U.S. Government Implementing Agency: Department of Justice, a. The Department and USAID have begun obligating a planned total of $4.5 million in FY2018 Economic Support Funds through the FTIF to support 15 projects in the following countries: Algeria, Armenia . Table of Popular Names. ESF programs promote bedrock American values. Oil pipeline exclusion zone projects are being built along the key pipeline corridors of Baiji to Kirkuk, Doura to Hillah, and Baiji to Baghdad. Provided non-formal education activities and sports events to an average of 11,400 youths per week over the quarter. Cultivation and harvest support activities are ongoing. programs administered by Department of State bureaus that support specific U.S. foreign policy goals. startxref Funds in this category also support the participation of women and minorities in the political process and civil society efforts. Improved access to primary health care through mobile health teams, rehabilitation of primary health care infrastructure, development of health surveillance programs, and improvements to medical laboratories. Carried out a demonstration Summer Feed Grains Project to encourage farmers to produce maize locally that is currently being imported. Conducting RCLO training for IHT Appellate Judges, Trial Chamber Judges, and Investigative Judges. Photo By: Syed Mahabubul-Kader Batel is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license. The pandemic preparedness funding will strengthen the global health workforce, support pandemic preparedness research and development, advance global research and development capacity, and support health security financing to strengthen global capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to future COVID variants and other infectious disease outbreaks. Supported capacity building activities for the Ministry of Displacement and Migration. By continuing to use this website or clicking on the OK, I agree button, you accept our policy on use of cookies in our, Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse & Harassment, Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict, Bureau for Democracy, Development, and Innovation, Global Agriculture and Food Security Program, U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, International Fund for Agricultural Development, McGovern-Dole International Food for Education, The National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, U.S. Centers for Disease Controls Center for Global Health, Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance, Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities, The ESF supports important development and economic programming in the. Continued providing assistance to the Minister of Electricity for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on developing an electricity master plan. The American Rescue Plan provides $350 billion in emergency funding for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to respond to the COVID-19 emergency and bring back jobs. While artists and the arts are often overlooked in community development strategies, they can be a vital economic catalyst, particularly in Native American communities, a report from the First Peoples Fund and ArtSpace finds. Currently 94 percent of ISP contracts have been awarded or are in the process of being awarded, while three percent are in the feasibility or financial approval phase and three percent remain in the solicitation and bidding phase. Adults. The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) program, a part of the American Rescue Plan, delivers $350 billion to state, local, and Tribal governments across the country to support their response to and recovery from the COVID-19 public health emergency. <]>> The $245,000 renovation of the Suroor Elementary School in Baghdad. Cuts could increase the likelihood of preventable violence. Supported a voter education workshop held in Erbil for members of IHECs Public Outreach Division and Capacity Building Division. Explanation: The purpose of HRDF is to help fulfill the State Department's mandate to monitor and promote human rights and democracy worldwide. Started construction on eleven projects (five with FY 2006 funds and six with FY 2007 funds) with a total contract value of $30.6 million. The GOI has also committed to re-establishing the video satellite connectivity. This fund has become an important source of financing for community college new program innovation, development, and capacity building, particularly for career and technical education. BEIJING - The theme of this year's World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting is "Cooperation in a fragmented world." No word better describes the gloomy state of the global economy than "fragmented." In addition to rising trade barriers, jolted supply and industrial chains and major regional conflicts, the fading consensus on economic globalization is . Trained 31 Iraqi conflict mediators on advanced training and facilitation techniques so they can conduct training and mediate disputes at local and provincial levels. history.state.gov 3.0 shell Menu Menu. The State Department has now fully committed the $350 million in MRA funds appropriated by Congress for the international COVID-19 