Chester A. Arthur Is the Most Forgotten President in U.S. History, According to Science Chester A. Arthur Is the Most Forgotten President in U.S. History, According to Science "Unless. Employees were required to make political contributions (known as "assessments") back to the machine, which made the job a highly coveted political plum. The most important events of his administration were the passage of the Tariff Act of 1883 and of the "Edmunds Law" prohibiting polygamy in the territories, and the completion of three great transcontinental railwaysthe Southern Pacific, the Northern Pacific, and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa F. As president from 1881 to 1885, Arthur advocated for civil service reform. President Chester Arthur Timeline Important Dates, World and National Events During His Lifetime: 1829: Born in Fairfield, Vermont in October 5th: 1848: Graduated from Union College: 1859: Married Ellen Lewis Herndon: 1860: Son William is born : 1864: Son Chester is born : 1871: Daughter Ellen is born : 1871: Named Collector of the Port of New . [37], After graduating in 1848, Arthur returned to Schaghticoke and became a full-time teacher, and soon began to pursue an education in law. [166] To their surprise, Arthur vetoed it and requested revisions, which they made and Arthur then approved. The commission's recommendations were ignored, however, as the House Ways and Means Committee, dominated by protectionists, provided a 10% reduction. The family finally settled in the Schenectady, New York area. That treaty allowed only a "reasonable" suspension of immigration. [121], After the election, Arthur worked in vain to persuade Garfield to fill certain positions with his fellow New York Stalwartsespecially that of the Secretary of the Treasury; the Stalwart machine received a further rebuke when Garfield appointed Blaine, Conkling's arch-enemy, as Secretary of State. James Garfield (1831-81) was sworn in as the 20th U.S. president in March 1881 and died in September of that same year from an assassins bullet, making his tenure in office the second-shortest in U.S. presidential history, after William Henry Harrison (1773-1841). [163] Arthur and Frelinghuysen continued Blaine's efforts to encourage trade among the nations of the Western Hemisphere; a treaty with Mexico providing for reciprocal tariff reductions was signed in 1882 and approved by the Senate in 1884. The Brooklyn Bridge was the first bridge to be built across the East River linking New York City and Brooklyn. Murphy was also a hatter who sold goods to the Union Army, and Arthur represented him in Washington. [200] Gray would serve on the Court for over 20 years until resigning in 1902. [133] Judge John R. Brady of the New York Supreme Court administered the oath of office in Arthur's home at 2:15a.m. on September 20. [50] He was so efficient at housing and outfitting the troops that poured into New York City that he was promoted to inspector general of the state militia in March 1862, and then to quartermaster general that July. Arthur was born October 5, 1829, in Vermont and died November 18, 1886, in New York. [121] The Republicans carried New York by 20,000 votes and, in an election with the largest turnout of qualified voters ever recorded78.4%they won the nationwide popular vote by just 7,018 votes. [102][103] In the state elections of 1879, he and Conkling worked to ensure that the Republican nominees for state offices would be men of Conkling's faction, who had become known as Stalwarts. [72] The Collector was responsible for hiring hundreds of workers to collect the tariffs due at the United States' busiest port. [47] In 1859, they were married at Calvary Episcopal Church in Manhattan. in 1883. He will be convicted on January 25, 1882, and executed on June 30, 1882. [111] They next approached Arthur, and Conkling advised him to also reject the nomination, believing the Republicans would lose. [146] Although Arthur had worked closely with Dorsey before his presidency, once in office he supported the investigation and forced the resignation of officials suspected in the scandal. Instead, the Republicans chose Secretary of State James Blaine as their presidential nominee. He previously served as the 20th vice president under President James A. Garfield.Arthur succeeded the presidency upon Garfield's death in September 1881two months after being shot by an assassin. [9], Chester Alan Arthur was born in Fairfield, Vermont. The United States participates in an international conference establishing standard time. Displayed in the 1953 reconstruction of the boyhood home of Chester A. Arthur, the exhibit panels examine the life and career of the 21 st President of the United States, who was born in Vermont on October 5, 1829. [169][170] The Chinese Exclusion Act attempted to stop all Chinese immigration into the United States for ten years, with exceptions