This is a political Change), Mongol Domination (Mongols were not in China before the 13th century, but they came and invaded and established a dynasty before leaving and being over-taken by the Ming Dynasty. Unionization besides became a key staple of urban areas as skilled workers formed unions to protect themselves from unfair policies. Companies like the British East India Company and Dutch East India Company became some of the largest companies on earth. Decolonization will see freedom and conflict emerge in nations. (Of course, Trade, Migrations, Religion, and Labor are important) The Post Classical Era is the FIRST era that represents 20% of the test. Continuities and Change Over Time. This serves as the MAJOR trading depot for goods going into Europe for several hundred years. Essay on Continuities and Changes of the Commerce of the Indian Ocean Region from 650 C.E. (. Sometimes students will address themes to such political changes in China in the 20th Century or will have to compare social changes in Europe and Asia because of . Landlords remained dominant in most societies One change between 1450 and 1750 that occurred in China's participation in the expanding global networks was Chinese converts to the Christian religion or more specifically Roman Catholicism. World War II similarly saw the begin of genocides, the taxonomic murder of a rush of people. In the period between 200 BC and 1450 AD, change in patterns of interactions came to the Silk Road in the form of the Black Plague, and new religions like Islam and Buddhism. Older land-based empires like the Ottomans and Qing Dynasty collapsed. From his 95 Theses, will come a radical chemise in european Christianity. Paper money, nicknamed flying money was a newfangled initiation that came from China. Ethnicity in complex societies Archaeological. Maritime deal increase during the period 1200 1450 fueled most of the technological invention. specific aspects of the cognitive serve are defined under each reasoning work . These crops, such as sugar led to new emphasis on coerce labor. Economic and political organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, IMF, and many others popped up as ball-shaped entities that helped run the entire global. Most societies continue the tradition of patriarchy politically, economically, socially, and culturally. - 1450. The Black Death was the second great natural disaster to strike Europe during the Late Middle Ages (the first one being the Great Famine of 1315-1317) and is estimated to have killed 30 percent to 60 percent of the European population, as well as about one-third of the population of the Middle East. The Incas used the mita system, a system established by the Inca Empire in regulate to construct buildings or create roads throughout the empire. All areas of Asia, Africa, and Europe become connected via trade. Trade change and Cultural change), Hinduism (Hinduism maintained its popularity throughout the post-classical period) and Buddhism (Buddhism was brought from China, even though it wasn't Chinese, and was very popular especially the Mahayana form of Buddhism), Isolation from global trade network (through the end of the post-classical period, Oceania stayed isolated from the rest of the world), Mongol dominance (Towards the end of the post-classical period Mongols conquered a lot of territory throughout the Eurasian landmass. The beliefs and practices of Islam reflected interactions among Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians with the local Arabian Peoples. Running through its veins were not only Asian luxuries and European staples, but ideas, religions, and even disease! We look forward to receiving the support and comments from our readers to develop and bring more interesting and useful things. Cities like Samarkand emerged built upon trade and routes like the Trans-Saharan and indian Ocean Trade Networks were all linked. Aurlie Godet Universit de Paris, France. The caste system was a social system in India. I. Expanding networks fostered greater interregional borrowing, while at the same time sustaining regional diversity. Trade continued to be the primary form of economic interaction Trade saw many changes during this clock time period, as we ve outlined above, but however, comparing the post-classical era to the authoritative era, trade continued to form the basis . They rhenium besides well known for their terrace agriculture such as the stunning Machu Picchu. But, what happens when all of the major world powers collapse? In key places along important trade routes, merchants set up diasporic communities (Muslim merchant communities in the Indian Ocean region,Chinese merchant communities in Southeast Asia, Sogdian merchant communities throughout Central Asia, Jewish communities in the Mediterranean, Indian Ocean Basin, or along the silk roads)where they introduced their own cultural traditions into the indigenous culture. ), Christianity (Christianity in Ethiopia stayed the same throughout this time period. Napoleon crowned himself emperor inside. It was the seat of one of the greatest kingdoms in Southern Africa. Green Revolution and commercial agriculture will allow a population explosion and largely eradicate extreme hunger The Green Revolution was a process by which new technology was implemented to boost food production. multinational movements besides grew, such as the Quebecois motion in Canada, and Pan-Arabism and Pan-Africanism in Africa and the Middle East. 4.5I: Continuities and Changes in Networks of Exchange AP Theme Economic Systems Learning Objective 4I Explain the continuities and changes in networks of exchange from 1450 to 1750. MindOverMetal is a personal blog used to share with readers knowledge, good tips and tricks for using word, excel, powerpoint and office software, graphics software, video editing software, music. What's the largest religious monument in the world? The Civil Service Exam system from the Qin Dynasty was strengthened in Tang / Song China enabling a bureaucracy built on deservingness and not necessary familial lines to develop. After the kill of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente cursorily caused the war to escalate from a regional crisis to a world wide war. Chaldiran cemented Ottoman dominion over easterly Turkey and Mesopotamia and limited Safavid expansion by and large to Persia. Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Lao, Singapore and Malaysia. The movement of peoples caused environmental and linguistic effects. THe Byzantine empire was a major empire, but allowed the turks to run their military, this led to there downfall. He promoted a more personal relationship with God and the word. At the time, those who controlled the . MAde the Middle East into a major trade center and grew to be a major empire. The rapid growth of Islam after 600 shaped events and societies in parts of Africa, Europe and Southwest Asia. New technologies spread like astrolabe and magnetic compass increasing exploration and trade As empires like the Abbasid Caliphate grew across the Middle East and China grew in East Asia, fresh technologies were created explicitly for the functions of trade and navigation. Reading: AP History Notes: Continuity + Change Over Time (2020) | Fiveable. The first major change in the Islamic world from 600 to 1000 CE was around 632 CE when Islam was created, a religious combination of . Religions Introduced into China via Silk Road. I have a WHAP assignment due tomorrow and I'm mentally just stuck. 1450-1750 Continuities Western Europe continued to be largely Christian with powerful monarchies Though the Roman Catholic Church s ability diminished, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Christians continued to be active members of society. Christianity dominated the area was the major religion in the area of england. Although Afro-Eurasia and the Americas remained separate from one another, this era witnessed a deepening and widening of old and new networks of human interaction within and across regions. medical advancements such as vaccines and by the 1970s the eradication of smallpox led to overall higher ball-shaped life expectancies. Spread of People and Disease: c. 600 CE - c. 1450, Improved transportation led to increased trade and the spread of networks, New or intensified networks of trade and communication fostered cross-cultural exchanges, Major technological developments improved transportation and communication networks, Better shipbuilding technology improved the speed and capacity of seagoing vessels, The Portuguese (c. 1400) developed the caravel, which was useful for navigating the difficult winds near West Africa, The magnetic compass (first used by the Song dynasty in China, 960 - 1279 CE) aided sailors in maritime navigation, making it easier to travel long distances by sea, This period featured much more long-distance trade, as overland routes continued to trade in luxury goods, and improved technology facilitated greater sea trade in bulky commodities, The Silk Road continued to connect Europe with Asia, serving as a primary trade route for luxury goods. Following World War I, the interwar years saw massive debt and inflation on the german side caused complete economic break down. Tang Dynasty 618 - 907 Also known as the golden age of China. NEWTONIAN FLUIDS A. Laminar Flow B. Turbulent Flow C. . maintained a focus on the family and relationships, Under Tang, Buddhism influenced Confucianism, leading to Neo-Confucianism, Civil service exam based on Neo-Confucian teachings - stressing self-discipline, filial piety and obedience to rulers, Rise of the Aztec (See summary at top of page), Rise of the Inca (See summary at top of page), After fall of Western Roman Empire, Europe lacked central authority, Attempts at centralization - Franks under Clovis and Carolingian empire of Charlemagne, Franks used Church to strengthen their legitimacy, Feudalism developed - vassals exchange military service and loyalty for land; lords and vassals compete for power - central authority is weak, Catholic Church was cultural unifier - centralized belief, By 13th century - Church owned one third of land in Western Europe, Feudal states were the only way to defend against invaders, Eastern Orthodox Church under the Patriarch of Constantinople, Roman Catholic Church under the Bishop of Rome (The Pope), Increase in food production due to heavy plow leads to population growth. We look for how societies became wealthier, how empires fell, and the roles of different social groups changed. Check out those Buttresses. 1HowtoWriteaContinuityandChangeOverTimeCCOTEssayBackground:TheRubricLiketheDBQandComparativeessaystheCCOTisscoredaccordingtoarubric.Therubricisstructuredinto"Core . Historians look for change over time. B. These cities encouraged craftspeople to set up businesses, such as blacksmiths, leatherworkers, jewelers, and coopers, and their success stimulated further economic growth HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Between the 1700s and mid to late 1800s, the first Industrial Revolution focused on steam power ( see Watt s steamer locomotive from the 1770s ) and the transition in economics based around the cottage industry to a new habit in factories and mills based off of rivers. to 1750 C.E. Between 600 C.E and 1450 C.E, gender roles in China changed drastically when it came to job opportunities and the belief that women should remain compliant. The columbian exchange unmarried handedly caused many of the changes we ve discussed. edit this panel. however, there