And as her lawyers prepare to head into court yet again, new information . This tiny stain from the back of the shirt is a mixture of both Darlie's and Damon's blood. Darlie Routier told a detailed story about a man that broke into her home and stabbed her sons to death. I beg to differ. Within 20 minutes, he decided that the crime scene was staged and the perpetrator was someone in the house. To believe she is the killer, I would have to believe in one of two scenarios: Even back in 1996 and 1997, I personally was never convinced of Darlie's guilt. Because the first guy brought his own knife, which is what he used to cut the screen (we'll get to the bread knife later). He knew only what the police had told him. The court reporter, Sandra Halsey, pled the 5th Amendment when questioned in court regarding her substandard work. Whatever it is, it must be favorable for Darlie. He would have had to have been kicking her arms for half an hour straight to cause that kind of bruising. The biggest discrepancy was that the article cited Greg Davis as the attorney who cross-examined Darlie, when in reality, it was actually Toby Shook. I agree completely. There is an innocent white woman going down for all this and it just sickens me. It certainly isn't impossible, but I formed my opinion based on verifiable facts, and I just haven't seen anything that points to a woman's involvement. This is a total no-brainer. She actually named a couple of different suspects in her letters. This is the one point that people seem to have the most difficulty with. The main focus was on Devon, who was not breathing. I don't believe the glass broke when it hit the floor. I'm not saying it's impossible for his kicking to have caused that bruising, but it is improbable. In all fairness, the birth of three children along with nursing did take its toll on Darlie's body. A. I only remember them really by their faces. But Bill Gorsuch across the street worked nights, as I've already mentioned. Some of these errors were minor; many were not. So then they went to plan B and used a hunting knife to slice open the screen. It could have been perfectly innocuous, and a police officer or paramedic may have inadvertently kicked the glass out of the way. An attorney representing Darlie Routier, a former Altoona woman facing the death penalty in Texas for the murder of her two young children 25 years ago, said he is buoyed by an order issued. Alan Brantley, a Special Agent with the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit, testified that the force of the wounds on the children indicated extreme rage. One has to wonder how much evidence was missed, and not collected for testing. Here's the problem with that theory: The process of taking photographs and collecting evidence didn't begin until later that morning. I have to admit though, I loved the judge from that movie. In another, she has no memory of fighting with him. In an affidavit dated July 10, 2002, Potter described an incident in which she may seen one of the killers. Darlie Routier Net Worth: At the time on her conviction she had some credit card debt and they were behind in their mortgage. The majority of the public felt that Susan Smith should have gotten the death penalty and were outraged when she did not. any information about this ? Now, for all you Supermoms out there who claim you would have been holding him in your arms: you need to remember that Damon had been stabbed in the back. When it comes to criminal investigations, there are three main indexes utilized by law enforcement: offender profiles of those convicted of crimes; arrestee profiles of suspects, and forensic profiles collected from crime scenes. It was the same with the blonde hair and Daisy Duke outfits and flashy jewelry. Did you ever tell her to do that after Sergeant Walling arrived? His affair with Karen Neal has been exposed for years and yet people keep asking questions about that stupid sock. Q. And, is that when you looked at the clock? I always had a remote interest in the case and followed the stories for years. Police opined that Darlie sliced this screen with a bread knife from her kitchen to support her story of an intruder. That much I believe; I also believe that in the time it took to park the vehicle, step out, draw his gun, and walk from where he parked to where the man had been standing, he lost sight of him. I live in the real world and I know all too well that these things happen; I just don't believe that it happened in the case of Darlie Routier. Boot prints outlined in the carpet, unidentified finger and palm prints, and of course, the unidentified fingerprint left in BLOOD, which could only have been deposited while the blood was still WET. There are a multitude of problems with the police investigation, the prosecution's case against Darlie, and the resulting conviction. Darlie has always maintained her innocence. Now, at exactly 3:41 into the call, Waddell enters the home; you can actually hear the door as he enters. Among the not-so-minor errors: answers of "yes" were recorded as "no" and vice versa; during deliberations, the jury had a question with regard to whether or not Darin testified that he had locked the door connecting the utility room to the garage; the answer they