40. * Scheuermann * Schick * Schiefer * Schiele * Schiemann * Schier * Last names were used with primary patronyms with a suffix. * Steinbach * Steinberg * Steiner * Steinert * Steinhauer * Hybrid Bike Halfords, Hpfner * Hopp * Hoppe * Hppner * Hrmann * Horn * Hrner * #2 JOHNSON - Son of John. investigations, such as studies of migration patters within Germany. Patitz (German origin) the meaning is unknown. Feher - Commonly used as a nickname for someone with white hair or a fair complexion. Dick Stahlman. This is a list of surnames in which the origin is Old High German. Most of these names stemmed from first names as well, so they can also pass for a first name if you need a name for your new child. Busse- protection and strong. Mizuno Irons Timeline, Thus, surnames came into use. Schillinger * Schimmel * Schindler * Schirmer * Schlecht * Schlegel 41. Regina Kay Walters Podcast, There are currently 850,000 different surnames in Germany and the Digital Dictionary of Surnames in Germany currently has approximately 200,000 identified. Kreutzer * Kreuzer * Krieg * Krieger * Krings * Krger * Krohn * Modrow (Polish origin) means dark blue. Auge. 50. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. The last name could, for example, also be what you would call a farm name. 27. DTV-Atlas Namenkunde : Vor- und Familiennamen im deutschen Sprachgebiet. Use the search radius to expand the geocoded search areait may be too tight. Alt * Althaus * Althoff * Altmann * Amann * Anders * Andreas * creative tips and more. #4 BROWN - Surname from a nickname for someone with a dark complexion or hair. The project was started by the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz, in cooperation with Technischen Universitt Darmstadt and the Johannes . Frese * Freund * Frey * Freyer * Frick * Fricke * Friebe * Friedel This last name is popular among Jews originated from South-East Belarus (town Mozyr). Look no further because we have compiled this list with Germanic last names for you. The most common German surname is Mller (which translates as Miller). Bierwagen (German origin) means "beer-cart". In our project, we use this data to explore the areal variation in lexical (e.g., Schrder/Schneider Balogh - This Hungarian last name is derived from the Hungarian word "Balog" which means "left-handed.". All rights reserved. Schult * Schulte * Schultheis * Schulthei * Schultz * Schultze * There are actors, actresses, mathematicians, music legends, and contemporary literature gurus on this list for you to get inspired. 23. The Stahlman family name was found in the USA between 1880 and 1920. * Gral * Grau * Grebe * Greiner * Greve * Grewe * Gries * Griese * Baum * Baumann * Baumbach * Baumeister * Baumgart * Baumgarten * As an Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases. In our blog we encourage people to find and share their family histories to make meaningful connections with other peoplepast, present, and future. Trapp * Traub * Trautmann * Trger * Trost * Trk * Uhl * Uhlig This is an extremely well written historical atlas. Dittmann * Dittmar * Dittmer * Dittrich * Dobler * Dogan * Dohmen * Lang * Lange * Langen * Langer * Langner * Lau * Laube * Laue * Weels * Westermann * Westphal * Wetzel * Weyer * Wichert * Kunze, Konrad. by Kenneth D. McCrea, Ph. These cookies do not store any personal information. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. German Surname Atlas (in German) Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature (in German) Contact Professor Dr. Damaris Nbling German Department Johannes Gutenberg University D 55099 Mainz Tel +49 6131 39-22611 Fax +49 6131 39-23366 E-Mail Dr. Rita Heuser Institute of Historical Regional Studies Johannes Gutenberg University D 55099 Mainz The maps were created from modern telephone listings. Click here for a direct link to the book. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any references for this publication. Geogen is the short form for 'geographical genealogy' which means location-based ancestor research. Wuttke * Yildirim * Yildiz * Yilmaz * Zabel * Zacharias * Zahn * Its thought that this system dates back to the time of Charlemagne. Scheidt * Schell * Scheller * Schenk * Scherer * Scherf * Scheuer Schulz and Schultz was the occupational name of the administrator of a manor or estate, who was responsible for collecting rent from the tenant farmers. * Behr * Behrend * Behrends * Behrendt * Behrens * Behringer * All Rights Reserved. Surnames in Germany are quirky and funny at the same time. Glaser * Glser * Gla * Glckner * Glck * Gbel * Goldmann * ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. The Deutscher Familiennamenatlas (German Surname Atlas) has been in progress for ten years. Pfeffer * Pfeifer * Pfeiffer * Pfeil * Pfister * Pflug * Pflger * Lorenz * Lorenzen * Lsch * Lser * Lotz * Lw * Lwe * Lbke * * Stroh * Struck * Strunk * Stumpf * Sturm * Strmer * Suhr * S When people moved to a new place in Germany, the easiest thing to do to distinguish themselves was to attach their occupation to their first name. Kummer * Kunath * Kunert * Kunkel * Kunz * Kunze * Knzel * Kupfer * Schweizer * Schwenk * Schwind * Seeger * Seel * Seemann * Seibel Transcription . Burger * Brger * Burghardt * Burkert * Burkhardt * Brkle * Islamic Center of Cleveland is a non-profit organization. Stich * Stiegler * Stier * Stiller * Stock * Stocker * Stcker * Armbrecht. Chalupnk Czech. ATCHISON - Variant of ATKINSON. The Digital Dictionary of Surnames in Germany is a project to record surnames used in Germany, including foreign language surnames. Natasha Hamilton Arbonne, Thielen * Thiem * Thiemann * Thieme * Thies * Thoma * Thomas * Linke * Linnemann * Lipp * Lippert * Lippmann * Lippold * List * * Reisinger * Rei * Reiter * Reith * Reitz * Renner * Renz * Includes German state capitals and emigrant hotspots. Volumes 1-4 were published 2009/2013, volumes 5-7 will follow 2016/2017. Bothe * Bott * Bttcher * Bttger * Brand * Brandenburg * Brandes The the most common form of German family name is occupational. Atlas Name Meaning. Samsung Rf32fmqdbsr Recall, 30. Your partner in parenting from baby name inspiration to college planning. Peter Marshall Come Dine With Me, * Doll * Dombrowski * Domke * Donath * Donner * Drfler * Dring Lemmerz (German origin) the meaning of the name isnt quite certain. Beier * Bell * Bellmann * Belz * Bender * Benner * Benz * Berg * After immigrating to America, many Germans changed ("Americanized") their surname to make it easier for others to pronounce or merely to feel more a part of their new home. Names were derived from words representing landmarks that surrounded the farm each person had. Money For Broken Watches, Saufhaus (German origin) meaning drink-house. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! Kolbe * Klbl * Koll * Koller * Kollmann * Kllner * Knig * Lewandowski * Ley * Lieb * Liebig * Liebl * Liebscher * Liedtke * Dick was born on October 20th, 1902 in Chicago. Holler * Hollmann * Hlscher * Holst * Holstein * Holtmann * Holtz Bretschneider * Breuer * Brill * Brink * Brinkmann * Brock * Reese * Rehm * Reich * Reichardt * Reiche * Reichel * Reichelt * 12. Wendt * Wenk * Wenz * Wenzel * Werner * Wernicke * Werth * Weel Hildebrandt * Hilger * Hilgers * Hill * Hille * Hillebrand * Hiller Sae * Sattler * Sauer * Sauter * Schaaf * Schaal * Schacht * Joe Gelhardt Fm20, The translation shown for a surname may not be the only possibility. * Ebel * Ebeling * Eberhard * Eberhardt * Eberl * Eberle * Eberlein 24. * Gtz * Gtze * Grber * Grabowski * Graf * Grf * Grfe * Gra Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. * Rink * Risch * Rie * Ritter * Ritz * Rode * Rdel * Rder * Kidadl has a number of affiliate partners that we work with including Amazon. See instructions, Digital Dictionary of Surnames in Germany, Academy of Sciences and Literature, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. When the mystery is solved, people can gain so much more of a sense of self, and of belonging, and even of their place in the history of Germany. 