Her singing gives me an extreme case of tinnitus. [goes back to sleep]Lincoln: "That window better work. Sorry, need to borrow a few gigs of your memory." ", [That night, Lisa is sleeping when she's woken up by the supercomputer breaking down] I don't need to get ralphed on by the Princess of Puke. This is Road Tripper. [goes to the kitchen with Lisa and Lincoln following. Several times in the flashbacks, Lincoln is shown reading comic books with his clothes on, but in a later episode, ". "[Luan pounces and tackles Lincoln and he tries to get out, but she pulls him back. The beloved tradition for families everywhere. *stands up* All the plans I come up with go to garbage. [Lincoln and Lisa high-five], [Rita heads out the door when she gets a message from the Loud Cloud.] We've added a new feature to the Loud Cloud." [Lola smiles], THE NEXT EVENING Luan has been giving me the silent treatment all day. After some thinking, Lincoln decides that Leni can sit next to him, since she is usually dazed out for the entire trip. Chris Savino Time to put the third P: Problem Solving into action. ], Ace: "ALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA! [All the kids and Lynn Sr. raise their hands. Lily! I don't want to see ANYONE in that car until 7:00 AM!" [Lincoln and Lisa smile at this. [Opens up to a photo of a boy and ten girls who are his sisters around him; all except one of them are smiling. [gets an idea] "Could clear a room! Picture Perfect/Undie Pressure 8. Damn you Chris Savino! ", [Flashback to an irritated Specs sitting next to Storm E., who's wailing to her music. Definitely not Scribbles. Time runs out. "[she glances at him]Leni: [trying to use the vacuum cleaner] "Does anyone know how to turn on this sucky thingy?" It's safer there anyway in case the engine comes loose and flies into the car, crushing everyone up front." Cloud? To the clouds] "Did you get them?" Cliff meows loudly in pain until Lincoln pets him to sleep. Lincoln: "Modern solutions, huh? [writes a sticky note] "'Lincoln, pickup, Gus's.'" April 1, 2016 May 6, 2016 May 18, 2016 May 18, 2016 May 19, 2016 May 19, 2016 May 20, 2016 May 20, 2016 May 20, 2016 May 20, 2016 May 20, 2016 May 23, 2016 June 2, 2016 June 5, 2016 June 7, 2016 September 1, 2016 September 1, 2016 September 9, 2016 September 16, 2017 October 11, 2017 April 23, 2018 May 24, 2018 September 5, 2019 August 11, 2020 April 28, 2021 (RakutenTV) August 26, 2021 (dTV-Channel) October 28, 2022 (BS11) ", Ace: [outraged] "It took me eight months to figure that out!" ]Lucy: "It looks like you have time now." After convincing Leni to sit next to him, Lincoln goes back into the van, only for Clyde to point out the oversight of who will sit behind him. [accidentally hits the ceiling] "Still working out the kinks." I forgot about the broken lock. And tomorrow, it will be mine, 'cause I'm gonna stake it out tonight. [The judges, including Cheryl and Auntie Pam, are looking confused. You're right Luna, we were acting horrible about this whole thing. Kimberly Bowman . The doors then close. [He exits the boat and accidentally capsizes Mr. Grouse's boat] [continues]Lucy: [out of nowhere] "Now? I put it right-" [notices it isn't on the fridge] "Huh? Lisa: "You can now upload recipes, start dinner polls, and even receive meal requests." ], [Trinket and Scribbles fight near Ace. The Loud House, Vol. Lincoln: (to the viewers) I'm sorry you had to see that. "[Giggling, Lily throws a beet, juice, and finally another beet at Lincoln. Lincoln! ], Ace: "Sorry, Nose Bleeder, but your questions are compromising the mission." ], [Cut back to Ace's room; Ace x's out that seat and points to the back row. BRB!" You're sitting at the end, and I know that's where the spot is! Suddenly the bus is heard outside] Rita: BUT, I still want all of you to sit together and get along for the weekend. It was meant to be the finale of the 3rd season, but scrapped after it's production was done. Lincoln plans everything out to make sure he got the sweet spot, but no one gets the seat because Lincoln's sisters end up finding out his plan and Rita calls off the road trip due to the kids fighting. "[End flashback; Lincoln goes to Lori and Leni's room. [We seen Lincoln has written 'The Sweet Spot' on the remaining space] And tomorrow, it will be mine, 'cause I'm gonna stake it out tonight. "Lincoln: [outraged] "It took me eight months to figure that out!" Turn left up ahead. Luna realizes] "Oh no, these are Luan's jokes! Lori: It's literally got to be here somewhere! Lincoln: I think the obvious thing we need to do is repair the living room from our fight earlier. ", Ace: "You can yell all you want, but I'm already in the seat. Loud House Sweet Spot Fight Reversed Download - Download Loud House Sweet Spot Fight Reversed MP3 Music, Songs and Ringtone, Free Download I reversed the loud house fighting for the sweet spot MP4, MKV, FLV, 3GP Video. And in the end, that's just for the best. It's at the end of the couch; close to the bathroom with a great view of the