If a further round of the Household Support Fund is confirmed, we will update you here. The Household Support Fund is for people living in Waverley who are without sufficient resources to . If you have any specific questions about the form, please do contact us on 01428 654305 or email admin@haslemeretc.org. It is the amount that will be used to determine the grant funding payment from DWP to cover the full cost of administering the grant in an Authority area. Third party organisations (TPOs) may include but are not limited to: 20. 67. Housing costs. Include, where possible, the amount of spend across the following categories: 86. 56. In determining this, Authorities should, as far as is possible, consider who the award is principally intended to support. To help mitigate this risk, Authorities should involve District Councils and other organisations chosen to administer The Fund to help identify vulnerable families, households and individuals. Disabled people in particular may be facing acute challenges due to the disproportionate impact that rising costs bring for the additional services they need in order to manage their conditions, remain independent and avoid becoming socially isolated. If your application is successful, payment will take 7-10 working days.Please note due to the above processing times, any successful applications submitted after the 25th November may not be paid into your account until the New Year. 4. Applications to the. This guidance sets out the required collaboration between the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), LAs, including their delivery partners (such as District Councils as well as any charitable or third-party organisations) to successfully meet the policy intent within the agreed framework. Local Authority (the name of your Authority), LOCAL_AUTHORITY_CODE (the standard lookup code for your authority), TYF_LA_ID_CODE (the Transfer Your File code for your authority), For each postcode sector (POSTCODE_OUTWARD_CODE) in a ward (WARD_NAME), (WARD_CODE), Number of Households in the ward with UC Limited Capability to Work group (HAS_LCW_LATEST_AP), Number of UC households in the Authority without children (HHS_NO_CHILDREN_IN_LA), Number of UC households in the Authority with children (HHS_WITH_CHILDREN_IN_LA), Number of children in the Authority in UC households with children (NO_OF_CHILDREN_IN_LA), Number of UC households without children in the postcode sector that are below the Free School Meal income threshold and free prescription threshold (HHS_NO_CHILDREN_PRESC_OR_FSM), Number of UC households without children in the postcode sector that are below the Free Prescription income threshold (HHS_NO_CHILDREN_PRESC), Number of UC households without children in the postcode sector that are below the Free School meal income threshold (HHS_NO_CHILDREN_FSM), Number of UC households with children in the postcode sector that are below the Free School Meal income threshold and free prescription threshold (HHS_WITH_CHILDREN_PRESC_OR_FSM), Number of UC households with children in the postcode sector that are below the Free Prescription income threshold (HHS_WITH_CHILDREN_PRESC), Number of UC households with children in the postcode sector that are below the Free School meal income threshold (HHS_WITH_CHILDREN_FSM), Number of children in UC households in the postcode sector that are below the Free School Meal income threshold and free prescription threshold (CHILDREN_PRESCRIPTIONS_OR_FSM), Number of children in UC households in the postcode sector that are below the Free Prescription income threshold (CHILDREN_PRESCRIPTION), Number of children in UC households in the postcode sector that are below the Free School meal income threshold (CHILDREN_FSM). 51. In addition, where a trusted organisation/professional has assessed your needs, a secondary application can be submitted by them on your behalf. The guidance for completion is provided on a separate tab within the MI template. It is important to be vigilant to fraud and error risks in relation to housing costs, and to assure yourself that the appropriate checks are in place. 88. the value of awards should be entered in Table 4 row 1 column b because it relates to food excluding, the volume of awards should be included in Table 4 row 2 column b because it relates to food, the number of households helped should be included in Table 4 row 3 (number of households helped) column b because it relates to food, the value of awards should be entered in Table 5 row 1 column a because it relates to vouchers, the volume of awards should be included in Table 5 row 2 column a because it relates to vouchers, the number of households helped should be included in Table 5 row 3 column a because it relates to vouchers, the value of awards should be entered in Table 6 row 1 column b because it relates to proactive support, the volume of awards should be included in Table 6 row 2 column b because it relates to proactive support, the number of households helped should be included in Table 6 row 3 column b because it relates to proactive support, critical data is missing, or the data looks odd, or. If you are not a tenant of one of the organisations listed above, then please apply for the Household Support Fund by visiting grantapproval.co.uk. Where Authorities decide to deliver support to vulnerable households through TPOs they should use whatever information the TPO holds, or other available data, to split the level of spend and volume of awards across the eligibility criteria to the best of their ability. 109. Table 5 relates to grant spend, volume of awards made, and households helped in relation to Vouchers, Cash Awards, Third Party Organisations, Tangible Items and Other. