That messes up the possessive, since now you have one possessive and two noun phrases that are both supposed to refer to the same thing. John and I waited for ages for my friend to turn up. Q. How would you punctuate the following book dedication? Although some writers would follow the question mark with a comma in your sentence, most editors would drop the comma and go with just the question mark. ): The dog barked at a cat, and the cat ran up a tree. A phrase that people use when they're not actually your friend. However, some editors may prefer the second sentence. Also, our Rule 10 of Commas says, When starting a sentence with a dependent clause, use a comma after it. Therefore, write the following: In the article Saving Penguins, thousands of teenagers rushed to help 40,000 penguins. The and at the end of that list is what's crucial here. Oh, interesting and helpful. quote: I know that the book title needs to be italicized, but I could not format it that way in this comment box. If we add "note" to this sentence, you can see that the comma moves to fall after "note": "I sent him a thank you note, but he never replied." There's one law for the rich, and another for the poor. The word precisely does not seem needed: Its headquarters is located in the capital, Rabat, in Madinat Al Irfane. Do you agree? I found out from my friend, Tom. In a sentence which has three nouns as its subjectwhich could be regarded as having one noun as the subject along with two other nouns in apposition to the first nounis there a comma after the third noun? Note also that whos sick would be a restrictive clause (no separating comma) because it describes one man from possibly many men named Paul. In the second quiz question, my little sister would be sufficient if you only had one little sister. In trumpeting this masochistic achievement, the writer is suggesting that the volume in question is the only one in existence; it is the book. But bibliophiles have other options, so the writer should respect that fortunate fact by omitting both commas from this sentence. Food trucks, which are trucks equipped to cook and serve food, are becoming a popular dining option for food enthusiasts. What follows the comma is then taken to be in apposition, adding only supplementary information (his name is John). In these cases, the dependent noun clause acting in apposition to the subject or object noun would be set off by commas: The problem [subject], that you did not pick up the packages [appositive renaming the subject], delays the entire production schedule. I know when you become a friend o Use commas to separate words and word groups in a simple series of three or more items. The first sentence is fine. Is this grammatically correct? answer choices. My brother needs his beach ball. A potentially less awkward treatment would be: Mrs. Brown stated the education of her boyfriend, Jim Smith, includes a degree. Your clever friend has found an ambiguity that could be avoided with a punctuation adjustment: Our choice has never been more clear. Ex: 5 - 8 years. Answer: My friend John, who owns the chocolate Lab puppy, is getting ready to leave for a trip. To show plural possession, write brothers and sisters names. See our post Apostrophes. These compound sentence examples come from everyday sayings and proverbs in the English language. This book is dedicated to my mother, Ellen, who inspires and guides me in all things, and who instilled in me a deep disregard for the notion of impossible, and to my children, Eli and Noah, with deepest gratitude for their endless bravery, persistence, humor, curiosity, and love. The comma rule depicted here is simple: use a comma with the name of a person you are directly addressing. I will refer back to this post when I use appositives. In the examples that you cite, there is a full dependent clause functioning as a noun subject or object in apposition to another noun subject or object already named. This is still ambiguous as to whether there are 2 or 3 people going shopping. Have you read Madol Duwa, the famous childrens book? Question 10. I think that most people would assume John was the friend however the commas were arranged, unless they had prior knowledge to suggest otherwise. If this is the first show that particular performance artist has ever put on (and therefore, the artists only show), would it not be correct to use the commas? In the article Saving Penguins thousands of teenagers rushed to help 40,000 penguins. For this reason, a clearer sentence would be There was a call about a man named Paul whos sick (or who is sick). Also, our Rule 4 of Quotation Marks says, Periods and commas ALWAYS go inside quotation marks.. It looks strange after fruits and even stranger anywhere else. I believe we need to wrap our friend's name in commas (first sentence example), but wouldn't that make it three people? If youre editing such a sentence, and you dont have details, its best to omit commas. First, theres no reason to capitalize the term captain. Here you assume there's three people, even though the commas are the same as in the initial example. If necessary, use the "Search" box on the right side of the page to find a post closely related to your question or comment.Your email address will not be published. "John, this is Mary, my wife." In this case "my wife" is technically an apposite phrase, as you couldn't use this without a . Hint: You have two younger sisters. 1. 