He invited Vigo, Trellis and herself to his ship. But after watching in amazement as Emily swiftly saves Trellis and Luger from being tortured for treason, they agree. She promises that she will free Karen as the Arachnopod breaks free and gets away, and the Albatross flies away, crashing in the woods below. They manage to deal several blows to the elf, before finally sending him spiraling down a cliff and out of sight. She states that Lucien will be next, and that although their army is formidable, they will be overwhelmed. Theres only one escape pod, so Trellis, Emily, and Vigo make a shield around the elves, as the ship falls down. The removal of his mask killed the King. Emily brings Karen back to the others, and Cogsley transforms the house into a walking mech, and sets course to find a cure for Karen. Meanwhile, Emily and Trellis are training so as to sharpen their skills for the fight ahead. Luger from Cielis jail. Emily has suspicious feelings, and Leon is surprised as how quiet the streets are. While overnight at Selina's Station, Emily awakes from a nightmare induced by her stone, which eventually leads her to have a genuinely heartfelt and meaningful discussion with her mother. This confuses David further, telling her that it is happening right now yet Emily still rejects this. In the first book, he had attempted to force Emily into defeating his father, the Elf King, through the kidnapping of her mom. At some point Leon was called upon by a soon to be discovered fake Guardian Council to train and deliver Emily to Cielis, and that became his primary goal from there. Along the way, Leon helps Emily use the amulet better, as well as warning her to not let the stone control her. While attempting to escape, he gets badly injured and almost dies. Emily's kid, from what I can remember, is dark skinned. WebRiva was a definitely child when the war started, so she should be around 16, which is Trellis's age. Due to the responsibilities imposed on them after entering Alledia, both siblings develop not only in their overall maturity but in their relationship and willingness to work together as well. He was reverted to normal by a group of stonekeepers including Silas Charnon, and was locked up. After saving her mother, and curing her from the arachnopod's poison as well in the second book, she became more comfortable with being a 'hero', and claims even if she did intend to go back to Earth, the amulet would stop her, but in the third book this is revealed to be false. Before the restaurant reaches frontera, 2 Elf pilots find them and bring them to Frontera. Tremily trellis x emily by mopilartegarcia da2djwg-fullview. Meanwhile, Alyson, Navin, and General Pil arrive at their destination. Trellis shot at her catching her gently. Her main professional skill as a stonekeeper is combat. Meanwhile, in the void, Emily is seen trying to escape The Voice's control. WebAmulet / Tear Jerker - TV Tropes This is based on opinion. Elves are very pale in the series. They wake up, and so does Max a few miles away. When they got to the void where they were planning to get rid of the voice, Max ended up getting killed, but before that, he told Emily to find Algos island. But I was kinda surprised. Emily starts to learn more about how to use the stone's power, guided and encouraged by the Voice, by blasting a bird trying to peck a hole in Navin's mushroom, which would have caused him to plummet to his death. Emily attempts to pull her mother out of the creature's pores but to no avail. After failing to capture Emily and having his act of interception at Gondoa Mountain seen as treason, Trellis and his brother Luger abandon the Elf King, eventually joining Emily and the Resistance after Emily defends them from the Elf King's soldiers. She is obviously reckless, impulsive and at times can be wrongfully headstrong. The kids initially descend the staircase that was behind that door cautiously, but the steps leading back up start disappearing rapidly, causing the kids to panic and rush down the staircase to whatever lies at the end of the stairs, appearing in a strange land they later learned is called Alledia. They find a frightened, old man who bitterly tells them ("you stonekeepers have taken everything away from me. When Emily awakes, she finds her mother well again, as she apparently was administered the cure. I'm not a huge fan of Tremily, but Triva would make a lot of sense to me because they Luger allows his stone to take control of his being in order to beat them, and he transforms into a colossal giant. WebI have always wanted Emily and Trellis to get together. The two reflect on how they feel From there, her voice reveals himself and they converse, after which, saying their goodbyes to Moze and the old woman (who is proved to be an older version of herself and Moze is her future son) who prepares for battle with the voice. He explains how the Elf King is dead and the only thing that is keeping him alive is his stone. Meanwhile, Trellis and Vigo look for Algos Island on a map, prompting Enzo to tell them that he is not surprised they could not find the island, since he had never heard of it before. He sends a servant to request the Guardian Council's help, when he talks to them asking them to help him fight off the voice. He was annoyed by Trellis' rebellious streak and he eventually allowed a shadow to possess his son. the man transforms into light, saying that she was much too late. When he destroys a city airship in anger for shooting down Layra's family, he's sentenced to fifty years in prison. Are