Thats all there is to it! Yes, it is normal for your guinea pig to sneeze when you clean its nose. Otherwise, you might spend more time cleaning than you would like to. Gently wipe the inside of their nostrils, being careful not to insert the cloth too far. Hold your guinea pig in a comfortable position. Assess the Wound 3. Commonly used antihistamines include diphenhydramine and hydroxyzine. Why Do Guinea Pigs Twitch? Trust us, we learned this the hard way (in our defense, we were only a kid back then, so our judgement and hand-eye coordination were not the best). Remember to constantly replace the carpeting around the guinea pigs cage, or shampoo it thoroughly to avoid instances of a dusty environment to the pig. } Step 2. Two guinea pigs in the same cage heightens their tendency to less lonely. display: block; Discharges from the pigs eyes and nose could be a sign of respiratory problems. (Safety, Nutrition, and Tips). No skimping on plentiful grass hay, fresh water, and vitamin C. The guinea pig diet is mainly hay; we're talking about 80% hay. Additionally, a reusable liner saves you money in the long run! Guinea pigs are almost entirely nasal cavity breathers since they cannot effectively breathe through the mouth. link to Can Guinea Pigs Eat Corn? (10 Surprising Reasons), Will an Abscess Kill a Guinea Pig? Always make available high fiber foods especially good quality hay to prevent dental disease. If you clean a guinea pigs cage with the wrong cleaner, it could even pose a serious health risk to them! They can even entertain your guinea pig with some carefully prepared snacks! You should properly ensure every aspect before deciding the next course of action, like medication for your guinea pigs. They may, however, not be 100% effective, but note that they can help a lot. It is important to clean your guinea pigs nose to help keep them healthy. @media screen and (min-width: 993px) and (max-width: 1200px) { My guinea pig is sneezing a lot. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Guinea pigs often touch each other's nose to apologize after a fight to understand their position. Others may however develop on and off infections for their entire lifespan, while others may relapse and get ill again as soon administration of medication is discontinued. I'm here to help you smash the EASY button on pet parenting. This includes soap, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol and anything else that you might use to treat human wounds. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases from and other affiliate links, at no extra cost to you. Where Is The Best Place To Buy Guinea Pigs. This article has been viewed 278,625 times. 5. .rvixi63a287d7a768d { What Is the Proper Way of Cleaning a Guinea Pig's Wound? Lets get back on track. The safest way to clean a guinea pig wound is by using saline solution or by mixing one tsp of salt into pint (250 ml) of boiled and cooled water. Other dental complications such as fractured teeth and teeth that are too long are common for guinea pigs and are easy to spot. The wrong cleaner not only could not work, but it might even prove dangerous to your guinea pigs health. Always have someone supervising your guinea pigs. display: block; A superficial guinea pig wound, often caused by a parasite located in the skin layers, is usually characterized by hair loss, low energy levels and weight loss. So, sterilize the wound before infection can occur. Your guinea pig might be sensitive to something. Because guinea pigs cant tell us when theyre in pain, its up to us to learn how to spot the signs. From materials needed to steps to take, we have every single detail you need. Two words: cage liners. What else should you not use to clean your guinea pigs nose? may be compensated when users click on links and sign-up with their associated offers located in content or anywhere else on the page. Untreated wood is best, as plastic can be swallowed and cause harm to your pet. Guinea pigs are naturally curious and can get into a lot of trouble. However, be sure that everything is entirely dry before moving to the next step. display: block; 7 Alarming Reasons Why Guinea Pigs Pee Blood, The Alarming Truth About Washing Guinea Pigs In Dish Soap, Can A Dirty Cage Kill Your Guinea Pig? OUR AMAZON RECOMMENDATION FOR GLOVES: Hot Pink Two-Pack of Reusable Waterproof Cleaning Gloves. How to Prevent Runny Nose in Guinea Pigs? Do Chinchillas Get Along With Guinea Pigs. When it comes to outdoors guinea pigs, treat them like you would tender plants. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Your guinea pig's cage should not be exposed to direct sources of heat or cold. This may involve surgery for desired corrections, and the doctor may prescribe pain medication to help your guinea pig in the recovery process. Check! This is not advisable since vitamin C quickly loses its potency in water. During winter, it could be a bit hard to keep the home or cage environment of the pig at its optimum temperature of around 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Water is vital for life. What kind of cloth should you use to wipe a guinea pigs nose? While there are plenty of pet-specific scrubs or sponges out there, a rag is generally enough. When first aid is required, there are specific things you should do to make sure the injury is properly treated. One way is to use a cotton swab to gently remove any debris that may be blocking their nose. Timothy hay, bedding, toys, and hideaway huts? I have two boars around a year old that are currently living