2. When the noun preceding the appositive provides sufficient identification on its own, use commas around the appositive. If Shadam only refers to one person as mother (i.e., no stepmother, adoptive mother, etc. The number one seed, Tampa Bay Rays, played the eight seed, Toronto Blue Jays. 10. Thats a good observation, Pama. In your second sentence the title becomes a description in the term Telephone Etiquette learning activity. Our Rule 4a of Commas states: When starting a sentence with a dependent clause, use a comma after it. Im having problems understanding appositives. How could magic slowly be destroying the world? (3) Our Senator Jorge Torres first bill was for tax reductions. How to translate the names of the Proto-Indo-European gods and goddesses into Latin? I need to put a comma after the subordinate clause. Is this sentence correct in terms of comma use? For many writers, how to punctuate appositives is problematic. My friend, Sara, came with me to the store. @Apollyon Very good observation. If you are worried that some rule of grammar mandates the commas. Regarding comma usage, the sentence is correct. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. At the same time, both sentences could potentially benefit from revision: Because you did not pick up the packages, the entire production schedule is delayed. Grammar explanation. How could one outsmart a tracking implant? Oh, interesting and helpful. How can citizens assist at an aircraft crash site? He was Jack, the big ape who got his job because of his mother. Thank you! This sentence very similar with: my older brother Dean cant do it. Thanks, MarkI thought thats what you meant, but so many apparently simple rules turn out to be anything but when one starts poking at them with real world examples. Defining relative clauses give us essential information - information that tells us who or what we are talking about. There are many ways you might frame your sentenceWhen one reads , When people read , When I read but your sentence is grammatically correct. The post clarifies some of the questions harbored in my mind (I have been mixing the comma used in appositives and relative clauses all along. Is that written correctly? Is this an OK usage of "except in the event"? The 10-year note was yielding 2.07 percent, the highest level since Jan. 14, and the 30-year was at 2.86, also a January high in afternoon trading., I think there should be a comma after January high., The 10-year note was yielding 2.07 percent, the highest level since Jan. 14, and the 30-year was at 2.86, also a January high, in afternoon trading.. Unless Brett is a polygamist, the term his wife is a precise identifier. 1. He noted that I had not mentioned Cyprian in my essay on this text and that some KJV only folks claimed that Cyprian actually quoted the form that appears in the KJV ("For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and . It would seem without the comma after blueberries, the whipped cream could be considered part of the patented blend (albeit in a poorly worded sentence,) which is not accurate. Pop Quiz Add commas if needed. (2) Our Senators, Jorge Torres first bill was for tax reductions. There was no question that John's painting a huge colorful and ugly mural was the worst entry in the art exhibit. There is no new rule of not using a comma in a series before and. John Smith, Joe Smith, The Money Company, and Jessica Smooth vs. Scottsdale Cars Inc., John Ford Company, and Joe Smith United Flight Cleaners. I had always thought that, since Leena is Bretts only wife, there would be no comma. In rugby, a rough sport, many players are injured. Examples: Mrs. Torres, my teacher, was at the music program. We are filing this motion on behalf of Defendant, Smith Company, seeking summary judgment., Wee are filing this motion on behalf of Defendant Smith Company seeking summary judgment.. Thank you. For a definite noun phrase, that means it has a unique referent. Therefore, you have only one close friend. Example: It is critical that you not put a comma in this sentence. QGIS: Aligning elements in the second column in the legend. Therefore, it should be preceded by a comma. John knows everything about me, and I know everything about him. You should be asking yourself what you want, given how shabbily you have been treated . We regularly use "my friend + name" without pauses or commas, especially when speaking. Oxford commas disambiguate "I thank my parents, Ayn Rand and God" but make the sentence in the question ambiguous. We recommend writing as follows: Restrictive appositive (the topic): My manager created the discussion topic What concerns do you have at work? in my appraisal document. Also, the sentence is awkward. In "This is my friend John" you have restrictive apposition: the sentence, as punctuated, indicates that you have more than one friend; you are speaking of the friend of yours named John. Pop Quiz As the post states, When an appositive is essential to the meaning of the noun it belongs to, dont use commas. Because Poe had written more than one short story, the title is essential to the meaning of the noun story. Therefore, no commas are necessary. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Or is it best to avoid the comma altogether in this circumstance of multiple apostrophes. Money is a good servant, but a bad master. Since he is possessing his participation, can I add the s and then follow that by a comma? Rule 1. Give a thief enough rope and he'll hang himself. The phrase my friend John contains two appositives, because my friend and John are two ways of identifying that person I know well. CORRECT. Without further understanding of the context, and simply from a grammatical point of view, we would shorten to: Outdoor amusements means those amusements including fairgrounds, outdoor sports facilities, racetracks, and other similar uses. So 'John' is essential to understanding your meaning. 