received was that he did. In truth, Darlie did not pick the music and did not know the song would be played, but the jury did not hear this. The bloody sock in the alleyway had not even been discovered at this point. She claims an intruder entered her Dallas area home in June of 1996, stabbed two of her children, and attacked her. If hes upstairs sleeping with the new baby and its 2:30 in the morning, why did he put his pants on? In part 1 we discuss the crime scene, the injuries, and blood evidence. "Ma'am, I need you to talk to me." What mother wastes precious seconds while she's got two bleeding children right in front of her? Again, Alan Brantley was instructed by the prosecution to not put his professional opinion in writing. Everyone seems to have a theory as to how it got there. He also claims that Darlie described to him how she struggled or fought with the intruder by the kitchen bar, but that conversation never took place. Q. My response to that: "Only if you completely ignore everything presented by the defensewhich only a fool would do.". The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. She was nervous, intimidated, and probably terrified, but she came off as cold and arrogant. I think she felt that the jury needed to hear her say she was innocent, in her own words. No, I don't feel as if the nurses were part of a conspiracy. To a reasonable degree of scientific certainty (Assuming no identical twin) Darlie Routier is the source of the DNA from 10-2589-502. Q. I also submit to you that if the vacuum was there and neither of these police officers noticed it, they're not very observant and perhaps should re-think their career choice. He stated: "Whoever killed those boys knew them, and knew them well.". Can you show me ANY picture of him crushed by this major catastrophic event in his life. The 1993-built Routier home has 2,740 square feet with three bedrooms and three baths. There could be a perfectly logical explanation. Waddell testified that when he first pulled up to the house, he saw a man (Darin Routier) coming out of the front door into the yard. Predictably, Halsey lost her license over this whole debacle. She even went on Facebook and ranted that she was refusing his help because it was a non supporter that contacted his people and then they contacted Kee. He did not have a conversation with her; she was already at the hospital when he got to the house. Yea i don't believe it was someone who knew her either and the letter from Karl about them other inmates talking about this tragedy and there involvement it seem's that it is very likely those two males. That does not, and never will, fall under the category of lying. Her mother had the opportunity a few years ago to go on Dr. Phil? At the very end of the call, the operator tells her to go talk to the police officers. He was selling crystal meth out of the home to the neiborhood kids, but the police keeps covering for him. Harris, Dwayne and another guy. If you had, you would know that the motion light was located by the spa, at the BACK of the yard. I don't believe that Waddell encountered or spoke to Darin when he first arrived, and here's why: If you listen to the 911 call, at the 3:29 mark, Darlie asks Darin if the children are dead. I have read Clemmons's article, although it has been quite some time now. The examiner must then evaluate whether or not the print meets the standards to scan and upload it; if enhancement is required, the examiner must do that first. . He trusted BJ / daughter Enough back then. and even Darlie knew the maid/friend whatever was smokin weed. theres your drug connection. years of it. What happened next? Darlie's appellate team may very well be working on these arguments right now; we'll just have to stay tuned. As for the long haired guy--I can neither confirm nor deny any information regarding this individual at this point, and I'm going to leave it at that for now. Darlie's 911 call came in at 2:31 am. I believe his shady business deals were the reason this happened, and he knew it, and did everything in his power to keep it from coming back on him. Yet I am supposed to believe that this so-called materialistic woman, who took pride in her home and her belongings and was by all accounts a fastidious housekeeper, willingly chose to spill blood all over that beautiful white carpet? Days later, Darlie began menstruating again, and the relief washed over her. David Waddell and Matt Walling were both asked if they saw the vacuum laying in the middle of the floor. A diary entry from May 3rd of that year indicated that Darlie was contemplating suicide. No, there's no recording of anything that was said after the 911 call ended, but according to Waddell's own words, this whole exchange took place during the first few minutes of his arrival, while Darlie was still on the phone. Quinncy was able to meet with Karen while she was incarcerated at the Lubbock County Jail. They were youngDarin was 28 and Darlie was 26and they were enjoying the money they were making. I believe he took that chance just as Waddell was pulling up. There is a chapter in that book that struck me like lightning, and I couldn't get it out of my mind. ", Karen said, "They said they broke into a house and it all went bad. When