outside. @media screen and (min-width: 1201px) { There are types of abscesses can require surgery due to the thickness of the pus. Among the recommended courses of action is; Youd have already known what to do with the pig based on the physical examination and its history before deciding the next course of action, like medication. On the other hand, when it comes to two male (or female) cavies, they tend to clash until one backs down. Do this for about three to five minutes to ensure that the clotting is not interrupted. They typically have an agreeable personality and tend to have a relatively long lifespan compared to other small pets. Its therefore advisable to give enough air space, and clean bedding for the pig to avoid this problem. Congratulations to our Photo Competition Winner - @fur&feathers. Fleece is usually better for this task than shavings or paper bedding. Respiratory stress may cause a sickly feeling to the guinea pig, which in turn leads to loss of appetite. (Safety, Nutrition, and Tips), floor time and exercise is incredibly crucial for your guinea pigs, guinea pig will be sad and might even start attracting flies, Baby Guinea Pigs The Owners Care Guide, Guinea Pig Cages: Setup & Recommendations, Listen to a new album of music all the way through, Take the opportunity to soak in some fresh air, Mentally plan out a fun treat for a friend or loved one, Or anything else you can do at the same time. Find The Best Deals on Your Favorite guinea pig Products and Save! How can you tell if a cotton swab is too rough for your guinea pigs nose? These may include respiratory infections caused by several bacteria like Bordetella brontiseptica and Streptococcus, diarrhea, scurvy caused by vitamin C deficiency, tumors, abscesses, urinary problems, parasites, and skin problems. You can also use a cotton swab to gently remove any buildup from the nostrils. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); For advice on how to keep your guinea pig comfortable while you clean the cage, read on! Bite wounds sustained from cage fights should be checked immediately. display: block; If you have more than one guinea pig clean it two times a week. Leafy green vegetables and fruits should be given to guinea pigs daily to supplement their nutrition needs. Other problems may include bumble-foot, shown by sores developing beneath the hoofs of guinea pigs as a result of too much pressure. Generally, these cleaners are the best option for making the job fast and easy while providing excellent amounts of odor control. That way the wound wont get infected, and your guinea pig will heal as quickly as possible. If you dont have a saline solution at home, you can make one by combining 1 pint of water (previously boiled) with a teaspoon of table salt. But did you know that those same cute little noses need to be cleaned on a regular basis? Step 3. Like humans, guinea pigs do not produce their vitamin C. Its, therefore, necessary that they acquire these nutrients through their diets., Disorders and diseases of Guinea pigs All other pets Merck veterinary manual. For a healthy guinea pig, breathing is quiet and easy. Do not use the same one as your cat, dog or other pet. Zippi Tunnel Single with Hutch to Run Connection Kit, 10.95 (Find Out Now), The Surprising Truth About Grass & Guinea Pigs (Can They Eat It?). 2. Toilet paper, Read More Can Guinea Pigs Play With Toilet Paper Rolls? Please see our. You can use a cotton swab or a soft, damp cloth to clean your guinea pigs nose. Gently wipe the inside of your guinea pigs nostrils, being careful not to go too deep. The pigs may however choose to eat less or softer food, lose weight, and or salivate due to other health conditions. Its highly advisable to watch the guinea pigs activities, especially after being given any medication as most antibiotics may cause diarrhea to develop. .exdln63a287d7a7588 { Chronic infections can be frustrating to both the owner, the vet, and the guinea pig itself, since they may now require life-long therapy and treatment. First, check their ears carefully for any wax build-up or mites to start with the cleaning process. The water bottle itself can be cleaned by placing uncooked rice and a little water in the bottle and then shaking it vigorously. [1] Wait too long though and your guinea pig will be sad and might even start attracting flies! Omlet 2022, Currently, there is a waiting time due to high demand. Follow the 5 Dos and Donts to keep guinea pigs free from injuries. Because things can get wild messy real quick, we HIGHLY recommend wearing old clothes and performing the cleaning outdoors. This guide will teach you 5 dos and donts of guinea pig wound cleaning. Then run some hot water and submerge the water bottle and food bowl. If you notice that your little friend is trying to gnaw at the wound, you definitely need to get her to the vet. Before Cleaning: Supplies and Materials. Please dont use antiseptics that you can find at home. If you have several pigs, you should have a large enough cage that can comfortably accommodate all of them. You'd have already known what to do with the pig based on the physical examination and its history. What happens if you dont clean your guinea pigs nose? What is a Group of Guinea Pigs Called? And solutions for cleaning their ears you can simply use warm water. .rvixi63a287d7a768d { @media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 768px) { So we have put together the ultimate guide on how to clean a guinea pig cage, with details taken from our own experience. A drop from a height can kill guinea pigs. Be forewarned there will . Yes, this can be a pain. Squeaks, Scales and Tails is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC an affiliate advertising program. Empty any leftover food and water. You should take your guinea pig to the vet for a checkup. I've never been more confident about, "This article about guinea pigs helped me to decide whether I am capable of getting a guinea pig or not and whether, "I loved this. The conjunctiva, the inner part of the eyes, may also turn red. wound. That means an increase of spot cleaning and deep cleaning. Its advisable to immediately see the vet. Try wrapping the cotton pad around your thumb to make it easier and more convenient to clean his nose. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Once every week, conduct a thorough clean of the cage by removing all of the contents, spraying down the cage with a mild detergent, and rinsing it with water. You should not use anything else to clean your guinea pigs nose besides a cotton swab or a soft, damp cloth. (Find Out Here), Is Your Guinea Pig In Pain? ", keeping our sweet pet's home clean and safe for him to thrive. But, thanks. Did you know you can get expert answers for this article? In cases of illness where the little pet has been given antibiotics, you should constantly check for improvement in breathing and loss of the signs of the respective illness. ", I will be able to spend time cleaning the cage or not. Your email address will not be published. Respiratory stress may cause a sickly feeling to the guinea pig, which in turn leads to loss of appetite. Infections can also occur due to dental disease that results from overgrown tooth roots that affect the sinuses, therefore leading to upper respiratory infections. You are using an out of date browser. Its caused by a variety of irritants and two common bacteria, namely Bordetella brondiseptica, and Pasteurella multocida. How to use this code: This link cantains your affiliate code and can be placed anywhere a normal tag could be placed. This often occurs when we are confident that the wounds have been treated. Want to know more? If the injuries are minor, then its best to keep it clean and dry. Most animal experts recommend giving your guinea pig a hiding place inside its cage. Guinea pigs are susceptible to a number of respiratory infections, some of which can be deadly. He's had two Americans, two Abyssinians, and one Silkie Guinea Pig. If we let our guinea pigs cages get dirty, it can stress them out and even pose a risk to their health. You need a clear idea of how manageable the cuts are. Be careful not to insert the swab too far, as this could damage the delicate tissue inside the nose. Toss in some fresh bedding and hay. An exotic pet veterinarian can help diagnose the cause of the abscess as well as the best treatment. Guinea pigs are one of the most popular pets in the world. } A case of guinea pig runny nose is sometimes caused by first, a condition known as Atrophic Rhinitis (AR) which is common in piglets. (Explained Here), 9 Simple Reasons Why Guinea Pigs Stare (What You Need To Know), Can Guinea Pigs Play With Toilet Paper Rolls? Frankly, any old rag will do. In case they become watery, dull, crusty, bulging, or cloudy, or they behave in any other unusual way, this is a sign that the guinea pig might be suffering from bacterial infections, dental problems or might be suffering from injuries to the eye. But where do guinea pigs get these parasites? It is safe to let your guinea pig eat corn. On suspicion of dental disorders or overgrown tooth roots, its crucial to have an x-ray diagnosis done on the skull of the pig, to make informed decisions on the next step to take. X (And Other Key Terms), How Often Should You Clean a Guinea Pigs Cage? Discharge builds up naturally in the corners of a guinea pig's eyes - just like any other mammal - and the GP will remove this with its paws. Although there are several suggestions on draining abscesses at home, its still best to have a veterinarian check on them. Stock Availability page for more information. $65.00, $695.00 When it comes to pet first aid, doing it right can save you from worrying and additional expenses to the vet. Cleaning Your Guinea Pig's Cage on a Daily Basis 1 Spot-clean the cage. Some guinea pigs may need their noses cleaned daily, while others may only need it done every few days. First, start with getting yourself in a comfortable position and then hold your pig. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); However, understanding which foods should be avoided is essential information to have. "When I read this article I was shocked on all of the things I had been doing wrong with my guinea pigs. It simply cuts back on waste, which we are a fan of. Answer 2: It is important to clean a guinea pigs nose because buildup can block the nostrils and make it difficult for the guinea pig to breathe. The grease gland secretes an oily substance use to mark their territory. Fortunately, drying your guinea pig cage is far from tricky. This includes putting into consideration the advancement and extent of damage to the affected tissues on the pig. In these circumstances a trip to the vet is needed. Leave them in the sink to dry while you clean out the cage. How can you tell if a cloth is too rough for your guinea pigs nose? You will absolutely thank us for this. Watch and learn how to how to gently clean the ears.. If bleeding is still in progress, apply pressure on the affected area. Be on the look out for signs such as swelling or