I arrived at the camp in early December 1966, we deployed from Fort Riley by troop train to Oakland then by ship to Vung Tau. Based on Hunt's experience as colonel and division chief of staff, the volume documents how the 9th Division's combat effectiveness peaked in 1969. Thanks for the memories. Their new Headquarters would be the Bearcat Base Camp in Bien Hoa Province. Only the three of us for 12 long hours. Election 2016 The 9th Infantry Division was also known as "The Old Reliables" or "Notorious Ninth". You were there about a year after I left. After spending 6 months state side iI put in orders to return to Vietnam. Their entire perimeter opened up. S/Sgt Humes. The Viet Cong may only have three or four men out there, but fighting from the shadows, they could exact a terrible toll. Pulled Guard duty 1 night only. resting place of two brave mice who invaded someone's, hooch one night. When the American withdrawal began, the 4/31 Infantry was one of the last combat units to leave Vietnam, departing Southeast Asia in October 1971. up. February Members of the A Company Detachment at Bearcat were tasked with training the Thai Royal Army Forces, Armored Cavalry unit in the operation, maintenance and tactical application of their new V100 Armored Commando Cars. A word of warning upfront, if you have a wallpaper removal task ahead of you're your in for a bit of work. She was only plrson in view within deeply forest. WelcomeHome Brother! I read that you took food to the guys on perimeter. Unit was: 9th Infantry Division, 9th Admin Co Where served: Camp Bearcat VietNam When served: 1967-1968 . Best time to draw was 8-10 and 2-4. I am not. In any case, I have some pictures of one of his friends that I think he called Zeke that I'd like to pass on if the name is familiar. They left a pail and rope and we had to keep the new concrete abutments wet so they cure faster in the heat of the day. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your memories. For additional information on Nick Quigley's service Click Here. Wow, I can tell you, you never had my section. Cuba To say that hes glad he did would be an understatement. seconds.). HQ were also located there. Sounds like you're struggling with the same issues that I am. I lived it. My unit: E. Co. 15th Engineers. How did it feel to be aCherry inVietnam? Writing. 4th Infantry Division. JOURNEY TO VIETNAM 31 May 68 Oakland, Ca. Id be interested in talking. I went to 5/60 mech in Binh Phouc and later rotated out and went to the 3/39 in Rach Kien. the communist troops of North Vietnam finally seized Saigon, and at that time many Americans regarded that singular event as the personification of a senseless war; i.e., the Vietnamese won . I was trained as a 52B40 Generator Operator/Mechanic. Location : . Hey. RECONNECTING = PRICELESS. 58) Click above to view photos History. I was pay officer for our battalion for one month and actually drew my Every one of those Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I was OIC of that sector several times. Elements of the 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division used it as a stopover after their arrival in-Vietnam. 6 October A squad + from A Company relieved the temporary four man C Company Detachment at the Bearcat base camp, 9th Infantry Division Provost Marshals Office. Dry dirt to standing water in 30 101st. Although the destination of the 9th was not announced when the division was activated on Feb 1, 1966, a hint of a possible future location was given during a visit by Army Chief of Staff General Harold K. Johnson who "likened areas of the post to portions of Vietnam." The 9th Infantry Division was the first Army unit to be organized and trained . February The remaining half of the Thai Black Panther Regiment stood down and was returned to Thailand. The base camp was located three miles southeast of Long Binh Post in Long Than District of Bien Hoa Province and twenty miles northeast of Saigon on the eastern side of Highway QL-15 in Corps Tactical Zone-Military Region III was part of the Saigon defensive ring. Approximately 3,000 U.S. troops of various support units were still operating at the base. Personal Reflection "I was transferred to Bearcat on 6 October 1968 as an original member of the A Company detachment who took over from the 9th Infantry Division MP's. The Division went through eight battles and was already a "veteran Division" by the time that D-Day started. The 104th was still operational right to the last days of the war and Australia's withdrawn. 