for diplomats, teachers, students, merchants, and travelers. Arthur was also involved in the so-called Lemmon slave case, in which the New York Supreme Court ruled in 1860 that slaves being transferred to a slave state through New York would be freed. [20], Arthur had seven siblings who lived to adulthood:[21], The family's frequent moves later spawned accusations that Arthur was not a native-born citizen of the United States. He served from 1881 to 1885, taking office after the death of President James Garfield (R) in 1881. Chester Alan Arthur was born October 5, 1830, in Fairfield, Vermont. Arthur worked for one of the most prominent law firms in New York City. While Arthur reveled in political party life, his family ultimately kept him morally grounded. In 1904, Taft took on the role of secretary of war in the administration read more, New York City real estate developer and reality TV star Donald Trump (1946- ) served as Americas 45th president from January 2017-January 2021. When he became an attorney, he had his law practice in New York City. The territory had been ceded to the United States by Russia in an 1867 treaty. [138], Arthur's sister, Mary Arthur McElroy, served as White House hostess for her widowed brother;[138] Arthur became Washington's most eligible bachelor and his social life became the subject of rumors, though romantically, he remained singularly devoted to the memory of his late wife. "[76], The Senate confirmed Arthur's appointment; as Collector he controlled nearly a thousand jobs and received compensation as great as any federal officeholder. Arthur left office in 1885 and returned to his New York City home. Before he moved into the White House, Chester Arthur hired designer and stained-glass artist Louis Comfort Tiffany (1848-1933) to redecorate the state rooms. Andrew Jackson: Accomplishments & Historical Significance, The Presidential Policies of Andrew Jackson. [48] The couple had three children: After his marriage, Arthur devoted his efforts to building his law practice, but also found time to engage in Republican party politics. Chester A. Arthur, in full Chester Alan Arthur, (born October 5, 1829, North Fairfield, Vermont, U.S.died November 18, 1886, New York, New York), 21st president of the United States. In a special message to Congress, Arthur asks the legislature to appropriate funds for naval reconstruction work. [75] Grant then nominated Arthur, with the New York Times commenting, "his name very seldom rises to the surface of metropolitan life and yet moving like a mighty undercurrent this man during the last 10 years has done more to mold the course of the Republican Party in this state than any other one man in the country. Chester A. Arthur served as America's twenty-first president from September 19, 1881, to March 4, 1885. [58] They also had a daughter, Ellen, in 1871. After leaving office in 1885, Arthur returned to New York City and rejoined his law practice Arthur, Knevals & Ransom. After James Garfield was assassinated in 1881, Chester A. Arthur became President of the United States. The son of a Baptist preacher who had emigrated from northern Ireland, Chester A. Arthur was America's 21st President (1881-85), succeeding President James Garfield upon his assassination. [60] He was hired by Thomas Murphy, a Republican politician, but also a friend of William M. Tweed, the boss of the Tammany Hall Democratic organization. Why Did Zachary Taylor Oppose the Compromise of 1850? [117], With the war fifteen years in the past and Union generals at the head of both tickets, the tactic was less effective than the Republicans hoped. He was raised in New York. [182] Some black Republicans felt betrayed by the pragmatic gambit, but others (including Frederick Douglass and ex-Senator Blanche K. Bruce) endorsed the administration's actions, as the Southern independents had more liberal racial policies than the Democrats. [64] He continued his law practice (now a solo practice after Gardiner's death) and his role in politics, becoming a member of the prestigious Century Club in 1867. [78] He got along with his subordinates and, since Murphy had already filled the staff with Conkling's adherents, he had few occasions to fire anyone. [172] The nation's military focus over the fifteen years before Garfield and Arthur's election had been on the Indian wars in the Western United States, rather than the high seas, but as the region was increasingly pacified, many in Congress grew concerned at the poor state of the Navy. [139] His son, Chester Jr., was then a freshman at Princeton University and his daughter, Nell, stayed in New York with a governess until 1882; when she arrived, Arthur shielded her from the intrusive press as much as he could. Brode Herndon, Arthur's physician, writes in his private diary, The President sick in body and soul. Arthur had been diagnosed that year with Bright's disease, a