response. Unless otherwise noted, the discussion and . Specifically, these efforts are aimed at increasing the competitiveness of agribusiness enterprises, including by upgrading national food policies and regulations to meet international standards. Assisted the DBM section in installing and supporting users of needed software. %%EOF Programs in this category ($60 million in ESF funds, of which $51.9 million obligated to USACE) focus on strengthening essential service ministries through Operation and Maintenance (O&M) training programs for primarily technician-level operators at major electricity power plants, water and wastewater plants, and select health, transportation, and communication facilities. In consultation with Multinational Force-Iraq, PRTs, embedded PRTs (ePRTs), and local community leaders, CSP selects neighborhoods and districts for short-term projects that generate significant employment in the provision of essential services and public works. USAID is working with the GOIs National Center for Consultancy and Management Development to expand and revitalize its training capacities. People we serve. QRF-funded projects seek to catalyze local development in a wide range of sectors including agriculture, education, media, microfinance, rule of law, and local government. 0000001665 00000 n TheSecretary delegates authorities to theDeputy Secretary for Management and Resources(D-MR)and theDirector of ForeignAssistance(F)for thesupervisionand direction offoreignassistanceunder Department of State Delegation of Authority 293-2. L. 99-83, title II, 201(a), Aug. 8, 1985, 99 Stat. The project will identify and support new businesses and expand operations of privately-owned and operated businesses. Searched and cleared 892,909 square meters of land, safely removing and destroying 5,337 hazardous items in northern Iraq. d. Ambassadors Targeted Development Program. Investments in these programs ensure better worldwide market stability allowing American businesses to thrive and expand their investments. This budget request will shore up both. A.2. To date, the fund has completed 367 individual, family, and community projects, with 213 more being implemented. April 2008, a. Seventy-four percent of available funds have been obligated. They work with Iraqi-led Provincial Reconstruction Development Councils (PRDCs) to identify and execute priority projects that strengthen the ability of provincial governments to deliver essential services and key development projects to their communities. ESF facilitates direct communication between individuals of different ethnic, religious, and political backgrounds in countries affected by civil strife and war, including the Middle East and North Africa. The clinic will provide legal representation to over 6,000 detainees. Facebook Marshals Service. Assisted in preparing a revised organizational chart for the Ministry of Water Resources to reflect the ministrys full mandate, including governance for integrated water resources management and sustainable development. The Office of Foreign Assistance is responsible forthesupervision and overallstrategicdirection of foreignassistance programs administered by the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). In the Report accompanying the bill, the table . Funding in the FY22 . In Legislation Economic Support Fund in the U.S. Code: Title 22, Chapter 32, Subchapter II, Part IV The current, permanent, in-force federal laws regulating economic support fund are compiled in the United States Code under Title 22, Chapter 32, Subchapter II, Part IV. Under ICCM ($24 million in ESF), conducted the first meeting of the Peace and Conflict Mitigation Network with approximately 20 Iraqi university representatives who have formed a steering committee. Where appropriate, ESF will also assist states critical . They are available to protect human rights and freedom of the press, combat human trafficking and corruption, and increase public accountability. Organized an annual review of the Iraq Research and Development Initiative, where Iraqi researchers and international technical experts identified critical infrastructure projects for commercialization. USAID-supported voter registration (VR) activities focused on completing the provisional lists of voters in preparation for the registry update exercise. Economic Survey 2021-22. Budget, Financial Reporting, Planning and Performance, Financial Markets, Financial Institutions, and Fiscal Service, Treasury Coupon-Issue and Corporate Bond Yield Curve, Treasury International Capital (TIC) System, Kline-Miller Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014, Racial Differences in Economic Security: Non-Housing Assets, On Anti-Corruption Day, A Look at Treasury Efforts to Counter Corruption, Biden-Harris Administration Announces Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri and Utah to Receive Nearly $1 Billion in American Rescue Plan Funds to Increase Access to Affordable, High-Speed Internet, Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Sends Letter to Congressional Leadership on the Debt Limit, Detailed Press Guidance for Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellens Travel to Africa, Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo on Action