2023 CherriesWriter - Vietnam War website, When Christopher Gaynor returned home from the Vietnam War, on Feb. 6, 1968, he didnt leave with memories alone. If you want to learn more about the Vietnam War and its Warriors, then subscribe to this blog and get notified by email or your feed reader every time a new story, picture, video or changes occur on this website the button is located at the top right of this page. I still fell the pain for all those who never made it home. 1st infantry division (2nd brigade) turned Bear Cat over to 9th infantry in Nov. '66 & relocated to DiAn. Barbed wire and the beauty of blooming flowers on the berm, 63) I looked at them and they all came alive again, he said. Fun times. After ceremonies, we moved to the military mess hall, There were a dozen Thai Army Officers sitting at a lunch table. Coordinates: 105006N 1065736E / 10.835N 106.96E / 10.835; 106.96, http://720mpreunion.org/history/project_vietnam/212th/detachments/Long_Thanh/long-thanh-north.html, "United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam 1972-1973 Command History Annex C", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bearcat_Base&oldid=1060558495, Installations of the United States Army in South Vietnam, Military installations established in the 1940s, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 December 2021, at 07:23. An old warrant officer buddy got me We had to check units going out and those coming in. Dave: Thanks for stopping by and commenting. You can probably name many US top 500 and find many The division operated primarily in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam, operating in conjunction with Mobile Riverine Force and Brown Water Navy. I am not able to get much information on my unit because we all came and left at different times and came in alone. harbor, 70) We spent the first couple weeks digging trenches, filling them in and moving the tents to other areas and digging more trenches. Most LO Radio Operators worked 12 hour shifts and were ready at all times to move to another operating station. http://www.honorstates.org/index.php?id=309661 There are hundreds of thousands of veterans as well as active duty personnel connecting there. on a plane and flew onto a dirt strip in the middle of a jungle. First I thank Jack for this wonderful web site. Bunker would fill up with water and you had to go topside and endure the rain pounding on your helmet for hours. ARMY 1969 1-9th Cav Ops Report Aug . Camp Bearcat outside the berm (click to enlarge). Bob Stapley The 9th Infantry Division arrived in Vietnam on 16 December 1966 from Ft Riley, KS and departed Vietnam for Ft Lewis, WA on 27 August 1969. Woke up one night with one on my chest. It was later the base camp for the 9th Infantry Division from January 1967 until the division moved to ng Tm Base Camp near M Tho in late 1967. Untrained but inspired by combat photographers, he brought one of the eras ubiquitous Brownie camerasbefore investing $94 in an Asahi Pentax SLRto record his experience. If memory serves me correctly, the 2/60th was part of the 3rd Brigade, commanded by Col Murray while I was there. 27 Nov 43 Brig. Army 1969 1-9th Cav Ops Report Aug-Oct . Since the Battalions A Company was already escorting night supply convoys under Operation OVERTAKE, the request was incorporated into their mission utilizing the assistance of C Company. here. in the corner of the perimiter berm. Glad you made it back. I was with 5/42 at Bearcat from June 68 thru June 69 as an artillery surveyor and shell recon (chasing down those incoming 122mm rockets that would come in randomly). shot along highways just showing, 18) Then they racked a 60 and scared the S out of me. that tell a specific units role in the overall picture. 26) HI to all My Name is Harry Ingram arrived RVN Aug 1967 with the 548th Maint Co out os Ft Benning our heavy equipment didnt arrive as scheduled was sent to 11th ACR at Black Horse got back to the 549th in Jan 1968 then transfered to the 590th at Bearcat trying to contact anyone that was there guys on my contact team that went to the Mekong Delta are you out there Blair, Nueman or Newland Edward went over to gunships in the Bounty Hunter platoon My best Friend Sorry to tell you Ed died of cancer at the age of 49 went back to Vermont to see him before he passed Great Trooper Best t all Harry. Oh, we had a visit within 5 minutes from the OIC and got an earful for probably a half an hour. We landed by ship in Vietnam in October of 1968. We later flew to Lai Khe for his court martial. He is not doing well and having contact with anyone who served with him would be the best medicine he could receive. 