fatal kidney ailment; his health will deteriorate rapidly while being kept secret from the general public. By the 1880s, this system had grown incredibly corrupt, and many were pressing for reform. Arthur, a Republican, had been vice president for 199 days when he succeeded to the presidency. [201] The second vacancy occurred when Associate Justice Ward Hunt retired in January 1882. [77][h] Among those who dealt with the Custom House, Arthur was one of the era's more popular collectors. Chester Alan Arthur (October 5, 1829[b] November 18, 1886) was an American lawyer and politician who served as the 21st president of the United States from 1881 to 1885. [49] The office was a patronage appointment of minor importance until the outbreak of the Civil War in April 1861, when New York and the other northern states were faced with raising and equipping armies of a size never before seen in American history. [45] The two were soon engaged to be married. Kaschig, Merit. Arthur is sworn in as President of the United States. The rest of 1862 Arthur was busier than ever, working seven days a week in the Union cause. Nicknamed the Gentleman Boss and Elegant Arthur, he reportedly owned 80 pairs of pants. (22) $121.72. He previously served as the 20th vice president under President James A. Garfield. portrait of chester alan arthur, 21st president of the united states - chester a. arthur stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images The Great Bridge - President Arthur and his Party Crossing the Suspended Highway, drawn by Schell & Hogan, Harper's Weekly, June 2, 1883. Along with overseeing a major renovation of the White House, President Arthur saw three major events happen during his administration: These three accomplishments ensured Arthur that he would have something of a legacy. [42], When Arthur joined the firm, Culver and New York attorney John Jay (the grandson of the Founding Father John Jay) were pursuing a habeas corpus action against Jonathan Lemmon, a Virginia slaveholder who was passing through New York with his eight slaves. Chester Arthur (1829-1886), the 21st U.S. president, took office after the death of President James Garfield (1831-1881). Create an account to start this course today. Major Events of Presidency: Chinese Exclusion Act passed. They collected large amounts of money that came from taxes. The act establishes the Republicans as the party in favor of higher protective tariffs. [123] Garfield ultimately appointed a Stalwart, Thomas Lemuel James, to be Postmaster General, but the cabinet fight and Arthur's ill-considered speech left the President and Vice President clearly estranged when they took office on March 4, 1881. In the presidential election later. Although he campaigned for Garfield and helped get him elected, Arthur broke with Garfield after the election. His Baptist minister father, William Arthur, hailed from Ireland, and his mother, Malvina Stone Arthur, was from Vermont. Postal Service and pushed for the modernization of the U.S. Navy. [152] To their surprise, he acted quickly to appoint the members of the Civil Service Commission that the law created, naming reformers Dorman Bridgman Eaton, John Milton Gregory, and Leroy D. Thoman as commissioners. After Rutherford Hayes became president, he ousted Arthur from the job in 1878 in an attempt to reform the New York Custom House and spoils system. He died in 1883. His father was a preacher. Chester A. Arthur was born on October 5, 1829 in Fairfield, Vermont, and was one of the ten children of William Arthur and Malvina Stone. [205] On November 22, a private funeral was held at the Church of the Heavenly Rest in New York City, attended by President Cleveland and ex-President Hayes, among other notables. On his grave marker, his birth year is incorrectly given as 1830. [r] He was laid beside his wife in a sarcophagus on a large corner of the plot. When the War broke out in 1861 the Governor. [64] Conkling, elected to the United States Senate in 1867, noticed Arthur and facilitated his rise in the party, and Arthur became chairman of the New York City Republican executive committee in 1868. On September 21, he returned to Long Branch to take part in Garfield's funeral, and then joined the funeral train to Washington. In an era of political machines and the patronage system of political appointments, Republican political boss Roscoe Conkling (1829-1888), a U.S. senator from New York, was instrumental in helping Arthur obtain the important position, which controlled some 1,000 employees. [125] Immediately, the Democrats attempted to organize the Senate, knowing that the vacancies would soon be filled by Republicans. Still, the crowd of people who showed up for the event were unaware, and the President received a spectacular welcome. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, Physician keeps Presidents disease secret, Proclamation against settlement in Oklahoma, Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity. With great fanfare, the granite monument marking what was believed to have been the site of Chester A. Arthur's birth was dedicated in 1903 on land granted to the State of Vermont by Peter Bent Brigham Northrop. [52] The closest Arthur came to the front was when he traveled south to inspect New York troops near Fredericksburg, Virginia, in May 1862, shortly after forces under Major General Irvin McDowell seized the town during the Peninsula Campaign. Elected to the vice presidency in 1880, Arthur became president after Garfield died following an assassination attempt by a disgruntled job seeker. He, along with many of those involved in the project, had contracted decompression sickness because of working in the caissons used to form the foundations of the bridge towers. [112] Arthur thought otherwise and accepted. In the White House, Arthur became known for his sartorial style and taste for fine furnishings. By the end of the project, Washington Roebling's health had deteriorated considerably. Arthur was the second vice president to become chief executive due to an assassination. He was the fifth of eight children born to William Arthur, a Baptist minister, and Malvina Stone Arthur. It is estimated that more than twenty men were killed during the construction of the bridge, although records are debatable. Arthur owned at least 80 pairs of pants. Arthur urged Congress to increase funding for Native American education, which it did in 1884, although not to the extent he wished. [99] Conkling opposed the confirmation of Merritt and Burt when the Senate reconvened in February 1879, but Merritt was approved by a vote of 3125, as was Burt by 3119, giving Hayes his most significant civil service reform victory. [63], At the time, U.S. custom houses were managed by political appointees who served as Collector, Naval Officer, and Surveyor. [168] Three years later, after China had agreed to treaty revisions, Congress tried again to exclude working class Chinese laborers; Senator John F. Miller of California introduced another Chinese Exclusion Act that blocked entry of Chinese laborers for a twenty-year period. 1.The best biography of Chester Arthur remains Thomas C. Reeves, Gentleman Boss: The Life and Times of Chester Alan Arthur (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1975). He proclaimed to onlookers: "I am a Stalwart, and Arthur will be President! [11] Her family was primarily of English and Welsh descent, and her maternal grandfather, Uriah Stone, had served in the Continental Army during the American Revolution. Chester Alan Arthur (October 5, 1829 - November 18, 1886) was an American politician who served as the twenty-first President of the United States.Arthur was a member of the Republican Party and worked as a lawyer before becoming the 20th vice president under James Garfield.While Garfield was mortally wounded by Charles Guiteau on July 2, 1881, he did not die until September 19, at which . Summary of President Chester Arthur for Kids: "Walrus" Summary: Chester Arthur (1829-1886), nicknamed the "Walrus" or "The Dude President", was the 21st American President and served in office from 1881-1885. [149] In 1880, Democratic Senator George H. Pendleton of Ohio introduced legislation that required selection of civil servants based on merit as determined by an examination. During the Civil read more, Grover Cleveland (1837-1908), who served as the 22nd and 24th U.S. president, was known as a political reformer. Once in Washington he destroyed the mailed proclamation and issued a formal call for a special session. [150] As a result, the lame-duck session of Congress was more amenable to civil service reform; the Senate approved Pendleton's bill 385 and the House soon concurred by a vote of 15547. Arthur was unable to convince Congress to adopt the idea during his administration but, in 1887, the Dawes Act changed the law to favor such a system. [148] The second trial began in December 1882 and lasted until July 1883 and, again, did not result in a guilty verdict. He also oversaw the establishment of the Naval War College and the Office of Naval Intelligence. [146] An 1882 trial of the ringleaders resulted in convictions for two minor conspirators and a hung jury for the rest. The United States recognizes the independence of Korea, although Korea's future is uncertain because of Chinese, Russian, and Japanese manipulations. The act will be renewed regularly into the twentieth century. On May 24, 1883, President Chester Arthur and New York Governor Grover Cleveland participated in the ceremonial opening of the Brooklyn Bridge. [73] Arthur's salary was initially $6,500, but senior customs employees were compensated additionally by the "moiety" system, which awarded them a percentage of the cargoes seized and fines levied on importers who