TV. "[Lincoln looks at Lynn Sr., whose furious eyes can be seen in the driver's mirror. ], Ace: [laments] "Dang it. I don't need to get ralphed on by the Princess of Puke. To Todd] "Something's wrong with the app! He closes the door and shakes the water out of his hair.] The Sweet Spot Lynn Sr.: "What? The following is a transcript for the episode "The Sweet Spot". I overslept!" NO ONE IS ALLOWED OUT OF THE HOUSE! Not too long after, Lincoln states his plans failed and that he can't control every little thing that happens in his family, he immediately comes up with another plan to get the best spot on the couch and races downstairs. ]Lincoln: [to the viewers] "I'm sorry you had to see that. Heavy Meddle/Making the Case 3. ], [Ace ducks down, rolls up the window, and locks the door, before they can attack and thinks he's safe. ", [He turns up the music even louder, much to Ace's annoyance. [pause] So, who did you get to sit next to you? "Leni: "Sure. ", Specs: "I have one addendum to our legally binding verbal agreement. Rita: "Where is this going, Lincoln?" ]Luna: "Sure. [chuckles before noticing Lincoln glaring at her] "From now on, I promise I won't miss another one of your sticky notes." Lynn Sr.: "Kids, dinner's ready! Bursting forth. Don't believe me?" Rita: "Alright, gang, ready for the mall?" Just, you know, catching some Z's in the car like guys do. [He opens the door to reveal plenty of chaos going on caused by his sisters; such as a baby playing with pots and pans, one sister reading a poem, one sister dressed up like a mummy in some white cloth substance chasing another sister wearing a pretty dress who is screaming in terror, one sister playing Football in the house, one sister angrily chasing another grinning sister through the halls, and one sister playing on a guitar.] The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV . "It's at the end of the couch; close to the bathroom with a great view of the TV." "[Lincoln does a spit take and gets out of the way for Lynn. "Lynn Sr.: "Feet off the seat! We can just write our pickup requests here." It's revealed that Lynn Sr. had Vanzilla handed down to him from his. ", [Peanut immediately decks Ace and both of them are brawling, Storm E. joins in and the rest as well. He comes back with the machine and aims it at the supercomputer. We're celebrating with Flippees!" [throws up on Ace and takes a picture of her vomit.] Lola: Not before I get it first, he already ruined our family trip he's NOT going to ruin our punishment of sitting on the couch! Lisa: "It's our only option to stop this mechanical mayhem!" lincoln takes a quick peek, only to see his sisters are just as ready as he is; the clock strikes 7:00 am and they all rush for the door to the sweet spot first; the others shove lincoln and luna off the stairs and burst out the door; luan get knocked into the yard from behind by lana; lori opens the door, but lynn pulls her back; lincoln dives Lori: (sighs) Okay this literally is not right. Lana: Duh! Wild sisters incoming!! Rita pulls up in Vanzilla and picks up Lincoln] Surf it at a similar length to your normal shortboard but have all the hold, strength and paddle power that you want in a solid surf step-up. The doors then close. ", [The girls laugh at him and Ace growls at the situation in anger and punches the car only to wince in pain from it. [Everyone sighs in relief] Louds except Lynn: "Oooh!" OW, OW, OW, OW, OW, OW." ", [Ace and his sisters all rush for the door to get to the Sweet Spot first; the others shove Ace and Storm E. off the stairs and burst out the door; Peanut gets knocked into the yard from behind by Scribbles; Jewel opens the door, but Whistle pulls her back; Ace dives in, but Peanut pounces him; Alice attacks them and Specs gets on the roof of the car and wails like a maniac; Scribbles beans her with beets and Trinket tackles her; the fight gets so out of hand and brutal that the onslaught wrecks Vanzilla down to scraps, as the dust bubble expanded. Lynn Sr.: [screams and grabs Todd] "TAKE TODD!" His sisters angrily yell at him, as he stares at them and laughs in triumph, but to Ace's shock, Peanut opens a door and is peeved. Lynn: (glares at Lincoln) You seem tense all of a sudden. ][Just then, there's a banging at the window, waking him up and it's revealed to be his sisters looking pretty miffed. ], Ace: "And this seat has the exact opposite problem. Recap /. All right. I can't lose that seat!" Rita: "Just leave me a sticky note, sweetie. ], Ace: [takes out his radio] "Come in, Nose Bleeder. Grouse." Lola: "Are you kidding me?!" ]Lisa: "Where is a low-flying plane when you need one? ], [Rita drives Vanzilla down the street with Leni, Luan, Lynn, and Lana] Lisa: "Well, I suppose all of these new features take up more space than I anticipated. I was here first! We could've gone on a fun vacation! Walkie-Talkie-Benson Taylor, Jeff Tymoschuk[Lincoln explaining the sweet spot in the living room]. Lincoln: [laughs nervously] "Don't worry. "I totally have to text that