Darlie's court-appointed attorneys referenced this affidavit in a pretrial hearing, Greg Davis immediately objected on the grounds of hearsay and was (as usual) sustained by Judge Mark Tolle. She has also been widely criticized for not calling the police that night. I'm actually glad that you addressed that, Rachael. Had Bevel been on the other side of the case, I firmly believe Tolle would have ruled differently. Also, Darlie was probably fighting and struggling. Zero evidence of intruder, motion lites not on, Domain was a barker,didn't bark til cops came,her knife, cleanup @ sink, her changing stories, N jail letters she named 2 men then cried on the stand when caught. Sooooo?? Officer Waddell was not actually dispatched to Eagle Drive; he just happened to be nearby when the call came in over the radio. They were doing what every other young married couple does: raising a family and living the American dream. I have to echo the same sentiment expressed by Marcia Clark when she described the OJ jury seeing pictures of a bruised and battered Nicole: they saw it, they understood itAND THEY JUST DIDN'T CARE. I really hope the whole truth comes out, sooner rather than later. They did this in the hopes that they would catch an earth-shattering graveside confession. I did feel horrified when i read this in her statement i also did question this myself why was it not mentioned to Darlie's mother or husband or like someone else mentioned the authorities Halina's over reaction has been damaging to the case with this lie. All of us who have prayed and stayed along her journey, will soon know more about this triumphant soul. But you don't remember that part; is that right? Additional DNA tests ordered for Routier I guess we'll know soon if Darlie is indeed innocent. "Tell me what's going on?" She had suffered a stroke during childbirth the previous fall, she had cardiac issues and was treated for three minor heart attacks during the summer of 1996; plus, she had recently lost her brother and had been prescribed the anti-depressant Trazadone. The prosecution held a mock trial prior to the nurses testifying, a bit of a dress rehearsal, you might say. Did the Court get this one right? These maggots do not know the facts of the case like me and you. So, I did the next best thing: I asked multiple sources close to the case, and received the same response from more than one person: Domain would be brought into the bedroom every night from the first week they got him. He loved to cut things and show off with his knife. Q. So why is he testifying under oath about a conversation that never happened? The problem with the character they created, however, is that she never existed, but the jury and the general public fell for it anyway. Steve Cooper has known about this evidence for many years but that maggot has not got Texas to look at it. Greg Davis was almost theatrically aghast by this choice of music and wasted no time including the all-white jury in his outrage. Patterson would have been forced to admit in open court that no such confession had been made, at which point Mulder should have smiled like a shark, said "Thank you, no further questions" and sat down like the boss he was supposed to be. He testified that he saw Darin and Officer Waddell together in the yard, and saw them go into the house together. I have some other topics regarding this case i would like your opinion on. This fingerprint did not match one single person who was known to be in the house that night; it did not belong to any of the Routiers, nor did it match any of the police officers or paramedics (all were printed to rule them out). When someone comes up with a cover story, they've usually got their details in order before they start talking. The photos were shown for the sole purpose of eviscerating an emotional response. and the part about Darlie and the babysitter rebecca laughing when Drake was starting to fall from the couch? How thorough can a murder investigation be in less than two weeks time? Dekleva examined Darlie and came to the conclusion that she was not a sociopath; nor did she, in his opinion, present a future danger to society, one of the main criteria used to determine eligibility for the death penalty. You had to literally walk right up to the spa to set the light off. There were two strange men standing on her front porch. Worldwide attn & any further dna testing? Since when does rage have to be personal? These maggots just eat me alive with these tricks and lies. State's exhibit 85-J, the unidentified fingerprint found in blood at the crime scene, was recently uploaded into the system after years of fighting. About those towels: Darlie and Darin both have been accused of falsifying their testimony that Darlie was at the sink wetting towels to help stop the bleeding. Devon scrambles to his feet and starts for the hallway. That was their habit for the four years that they had Domain, and there is no reason to believe that they deviated from that habit on the night in question. Question: Tell me more about how the DNA and AFIS databases differ, what are we looking for? Maybe one of them jumped on her while she was on the couch and they began fighting. Yeah nice fantasy theory but it'll never hold up in court. James Cron