attempted to evade the tariff. Two days later, in Washington, D.C., Arthur was given the oath of office by the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. General Chester Arthur's Civil War ended effective January 1, 1863. [115], As expected, the election was close. Chester, or Chet, as he was known, attended Union College in Schenectady, New York. "[129] Guiteau was found to be mentally unstable, and despite his claims to be a Stalwart supporter of Arthur, they had only a tenuous connection that dated from the 1880 campaign. A sharp dressed man 9. All Rights Reserved. After graduating in 1848, he became a schoolteacher and studied law at the State and National Law School (now defunct) in Ballston Spa, New York. [85] Hayes's opponent, New York Governor Samuel J. Tilden, carried New York and won the popular vote nationwide, but after the resolution of several months of disputes over twenty electoral votes (from Florida, Louisiana, Oregon, and South Carolina), Hayes was declared the winner. [44] In another civil rights case in 1854, Arthur was the lead attorney representing Elizabeth Jennings Graham after she was denied a seat on a streetcar because she was black. Arthur vetoes the first Chinese Exclusion Act, which would have banned the immigration of Chinese laborers for twenty years and denied American citizenship to current Chinese residents; the veto greatly angers labor groups, who feel increasingly threatened by the influx of Chinese labor. He joined other young Whigs in support of Henry Clay, even participating in a brawl against students who supported James K. Polk during the 1844 United States presidential election. Grover Cleveland is inaugurated as the twenty-second President of the United States. I have gained a better understanding of the American political system as well as the history of the system. Of the nine accused, only two minor defendants are found guilty. How Did Chester A. Arthur Become President? When the war broke out on July 27, 1862, three weeks after President Lincoln's call for 300,000 more men, Arthur was appointed quartermaster-general and oversaw the construction of a huge tent city in City Hall Park in Lower Manhattan, where thousands of men gathered, were provisioned, and sent to war. [70] In 1871, Grant offered to name Arthur as Commissioner of Internal Revenue, replacing Alfred Pleasonton; Arthur declined the appointment. [54] When Reuben Fenton won the 1864 election for governor, Arthur requested reappointment; Fenton and Arthur were from different factions of the Republican Party, and Fenton had already committed to appointing another candidate, so Arthur did not return to military service. Copyright 2022. [143] Conkling expected Arthur to appoint him in Blaine's place, but the President chose Frederick T. Frelinghuysen of New Jersey, a Stalwart recommended by ex-President Grant. Arthur made appointments to fill two vacancies on the United States Supreme Court. Arthur is remembered primarily for three things: He was never elected to the presidency and two significant pieces of legislation, one positive and the other negative. The original designer, John Roebling, died of an infection caused by an injury he received only days after having secured permission to begin his project. [183] Arthur's coalition policy was only successful in Virginia, however, and by 1885 the Readjuster movement began to collapse with the election of a Democratic president. This was a very ironic situation, because the reason Guiteau assassinated . These restraints distinguished him sharply from the stereotype politician. Chester Alan Arthur (October 5, 1829 - November 18, 1886) was the fourth Totally Obscure President of the United States, serving from 1881 through 1885. Chester A. Arthur 's tenure as the 21st president of the United States began on September 19, 1881, when he succeeded to the presidency upon the assassination of President James A. Garfield, and ended on March 4, 1885. [62] Arthur rarely articulated his own political ideas during his time as a part of the machine; as was common at the time, loyalty and hard work on the machine's behalf was more important than actual political positions. [133] Through the summer, Arthur refused to travel to Washington and was at his Lexington Avenue home when, on the night of September 19, he learned that Garfield had died. Rejoined his law practice Arthur, Knevals & amp ; Ransom to organize Senate. While Arthur reveled in political party life, chester a arthur important events birth year is given! Rest of 1862 Arthur was born October 5, 1830, in New York was responsible for hundreds! And helped get him elected, Arthur became President after Garfield died following an assassination attempt by a disgruntled seeker. Of 1862 Arthur was born October 5, 1830, in New York Supreme Court administered the oath office... 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