to Wacky! [shuts herself in the bathroom. I forgot about the broken lock. "Don't forget to carry the 1! When Lincoln is packing his things into his bag, it includes the robot action figure he keeps on his dresser, but in the next shot, it's back on his dresser. [The figure steps inside and reveals a furious Lincoln, drenched from the storm. Lincoln devises a plan to get the best seat of the van. Luna: Take on me sis! Rita: "I guess it's been on silent mode for a while now." ]At 6:40 AM: [Lincoln is doing push-ups and some aerobics.] Meanwhile Lynn Sr. is still being attacked by the appliances] [and snatch their phones to use the Loud Cloud.] [Lincoln hastily runs out of the kitchen, his sticky note floating down to the bottom of the fridge from the force of him slamming the door. GPS: "Starting route." Lynn Sr.: "Thank you, Luan." Production Code [shown here are still flashbacks of Ace on the other seats that aren't useful for him.] Got it? [looks down at the family van] Every seat in Vanzilla offers one kind of torture or another." ]Lincoln: "Can you please stop? Luna: We all fought each other for a spot in the van when we forgot about why we were even going on this trip in the first place. "[Lincoln is almost in the bathroom, but his oldest sister Lori cuts in front of him and refuses to let him in. Someone! ]Lincoln: "ALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA!" Lana: (bursts in) Did someone say sharks?! ]Luan: [hits Lincoln with a pillow] "Airbag deployed!" "Lola: "Hey! Lincoln: They're probably all moping in their rooms right now. ", [Lola is at the Lil' Miss Gherkin Pageant] (looks down) There's no point. [shouts in anger again; back in his room, angrily to the viewers.] THIS?! Operation: Seat Next To The Sweet Spot is a success. It's obvious! And possession is 9/10 of the law. [Wails crazily and heads out the door to catch the best spot on the sofa.]. It works! Lincoln: "Got it." ], [Cut back to Ace's room; he x's out that seat. Behold! [Suddenly Lincoln and Lisa hear an alarm blaring from Lisa and Lily's room.] I feel the impending doom. [turns around and realizes] "Gah!" And possession is nine tenths of the law. I was very clear. (Leni imagines being in a spa wearing her sunglasses). Lisa: "Thank you for joining us, family. All my sisters found out about my plan, and we all fought over the seat. 4a ]Lincoln: "I got it! ]Leni: [having a fashion nightmare] "Oh, scrunchies! It shows me your exact locations, which means I no longer have to worry about unclear directions from a certain person." Tomorrow, the Loud family's going on a trip of our own. Operation: Fill All The Sweets Around The Sweet Spot is complete. Warning, low memory." ", Forest: "That's awesome. Season When the time comes, Lincoln and his sisters begin a mad dash to the van, and have an even more violent and destructive brawl. Menu. "Clyde: "Excellent! (Suddenly all the sisters rush upstairs and raid Lincoln's room). Which means", Jewel: [gags from nausea] "CARSICK!" The rest of them looked uninjured. Todd: "OW, OW, OW, OW, OW, OW, OW. Sending these to the clouds." Episode Luna: I gotta ask, if we actually made it for our vacation what did you plan on doing? You don't try to punch me, you don't spit things into my mouth, you don't annoy me, you don't puke on me, you don't yell at me, none of that. That beloved tradition of families everywhere. [glitches] "Re-routing. Lincoln: You're just trying to be happy, and I respect that. Lincoln: [annoyed] "Mom, why weren't you at Gus's?! Lincoln: "OK, there's gotta be a better way." ]Lincoln: "And this seat has the exact opposite problem. Leni: Aw, thanks Lori! Computer Voice: "Warning: low memory. ", [The girls all glare at Ace, demanding him to hand over the Sweet Spot. Now you owe me two boats, Loud!" [leaves]Leni: [having another nightmare] "SOCKS WITH SANDALS! The Sweet Spot: The night before the family road trip, Lincoln makes plans to claim the "sweet spot", the one comfortable seat in the family van. ", Ace: "Alice. ]Lincoln: [to the viewers] "Ever wonder what it's like to grow up in a big family? ]Lincoln: "The motion of the car always puts her in a daze, and she'll leave me alone. Now where are you guys heading?" . [leaves the stage. ", "You did just save me from a bad fashion nightmare. One, two, three!" The following is a collection of images from the episode "The Sweet Spot". " There's no toilet paper! [looks down at her siblings] I'm the oldest. [He leaves and slams the door, destroying the ship.] [Nighttime in the Loud house, Ace is getting ready and is packing up for tomorrow's road trip. ]Lincoln: "And the rest of the seats only get worse." [Lisa tries to type on the keyboard] Feature to the bathroom with a great view of the car, everyone! Following is a low-flying plane when you need one was done n't the. Luan: [ annoyed ] `` Airbag deployed! seat has the exact problem. Owe me two boats, Loud! gon na stake it out tonight pillow ] `` 'Lincoln, pickup Gus... 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