Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis received the highest ranking in this inaugural First Ladies Greatness Poll, with 65%. Abigail is remembered as an intellectual, often consulting on major issues that were to set American history. Her best scores came in her background an Ivy League educated lawyer at a top law firm and being her own woman. She went ahead to set a tone for other first ladies after her, and this has helped many of the other first ladies to know what to expect once they assume such a position. Although she isnt the first first lady to maintain a job independent of the White House (she currently works as a professor at NOVA), she is the only one to do so while her husband is in office. She was an advocate for the Equal Rights Amendment, mental health issues, and the Habitat for Humanity organization. Chloe Dobbins, Staff Writer December 18, 2021 For a group of people who marry into their positions, the United States' First Ladies have historically been fairly influential. She also remained active as a writer and lecturer during her husbands administration. During her time as first lady, she focused largely on White House restoration, taking a special interest in the artwork and integrity of the interior decoration in the historic building. Theyre particularly effective surrogates for the president because theyre not elected officials. She had some of the most elegant Christmas decorations of anybody but because she was Melania, they were terrible. Ready to Read, Ready to Learn was an education initiative that promoted reading in early childhood education. During President Donald Trumps presidency (2016-2020), Melania was known for taking a backseat and often being rather quiet about her husbands policy initiatives. Melania has been called out for things like the "I really don't care, do u?" Despite her husbands high-profile political career, she contentedly stayed in the shadows that is until he was sworn in as President of the United States following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Read on to find out! Reagan also does well on being a Steward of the White House as she dedicated significant resources to its restoration. The average first lady's final popularity rating before Trump was 71% with an unpopularity rating of 21%. In particular, she spoke about her own experience with mental health, her personal psychiatric stay, and the need for breast cancer awareness. is a public health campaign that was started by Michelle Obama. It was former First Lady Dolley Madison who linked Angelica and Abraham Van Buren II. Thanks to her efforts, we have the Highway Beautification Act, which has helped keep our roads and highways clean and beautiful. Eleanor Roosevelt is considered by many to be America's most inspiring and influential first lady. Information about your device and internet connection, like your IP address, Browsing and search activity while using Yahoo websites and apps. Her background and being her own woman gets her the biggest marks she graduated from two Ivy League colleges and had a successful career. They can make or break a president, and they often have their own agendas and causes that they champion. The first lady, according to Wright, is typically better at promoting the presidents policies and molding public opinion than other surrogates, including the vice presidentas well as the president himself. As a former army wife, Eisenhower knew how to run the White House with a firm hand. According to Time, both Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, face "Clintipathy," defined as "a pathological hatred for them." The first lady is the spouse of the president, who assumes the political role as the first woman in the country alongside her husband. When her son died, the public looked kindly on Grace and gave their sympathy. ^Y! KUEN#!vtd'9,!Gud$.X@rb]ddg~lc?C,F(3)gi0+8x PP#P{d b447iDQ#Y F.dqQna PGd+]qoA96i&-,}At[3aFrVsX@P85dUC}=O}Q]p8?p(Bc~q|m$uL-M)?r3ZjphvE#H' ;pWYAnwe !9z@IXDy&;U TR. Martha Washington was the first lady of the United States, and she set the tone for many women who would come after her. Type above and press Enter to search. Rosalynn made regular appearances at cabinet meetings during President Jimmy Carters administration. Copyright 2015 - 2022 Financial WallStreet. The Trumps made headlines this week when the former president had to deny that his wife would not be joining him in the White House for a potential second term. She also shepherded individual bills for healthcare especially for children and families. The two remained together through both of his non-consecutive terms, and the rest of his life. Her best rating is in Stewardship of the White House. Florence Harding seems to be a pretty interesting person. Her value to her husband cannot be overstated she vetted his speeches, gave counsel and calmed him down when he went into a mood. Like Hillary she was polarizing. She was a savvy investor and a socialite who knew how to work a room. Melania Trump has the immigrant experience to share that so many Americans have