reddening around the wound, sluggishness in your guinea pig, and loss of appetite. We suggest placing a washcloth or small towel on the bottom of the p Hopefully, it is nothing and is gone again by tomorrow. Gloves., Behaviour Guinea pigs Our pets. Answer 11: Guinea pigs can sneeze for a variety of reasons, including allergies, dusty environments, or respiratory infections. Double check our supplies list above to be sure you have everything you need for a successful cleaning venture. Repeat this process once or twice a week, or as needed. A healthy guinea pig requires about 10-30 mg of vitamin C per day. While guinea pigs love to nibble on their food or surrounding objects, they only resort to biting their cage buddy when they feel threatened, scared, unhappy, or in pain. Keep Your Guinea Pig's Nostrils Clean When cavies have a runny nose, their nasal cavity can easily get blocked with discharge and mucous, making it difficult for them to breathe. Alongside vitamin C-rich vegetables, supplements, like tablets, are also available when a high deficiency arises. When faced with the challenge of looking after their wounds, you need to clean them a little differently. It doesnt take much for a guinea pig to get injured. For advice on how to keep your guinea pig comfortable while you clean the cage, read on! Some signs that your guinea pig needs its nose cleaned include if it has a runny nose, if its nose is visibly dirty, or if it is sneezing more than usual. OUR AMAZON RECOMMENDATION FOR CLEANER: Oxyfresh Crate & Cage Cleaner. (n.d.). Massage gently across your pet's body using a finger and avoid getting any shampoo on its face as it can sting. Should I be worried? You should also add a cup of vinegar to help with the urine odor. So lets dig into how to clean your guinea pigs cage quickly, effectively, and safely. Guinea pigs need a constant temperature. If you notice rattling, clicking, and wheezing sounds when breathing, these are signs that show your pet might be having respiratory distress. .rvixi63a287d7a768d { In cases of extreme sickness, its advisable to hospitalize your pig for intense treatment such as oral or injectable multivitamins until its strong and stable for home care. If the wound has dirt on it, then youll need to flush out any foreign materials. If you live in a hot climate, you are set. Such kits usually include probiotics, saline solution, critical care feed, and other necessary items that can help your piggie when youre unable to get them to vet right away. A cavy can catch these parasites from another infected guinea pig. What should you do if you cant get all the discharge out of a guinea pigs nose? Give your guinea pig a treat after finishing with the cleaning process. Learn More, VAT Number: GB837106436 } If you want to mix your own cleaner, we recommend using a 1-to-1 mixture of distilled white vinegar and water. Go ahead and throw away anything that is disposable, whether it is liner, hay, or bedding. Since so much cold air slips through the frames in windows and doors, the air around gets so cold that the pig might catch a cold, and this may pose a threat to respiratory health if the pig. If you have any favorite products or methods that make cleaning easier, we would love to hear about them as well! Discharge builds up naturally in the corners of a guinea pig's eyes - just like any other mammal - and the GP will remove this with its paws. If you dont clean your guinea pigs nose, they could get sick. In this sense, cleaning your guinea pigs wound may seem to be a piece of cake. A discharge will build up naturally in the corners of their eyes that the guinea pig will remove by his or herself with their front paws. } This should be done every single day. The medications below are only intended to give general information on how the infected pigs are medicated and are subject to approval from a qualified veterinary doctor. They should however be fed daily unless the pig becomes obese. } Carefully check how severe or big the wound is. Then you are good to go. For a healthy guinea pig, breathing is quiet and easy. Or even a large bowl. If your guinea pig has a lot of discharge from their nose, you can contact your veterinarian for advice on how to treat the infection. Answer 1: The best way to clear a guinea pigs nose is to use a soft, damp cloth to wipe away any discharge. 2 Refill food and water. The severity of these infections will depend on the type of parasite involved. They are known for their gentle and loving nature, and their cute little noses. The pig might eat less or fail to eat at all. Knowing how to clean a guinea pig cage is one thing. But did you know that those same cute little noses need to be cleaned on a regular basis? Rinse the wound with the solution to remove debris and sterilize the cut. Good news: there are no specific guinea pig cage cleaning gloves you need to buy at a premium price. Is it still bleeding? Its natural for guinea pigs to try to lick on, or even nibble on, an injury. Answer 14: Yes, you should be worried if your guinea pig is losing its appetite. Otherwise, a bucket will do just fine. If this happens, the guinea pig needs treatment with another antibiotic, and its advisable to immediately inform your vet. 2. Cleaning your pig's cage at least every week is very important in maintaining your pet's health. However, it can lead to infection, which could easily turn a simple wound into a life-threatening situation. Other Key Terms ), is your guinea pigs as a result of too pressure. 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