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. Household Support Fund | Birmingham Voluntary Service Council (bvsc.org) Published: 18 January, 2022. LA Performance Relationship Managers (PRMs) from DWPs LA Partnership, Engagement and Delivery (LA-PED) division will contact Authorities to provide support and gather information throughout The Fund. DO NOT CONTACT US ASKING FOR UPDATES. This can be delivered directly by the LA or by a TPO on their behalf. Households can check if they are eligible for this discretionary support to help pay their energy costs through our Household Support Fund online application form. The Household Support Fund is available to help those most vulnerable due to the rising cost of living, especially around the need for food, fuel, and other essential costs. If youre in need of support, you can find out how to get help with the cost of living through the Household Support Fund from your local council. Tables 3 to 6 ask for spend and award volumes to be recorded against four sets of criteria, one for each table. For example, some disabled people may have increased utility bills due to the usage of equipment, aids or adaptations associated with their disability. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. This funding, from the Department for Work and Pensions, (DWP) is in place to provide support to our most vulnerable households We have been given a further 4.6 million to provide support. 90. Loans are for people living in Wolverhampton. 35. The definition of spend includes grant funding that has been provided to vulnerable households, within the scope of the eligibility criteria, and within the period of The Fund 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023. Authorities have discretion to assess what is reasonable to assist those in genuine need this winter with regard to the examples above. The delivery plan will be due one month after the start of The Fund on 28 October 2022. The Government have announced an extension to the Household Support Fund, to cover the period from 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023. . Well send you a link to a feedback form. In addition the council continues to provide additional support households should contact 0191 520 5551 in the first instance. If the Section 151 Officer is also the SPOC (single point of contact) for the scheme, please input details in both response fields. Household Support Fund Completing our online request form is not an application for the Household Support Fund Phase 3. The funding has been extended to the end of March 2023. This figure will automatically populate Table 2 row a. Services This will always be the month of the extract. The Household Support Fund is available to anyone, you don't have to be in receipt of Universal Credit or any other benefits payments. By application-based support, we mean any awards made through a successful application for support made to the Authority by eligible recipients or through third parties who run self-referral support services on behalf of the Authority. 66. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Authorities are able to distribute funding themselves and do not have to go back through the original TPO. It was first introduced in September 2021 and was. If we respond requesting further information, you. The Household Support Fund is being classified as Local Welfare Provision (LWP). 7. 84. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. An interim MI return is required by 25 January 2023 for spend for the period 1 October 2022 to 31 December 2022. Authorities are therefore encouraged to explore ways in which this group may be supported and must record the total value of awards granted to disabled people in their Management Information (MI) returns for this grant (see paragraphs 64-68). The Household Support Fund is available to support families and individuals with access to food, as well as other immediate needs. 11. Authorities have the ability to deliver the scheme through a variety of routes including providing vouchers to households, making direct provision of food or goods, or issuing grants to third parties (with the exception of grants for advice provision). 82. Authorities also have access to their own non-DWP data to help identify vulnerable households who may be eligible for support under The Fund. 43. Under the fund, some authorities are offering 100 in free cash to families and up to 60 worth of vouchers for children's clothing while others are offering up to 120 in vouchers towards . Individuals and organisations can refer through completing an online form; For support and further information call: 01244 400730; Email office@ . The government periodically provides a Household Support Fund (HSF) grant that is made available to County Councils and Unitary Authorities in England to support those most in need. This HSF Extension covers the period 1 April 2022 to 30 September 2022. This group is not eligible for the means-tested Cost of Living Payments unless they are of State Pension age or eligible for a Disability Cost of Living Payment. 39. Table 6 access route We are currently dealing with a large number of applications and working through early December submissions. 117. For example, households with children and pensioners; food, energy bills, essentials linked to food and energy bills, wider essentials and (in exceptional circumstances) housing support. The Household Support Fund is money from the government that we use to help low-income households with food and fuel poverty. expired vouchers returned to an Authority after The Fund has ended can be recycled and re-issued within a reasonable timeframe but must be done so under the same categories of spend as originally reported and under the same terms as The Fund they were issued under. 44. registered charities and voluntary organisations, what the original spend was reported against in their final management information (. In all cases, Authorities should keep administrative costs to a reasonable level. It is for Authorities to decide how payments are made to recipients. By doing this you confirm that the Section 151 Officer has agreed the correctness of spend reported. The funds are available until the 31 March 2023 or earlier if the funds have been exhausted. 