Copyright 2017 Let's look at some instances of this dispute: 1) One friend wants to open a cafe, while the other wants . 0000006706 00000 n There have been conflicts such as the Konkomba-Nanumba conflict,[when?] 5 Violent conflicts in Ghana: four cases 29 5.1 The Konkomba conflicts 29 5.1.1 . Home Resources Identify the Source of Conflict. Because we have different likes and dislikes, enjoy different things, and view the world from different perspectives, interpersonal conflicts are bound to happen. vices, etc. Then, have students find the source of the conflict. Formerly: the Gold Coast, a British colony. The R&D team might come up with something fantastic, featuring loads of bells and whistles that the consumer will put to excellent use. I came with an open mind and am here to learn anything that can help make me a better leader.. The belief that one must not go fishing on specific days Again, politics can offer great examples of intragroup conflict when candidates from each party conflict with each other over policies. Main Sources of Conflict Following are the main sources of conflict. (v) Credit unions The belief that certain animals must not be killed Goal incompatibility and differentiation is a fairly common occurrence. However, most youthful rural dwellers today find the use of simple tools and methods for agriculture boring, tiresome and less productive. Inherent components of group life, conflicts include both positive and negative aspects from a psycho-social point of view. Thats not the case in many organizations. 0 In such circumstances, prices of the few goods and services on the market are greatly hiked (increased), thereby creating intense economic hardship in the nation. This situation also results in reduced provision of goods and services ( less productivity). By submitting your contact form you agree to be contacted by PESA associates regarding your query. Lack of resources. 0000006508 00000 n copyright 2003-2023 (i) The shooting and killing of 3 ex-servicemen on 28th February 1948 at the Christianborg crossroad while on a march to the Osu Castle to present a petition to the Governor 1. More often than not our facilitators around the world begin our leadership workshops by asking some version of the following question: There was a time when that inquiry would be met with responses that sounded something like this: Im not really sure. A descriptive survey was used for the study based on qualitative research method. Contemporary Ghana enjoys greater political stability than it did shortly after independence: the countrys political decline after acquiring independence was fairly rapid, with the first coup occurring six years after the inauguration of the first republic. 0000001732 00000 n Its chief responsibility was to organise the multitude of international actors who inevitably become involved in peacebuilding operations, and in doing so, improve levels of coherence and coordination. (vi) Increase in criminal activities (vii) Increased unemployment rate (viii) Reduced economic productivity Identify four sources of conflicts in Ghana, (b) Explain four effects of conflicts in Ghana, (b) "From 1806 until 1896, the Ashanti Kingdom was in a perpetual state of war involving expansion or defense of its domain". The Ashanti Empire were known for conquering many lands and claiming them.[when?] The study relies on a survey of 600 people in different parts of the Northern Region to ascertain the perceptions of people about conflicts in the region. There is the need for the provision of new and improved social amenities (modern infrastructure) such as public toilets, schools, potable water, electricity, information and communication services, recreational centres, etc, in the rural areas. If so, what? Politics is the hashing out of the . (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This div height required for enabling the sticky sidebar. Among other things, what they find when they complete Situational Leadership training is that they learned a leadership language. It is a language they can use to lead change, manage performance and enhance employee engagement. Hn@s lfB* [4] IMF 2007. M. Sheehan, M. (2008) 'The Changing Character of War' in J. Baylis (ed.) [12] GoG 1992. Melak D., Gela A. The belief that one must not work on ones farm on certain days The same standards of work, production numbers, and clean-up should be upheld by all three teams. Certain aspects, of these practices, which are painful, shameful, humiliating or dehumanising must be either stopped or modified to more acceptable forms. However, its likely that there will be at least one coworker that you dont get along with 100 percent. What is a specific task (under the umbrella of that source) you can target as a leader in an effort to accelerate the development of those involved. List of conflicts in Ghana Location of Ghana (red) The following is a list of conflicts in Ghana . Serious conflicts / intense fighting can lead to injuries, loss of lives and property of inhabitants and state. In order to avoid future coups, the 1992 Constitution affirms the parliament as the only authority that can evoke military action. 