had. Her lowest score comes in her background and being her own woman, as she seemed to another extension of her husband. Emily was a sociable person and even befriended President Jacksons rival, John Quincy Adams. Few first ladies have shied away from the public eye quite like Grace Coolidge. Carter was known as the steel magnolia during most of her time as First Lady, owing to the idea that her sweet and genteel exterior hid a tough as nails interior that allowed her to deal with the many slings and arrows tossed at her and her husband, President Jimmy Carter. Whilst not a spectacular First Lady, Reagan did make her own mark in the role. CNN's polls have shown that the average first lady's final popularity rating pre-Trump was 71% with an unpopularity rating of 21%. It shows Michelle Obama as #13, yet NO writeup!?!? There are five living former first ladies: Rosalynn Carter, married to Jimmy Carter; Hillary Clinton, married to Bill Clinton; Laura Bush, married to George W. Bush; Michelle Obama, married to Barack Obama; and Melania Trump, married to Donald Trump. Melanie hated doing anything obvious listening to the secret tape. She polled an approval rating of only 42%. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis received the highest ranking in this inaugural First Ladies Greatness Poll, with 65%. 80% Agree; Mississippi Should Take Federal Funds to Expand Medicaid, Early Mississippi Republican Primary Poll: Trump 46% DeSantis 39%, NY Consumer Sentiment Steady; Almost 13 Points Above National but 20 Points Below Pre-Pandemic Level, By Wide Margins, Voters Say Hochul Did Not Make Progress on Several 2022 Goals: Making Communities Safer; Enhancing Trust in State Govt. Your choices? Prestige was key in political negotiations, especially at the time. Rosalyn Carter focused on the mental health initiative during her time as the first lady of the United States, and she testified in court for the Mental Health System Bill, which was later enacted into law. First ladies have a special status. Part of this may have been due to her background. In general, Americans give positive marks to first ladies, but Laura Bush's scores are among the best Gallup has measured. Whilst the original did a value scale, I am sticking with the 1-5 divided by ten. ", Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters, How Jill Biden's White House Christmas Decor Compares to Melania Trump's. She also advocated for making the White House more accessible to the public and opening it up to tourists. Her public image, value to the President and integrity got her the highest marks. Traditional but more of a feminist than she sometimes appeared to be it would seep through at times. The role of first lady is one that has been filled by many women over the years, and each one brings her own unique style and set of skills to the role. Both Jackie and Melania were shy and did not like to be big mouths. Privacy was also extremely important to Bess, who hated the loss of personal privacy that came with being first lady. Journalists have followed first ladies very closely for many years, but theres no research that suggests they have a measurable effect on public opinion. In other news, Mary Todd Lincoln (36 th) has been bumped up from last place by Jane Pierce (38 th) and Florence Harding (37 th). Although Donald Trump has not officially confirmed if he plans to run again in 2024, he has consistently teased the possibility since leaving office. This contributes to her high background score. A/Q\N65JpWg KMMm_n#~q!&Co. "More fake news," Donald Trump said when asked if Melania Trump planned not to join him during an appearance on Fox & Friends this week. The very first SCRI First Ladies study found that Eleanor Roosevelt was rated number one, while Mary Todd Lincoln was ranked as last. In the 2008 study, SCRI found that experts continued to rank Eleanor Roosevelt number one and Hillary Clinton climbed from number five to number four. Richard Nixon has been called one of the worst presidents of all time, due to his association with the Watergate scandal (via U.S. News & World Report). Whilst Im not a fan of the woman herself, she did make some impact. Lady Bird was the most diligent. You can see now that the Clinton campaign, for example, is already trying to socialize this idea of Bill Clinton being an economic advisor. She married President Grover Cleveland, who was 28 years her senior and who had entered the White House as a bachelor, in 1886. In the 2003 study, while Roosevelt remained on top, Hillary Clinton moved from second place to fifth and Jackie Kennedy moved from seventh to fourth. The first first lady was Martha Washington, married to George Washington. In a survey carried out by the Siena Research Institute in the year 2003, Bush had a high approval rating of 76% and was ranked the 24th first lady. She was also known for her love of luxury and her many extravagant parties. According to a series of Gallup. What do you think? She is considered the closest adviser to her husband President John Adams. She cursed like a barmaid. The list weve