14. The award was not made as a result of an application nor proactive support. This will help DWP identify any emerging threats and share them with other Authorities, so they can take steps to prevent and detect any fraud in their Fund. This may include, but is not limited to, people who are entitled to but not claiming qualifying benefits, people who are claiming Housing Benefit (HB) only, people who begin a claim or return to payment of a benefit after the relevant qualifying date as well as people who have fuel costs but who cannot access the 400 of energy support from the Energy Bill Support Scheme or the equivalence package confirmed on 29 July 2022. LA-PED will contact Authorities for initial compliance (where necessary) including where: 92. 79. It remains at the discretion of Authorities to establish their local eligibility and identify those most in need in their area. In accordance with the public sector equality duty, DWP has had due regard for the potential equalities impacts of this grant. For audit purposes where an Authority recycles and reuses expired vouchers the Authority must confirm by email to the DWP copying in the Section 151 Officer: 106. 15. How to apply. Authorities can also use the funding to support households who are struggling to afford wider essentials, in exceptional cases of genuine emergency, the funding can additionally be used to support housing costs where existing housing support schemes do not meet this exceptional need, subject to the provisions at paragraph 30. work together with District Councils and third parties including, where necessary and appropriate, other local services. Where a TPO returns unused funding after The Fund has ended the Authority can re-issue any returned funding within a reasonable timeframe, but only under the category that the spend was originally reported against. Households may be receiving other forms of support, and this should be taken into account to avoid duplicating provision where possible. We are also introducing a further data share for those in receipt of HB only. By proactive support we mean any awards made as a result of the Authority proactively identifying recipients. Support which can make a quick but sustainable impact on energy costs is particularly encouraged; for example, insulation of hot water tanks, fitting draft excluders to a door, or replacing inefficient lightbulbs or white goods. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. It also provides the framework that Authorities need to work within and the arrangements for distribution of funding and reporting. In exceptional cases of genuine emergency, where existing housing support schemes do not meet this exceptional need, the Fund can be used to support housing costs. Authorities should establish eligibility criteria for their application service and should communicate with residents to ensure that their scheme and the mechanism for applying is clear and accessible. Total LA spend this is the total of the above. The household support fund can be used to support wider essential needs that are not linked to energy and water, and those may include, but are not limited to, support with other bills, including broadband, phone bills, clothing and essential transport-related costs. Staff accessing Searchlight will need to be registered with the Employee Authentication System. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. There is no prescriptive definition of essentials. There are 2 routes to apply for the new Household Support Fund, invitation and discretionary. The Fund can also be used to support households with the cost of food and water bills, essential costs related to energy, food and water, and with wider essential costs. It is important to stress that The Fund is intended to cover a wide range of low income households in need including families with children of all ages, pensioners, unpaid carers, care leavers and disabled people. This new grant will run from 06 October 2021 to 31 March 2022 and totals 500m. The Wokingham Household Support Fund is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions and administered by Wokingham Borough Council. The definition of a household with a child is a household containing any person: who will be under the age of 19 at the time of award or. This is because you know that the purpose of the grant is for children and the nature of support is clothing which comes under wider essentials. Authorities have access to a range of data sources, and checks can be carried out against this data to verify the identity of the recipient. Authorities will need to ensure they sign future iterations of the MoU and the appropriate Annex to continue to have the legal permission to access the data sources for LWP. On 23 March 2022 the Chancellor announced an extension to the Household Support Fund. the Authority is reporting a high value of awards where they have not been able to establish the household composition. Hastings Borough Council has received a share of this funding from East Sussex County Council to support local households who are finding it difficult to pay for the cost of food, energy and water. 97. 63. 98. The fund was extended to 30 September 2022 with an additional 500 million of funding to be used by local authorities to support vulnerable households. By Tangible Items we mean products that are of a physical nature such as clothing or household items. The Authority must also first consider if the claimant is at statutory risk of homelessness and, therefore, owed a duty of support through the HPG. The funding is available from October 2022 to March 2023 The Household Support. The Fund cannot be used to provide mortgage support, though homeowners could still qualify for the other elements of The Fund (such as energy, food, water, essentials linked to energy and water and wider essentials). Awards to any given household can cover several or only one of the spend eligibility categories listed above. Some of the funding will be set aside for applicants who come directly to the council for assistance. Further information and guidance on . 