have been negative effects of globalization, such as a separation of the First World, such as the USA and Western Europe, and the develop Third World, sometimes besides described as the Global South, in which there is a larger economic disparity between deep and poor countries. A battle, led by Charles Martel, which stopped the Muslim forces from invading Western Europe. The expansion and intensification of long-distance trade routes often depended on, State formation in this era demonstrated remarkable continuity, innovation and diversity in various regions. Cultural Change), Pastoral Nomadism (Nomadic people continued to be pastoral. This is the Post-Classical era. Made a pilgrimage to Mecca and distributed a hefty amount of gold to people along the way. This is one of many mosaics within the church. Although Afro-Eurasia and the Americas remained separate from one another, this era witnessed a deepening and widening of old and new networks of human interaction within and across regions. Economicish because of the way it was intertwined with their lives), Islam (Islam came to India mainly through the Delhi Sultanate but also through the establishment of trade cities by Arab merchants on the Indian Ocean trade route. Two Indonesian airlines offer direct flights just to see this structure. Note that V-22-028 is slightly in the. Disease, ideas, and soldiers. The most powerful Christian state in this era was the Byzantine Empire. Trans-Saharan trade route (The trade through the Sahara remained the same (with heavy taxes on gold and salt) throughout the post-classical period). The Atlantic System will see trade increase between the Americas, Europe and Africa and will cause increase in slave trade, especially African corvee slavery With the insertion of carbohydrate cane to Brazil and the Caribbean, a new craft system emerges. naturally, Western Europe and the United States besides began to thrive because of their connection to the Atlantic trade wind net. elsewhere, decolonization was negotiated, such as protests against apartheid until South Africa s independence in 1994 under Nelson Mandela. :(, Thanks just saved we from dieing in a assessment, Honestly, your ideas are a lifesaver. China's influence on the surrounding areas - Promoted the spread of Buddhism into Korea, Japan and Vietnam. it can be determined that its changes and continuities are due to its religion, trade system, political organization, and its education system. Confucius leader. What's the Greatest thing in Zimbabwe? Muslim rule expanded to many parts of Afro-Eurasia due to military expansion, and Islam subsequently expanded through the activities of merchants, missionaries, and Sufis. Continuities 600 to 1450 C.E. B. Diseases associated with poverty such as malaria and TB persisted, but diseases associated with lifestyles such as Alzheimer mho, diabetes, and heart disease grew. Political Continuity), Footbinding (gained popularity during the rise of Neo Confucianism, but stayed popular throughout the post-classical period. List 2 to 3 Specific Examples of . I. Empires collapsed in different regions of the world, and in some areas were replaced by new imperial states or political systems. Islam was spread much in the same way, through Silk Road merchants. Created with #1 Rated Timeline Maker Software. A. It actually fell into disrepair before being rebuilt in the 19th Century. The Ottoman Empire was largely Sunni Islam, the Safavids were Shia Islam, and the Mughals were Sikhism, a syncretic religion that blended Hinduism and Islam. Mind Over Metal is a personal blog used to share with readers the knowledge, good tips and tricks for using word, excel, powerpoint and other office and graphic software. Ships carrying the disease would dock at various ports along the Silk Road, and from there the disease could be spread person to person on land. The period between 200 BC and 1450 AD was a time of disease and death, but also a time of new ideas and new life. Was a Turkish empire and one of the three gunpowder empires. Significant Changes and Continuities in East Africa Between 600 and 1450 Significant changesoccurred in East Africa between 600and 1450. Further, credit became a new tool of borrowing money that aided in fiscal asset growth. New boats became far-flung along ocean trade routes. In the Western Roman Empire, the fall of the west left a power vacuum that set the stage for the rise of fragmented regional kingdoms. Cultural Change). glassware, and textiles from Persia, India and China. 1. This is considered the beginning of the Byzantine Renaissance. Specifically, the increase of slave trade and better, more useful technologies through the Indian Ocean Trade Network. a larger surface area as well as higher packing density as a ma- Carbon nanomaterials are considered as a physical support for trix for the FSs electrode. however, while meritocratic in theory, wealth allowed people to get tutors and limited classes to learn the tests, leading to sociable stratification still. In fact, Mali was one of the most affluent nations in all of history, with Mansa Musa, a Mali king, being the most affluent person in all of human history. C. As exchange networks intensified, an increased number of travelers within Afro-Eurasia wrote about their travels (Ibn Battuta,Marco Polo,Xuanzang). Processes like the Bessemer process led to the growth of technology like railroads, mass fabricate, automobiles, and the fabrication agate line. 50% of every tourist who visits Cambodia, visits Angkor Wat. When it comes to cathedrals, this is your best example. either had been discovered or were aided by discoveries that had been made in the Islamic World in former years ). Islam (Islam was introduced to North Africa through conquest by the Abbasid. In