29. Many English surnames developed from a person's job, trade or position in society. Then, there are the place name surnames. The Atlas surname appeared 1,992 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 0.68 would have the surname Atlas. Wald * Waldmann * Walker * Wall * Wallner * Walter * Walther * It is the English equivalent of Miller, which means there were an awful lot of people in the Middle Ages in the German region who took up milling as their occupation. The Coco Kopelman Net Worth, * Buck * Bcker * Budde * Buhl * Bhler * Buhr * Blow * Burg * * Sonnenberg * Sonntag * Spangenberg * Spth * Specht * Speck * Germans have recently begun choosing more English and international names. Klar * Klaen * Klatt * Klaus * Kleber * Klee * Kleemann * Klein These patronymic suffixes include "-datter," "-dorrit," "-dotter," "-sen," "-sson," "-son," "-zon," "-fen," "-ler," and "-zen." For example, Abrahamsen means "son of Abraham," and Eva Niklasdatter means "Eva, the daughter of Nikla" (1). Famous Elk Names, Ru * Rust * Rter * Sachs * Sachse * Sack * Sahin * Sailer * These rare German surnames are unusual and come from a time where people were influenced by the happenings around them at that moment. German surnames have histories going back to the Middle Ages, and each one tells a story about the original medieval person who bore it. Some of these names were derived from terms that are no longer used in Germany, so their meanings can be pretty interesting. Bleibtreu (German origin) the last name of a famous actor. Alpha Phi Boulder Greek Rank, These were then passed down through each generation. About 13% of the German population today has names of Slavic origin. Knauf * Knebel * Knecht * Knoblauch * Knobloch * Knoll * Knoop * 4. Both of these surname project websites can be found on Namenforschung.net. Ammika Harris Net Worth 2020, Huber (German origin) meaning landowner. Vries * Wachter * Wchter * Wacker * Wagener * Wagner * Wahl * Vlkel * Vlker * Volkmann * Volkmer * Vollmer * Volz * Vo * Heinrich (German origin) means "powerful home". Ocr A Level History Coursework Example Questions, List Of Popular German Last Names Or Surnames 1. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. These maps graphically display locations where surnames occurred at different periods in time. This would have been used by a rich family. Wolters * Wrner * Wortmann * Wrede * Wrobel * Wulf * Wulff * Herzsprung (German origin) meaning heart-leap. Now, let's get into the list you have been waiting for below. Rarer names tend to accumulate in the north and . Englert * Erb * Erdmann * Erhard * Erhardt * Erler * Ernst * Ertl Kendra Baker Snap Taco, The most common type of early surname in Germany was an occupational surname, which is a bit different from other European countries that went with the patronymic surname first. Resch * Reschke * Rettig * Reusch * Reu * Reuter * Reuther * Eierkuchen (German origin) meaning "egg cake". First Trimester To-Do List: Take Care of Yourself. Fuhrmann German. For example, "Bergman" was "mountain dweller", "Riethman . The format will continue this year. The German Surname Atlas (Deutscher Familiennamenatlas, DFA) project is presented below. In our project, we use this data to explore the areal variation in lexical (e.g., Schrder / Schneider tailor ) as well as . Riegel * Rieger * Riemann * Riemer * Ries * Riese * Rie * Ring Zander * Zapf * Zech * Zeh * Zeidler * Zeitler * Zeller * Zenker Baumann (German origin) means farmer. A lot of the surnames that sound Jewish to Americans are simply German names such as Klein, Gross or Grossman, Weiss or Weisman, Rosen, Schwartz or Schwartzman, Segal, Siegal or Sagal, and anything that contains berg, stein, man, thal or bluth. The Surname Atlas of Germany, published in 2011 contains maps showing the geographic distribution of the 2001 most common surnames in Germany. 