9th Infantry Division. contact team sites in bad guy country, 44) soldiers. What Was It Like To Hump The Boonies inVietnam? HQ & A Co mess hall at Bearcat, late intour. He had spent his 13 months in the field artillery creating pictures, too. world, probably. Middle East The final phase of their training program involved a practical exercise in which the Thais joined the A Company escorts during the Operation OVERTAKE Night convoy escorts. tree. To develop each roll of film, he took it to the Post Exchange on the base camp, they mailed it to Kodak for processing, Kodak mailed it back to Vietnam and, finally, Gaynor mailed the pictures home. This is a continuing project to attempt to identify and honor those members of the United States Army who sacrificed their lives while serving with the 2nd Battalion 60th Infantry 9th US Infantry Division. My dad was C Co. 36th Sig. I believe part of the camp is now a tank park. Bearcat Base (also known as Bearcat, Camp Martin, Camp Cox or Long Thanh North) is a former U.S. Army base near the city of Bin Ha in ng Nai Province in southern Vietnam. Monsoon Park, including a High Tech Park. All my buddies from 40 years previously [were] looking at me from these pictures, even the guys who werent with us anymore. Mike Williams, HQ & A Co Commander. I was with the 709th Maintenance Battalion, Company B. I was at camp bearcat january 1970-december 1970. Widely considered the definitive resource on the Vietnam War, Where We Were identifies the name, location and provides a brief historical synopsis of every military installation, firebase, landing zone, airfield, port, signal site, vessel and significant terrain feature of the American war in Vietnam. They would come out at night and croak "f**k you" US Embassy, University instructor, primary staff of newly opening International hospital near Saigon in Binh Duong Province. Got to the third strand of wire before the tower guard scanning the starlight scope saw him. The division would be critical in reshaping the U.S. Army in the 1970s and 1980s as it was transformed into a voluntary force and reshaped to fight a new type of war. While that was going on, Gene got the soldier out of the water up on the bank and was trying with every breath to save him. Chris Gaynor is a friend and this article is reposted here with his permission. I was transferred to Division Artillery in July 1967 and accompanied DivArty Commander Col. Stewart C. Meyer when he went over to welcome the Thai Regiment to Bearcat in September. Along road near Black Horse; RFPF observation Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. After 2/3 months we all went our separate ways. Most of the incoming enemy fire was in the form of mortars and rockets with the occasional ground probes of the perimeter defenses by the local Viet Cong Main Force units. He loaded our M-60. Live it well so that they didn't die in vain. Our barracks were not to far from the PX. the tin roof is Co HQ. I was down at Long Thanh North as well. sandbags took a. lot of sweat. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. in Dec 1966. material. It was a post with one tower 5 miles out in the jungle. Gen. Donald A. Stroh [Assumed command of 8th Infantry Division on 12 July 1944] Assistant Division Commander. Thanks for the blog. contact team sites in bad guy country, 38) Man, this is something to read. This is the supply platoon area, Hq & A Co. I was on the perimeter the night the Thais opened up with tracers. The CO had Medical clear them and they had free run of the Hootches. Command of these bunkers was divided into four sectors, each with a Command Post (CP) manned by sergeants and company grade officers, also REMF. I was in Bearcat for a couple of weeks when I was assigned to the Nha Be Detachment. Also, great place as compared to conditions with 101st. Trained in Bearcat around July of 1967 and worked out of Binh Phouc, Long An Province in the Mekong Delta. Your comment will be posted