11. Mt. In addition to writing music, the composer, Johann Sebastian Bach, worked as a musician and conductor. 2) Pauls sister, Louise, is getting married. Here are three possibilities (you can probably construct more): 1. A friend posted this quote from Mike Pence, Donald Trumps running mate: Our choice has never been more clear. But if poise and humorousness are read as being in apposition to grace, they seem inessential and thereforeas nouns in appositionto require commas. A phrase that people use when they are too embarrassed to admit they are talking about themselves. The same would be true of the word Defendants followed by the names of the defendants, e.g., We are filing this motion on behalf of Defendants X, Y, and Z seeking summary judgment. Madol Duwa is a precise identifier; the appositive the famous childrens book is not considered essential. When the subject is separated from the verb by words such as along with, as well as, besides, or not, ignore these expressions when determining whether to use a singular or plural verb. The phrase not otherwise specifically defined can only modify other similar uses since the sentence makes no sense if and other similar uses is removed. It does not contain an appositive; therefore, the commas are unnecessary. Therefore, its fine to bend the rule in this case. His youngest sister, who played the piano, is only in first grade. This may be good writing advice, but it sort of sidesteps the question without answering it. Answer: Yes, you need to use a comma between the person's name and the greeting. It depends on how you want the dedication to read. in my appraisal document. He knew what people said about him. could you please tell me whether the following sentence is correct? Therefore, it is an essential appositive, and commas are not necessary. If not, this sisters name should be set off by commas, and a clarifying modifier like older (unless there are two or more sisters of greater age) preceding her name would be helpful. Shadam will be married in her mother Sarahs gold wedding band. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I need to win a $5 bet. The writer should specify, then, that it is the artists first show: . In the second sentence, father is a precise identifier (as long as there is only one person he calls his father). Is this correct? Last week, however, the situation was different. Because of the use of the possessive form of the sisters name, some revision is necessary in both cases. John knows everything about me, and I know everything about him. Second, let me pose complete sentences; the additional context will help illustrate my points: Martin, the captain, approached the helm. The commas setting the captain off signal that that phrase is an appositive to Martin. Only one captain exists in this context, and the structure allows distinctions between other people: Lewis, the helmsman, turned to him expectantly.. So we have:An above average student and talented musician, John made his family proud and My older brother, Dean made me cry yesterday. Place commas wherever they are needed in the following sentences. In which case, it would seem that My older sister, Jane, is a pain would be correct. Does that need restrictive treatment (without commas) or with commas? So in my example My older brother Dean cant do it we need to put comma after my older brother? Example: CEO Julie Minsky will be our featured speaker. Buses drivers are well trained and, therefore, they get into less accidents. This sentence has a subordinate clause and an appositive set off with dashes: While I dont mind citrus fruits lemons, limes, and oranges I really prefer vegetables. That clauses following a verb expressing mental action are always essential. Copyright by Jane Straus/ No commas are necessary. Our Rule 4 of Quotation Marks says, Periods and commas ALWAYS go inside quotation marks. (This is the American rule.). Your answer talks about parenthetical commas, without actually using the word parenthetical, describing the word between commas as "inessential". The post clarifies some of the questions harbored in my mind (I have been mixing the comma used in appositives and relative clauses all along. I went to the game to laugh have fun and talk with my friend. 3. Aided by a friend I built a treehouse. English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. But it's not much of a rule anyway. Our mission is to connect the world to local artists, and, at the same time, give back to those whose lives have been affected while serving our country. You would be better off recasting the sentence; there should be no obligation to go with this awful combination of words. That messes up the possessive, since now you have one possessive and two noun phrases that are both supposed to refer to the same thing. Outdoor amusements means those amusements including: fairgrounds, outdoor sports facilities, racetracks, and other similar uses, not otherwise specifically defined.. Thank you (and apologies for dull sentence). Our Rule 6b. JavaScript is disabled. I can think of two ways it could go: Deed from John and wife Jane to Bob. In the short story, The Tell-Tale Heart, Poe explores the physical manifestation of guilt. Regarding comma usage, the sentence is incorrect. Does the rules listed above also apply to title? Its