19. * Brandl * Brandt * Brauer * Bruer * Braun * Braune * Brauner * These Germanic surnames are very unique and are not your average name. Kitzler (German origin) meaning tickler. She teaches at the Genealogical Institute of Pittsburgh and the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. Surname mapping is a useful technique for a surname DNA project.Many surnames have regional distribution patterns. Wohlgemuth * Wolf * Wlfel * Wolff * Wolfram * Wlk * Wolter * Thanks for visiting! * Bumann * Bttner * Butz * Carl * Carstens * Carstensen * Celik Ro * Robach * Rler * Romann * Rost * Roth * Rothe * Rother Grndgens (German origin) means gods staff or famous guest, also the name of a famous actor, Gustaf Grundgens who lived from 1899 - 1963. Thanks for visiting! Lpertz (German origin) the meaning is not clear. Nguyen * Nickel * Nicolai * Niedermeier * Niehaus * Nielsen * * Vogel * Vogelsang * Vogl * Vogler * Vogt * Voigt * Volk * The times may change, but so far, German surnames have remained the same as they were in the Middle Ages. Stender * Stengel * Stenger * Stenzel * Stephan * Stern * Steuer * Newsy Channel On Directv, * Opitz * Oppermann * rtel * Orth * Ortmann * Owald * Oster * Nachtnebel (German origin) meaning night fog. * Heigl * Heil * Heilmann * Heim * Heimann * Hein * Heindl * Gulf Breeze Flood Zone Map, To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! * Bhmer * Bohn * Bohne * Bhnke * Bker * Boldt * Boll * Our team is comprised of parents, experts, and content professionals dedicated to bringing you the most accurate and relevant information in the parenting space. Cuantas Champions Tiene Messi, Schiel * Schiffer * Schild * Schill * Schiller * Schilling * Rmer * Rommel * Roos * Rsch * Roscher * Rose * Rosenbaum * Cripple Creek Va History, All members of the German Genealogy Group are invited to submit a form listing of the surnames they are researching to Eileen Swanberg .<== Click HERE (See the submission forms in the Members Area .) * Stange * Stangl * Stark * Starke * Staudt * Stecher * Steffen * If you have a genealogy business or resource, we'd love to add you to our listings! 6055 W 130th St Parma, OH 44130 | 216.362.0786 | icc@iccleveland.org. Groe * Groer * Gromann * Grote * Groth * Grothe * Grube * This is an Ashkenazi Jewish name and is an ornamental name taken from the Yiddish word 'eydl' or German word 'edel' meaning 'nobility.'. Thanks for visiting! Bernhardt * Berthold * Bertram * Best * Bethke * Betz * Beutel * * Brhl * Bruhn * Brmmer * Brune * Brning * Brunner * Bruns * Auer * Augustin * Aust * Aydin * Bach * Bachmann * Bcker * Backes German names are strong and have a long history behind them. Klenk * Klier * Kling * Klinger * Klink * Klos * Klose * Klo * The second most common surname in modern Germany is Schmidt, which is the German version of Smith, meaning being a smith of any kind (blacksmith, silversmith, goldsmith, coppersmith, etc.) The thing which makes them different from traditional surnames, however, is that when a person moved onto a farm, he would change his name to that of the farm (a name which usually came from the farm's original owner). Fischer - fisherman. Usually, names were given as a result of occupation or status, so you might find some weird last names that are now very uncommon because people don't have such jobs anymore, and the later generation of these names opted for a name change. This was about 54% of all the recorded Stahlman's in USA. The authors of the Atlas, German cartographers Stephan Hormes and Silke Preust . Wichmann * Wick * Widmann * Wiebe * Wiechmann * Wieczorek * 22. Of course, in modern-day Germany, the laws have changed so that women are not automatically given their husbands surname at marriage. * Heinze * Heise * Hei * Heitmann * Helbig * Held * Hell * Over the years we would have gathered many more, as well as spelling variations to these. Schweinsteiger (German origin) means pig-climber. You can see how Stahlman families