after it is approved. The 86th Land Clearing Team had been in existence in South Vietnam from mid-1967 through December of 1968, while operations were initially based at Bearcat base camp until the 86th Engineer Battalion moved it's construction companies and base of operations south to the Mekong delta town of My Tho in mid-1968, to follow and maintain it's assigned support of the 9th Infantry Division . When gun batteries weren't being moved, we spent the rest of the time pulling guard, KP, sandbagging/building bunkersand my favorite S_ _ T Burning detail!!!! CAMP BEARCAT, HEADQUARTERS for the 9th Infantry Division, was about one mile in length by one half mile in width, surrounded by a berm of dirt pierced by two main entrances on the western side. HQ & A Co Thank you for stopping by and taking the trouble to comment. He became a consultant on the Vietnam-reenactor documentary. We just wanted to bring our hearts and minds back in one piece. Looking for any others. Note among them. Short Story One of my favorite slides is of a bunch of cut-off 55 gallon drums which were pulled out from under a smelly place, stacked neatly, doused with diesel and a touch of gasoline then set on fire. about 2 miles long and a mile wide, we cleared an area out from the perimeter of This was the sign along Hwy 15 when entering Bearcat . 3/47th Riverine. Anyone in this crowd (including children) might toss a grenade into a truck., Bunker, 1967: Troops of the 77th Field Artillery, 25th Infantry Division hunker down in a partially completed bunker to escape the mayhem of 3,600 of our own 105mm Howitzer rounds light off at knee level in all directions. US base camp from air, possibly Long Binh. AAORLL's 1970. Gen. Reese M. Howell (Acting) Assistant Division Commander. The POW's were captured during Operation PADDINGTON. We disembarked at the port of Vung Tau and convoyed to Bear Cat Fire Base. FDC shift was on 8 hours and off 8 hours little time left to pull guard duty. They also initiated air-drops of 1,540,000 leaflets, and hand disseminated 15,347 miscellaneous pamphlets and magazines by the 246th PSYOP Company at Long Binh Post. When Christopher Gaynor returned home from the Vietnam War, on Feb. 6, 1968, he didnt leave with memories alone. Podcast: Mother Nature and the Infantry Soldier. Having fought in Algeria - French Morocco, Tunisia, and Sicily, the Division helped to cut off the French Peninsula during the battle of . In the foreground is the cantonment of the Thai Volunteer Regiment which occupied the area during September. I wish I were exaggerating, but I was an Air Force radio operator assigned to the 9th ID at Bearcat as one half of the two man TALO (Tactical Air Liaison Officer) team about June 1967 to May 1968. My husband was with the Bear Cats during the move from Phu Bai to Delta in 69. Have been thinking of that time and my experiences over there often these days. Early in the Vietnam War, the 1st Special Forces established a base there. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. He established relationship with the families of his friends who had died in Vietnam. US Navy supply and maintenance ship, Da Nang I guess we just missed each other. I had a few hundred slides but they all disappeared when my ex left, so nothing to share except the feeling of brotherhood which I shall never, ever forget! Does anyone have any memories for a B-52 bombing raid just outside the base camp perimeter. Thank you brother Chris great photos WELCOME HOME BROTHER. compound, 11) Scenes Have Great Christmas!! Bear Cat, was one of our two primary spots to locate. In keeping with the large U.S. Army deployments to Vietnam throughout 1966, the 9th Infantry Division "Old Reliables" begins to arrive in South Vietnam. The 9th Infantry Division ("Old Reliables") is an inactive infantry division of the United States Army.It was created as the 9th Division during World War I, but never deployed overseas.In later years, it would become an important unit of the U.S. Army during World War II and the Vietnam War.It was also activated as a peacetime readiness unit from 1947 to 1962 at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and Fort . On a scrounging mission, found a US unit living Many thanks I was with the 229 self service supply company. The 9th Infantry Division ("Old Reliables") was created as the 9th Division during World War I, but never deployed overseas. I arrived at Vong Tau in Sep 1967. camp, 62) There is not a day that I dont think about my friends that I left over there KIA. Note, dust raised. More insight. On 20 April 1967 she suffered a gun mount explosion, injuring six and killing one crew. I'd love to post photos and commentary of someone like yourself to allow others to see what has happened since we fought there. 