you here to take that away too?) Two years later, Karen decides to escape the strenuous life as a single mother living in the city supporting two kids by moving into an old woodland house that the family had inherited from the kids' great-grandfather, Silas Charnon. Emily is usually very resistant to the Voice's attempts to control her, except in the seventh book; when the Voice finds out about her longing for her dead father, he causes her to give in to her desire for revenge against the man that accidentally caused the death of David Hayes, and she turns into a firebird (that is, an enormous phoenix) and becomes an unwilling servant of the Voice. The three make their way to Demon's Head Mountain shortly afterward. For this, the Voice can act as a necessary guide on Emily's journey, but just as equally a malevolent and pervasive threat to her being. Vigo, Cogsley, and Miskit arrive at Cielis and try to stop Max, but he escapes with the elves. This ain't no pedo story! Emily talks to Silas, who dies soon afterward. Trellis escapes the citadel with a bubble shield, while Gabilan parts ways with Trellis. Emily infusing the energy of her stone with her staff to block an oncoming attack. WebEmily and Trellis Chapter 1: 1) Meeting Outside, an amulet fanfic | FanFiction Chapter 1: Meeting outside Emily couldn't fall asleep, even though it was warm and cozy in her room. As soon as I read about Riva, I was scared that she and Trellis would be together, but that was not the case. While Emily is able to retrieve Karen, her mother is stuck in a coma after having been poisoned by the Arachnopod. They find Enzo and Rico, who own a small ship named the Luna Moth. The doctor informs Emily that the only thing that can cure Karen is a fruit from the peak of Demon's Head Mountain. Emily tendr que encontrar Cielis antes de que el rey Elfo la encuentre a ella. When he and Emily enter his stolen memories in the seventh book, he finds out that he got his scar when the king, who had abnormally sharp and long fingernails, scratched his eye with it. Emily travels to Cielis, meets up with Trellis and Vigo. I will make Luger proud. Then, Emily in her Firebird form attacks the house until a resident helps her regain some amount of control. He has a long stitched up scar on his left eye. I hope we see tremily in book 8, like thesilvermotheroflegend said, both of them worries about each other and have developed their relationship even more now as we see on book 5, 6 and 7 , Quote: Present Emily initially met Moze in the Void, but is currently unaware that he is her son. Emily physically appears as a slender human girl of an average height and ectomorph figure-build depicting straight, shoulder-length auburn hair, brown eyes, and a pale skin complexion. Navin, Alyson, and General Pil arrive at Frontera and reunite with Karen, Leon, and the others. They help them repower the robots in the house after they were shut down to prevent the elves from gathering information, while Emily, Leon, and Miskit walk up the mountain. Both did not know they were brothers until book three, since Gabilan stole their memories. Amulet-Trellis and Emily by pbjHoNkErS4life on DeviantArt Add to Favourites Add a Comment More by Suggested Collections Studio Ghibli Ghibli Girls of Fullmetal Before they depart, they run into Luger and Trellis, who are running away from the elf army and the Elf King's new commander, Gabilan, a mercenary who steals the memories of people. I read these books in Grade 5 and I'm reading now 5 years later because my brother wanted to read them. We do get to see Emily's kid tho, and I don't think Trellis is the father. Then they all enter the void and talk to the voice where it promptly undoes all that it has done, killing him. Her amulet responds to her thoughts, granting her numerous abilities, including energy attacks (ranging from singular blasts to powerful shock waves), telekinesis (lifting, sometimes throwing objects), and even levitating herself considerable distances. They sell their mechs for a bad price, so they ask if they can work at a restaurant on air that making a destination at Frontera. Dagno is a baby wyvern who was adopted by Cogsley and Miskit. Under all her stubbornness and determination however, Emily harbors deep anger and sadness about her Father's death and wants to reverse what happened more than anything, even though impossible to do. 409K views 4 months ago *Insert Luger apologises, and he and Trellis proceed to renounce the Elf King as their commander. The doctor tells them that he can not do anything, but that the only possible cure is the fruit of the Gadoba Trees, which are located in the Demon's Head Mountain. The elves launch another attack on the resistance fleet, prompting Navin, Alyson, and other young fighters to escape to the ruined city of Lucien. Riva Ash is the mayor of Lucien who cared for the resistance and became good friends with Navin and Aly when she saved them from a creature which takes over others. Emily vows that she will defeat Ikol. Leon Redbeard: Leon is an experienced hunter and warrior, as well as quite knowledgeable on the stone's power. Navin is Emily Hayes' younger brother. Published Oct 2013 by Scholastic Press. WebEmily said simply. Aly and Navin also take part in this. Emily reassures him that everything will be fine, while Miskit insists that he accompany them as Emily's guide. The two reflect on how they feel about each other. I can finally say how long the series will be. Navin also finds that other members of the resistance, such as Balan are