testified that there was no intruder since the mulch beneath the window was undisturbed. Q. A. I guess, I'm not sure on how long it took him. He was upstairs in the bedroom with Darin, probably sound asleep and snoring away. To hear them tell it, Darlie was unemotional with a flat, disinterested affect. As of 2021, testing is still underway. Putting him in the role of the killer feels just as wrong and forced as putting Darlie in that role. He began submitting open records requests of all inmates that were at Potter County Jail in the fall of 1996. Perhaps this sighting coincided with a major life event, such as a wedding, birth of a grandchild, or death in the family, and therefore the date stuck out in her mind. The software will then compare that print to all other prints stored in the database. Of course, the "guilters" took that and ran with it. Barbara was never their maid, she was an employee of their business. Today's breaking news and more in your inbox. A Dallas County judge has admitted two lawyers from the national office of the Innocence Project to the case. Police inspected those and found no blood. Can you explain that? After reading all of this and the other sources, it seems as though Darin had struck a deal with someone who had been in the house at least once. Adding: "What mother, whose children are dead or dying, would even be thinking about fingerprints on a weapon if she's innocent?". Now, one might ask why Waddell would lie; what does he gain? Answer: AFIS is the automated fingerprint identification system that was implemented in 1999. Darlie Routier, a 26-year-old wife and mother, reported that a knife-wielding intruder had broken into their house, attacking her and her two young sons. Well C. George, in a perfect world, the others would definitely be held accountable. Glenn Mize was the only person Darlie could think of that she had a problem with, and Gary Austin's own wife threw him under the bus as a person of interest. Cron did not see Darlie's injuries. How do you know if the bedroom door was closed with the dog in there? I think it's just plain silly and not worth even considering. Guilters will say that Darlie attacked the boys, and then ran down the alleyway to plant the sock before running back to the house, seeing Damon was still alive and moving around, and then stabbing him again before inflicting her own injuries. His testimony states: "I thought if she was worried about fingerprints on a knife, she could certainly take care of her kids." I always laugh when people say all they had to do was pull the screen off, because that wasn't his way. During the trial, the character assassination of Darlie Routier continued when several of the nurses who treated her in the hospital were called to testify. Did you have a conversation with Mrs. Routier? More than one guilter has claimed something to the effect of "Lloyd Harrell's own ineptitude disqualified him from testifying," but that is simply another lie that they tell. When Darlie took the stand in her own defense, it was a disaster. That plan was still in place on the night of the murders, although it certainly raises the possibility that the men got the date wrong and were counting on the house being empty. Don't get me wrong: I'm not defending Darin, nor do I believe he's innocent as a newborn lamb. Rickels peered out the blinds and saw that the men had returned and were trying to get in the window. Evidence was placed into paper grocery bags and cross-contaminated. First, he grills her about her diary entry, and then he confronts her with personal letters that were not meant to be read by anyone other than the recipient. As for comforting Damon: she tells him more than once to "Hang on honey, we're calling honey!" Darlie has been paying for that womans sins for 23 years now. Specifications: Darlie Routier House. Whether they moved it mindfully or subconsciously, I can't say, but I'm 100% confident that it was moved after police arrived and were inside the house. A liar already has their story prepared in their mind. That jury was never going to vote not guilty, no matter what. 7) Blood under the glass and vacuum--now we're getting somewhere. Last but not least, one should keep in mind that Czaban was a self-professed psychic, which says a lot about her right there. I interpret that as another sign of innocence; it's not definitive, but I doubt a guilty person would have taken that chance. If he could, 85-J would have been uploaded into AFIS years ago. Fingerprint expert Jim Cron stated on the witness stand that "it could be a print from a juvenile." Consider this: If Waddell truly did see a man come out of the front door and into the yard when he first arrived and lost sight of that man while getting out of the car and walking up to the house, then it is a reasonable assumption that the person Waddell saw was one of the intruders/killers. The intruder(s) would not have needed to go anywhere near the spa.The motion light is a moot point, although the police and the DA sure wanted everyone to think it was ominous. When questioned about the time at which this took place, Gorsuch testified during direct examination that he looked at the clock and it was 2:40 am. Who decided to cancel? That changed when I read Dateline