49) On deployment the division was assigned to the III Corps Tactical Zone of Vietnam where it commenced operations in the Dinh Tuong and Long An provinces (6 January-31 May 1967) in Operation Palm Beach. I separated from the Thai military nurses and my current wife. I stoide over to the elongated lunch table at which the male Thai Army Officers were seated. Just seeing those clouds again brought me back to III Corps 1969. At time it was unbelievably loud.One night the side of our bunker just fell way! I introduced mtpyselfcas former Company Commander of US Army unit stationed at Bearcat July 69 to Jan 1970. I served the next year with the 111th Engineers working water supply points throughout the area just south of the DMZ to just south of Da Nang from July 69 to July 70. 101--Roots of a War--Despite cordial relations between American intelligence . I was in country from 67 to 68. Convoys leaving or entering at the berm entrance, 61) I did manage to marry with a Vietnamese lady when stationed at Bearcat. I will be adding pages dedicated to the distinguished service of the men who served with the 2/47th Infantry, Vietnam. I was a sniper in 1967 with B Co. 5th of the 60th Infantry, 9th Div. Hq & A Co. and the 709th Bn. monsoon hits - wind and rain, A company street, Bearcat. The only times it stopped were when the generator quit. I spent most of my time at Bearcat, but later was sent down to DongTam, You were lucky that you were in those bunkers when they were first built. 3rd Battalion, 39th Infantry (Infantry) Arrived Vietnam: 1 Jan 1967 Departed Vietnam: 8 Aug 1969 Previous Station: Fort Riley Strength: 818. Paul Tilzey. Vietnam Time line 3/5 CAV Black Knights. 28) Scenes 46) 42) Then it was still known as Bearcat. I pulled guard on the South Eastern corner by the 5/42. Hope to hear from some folks via my e-mail: flbowers@hotmail.com Enjoy the day and hope for tomorrow as we would always say :-). So too in Bearcat I was really adept at finding and confiscating the Mary Janes in the company area in Bearcat. How much do you know about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and itsSentinels? kinds of pictures. Jack, you have created a brilliant and haunting explanation of why the war in Vietnam was so difficult to fight. The other half of that TALO team wouldnt have happened to be Charlie Head, would it? Our daily run was round robin Bearcat, Tan An, Dong Tam with an occasional special mission. It is the nurses who served in Nam. At some point we the USA may end up defending Vietnam, our former foe, against additiinal military incurssions by the Chinese aggressive assertive behemouth. The A Company detachment was responsible for the entire operation and liaison with the Royal Thailand Army Vietnam Force Military Police Company also based at Bearcat. Of all the military assignments in Vietnam, perhaps none was more challenging than the defense of the Mekong River Delta region. Forces in Southeast Asia, 1950-1976 (Record Group 472) that may contain information you seek:. I also remember the monkey incident. Shops line the road into the camp. I was there when TET of 68 broke out and all hell broke loose. Us Armor. It would have been two or three feet 45) Bearcat was originally a French airfield, later used by the Japanese during World War II. Commanding General. bark was worse than his bite. Infusion, 1967: "Soldiers of the 9th Infantry Division (red, white and blue unit patches) based at Bearcat (Camp Martin Cox) are trucked to a waiting Caribou aircraft for the flight to their new . https://www.vietnam272nd.com/ Everyone sort of came and went with little fanfare. I can only say that it took a while, but it felt like a lifetime. I am forever in their debt. The Division left Vietnam in the summer of 1969 and was inactive for 3 years. and kids from the 709ths civic action village. We were good soldiers, but very, very lucky. Somehow I was able to convince them I was an ally. I was also in that transfer. Hopefully you'll meet up with some other 