, SCREW REMOVAL PROCEDURE!! I have my 2 weeks follow-up in a week. Its an annoying injury. Read Also: Orthopedic Boots For Broken Foot. If I felt any severe pain then he would want me to come in. I was reaching over the side of my scooter (nicknamed Bobo), and I leaned too far, lost my balance and put full weight on NWB foot for about three steps. I was very glad that I was able to find this thread to give me a bit of reassurance. Hey Hikerdreams, so sorry to hear that you fell. over the past several days ive felt my foot healing as far as pain goes, the pain wednesday morning had subsided and i didnt feel the need to use my pain meds any morehowever about 2 hours ago i lost balance on my crutches and i completely stepped on my right foot (with boot) with all my weight about 2 times rather quickly before my bf caught me luckily he was near by. I felt a horrible pain in my calf at the site of the gastroc lengthening. People will turn to every possible alternative before arriving at the last resort of conventional foot surgery. Reminding me that no matter what happens, we will figure it out these comments do... 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