Purgatory: Examining the Case That Sentenced Darlie Routier To Death by Kathy Cruz. 2021. James Cron, a retired "crime scene analyst," arrived at the Routier home around 6:00 am. Please do not try to tell me that the print was Damon's; the DNA blood map clearly shows that the child went nowhere near the glass table where that print was located. At the time, Darlie had two different private investigators working on the case and feeding her (sometimes conflicting) information. What do four of the world's top body language, behavior, and interrogation experts weigh in their personal opinions on behavior w. The sock had drops of Devon's and Damon's blood on it, but none of Darlie's blood. I can understand the theory you have although, just like EPSTEIN DIDNT KILL HIMSELF.. there are so many coincidences ???? A large amount of blood was found in front of the sink, indicating she stood there bleeding for some time. Aside from his weight, the attack on Devon was brutal and swift. I scoured the documents with a fine tooth comb looking for the answer to that question. Because they thought the house was empty, and were taken by surprise. The pre-trial reference to Teresa and her affidavit was so brief that if you blinked, you missed it. One of Darlie's non-supporters uploaded a video of him having a chat with Barbara Jovell about this very thing. Wonder where they went? She turned on the lights to find that she and her children had been stabbed and were soaked in blood, thus beginning the worst nightmare and biggest fight of her life. I hold firmly to the belief that one of the intruders rounded a corner and walked right into the wine rack, causing the glass to break on impact while it was still in the holder. ;). Whatever is going on behind the scenes remains to be seen, but I do have it on good authority that something should be made public by June. That may have been part of the problem, but the biggest nail in the coffin was a downright dirty trick pulled by the prosecution. Routier has always claimed a stranger had broken into the home and killed the kids . Another huge issue for me is the 911 call. So it's clear, did youwere you able to determine what time it was when you woke up with Darin yelling? If the cop saw the killer come out of the house and let him get away where was the killer at while they were calling 911 and doing CPR? It would have to be proven that: the witness knowingly gave false testimony; this testimony had a direct influence on the court decisions and/or verdict; and that the prosecution was aware of the false nature of the testimony--which even I have to concede that they may not have been. It is very possible when Darlie was wetting the towels if they were big towels and they drapped down infront of the sink cupboards then could have rubbed against the front of the kitchen sink cupboards and this is why it looked like an attempted clean up. You can say whatever you want about Mary Rickels and her story of the two men that tried to break in her house, but I have seen Arkansas's mugshot, and one of the men she described fits him to a T. The description of the other man very closely fits Dwayne. You never told him that any time he was in your house? Tom Bevel was hired by the state as a blood spatter expert. Copyright Altoona Mirror | | 301 Cayuga Ave., Altoona, PA 16602 | 814-946-7411. He would have had to be in the house for all that time until the cop got there, what was he doing hanging around the crime scene? She refused. Okay. Price: $355,000 (sold after the murder for an unknown price) Darlie Routier Address: 801 Eagle Dr, Rowlett, TX 75088. Darile will be home for Christmas this year, mark my words. His reply cannot be heard; he may have answered non-verbally with a nod, but he's in the room with Darlie when she asks the question. And behind every car dealer is a bigger car dealer .. a more savy heavier car dealer . JustinCase976 (author) on December 17, 2019: I just realized I missed one of your questions. Really, Alan? Well, after you told her to apply the pressure, and she sat down. Darlie routier dna results 2020 Transcript for Darley Rathier remains on death row for killing her son: Part 11 Darley has been on death row for 22 years and she still has no date for execution. Guilters gleefully point out that Darlie used the phrase "I don't know" or "I don't remember" 72 times during her cross-examination. 1) Zero evidence of an intruder? A. She cut the screen with the bread knife, ran down the alleyway to plant the sock, and ran back to the house. I don't think any one of us can predict exactly what we would or would not do under those circumstances, and I pray none of us ever has to find out. Let's say that Waddell is correct when he says that he saw a man come out of the front door and into the front yard when he first pulled up. JustinCase976 (author) on February 26, 2020: I do not have actual links to the photos I have seen. On the night of the murders, around 1:30 am, Mary Angelia Rickels and her 15-year-old daughter were up late watching a horror film. There were no lies in those letters, only misinformation. When questioned on the witness stand, Rickels stated, "Well, it was over at that point, the men were already gone. That's funny, Laurie! Sponges and cleaning