9th Inf Div MPs. Gaynor notes that most of his photos, some of which can be seen above, arent of the dramatic scenes familiar from war photography. Local kids Dear Mr. Sanders, Thank you for posting your request on History Hub! It is kind of sad that we didn't deploy and return as units. US Engineer units cleared the area and constructed the roads. at, Long Thaun North, I have a picture of him by a Bearcat sign which got me to your site. and am making dioramas of 9th Infantry Division Units in Vietnam as military miniatures are my hobby. Hello Mr Heckman, For a while I also drove the "deuce and a half" to the local town (can't remember the name) to pick up the "hootch maids" and "mess hall help" in the morning and take them home at night. We turned onto the dirt road from the hiway and headed for the edge of the rubber plantation and the area our Signal Company had existed 30 years before. The worst thing beside the snakes was the rats. 41) Bearcat was the base camp. Overview. More Huey Vietnam is in a good place with exception of constant aggressions from China, especially regarding Vietnam's territorial waters, fishing grounds, underwater oil fields, land border disputes/mini aggressions duch as extending southward country borders/ surrepticiously y moving border markers southward. But keep watching this blog. Entrepreneurs I lived on a boat moored in Marina Del Rey when I first moved to California. By early February 1968, at the first sign of the Tet Offensive, the unit was on the move with A Troop . Company A was responsible for operating provost marshal offices at Phu Loi, Bearcat and Vung Tau, and for convoy escort from Long Binh to Cu Chi-Tay Ninh, Vung Tau, Quan Loi and Phuoc Vinh. Colby Nets 10 Tons of Rice, 14 VC Killed Colby Takes Place 40 Km From Saigon. Podcast: What was it like to hump the boonies in Vietnam? and kids from the 709ths civic action village. History. I would love to see the photo and, with your permission, add it to the blog. The Old Reliable February 2, 1967 Page 1. I am not positive the place you are getting your information, but good topic. I truly enjoyed working with you guys for my entire year. 63) The company streets, HQ & A Co. 31 is looking up the street toward the Bn quonset hut. sappers snuck into the Ammunition Supply Point and blew most of it According to unverified information, the Bearcat base was renamed on 4 July 1966 to Camp Martin Cox for SFC Martin Cox who was killed in action on 7 April 1966. Making it first major contact wit the Viet Cong since arrival in Vietnam, The 9th Infantry Division killed 14 VC and netted almost 10 tons of rice during the weeklong Operation Colby which ended Saturday. Though Gaynor admits that his expectations for the results were low, he went along with the idea. Each bunker was connected to its CP by a field phone and the CP had lines connecting it to the other command posts and other division assets such as artillery. To review your tour in the Battalion Timeline, use the To Vietnam Main Index link above. Have been searching for an active Vietnam Veterans website/forum/blog. Left country in December of 67. We had to take this picture from the van. I wonder if you might be able to tell me anything you may know about him and/or the Bear Cat base. The I abstained which sometimes makes me wonder what the hell was wrong with me. VIETNAM STUDIES MEDICAL SUPPORT OF THE U.S. ARMY IN VIETNAM 1965-1970 by Major General Spurgeon Neel DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON, D.C., 1991 . Attacks 1967-68 by Fire 4th Infantry Division . We always slept 2 with one awake, risking getting caught. Didn't get issued a weapon until the following day. Sea Scouts The memories and images that had been buried for decades became the opposite of hidden, motivating Gaynor to reorganize his life around a new mission. 29 July The Headquarters and colors of the 9th Infantry Division, minus a rear headquarters detachment including military police to orient the Thai Division with area operations until 15 August, relocated from Bearcat to Dong Tam, IV Corps Tactical Zone, Mekong Delta until the division withdrew from Vietnam in August 1969. Agency, Mac Gordon, the House of Representative's Public Information Director Mr. Sanders, thank you brother chris great photos WELCOME home brother street, Bearcat of 1967 worked... 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