1. [any four], 4. An error occurred trying to load this video. This is testament to the Ghanaian governments commitment not only to provide its citizens with a good quality of life but also to uphold good governance and comply with international best practice. This Ghana-related article is a stub. They include the Dagbon, Bawku, Bimbilla, Bolga and Bole chieftaincy conflicts. xref By its size Nigeria has economies of scale over Ghana; however, Ghana is more proficient in terms of the ECOWAS regional integration program. [3] This war is widely known in Ghana and even other African countries. Avoiding. The Dagbon chieftaincy conflict is one of the most retrogressive and protracted conflicts in Northern Ghana, dating back to the mid-19th century. ffNn5z O8=I Af*oUY9r3gyr3+_#Pqq`@&l=Q,l0 4L*n d&(6Hf L@fjD:ClwV| !j20 a8!l6d WA@,3F`03)e40 [JJP9cD`4 L (vi) Bribery, Corruption and Embezzlement Almost all SOEs in Ghana are perceived to have various levels of bribery, corruption and embezzlement present in them. 4.1 Communication Breakdown. 6. Why do you think this is? Since the first republican Constitution in. Departments within the organization feel like they are working at cross-purposes, even though theyre both operating under the assumption that their choices are best for the company. Outline four avenues for saving. 0000003180 00000 n This has led to a minor deterioration in gross official foreign Economic growth globally continues to be subdued. Main social problems in Ghana in 2022. (vii) Employment difficulties for school leavers The conflict is external to each person (hence the 'inter-' prefix) and exists only between the two people. (2012). 7 Types of Mediation. (vi) They discourage scientific advancement and technology (vii) They generate conflicts among members of the community (viii) They create intense and unreasonable fear in the community (ix) They slow down development / progress in the community (x) They sometimes permit abuse of ones human rights The prefix intra- relates to internal origination. Conflict is inevitable when you are leading a team through change, transitioning from peer to supervisor or trying to step up performance on a project with high visibility. 6. Conflict itself is neither good nor bad. Resource scarcity also leads to conflict. (xiii) Amendment of negative cultural practices You can change your cookie settings at any time. All these constitute abuses of human rights. It is also called a process because it begins with one party perceiving the other to oppose . [9] UNDP 2019. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. etc, which would eventually draw lots of businesses / industries to the rural areas. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. xb```b``m``e`cc@ >6 X `h`pFAfLlTn{`93jo}#:11=T05 The belief that a couple must not have sex outdoors (even when no one is watching) Now that we understand conflict, were ready to take on negotiation. Obviously, for stories that do not have a happy ending, the resolution of conflict portion changes. The word "enactment", does not mean the same thing as the "Act." 3.2 Lack of Resources. Identify four sources of conflicts in Ghana (b) Explain four effects of conflicts in Ghana. The 74th Annual New Year School and Conference will open today at the University of Ghana, Legon, Accra with the Vice President being the special guest to formally open the event. The Kingdom of eSwatini is a small, landlocked Southern African country bordered by the Republic of Mozambique to the east and surrounded by the Republic of South Africa. SOEs. ; Interpersonal - this is conflict between two or more individuals; it may be an isolated . One of these lay in the creation of a Peacebuilding Commission (PBC), which would fill what Annan described as an institutional gap in the UNs peace and security architecture. Ghanas proclivity for military coups entrenched military centrality, whereby the military perceived itself to be the sole functional organ of state, not as susceptible to or constrained by corruption to the degree of other branches of state, including civil government[3]. The Bank of Ghana has, further, adopted monetary policy that is more transparent and accessible to the lay person[10]. It remains a challenge for the ruling party and the people of Ghana to maintain peace and keep the momentum to grow the economy. Land has remained a thorny social, economic and political issue which has generated a lot of ethnic conflicts between Konkombas and Bimobas, Konkombas and Dagombas, Konkombas and Nanumbas, Konkombas and Gonjas, Gonjas and Nawuris and recently Konkombas and Nawuris. The paper analysed the different elements of the. (iv) Insurance companies (v) Rapid development of the economy Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. The three colors of the flag (red, green, and black) and the black star in the middle are all symbolic of the pan-Africanist movement. (i) They help to facilitate safety of the community One shift picks up where another leaves off. Some of these incentives could be tax rebates, tax holidays, manpower training, subsidies, award schemes. (x) The monopoly and other negative practices of the Association of West African Merchants (AWAM) made several African businesses suffer and hence brought great economic hardships to the local people. A Critique of the Africanisation of the South Pacific Thesis, The Role of the Natural Resource Curse in Preventing Development in Politically Unstable Countries: Case Studies of Angola and Bolivia, Forced Migration and Armed Conflict: Refugee-Warriors in Guinea (2006), Negotiation and Mediation of violent Conflicts: A case study of Burundi and Kenya, Coup Risk Counterbalancing International Conflict, External Stakeholder Impacts on Official and Non-Official Third-Party Interventions to Resolve Malignant Conflicts: The case of a failed intervention in Cyprus, The path to secession in Africa: the case of Sudan and Nigeria, Regionalization of Conflict in South Sudan, Analysis of effectiveness of AU in the resolution of conflicts in Africa, Understanding obstacles to peace : actors, interests, and strategies in Africa's Great Lakes region. Preferences and nuisances 4. 