Afro-Eurasia, some states attempted, with differing degrees of success, to preserve or revive imperial structures, while smaller, less centralized states continued to develop. Introduction of Banana (Malaysian people brought the Banana there by trade and this was an Economic Change. The Ottoman Janissaries were men, the Qing scholar-gentry were men, and the House of Lords in the English Parliament were men. A. In Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh led a violent rotation to overthrow the french, with the french finally losing at Dien Bien Phu. 1200-1450 Continuities China continued to be largely a Confucian society confucianism has had a large determine on the polish of China since before the Qin Dynasty. Established to make trade between regions easier, the Silk Road continued to fulfill its purpose for centuries, even through the later Opium Wars between England and China. Pastoral or nomadic groups played a key role in creating and sustaining these networks. Though there was conflict, this era can besides be measured by the stability of the states. Political Change. This shows that Africa did have it's own intellectual ability and divers culture. Because the Silk Road consisted of both overland and maritime routes, it was a prime medium through which the Black Plague could be spread. The columbian Exchange describes the diffusion of people, food, animals, and notably disease across the Atlantic Ocean both from Europe to the Americas and from the Americas to Europe. The Baghdad House of Wisdom is a celebrated model of academics and intellectualism in Dar-al-Islam, such as new innovations in algebra and trigonometry. The combination of different TMOs nanoparticles with out by using carbon-based materials with the novel structures and carbon nanomaterials is the best example of this ideal structure. Prior to 1200, the Silk Roads were generally dangerous and not adenine booming as growing sea trade like in the indian Ocean. The Umayyads invaded Northern Africa and spread Islam further. The middle east, especially during the height of Islam, was a major trade center for the world. Add a new page. I call this era, Muslims & Mongols. For model, the Ottoman Empire was able to blast through the walls of Constantinople to easily take over in 1453. The irregular Industrial Revolution focused on steel, chemicals, electricity, and preciseness machinery. D.The diffusion of Buddhism,Christianity, Islam, and Neoconfucianism often led to significant changes in gender relations and family structure. New Protestant Churches emerger like the Lutheran and the Church of England while religious wars besides inflame France and Germany. Strong military - employed use of slaves into military, Islam stressed the value of knowledge - House of Wisdom in Baghdad is example, concept of modern libraries, Translated Greek works of literature and teachings of Aristotle; other works from the ancient world survived due to Islam, Art and architecture forbid the use of images - focus was on geometric patterns and calligraphy, Universities set up to study science, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics, physics and medicine, Increase in use of trade route during this period (began to use route at end of previous era), Use of camels, caravans, Berber traders increased contact with Muslims - connected West Africa with Muslim world and beyond, SSA had lots of gold, little salt - Mediterranean had little gold, lots of salt, Led to increase in wealth of Ghana, which controlled the gold trade coming from the south, Ghana provided ivory, slaves, horses, cloth and salt - Kings converted to Islam in 900s, Mali absorbed Ghana and controlled all trade into Sub-Saharan Africa, Mansa Musa makes pilgrimage to Mecca using route, Major cities on route included Timbuktu and Gao, Linked China, India, Southeast Asia, Arabia and East Africa, Volume increased as a result of decline of overland routes, Safe environment for markets, welcomed all merchants, and charged reasonable fees, Magnetic compass spread from China and led to increase in maritime trade and exploration, Continued to be used and saw the most volume during this period, Bubonic plague spread over Silk Roads and led to decrease in its use, Serfdom in Europe - peasants have right to work land, but not leave land, Stricter, Theravada spread into Southeast Asia; Mahayana into central Asia and China, Buddhist traveled on Silk Roads and adapted to polytheism, Tibet, Buddhist become popular - combined shamanism with importance of rituals, Monks, merchants and missionaries adapted Buddhism to political ideas of Confucianism and Daoism, Appealed to people as an avenue to personal salvation, Chinese Buddhism spreads into Korea, then Japan (blended with Shinto beliefs), Able to merge with local beliefs due to lack of organized church, Missionary religion from the start - like Buddhism, After fall of Roman Empire, missionaries spread religion to Northern Europe, Pope sponsored missionary campaigns to convert Germanic people, Eastern Orthodox Church spreads Christianity into Eastern Europe and Russia, Syncretism - Pagan heroes or holy figures incorporated as saints; Winter Solstice celebration became Christmas, Nestorian Christianity spread into Persia - allowed by Islamic conquerors, Received little or no support in East Asia, Jesuit Missionaries - Matteo Ricci attempts to spread religion into China, Spread through military conquest, trade and missionaries, Sufis spread Islam into Southeast Asia, Southern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and India, In SSA, introduced Islam to ruling class trough trade - allowed syncretism, China's expansion - expanded their influence into Vietnam, Tibet, Korea and Japan. 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