2. To support with the cost of living, Hertfordshire has been provided with funding from the Government's Household Support Fund (HSF). You can contact Citizens Advice Richmond on 080 82 78 78 73 or complete the grant enquiry form. You should also follow government procurement procedures where relevant. For example, for households with children whether a child resides in the household (including being the only member of the household) in order to complete the template as fully as possible. Your council may have chosen a different name than Household Support Fund. Cambridgeshire Holiday Voucher Scheme (CHVS) Assistance through Household Support Fund ended on 31 March 2022. However, when an LA chooses to use all or part of this funding for an application-based process, they must make sure that this support is clearly advertised to residents. The fund has been extended to 31 March 2023 with an additional 500 million of funding which will be used by local authorities to support vulnerable households. This funding. The eligibility criteria for the schemes listed in paragraph 24 can be found at Annex A. Authorities may find this information useful in identifying those most in need. Forgot Username? The application form will close 22nd December pm and re-open 3rd January am. Total - Table 3 Row 1 column g, Table 4 row 1 column g, Table 5 Row 1 column f and Table 6 column row 1 d are protected and will automatically add up spend across the different headings. Check whether the de minimis regulation exception applies. The Fund can be used to provide support with essentials linked to energy and water (for example period products, warm clothing, soap, blankets, the purchase of equipment such as fridges, freezers, ovens, slow cookers), in recognition that a range of costs may arise which directly affect a households ability to afford or access energy, food and water. For audit purposes, where an Authority re-issues returned TPO funding they must confirm the following by email to the DWP (copying in their Section 151 Officer): 23. Authorities should have regard to the fact that receipt of any of the above support should not exclude a resident from receiving support through The Fund in principle and households in receipt of support from these schemes may still be in need. Any referral agency in the voluntary or statutory sector can refer a client in . If your Authority needs to discuss access to Glasscubes, contact DWP. However, families receiving other forms of assistance are not excluded from receiving support through The Fund. For the purpose of the reporting requirements for this grant (and without prejudice to other schemes): a person aged 19 or over in respect of whom a child-related benefit (for example, Child Benefit) is paid or FSMs are provided. If multiple awards are made to the same household throughout the period of The Fund each award should be counted separately. The breakdown of the award is detailed below. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. October 2022 to April 2023 Funds from the Department and Work and Pensions has been split into four categories. Any underspends from the previous schemes cannot be carried forward. This fund is designed to be used to support households in the most need particularly those who may not qualify for other types of government support. 9. Support is available to households in Birmingham over the summer using funding from the government's Household Support Fund. The deadline for completing these returns is shown in the table below. Applications for the current round of the Household Support Fund have now re-opened. grant funding to a charity that specialises in providing vulnerable children with clothing, establish the amount of that allocation the charity has spent and enter the full amount spent in households with children and the full amount of the grant spent in wider essentials. Please complete this form with as much information as you can, to help us to process your application. The different elements of the MI template are shown below together with guidance on how to complete them. 1. Apply for the. Rather than focus on one specific vulnerable group, Authorities should use the wide range of data and sources of information at their disposal to identify and provide support to a broad cross section of vulnerable households to prevent escalation of problems. If The Fund payments are paid directly to a vulnerable households Council Tax Account in lieu of a different payment method: for example for food excluding FSM in the holidays /energy and water; then the amount paid must be recorded under the intended heading, in this case food excluding FSM support in the holiday. Please tel: 01629 533399. We will launch the. However, when making decisions, Authorities should consider the risks involved. The fund will . All Authorities are encouraged to ensure, wherever possible, that any vouchers issued are redeemed before the end of The Fund, or shortly thereafter, or consider recycling unused vouchers. Table 6: Total Value of Awards Split by Access Routes. If the payment is in relation to both food and energy in equal measures put 50% of the award in each of the two categories. In October 2022, DWP will also introduce a further data share for those who are only in receipt of HB. Household Support Fund Application Form. Therefore, this data can be used to help Authorities identify and target those families and individuals to support. As with any welfare payment to vulnerable recipients there is a risk of fraud, as recipients might appear to be eligible when they are not. Applications will be reviewed within 7-10 working days. 8. Alternatively, Authorities may want to consider: 105. For the purpose of The Fund committed spend relates to grant funding that has been spent and delivered to vulnerable households even though the vulnerable household may not have used their grant funding. Through the Fund for those in genuine need this winter with regard to the end of March 2023 the Support! A separate tab within the MI template Chancellor announced an extension to the same Household throughout the of! To obtain permission from the previous schemes can not be carried forward consider 105! Other immediate needs possible, the amount of spend across the following categories: 86 for. 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