my friend Johns car. The possessive appositive, Sharons, is set off by commas. In accordance with Rule 10 of Commas, place a comma after this dependent phrase. The last comma is what's called an "oxford comma", and is a subject of some debate, which can be summarised as do we say. 1) There was a call about a man whos sick named Paul. rev2023.1.17.43168. The entire phrase following Jack is an appositive. No commas are needed if you have two (or more) older brothers. Give me that pen, please, Sue. This book is dedicated to my mother Ellen, who inspires and guides me in all things, and who instilled in me a deep disregard for the notion of impossible. Example: The girl who received a scholarship is my sister. The reason is that and is serving as a coordinating conjunction between two independent clauses. My friend John (no punctuation) works as a noun phrase, so you can write this: If you put in those commas, then John becomes a separate noun phrase. It doesn't really matter, though; any other . There's not a day that passes by without you crossing in Should this phrase begin with while or whilst? Ella my little sister will escort you to your seat. "But if a word or phrase provides necessary information, information that significantly restricts or limits the meaning of the sentence, do not place commas around it:", I'm generally in favor of the Oxford comma myself. Andrews, the dead man, parents were fighting a custody battle. In accordance with our Rule 5 of Commas, nonessential words need to be set off by commas. Deed from John and wife, Jane, to Bob. A phrase that people use when they've actually forgotten your name. If you don't like disobeying the rule (mentioned in some other answers) about parenthetical commas for additional information, reword the sentence or use brackets or dashes. (Basically Dog-people), How is Fuel needed to be consumed calculated when MTOM and Actual Mass is known. Therefore, a comma is necessary. Finally she did, and my friend, John, and I went shopping. Because I dont see it and thats why I totally confused. It looks awful strange to type Defendant, John Ford Companys, Motion to Dismiss. For example: Johns, 18, labrador is white. Get our "100 Writing Mistakes to Avoid" eBook free. If the sentence referred restrictively to the first Asian American movie star, Anna May Wong (she is the only person in the class first Asian American movie star), the comma would be correct. We Jorgensons will have our pound of Skrill flesh., We are arguing if we should or should not put commas before and after Jorgensons.. How do we correct this? The sentence is correct as shown if the writer has more than one sister, but a comma is required if the writer specifies which sister: My older sister, Jane, is a pain. A comma is also required, however, in the original sentence if Jane is the only sister: My sister, Jane, is a pain., @ApK, the mistake is the missing comma after show. The author clearly said that in the explanatory paragraph., Oops. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. "My friend John" (no punctuation) works as a noun phrase, so you can write this: My friend John's car. My question is does this sentence say that both any building permit (application) that has gone through the processes and was legally and formally applied for BOTH must be done prior to adoption of this ordinance, in order to be continued without obtaining an allocation. A man is as old as he feels, and a woman is as old as she looks. How to automatically classify a sentence or text based on its context? The politician Senator Reids bill was passed by the House. D. Likes to sleep in the chair. My friend Bob is a teacher. ), the word Sarah is not essential to her mother, therefore use commas around the appositive. 3. This is very helpful. If so, the sentence is correct. Im leaning towards the last one. While perhaps a bit clunky, it is correct to write I am certain I owe a large amount for my sons, Blaises, participation. You could recast the sentence as I am certain I owe a large amount for the participation of my son, Blaise.. Have you considered the following interpretation? The comma preceding the firms name erroneously implies that only one New York-based research firm exists, and it is therefore erroneous (unless there was a previous reference, not by name, to the specific company). But that's a different kind of ambiguity.). My brother John was the mayor of the city. We suggest: He explained to us that when he was 10 he was ordered by his father [dad is not appropriate here] to kill his white Labrador, Wille [Willie?]. Wherein could also be replaced by in which, or even just where, if a less formal tone were the goal. Can you please tell me where the apostrophes, if any, need to go in this sentence. Toronto Mayor John Tory has introduced 3. The title of the book Great Expectations is a precise identifier, and the phrase by Charles Dickens is nonessential. The adverbial prepositional phrase modifying glowed and beginning with in then becomes attached to the next independent clause and is punctuated correctly with the comma before his.. How do I use the Schwartzschild metric to calculate space curvature and time curvature seperately? I am trying to write the sentence in an email regarding tuition for my only son: I am certain I owe a large amount for my son, Blaises, participation. If Blaise is the appositive and I only have one son, I believe I should use the commas. Your second version with the commas before which are grammatically correct. Your sentence needs to be rewritten. Since David has been married three times, we dont know which ex-wife he has accompanied to the after-party. The comma makes it non-restrictive. That grace, that unfailing poise, that humorousness was the hallmark of the women in her family. To put a comma after humorousness can feel like putting a comma between subject and verb, which seems wrong. 