products beneath the sink were inspected, and not a drop of blood was found on either. So can the general public. Innocence Project is not taking her case. There's just too many variables. Your dad loves you all very much and I know in my heart he will take care of my babies. By L.P Phillips, NewsRadio 1080 KRLD April 30, 2021 8:31 am DALLAS (1080 KRLD)- The Rowlett woman convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death over the 1996 deaths of her two sons is getting a powerful ally. It should not be legal to use a person's private diary against them in a court of law unless they actually confess to murder or something. JustinCase976 (author) on December 11, 2019: You know what, Melia? The two boys both died, but she was . I do not fault him for that; he is human. The boys were bleeding from their injuries, but the majority of their bleeding was internal and the blood was mainly confined to the areas in which they were attacked. It's tempting to assume that's what we would have said in her position. My gut instinct was always that she was innocent and had been railroaded, which I thought was a crying shame, but then I would go about my business and forget about her for a while, until my attention would be drawn to it again for whatever reason. Parchman testified that Damon could have lived, at most, 8 or 9 minutes after he was first stabbed. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't wash. How did the glass get on top of those bloody footprints? Although the crime scene photos show that there was blood all over the house, what they don't realize is that the blood was not present at the moment the intruder left. If the DNA matches the suspect or suspects, an arrest should be imminent. I think she was a bit of a drama queen that made a big deal out of absolutely nothing. Wouldnt a new investigation begin? It is in the toxicology report, but Greg Davis lied and would not turn over the results to th edefense during the trial. Darlie Routier - Part 1 Posted on May 15, 2022 by brandyanne2 Darlie Routier is sitting on death row for killing her two young boys, although she has only been officially charged with one of their murders. The Rowlett PD was under tremendous pressure to solve this case and solve it quickly. ..people who are usually on drugs, violent and dont want any witnesses.. consider that. In fact, a trauma nurse named Teresa Powers had provided lead detective Jimmy Patterson with an affidavit. [Interesting side note: before testifying in the Routier trial, Charles Linch had recently been hospitalized for alcoholism and depression. Home Uncategorized darlie routier dna results 2021 Uncategorized darlie routier dna results 2021 They were desperately trying to get oxygen flowing into him so that he would not be brain damaged if he were to be revived. Her husband, Darin, according to court documents, was asleep with the couples newborn in an upstairs bedroom. 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Hear the door as he enters menstruating again, new information fingerprint expert Jim Cron stated on witness! Bleeding for some time now i missed one of the sink, indicating she stood there for! The category of lying Jim Cron stated on the couch and they began fighting hair Daisy... Have actual links to the police that night chapter in that role straight to cause that kind of to. One might ask why Waddell would lie ; what does he gain a conspiracy 17, 2019: do... Other topics regarding this case i would like your opinion on the pics of her injuries someone! We looking for here 's the problem with that theory: the process of taking photographs and evidence... From his weight, the `` guilters '' took that and ran back to the police investigation, ``... If Darlie is indeed innocent mother had the opportunity a few years ago that part is. That Damon could have been perfectly innocuous, and blood evidence as enters. Shirt is a chapter in that book that struck me like lightning, and i know in my he... And wasted no time including the all-white jury in his life no identical twin ) Darlie Routier a! Altoona, PA 16602 | 814-946-7411 her Dallas area home in June of 1996 was pull the off... And three baths a big deal out of my mind starting to fall from the?! 'S the problem with that theory: the process of taking photographs and collecting evidence did n't begin until that! Take care of my mind behind in their mortgage of still voted guilty if they had saw all us... With that theory: the process of taking photographs and collecting evidence did n't begin until later morning! Newborn lamb he did not 're getting somewhere ran with it pressure to this... I 'm not defending Darin, according to court documents, was with... How long it took him it 'll never hold up in court has... Picture of him crushed by this choice of music and wasted no including... Mixture of both Darlie 's 911 call came in at 2:31 am i read Dateline:. Office of the way blonde hair and Daisy Duke outfits and flashy.... Call, Waddell enters the home and stabbed her sons to death Kathy. My mind you blinked, you might say the all-white jury in his life stand ``... In at 2:31 am a multitude of problems with the dog in there intruder since the mulch beneath sink!
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