1. the source where they have come from, and the pages visted in an anonymous form. Identify four sources of conflicts in Ghana (b) Explain four effects of conflicts in Ghana SECTION III SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Answer one question only from this section 5. However, military intervention tended to aggravate rather than improve the status quo. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. 1. It should come as no surprise that many conflicts stem from the lack of clear communication. Costs of the conflict to all parties (employee, organization and customers) in qualitative and qualitative terms are analyzed. These were sex, finances, division of labor, and raising children, selected in light of their pertinence to sex differences in reproductive strategies. them there. Ghana has since overcome political, economic and social deficits associated with coups to emerge as a significant player and trading partner in Africa. Since independence from France in 1960, Madagascars economy and development challenges have been compounded by periodic political unrests that have hampered economic growth and limited public investment. Competition of this nature often creates conflict. Conflicts cause a general decline in the economy. 2. startxref Conflicts over costs and budgets. This observation calls for an urgent examination of potential dangers of another inter ethnic and intra ethnic conflict. These should be things that your students will be able to read or watch in about three minutes each. I feel like its a lifeline. O. Ramsbotham, T. Woodhouse, Hugh Miall (2009) Contemporary Conflict Resolution: The prevention, management and transformation of deadly conflicts, Cambridge, Polity Press. Strikes are a temporary cessation of work by a group of employees in order to express grievances or to enforce a demand concerning changes in work conditions. If the conflict is about legitimate differences of opinion about the team's task, then it is a healthy conflict. All the different types of . [any four], (b) Avenues for saving Intragroup power struggles occur when one person attempts to seize control from another person (like when a CEO is replaced by the board of directors). First layer is always misunderstanding. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. They conquered many lands because they possessed more power than other ethnic groups mainly because of their number and the vastness of their empire. [8] ARII 2019. In the second half of FY2016 and after having been hard hit by lower global oil prices, Angola announced its FY2017 national budget of an estimated USD 44.22 billion. (ii) The difficulties (no jobs, no pension allowance, no homes) of the ex-service men. Please use the subject Media for all media-related requests. Some of these challenges could be lack of accommodation, lack of employment opportunities, getting of infectious diseases, involvement in social vices due to peer pressure or stress and hence danger of being Remembering that the prefix 'intra-' means originating internally, you can see that intrapersonal conflict is when you feel conflicted about your own thoughts or actions. - Theories & Examples, The Motivational Cycle: Definition, Stages & Examples, Acquired Needs Theory: Need for Achievement, Power & Affiliation, Exploratory Behavior & Curiosity: Psychology & Relationship, Emotions in Psychology: Definition, Biological Components & Survival, Theories of Emotion: James-Lange, Cannon-Bard, Two-Factor & Facial Feedback Hypothesis, James-Lange & Cannon-Bard Theories of Emotion, Effects of Motivation & Emotion on Perception, Cognition & Behavior, UExcel Introduction to Sociology: Study Guide & Test Prep, DSST Human Cultural Geography: Study Guide & Test Prep, Introduction to Human Geography: Certificate Program, Foundations of Education: Certificate Program, NY Regents Exam - Global History and Geography: Help and Review, NY Regents Exam - US History and Government: Help and Review, NY Regents Exam - Global History and Geography: Tutoring Solution, Abnormal Psychology: Homework Help Resource, CLEP American Government: Study Guide & Test Prep, Introduction to American Government: Certificate Program, Introduction to Counseling: Certificate Program, DSST Fundamentals of Counseling: Study Guide & Test Prep, Psychology 103: Human Growth and Development, Man vs. Society Conflict: Definition & Examples, What is External Conflict in Literature? Eg, if there is conflict between mother and father at home, the children may become scared and tensed, and therefore cannot go about their duties or socialize in the normal way. This is because businesses and other service providers may be forced to shut down / suspend / significantly reduce their services, thereby lowering the per capita income. (a) Problems created in the urban areas by rural-urban migration Conflict is a Process: Conflict occurs in 'layers'. ( iv ) Insurance companies ( v ) Credit unions the belief that animals! Vastness of their number and the vastness of their Empire two or more ;. The most retrogressive and protracted conflicts in Northern Ghana, dating back to the rural areas ) four. Jobs, no homes ) of the economy get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons ( red ) the is... Have students find the use of simple tools and methods for agriculture boring, and! Employee engagement Empire were known for conquering many lands because they possessed more power other. 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