7.Excuse me, Tamera, for bumping into you. Nonrestrictive appositive (a topic): My manager created a discussion topic, What concerns do you have at work?, in my appraisal document. (me: In the above example, the that-clause [noun clause, not relative clause] modifies [or complements] an adjective, not a noun, so Im not sure what is going on here. The subtitles wrote the apposition between commas but I feel like the apposition is necessary to know which one of her [] issues it refers to. 1. Rules exist to serve the clear expression of ideas, and not the other way round. Question: Where would the comma go in the sentence below? 2. The comma is used to show a separation of ideas or elements within the structure of a sentence. First of all, I would like to thank you for this wonderful explanation. Hence "my brother Sam", "my cousin Vinny" are ambiguous as to whether I have more than one. (It could. This means that you need to use a post-comma when you're using "hey," "hello," or "hi" together with the addressee's name in your salutation. Your first sentence does not contain an appositive; therefore, commas are not necessary. In 1988, Indian-British author Salman Rushdie published a book called The Satanic Verses, which seemed to be a satire taunting modern Islam. I had two siblings: Jim and Mary. 8.Yes, you may borrow my sweater. Today, I called my friend John. The dependent phrase preceding it must be followed by a comma. Deed from John and wife, Jane to Bob. This picture book text, originally published in 1968, is now being republished with glorious new art. Here are some erroneous uses of punctuation with appositives: Whether this sentence is correct or not, actually, depends on specific knowledge: Does the writer have more than one sister? How did adding new pages to a US passport use to work? Cannot understand how the DML works in this code. It is the punctuation mark that keeps two different clauses, ideas, or words separate within a sentence. Is a comma after the word and always necessary? Therefore, Paul has only one sister. The punishment, called release, is brutal. If you pay attention to little things like punctuation marks, you'll notice that writers are split on this one. 3) My manager created the What concerns do you have at work? What a shame). answer choices. Without context, it is impossible to know which may have been intended. For example: Martin, the Captain: does it mean there is only one captain? In (name of a book), the reader can clearly notice a shift in style in chapter 15, wherein the writer makes extensive use of archaism.. There was a young man, Michael, walking through the forest. Our Rule 11 of Commas says, If something or someone is sufficiently identified, the description following it is considered nonessential and should be surrounded by commas. In your first sentence, the term best friend is a precise identifier and the name Mike is nonessential, therefore you are correct to use a comma. (If I have couple older brothers). Martin the Captain: does it mean there are more than one captain?. A modifier is termed as the information or a piece of additional information about a noun, pronoun, or adjective that is given about the sentences. Because the quote is before the tag in this case, we put the comma before the tag too. Also, sometimes context is enough to pick out one referent and then you might well intend an apposition: "I'd like you to meet my associate, Rita" (with a definite pause before the name) when the speaker has more than one associate, but Rita is with him in the room, so she's clearly the unique referent intended. Now that you have completed the learning activity Telephone Etiquette, continue to the next page of your learner guide. You use an opens in a new window apostrophe plus an "s" on the end of "Squiggly.". Do you have to insert a comma in the following question and why? As the post states, When the noun preceding the appositive provides sufficient identification on its own, use commas around the appositive. Therefore, your commas are correct. We can either elect my running matea bold truth-telleror the most dishonest candidate in history.. which is correct? 2) There was a call about a man whos sick, named Paul. Thus, option C is correct. Thank you for clarifying. Both the city and the state (or country) need commas when they appear midsentence. Unrelated comments may be deleted. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. That it is an essential appositive, and I know everything about,! Long as there is only one person as mother ( i.e., no stepmother adoptive. `` except in the following sentence is correct between commas as `` inessential '' means it has a unique.! Racetracks, and you dont have details, its best to avoid the comma go in this case subject... Equipped to cook and serve food, are becoming a popular dining option for food enthusiasts the explanatory,! Rule 4a of commas, without actually using the word between commas as `` inessential '' expressing mental action always! Language Learners Stack Exchange is a polygamist, the title becomes a in. 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Joseph Became The Prime Minister Of Egypt Bible Verse, Ano Ang Kahalagahan Ng Makataong Kilos, Articles M