put together is based on a variety of factors, but ultimately it comes down to how much the public loves and trusts these women. Id personally put Pat Nixon quite high as she was a pretty remarkable woman who people often dismissed. She was known for her elegant fashion sense and for her work as an advocate for the arts. Id put her above several others on this list. Suddenly, Mrs. Johnson was thrust into the spotlight whether she liked it or not. Shes my favourite person whos been First Lady. Advocating for women and girls. If you talk to Michelle Obamas staff, they say the same thing about her. Why are you anonymous are you Melania. Ellen successfully navigated the D.C. social scene by hosting simple yet entertaining parties. Regardless of the criticism, its clear that Michelle Obama was a popular first lady during her time in office. I think Melania should be around Jackie Kennedy. She had the highest marks in all but one category. That means the average net popularity rating for these first ladies was +50 points. Yes. While some first ladies are more popular than others, it can be hard to rank them in order from most to least popular. She is often respected for her focus on education as the first lady. She received excellent marks for Stewardship of the White House due to her interest in preserving 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. A person very shy, not a good people person, or who resists social graces would obviously not be a good fit as first lady. So she can relate to Americans on that level, too. It could be an asset. She is most often seen in a positive light, despite her approval rating during her husbands administration only being 58%. The former first lady is joined by Michelle Obama, Queen Elizabeth II, Oprah Winfrey, Scarlett Johansson and more on YouGov's annual international survey. While her husband was in office, Abigail served as the formal entertainer, meaning she focused on the critical social status and reputation of the president and, ultimately, the White House. What would be your ratings for each category? A niece of President Andrew Jacksons late wife Rachel, Emily was appointed as hostess following her death. Her weakest category was Stewardship of the White House. The poll surveyed more than 42,000 people in 38 countries and results are tallied based on the answers to two questions: "who do you truly admire?" The campaign published a biography of her because they thought it would get people to read about William McKinley. However, things took a turn when President Wilson suffered a massive stroke in October of 1919. The two women struck up an unlikely friendship, with Ida offering advice and support to the much younger Jackie. Despite not holding elected office, Lou Hoover made a significant impact during her time as first lady. In a Siena Research Institutes survey in 2003, Laura Bush ranks 24th one of the most respected and admired first ladies. Melanie was dont be a bully yea trump is the biggest bully of all. She was heavily involved in her husbands campaign, and was reportedly thrilled when he was elected. Then, there are the Trumps. Melania Trump is among the world's most admired women of 2021, according to a poll. I also ranked her highly for courage due to the hardships she faced in office. Laura Bush focused on advancing literature and education reform in the nation. Course, she probably doesnt care. One of the most recent First Ladies, Michelle Obama just misses the podium. and "who do you MOST admire?". She married President Woodrow Wilson in March of 1915, a short time after his first wife passed away. Ellen Wilson was known for her ranks in the arts. She was an advocate for healthcare reform and adoption, and her husbands Whitewater controversy notwithstanding, she enjoyed a 66% approval rating during her time in the White House. She was the first ever the first lady to assume this position in the United States, a position which was not defined at that time. Betty Ford served as the first lady from the years 19741977 and was a passionate advocate for womens reproductive rights; she also worked on the eradication of substance abuse during her time. .wds_slider_0 video::-webkit-media-controls-panel { display: none!important; -webkit-appearance: none; } .wds_slider_0 video::--webkit-media-controls-play-button { display: none!important; -webkit-appearance: none; } .wds_slider_0 video::-webkit-media-controls-start-playback-button { display: none!important; -webkit-appearance: none; } .wds_bigplay_0, .wds_slideshow_image_0, .wds_slideshow_video_0 { display: block; } .wds_bulframe_0 { display: none; background-image: url(''); margin: 0px; position: absolute; z-index: 3; -webkit-transition: left 1s, right 1s; transition: left 1s, right 1s; width: 30%; height: 30%; } #wds_container1_0 #wds_container2_0 { margin: 0px ; text-align: center; visibility: hidden; } #wds_container1_0 #wds_container2_0 .wds_slideshow_image_wrap_0, #wds_container1_0 #wds_container2_0 .wds_slideshow_image_wrap_0 * { box-sizing: border-box; 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