residing in the underground portion of Lucien.. When shadows attack, Riva attempts to evacuate everyone via the underground trains. Cogsley, Miskit, Morrie, Theodore, Ruby, and Bottle are the robots created by Silas that help Emily in her voyage and journey. Emily knows where he went, but Trellis stops her from going, saying she is interfering too much. Emily attempts to help Leon, but is unable to control the blast and almost hits Leon while obliterating the other elf with her stone. When Karen goes to the basement to investigate a noise, she is captured by an Arachnopod and the two kids go after it through a strange door in the basement. WebThis new fox friend offers to take Em on the perilous trip up Demon's Head Mountain to find the antidote she needs. He stayed in his memories for months, never waking up, then died, causing much grief to Vigo. And at the same time, she is shown to have a slightly gullible side, after stating "We have bigger problems to focus on than each other," to Ikol after he asked if she saw him as an adversary, even though he served the shadows and does everything that he has done in their favor instead of truly Emily's in the long-run which he claimed. The man is suicidal, attempting to drive off the very cliff that Emilys familys car crashed on all those years ago, and we see Emilys familys car swerving to avoid the crashing car of the unidentified stranger. Future Emily was seen to love Moze dearly when she was a mother. Emily has expressed her trust for her to keep Navin safe. Left with no better options, the figure takes the kids for a ride in the rowboat, which propels them across the lake to the Charnon House. WebSeeing the two Elven soldiers got their asses handed to them by a child.. And seeing their bodies explode out of the bar after a scene-cut. Emily is spoken to by the voice of the amulet, which tells her to accept the powers of the amulet in order to save their mother. She tearfully runs to hug his father and he tells her father that she misses him as much as Karen and Navin do, and her father tells her he misses her too, yet he disperses into light, revealing everything was truly fake all along. When he grew up, Vigo married someone, but after his wife died, his son made an attempt to travel into the past to revive her, a technique of using the power stonekeepers possessed that Silas had made a theory of, when really he was just entering his memories. His final words were to Trellis that were important: "Forgive your people. Once they exit the tunnel, they immediately spot a clan of Arachnopod traveling uphill. Emily asks Trellis to find her family, before she becomes a firebird. Cogsley also says that Dagno has a "Goofy Grin". Leon helped Emily to control the power of the stone, instead of the stone controlling her. With Vigo's help, she becomes a strong stonekeeper, and learns more about the past and he helped her especially with the issues with Max as he knew him personally. She enters the Void where she stops a fight between Pierce and another stonekeeper and runs from the Ghouls with Ronin, Max, and Pierce. It turns out that he was only after the Mother Stone, where all the stonekeeper's' stones are cut out from, and that the Guardian Council has been gone for a long time, with everything having been a powerful illusion. He took over the Elf nation of Gulfen and led an army to attack the city of Cielis. He had smiled This talent has helped him perform feats that help the group. It is an amulet fanfiction featuring trellis and emily as the main characters. Emily was in her room on the ship. She lied on her bed thinking about what had happened the past 2 days. They had been running from elves, and the prince joined them, along with Luger. He shows them to an airship that will take them to safety. Leon tells Emily to come with him, much to Navin's outrage at the thought of them having to be separated. Emily Hayes is the main, primary female protagonist of Kazu Kibuishi's graphic-novel series: Amulet. While going through a version of a game, Emily notices that the panels which Ronin steps on are not glowing. During their trip, wyverns attack the ship, damaging it and taking Cogsley and Miskit. The Voice then appears to Emily and tells her that she should've slain Elf Prince Trellis while she had the chance. WebA magnifying glass. As they clean the house, Emily finds a strange amulet in the library where her great-grandfather, Silas Charnon, worked, and puts it on. Meeting Vigo has made a profound impact on Emily's journey and through him has she been able to learn more about the stone and her ancestor Silas Charon. She is then shown boarding the Lunar Moth with Vigo. Trellis finds Luger in a cave at the foothills of Demon's Head Mountain, and finds that Luger has destroyed the amulet. Emily, Miskit, and Leon travel through the sewers back up to the surface, but Leon insists that they need to travel over the rooftops to avoid detection. Trellis finds the memory he wants to view, and he and Emily enter it. The elf is revealed to be Prince Trellis and holds Karen captive in an attempt to urge Emily to kill his father, the Elf King. Cogsley decided to add the wyvern with the team after multiple unsuccessful attempts of getting rid of Dagno. During the various occasions Emily and Navin are separated while in Alledia, they worry about each other's safety often and even embrace whenever reunited. Emily was visibly distraught when he and Cogsley are abducted by the wyvern. 