moved over time by selecting different census years. In our blog we encourage people to find and share their family histories to make meaningful connections with other peoplepast, present, and future. Samsung Q90t 65 Zoll, Birk * Bischof * Bischoff * Bittner * Blank * Blanke * Blaschke * Ulrich * Unger * Urban * Utz * Valentin * Veit * Veith * Vetter Toy Poodle Stud, Achilles German Derived from the given name Achilles. amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Here are some German family surnames for you. Keppler * Kerber * Kern * Kersten * Kersting * Keel * Keler * Chvtal Czech. The thing which makes them different from traditional surnames, however, is that when a person moved onto a farm, he would change his name to that of the farm (a name which usually came from the farm's original owner). This project was begun by the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz, Germany, and its eventual goal is to include all surnames in Germany, even those originating outside of Germany, in the database. 47. Available online. * Raabe * Rabe * Rademacher * Radke * Radtke * Rahn * Ramm * Rank Check your inbox for your latest news from us. * Balzer * Br * Baron * Bartel * Bartels * Barth * Barthel * Karl * Karsten * Kasper * Kasten * Kastner * Kstner * Kaufmann * 2. 44. * Pabst * Pagel * Pahl * Palm * Panzer * Pape * Paschke * Ptzold Before that, they were not necessary, as people lived in feudal societies where there was not much mobility, meaning everyone in town knew everyone in town for generations back and were probably all related to each other at least peripherally. Figures 1-7 show through examples, how some expectations concerning language and name geography were disappointed and how, at the same time, many other unexpected phenomena came to light. It wasnt until the Middle Ages (in approximately the 12th century) that family names came into common use. Bo Staff Vs Sword, Ben Dinucci Stats, * Armbruster * Arndt * Arnold * Arslan * Aschenbrenner * Amann * Bierhals (German origin) meaning beer-throat. amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; With these 100-plus full-color maps, you can view German border changes throughout the centuries, allowing you to find your German hometown and records of your German ancestors. As of March 2019, he recorded a net worth that was estimated at $3.5 billion, placing him on the 51st spot on the list of the richest people in the world, according to Forbes. was also a popular Middle Ages German occupation. Derived from Middle High German vuorman meaning "cartwright". Steffens * Stegemann * Steger * Stegmann * Stehle * Steiger * Stein Ram Trx Specs, German Family names derived from characteristics. In Germany, these occupational names still form the largest group of German surnames. Konrad * Koop * Koopmann * Kopf * Kpke * Kopp * Kppe * Kppen Jeen * Jobst * Johann * Johannsen * John * Jonas * Joos * Jordan amzn_assoc_linkid = "e881fefe2b1acc9cacebed58181920e5"; 1995-2022 Ancestral Findings, LLC. Abt German German cognate of Abate. Abraham Jewish, English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch Derived from the given name Abraham. Spindler * Spitzer * Sprenger * Springer * Stadler * Stahl * Stamm In the Middle Ages in Germany, this title was held by a peasant of high rank who was entrusted with supervising the property of his local nobleman. Durchdenwald (German origin) meaning "through-the-forest". With examples in figures 8-13, possibilities and problems of cartographical depiction are discussed. Surname Distribution Maps. Dick Stahlman was a football player for the Akron Pros, Hammond Pros, Kansas City Blues/Cowboys, Kenosha Maroons, Rock Island Independents, Chicago Bulls (AFL, 1926), New York Giants, Green Bay Packers, and Chicago Bears. 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Greek Rank, these were then passed down through each generation genealogy & # x27 which... * Thanks for visiting * Wolfram * Wlk * Wolter * Thanks for!!