5 - Trellis gets saved by Emily. Her parents own a restaurant in Cieles, but later, her father is shown to help the Resistance by flying massive and sophisticated robots to defeat the Elf King. Hey guys and girls, this is my next story called the love of to stone keepers. Dagno is very loyal to his friends, as it is shown in one of the books when Gabilan tries to harm Rico. Trellis proves himself to the elves by using his amulet to create a large bubble shield. She tells Trellis, who was following her, to wake her up and bring her back. She looks like Emily and Trellis combined, but she's not. Karen insists that Silas is not someone to emulate when Emily tries to use the artifacts of Silas genius around the room as proof that attending a new school and learning things that are not useful in the real world, like algebra, are not worth her time and that she could be like Silas and learn more on her own, with Karen stating, Its better to lead a normal life." Emily finds herself at the top of the mountain, where she encounters Luger and the elves. Goal WebTrellis contemplated that as he began to prepare the batter. Leon suggests that the team should seek out the Council of Stonekeepers, who reside in Cielis, a city that is said to be gone. Emily falls unconscious. When asked, Ronin replies that she only wants to go home. In the eighth book, Emily ripped off his mask, revealing the Voice's symbol branded on his face. Trellis finally popped out of the water spraying water from his mouth. Seeking out Vigo and finding out that he is not asleep, Emily finds out what he has lost due to Silas' ignorance about the Void. Described as a "natural born leader", she has demonstrated herself to be a very skilled and adept fighter and stonekeeper, even if she has much to learn about the true nature of her stone. Later that night, a eerie voice warns Emily to watch out for her family as there is danger nearby. Trellis reveals they are going to look for his memories, so they can use them to their own advantage. The gang uses a harpoon to help slow the fast-moving Arachnopod, and Miskit uses what he thinks is a tranquilizer to sedate the creature, realizing that he had accidentally brought vitamin supplements instead when the creature doesn't show signs of tiring. Emily stammers, saying that she was here to help. When Gabilan enters the temple holding Karen hostage, Emily and Trellis combine efforts to save her and defeat the elf. I'm sooo excited!! WebEmily, Navin y su tripulacin preparan una nave y despegan en busca de la ciudad perdida de Cielis, donde esperan recibir la ayuda del Consejo de Guardianes. They did not know That you are the king." At the end of the story, Emily sees Vigo Light using his amulet to create a bird to honor the fallen stonekeepers, and joins him. He nodded. Finding out Trellis is unable to help due to his consciousness being in the Void, Emily goes to Vigo for help, but instead she is told to stay away and eventually falls off the ship due to the blast of power from her own, Vigo's and Max's stones. While initially seeing Navin as quite a bit of an immature younger brother, as shown when she is reluctant to allow him to pilot the Luna Moth,[5] she seems to develop a deeper respect for him after witnessing his technological and leadership skills. Meanwhile, the Voice of Emily's Amulet is getting stronger, and threatens to overtake her completely. Emily preventing Elf Prince Trellis and Luger from getting tortured and annihilated by the elf guards. In the meantime, Navin has joined the Colossus Pilot Program. A cold wind blew, and Trellis wrapped his arms around her. Emily and her mother Karen, and her husband David went on a road-trip to travel to pick up Navin. The reality now settling in, she remembers that they discussed taking this trip back when Navin and Karen were visiting their aunt yet it never continued due to the week before the trip there was a car accident and David did not survive. She is very stubborn, not willing to change her mind easily when she has to make a decision. Gabilan: Initially, Gabilan had attempted to murder both Trellis and Emily, and readied to kill Emily's Mother and Brother if necessary. The group travels to a city with many airship docks, and they search for a pilot to escort them to Cielis. Fortunately, Emily manages to overcome the urge to let the entity possess her completely. Morrie tells Emily that he feels a strange presence in te room like it is not just him, Emily, and Karen there. The children continue to travel through the cavern, while the Voice of Emily's amulet tells her where to go. It is an amulet fanfiction featuring trellis and emily as the main characters. WebDec 31, 2014 - Amulet Vol. When she wakes up, she finds her mother back in full health. stonekeeperOne of the members of both the Resistance and the Guardian Council Emily accepts, despite Navin's disagreement. Emily then replies that they will defend Lucien. While Miskit is still reluctant to trust Leon, Emily accepts his offer when Luger, another elf stonekeeper, locates them and destroys the hospital with cannon fire. Emily manages to destroy the large beast with her stone, but the stone again attempts to take over and Emily is rendered helpless attempting to fight it. Void, Emily manages to overcome the urge to let the entity possess her.! His friends, as well as quite knowledgeable on the perilous trip up Demon 's Head Mountain where. City airship in anger for shooting down Layra 's family, before finally him. Love Moze dearly when she wakes up, then died, causing much grief to Vigo Karen there an. 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