Against Russian Illicit Finance, Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Bilateral Meeting with Peoples Republic of China Vice Premier Liu He, Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at White House event Lowering Costs: Inflation Reduction Act Briefing, Today, @SecYellen sent a letter to Congressional leadership regarding the debt limit. The expansion will permit the center to train twice as many civil servants (from 400 to 900 per month) in mapping, water treatment, and the use of geographic information systems (GIS). This conference brought together provincial and federal officials for a formal presentation of provincial development strategies. Food and nutrition. The CARES Act provides an additional $45 billion to our Disaster Relief Fund, more than doubling the amount available to support the COVID-19 Emergency and Disaster Declarations. Appropriations in the amounts of $55.4 million (FY 2006 base budget), $48 million (FY 2006 supplemental budget), $20.1 million (FY 2007 continuing resolution), and $67.6 million (FY 2007 supplemental appropriation) support critical democracy-building programs as Iraq completes its transition to a permanent, democratically-elected government. In addition to these ministries, USAIDs Tatweer Project works closely with the Prime Ministers Office (PMO), Deputy Prime Ministers Offices (DPMO), and the Council of Ministries Secretariat (COMSEC). Previously, bank supervisors did not collect or analyze bank income data, which is a critical component in the overall analysis of a banks performance. Office of the U.S. Organized information technology trainings for 15 staff from the following Parliament offices: Began training the Parliaments General Directors. During the quarter the following key projects continue to be executed through the ISP program: The Community Action Program ($149.96 million in ESF funding) builds upon previous community development efforts and further strengthens the links between communities and their governments. Provided assistance to the Tax Policy Unit to implement a GOI legislative tax-reform program, with an emphasis on a sales tax. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. ESF promotes US interests by addressing political, economic, and security needs in countries of strategic importance. Turned over the completed Secure Document Storage Facility to the IHT. Department of State Inspector General: $4 million; Notable Programs. Acquisition of machinery and equipment. Assisting the IHT with preparation of other cases, including the Merchants, Marsh Arabs, and Kuwait cases. An additional $14 million has been approved for provincial technical assistance projects, as well as $125 million for the PRT Quick Response Fund (see next section). State and USAID have worked with other U.S. agencies to increase the number of public management advisors within key Iraqi ministries, in order to achieve a more rapid improvement in those ministries performance. U.S. Government Implementing Agencies: Department of State, Bureau of Population,Refugees, and Migration (PRM); and USAID, Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). The Office of Electronic Information, Bureau of Public Affairs, manages this site as a portal for information from the U.S. State Department. Worked with Iraqi NGOs and civil society organizations to increase their operational capacity and strengthen their ability to provide essential services to the community. The Economic Support Fund, which is jointly implemented by both the State Department and USAID, is a $3 billion per year account originally intended to be a source of flexible funding to meet . In total, the Treasury Department is responsible for managing over $1 trillion in American Rescue Plan programs and tax credits. The final spending package included increases for USAID's Development Assistance and the State Department's Economic Support Fund. U.S. Government Implementing Agencies: USAID and Department of States Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL), USAIDs Iraq Rapid Assistance Program (Civil Society Component), USAIDs Iraq Community-Based Conflict Mitigation Program (ICCM), Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. Construction of Phase II (INCLE) and Phase III (IRRF) have begun, although delays with Phase I are affecting the other phases. This raised the cumulative number of civil servants trained to 7,360. Construction of Phase I of the Nassriya Maximum-Security prison is 95 percent complete. Approved projects are either in the procurement process or have already been awarded. In addition to supporting many of the activities funded under the Development Assistance account, ESF funds meet near- and long-term political, economic, development, and security needs. The Department of State has also used $12.4 million in ERMA funds. Programs supported by these funds promote systems and structures to prevent conflicts that could require costly military interventions. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, A Look Back at 2022:The Promise and Impact of Commercial Diplomacy, Specific Instance Between Lonce Safari Kajangu, Anicet Tambwe Byadunia, Franois Zabene Zagabe, and The Coca-Cola Company, Regarding Events in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Specific Instance between Ghislain Bahati Muhangaza and Citibank, N.A. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein. This effort will complement specific supply chain enhancements to help Iraq meet its domestic food needs and revitalize a sector that employs over a quarter of Iraqs population. Economic Development & Finance is charged with coordinating the state's economic development resources to attract, retain and expand wealth. Below is an analysis of notable programs and how they fared in the compromise FY22 spending package. Deployed six small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) teams 136 times and completed 83 tasks, destroying 2,093 items of SA/LW. Provided sub-grant awards to nine civil society organizations (CSOs) to implement small projects centered on leadership skills, development of youth, reconciliation, and capacity-building for more effective community representation and mobilization around issues of common interest. Investments in these programs ensure better worldwide market stability allowing American businesses to thrive and expand their investments. These rule-of-law programs help the Government of Iraq to establish an effective and fair criminal justice system to which Iraqi citizens will turn to resolve disputes, rather than to militias and other alternative forms of justice. Funded the development of peace and reconciliation initiatives through national youth programs. Develops and implements sanctions and counter-threat finance policies to counter risks to national security posed by particular activities, groups, and countries. Nebraska reopens Small Businesses Stabilization grants with expanded eligibility: On July 13, the Nebraska Department of Economic Development (DED) began accepting new applicants under the Small Business Stabilization grant program. Our country's economic strength and our global leadership are a package deal. Regime Crimes Liaison Office (RCLO) programs ($33 million in ESF funds) assist the Iraqi High Tribunal (IHT) in coordinating assistance to the IHT by U.S. agencies in Iraq, other foreign governments, law enforcement agencies, and international and non-governmental organizations. Conducted six separate trainings in Basra for seven political parties on party communications with emphasis on message development, message communication, public speaking, and negotiation. e. Infrastructure Security Protection for Oil, Water, and Electricity. EB promotes a strong American economy by leveling the playing field for American companies doing business in global markets, attracting foreign investors to create jobs in America, and deploying economic tools to deny financing to terrorists, human rights abusers, and corrupt officials. Launched a conflict resolution series to train civic activists from all 18 provinces. Continued support for a network of more than 100 Community Mental Health Workers (CMHWs) in ten governorates to provide basic mental health services through the Iraqi primary health care system. The State Department also provides policy guidance for assistance allocated through the Economic Support Fund (ESF). Began an aggressive program to upgrade the physical security of courthouses throughout Iraq. The draft operational plan has been finalized, and communication among IHEC divisions and between IHEC and the field have been improved. Supported the introduction of regular planning meetings for the Electoral Operations Planning Work group. Technical assistance is also being provided to the Government of Iraq (GOI) to implement a sound and transparent commercial legal framework, including the areas of company law and secured transactions, to foster the rule of law and promote a burgeoning private sector. Overview The U.S. Department of State's Office of Global Partnerships launched the COVID-19 Private Sector Engagement and Partnership Fund (the Fund) in August 2020. Phone: 850-487-2568 or 850-298-6626. CBI is also nearing the adoption of a revised Prudential Balance Sheet that meets international standards. This section reports on funds appropriated under the NADR heading for humanitarian demining and small arms and light weapons destruction, including $9.9 million (FY 2007 continuing resolution), $7 million (FY 2007 supplemental budget), and $15.9 million (FY 2008 omnibus base budget). The Empire State Economic Development Fund (EDF) offers financial assistance for projects that promote New York States economic health by facilitating job creation and/or retention, or increased business activity in the state. Represents the State Department in international trade and policy discussions and provides trade, agricultural, and intellectual property rights protection expertise on foreign policy issues. U.S. Government Implementing Agencies: USAID, Department of State, and Department of Defense. The Inma private sector agribusiness development project ($92.5 million in ESF of $94.9 million total in this category) targets the formation and growth of agribusiness firms to stimulate and expand agriculture production, increase productivity, and achieve higher levels of employment. Completed a two-month assessment of the date sector and launched work with local date producers to revitalize their productivity. Launched a ten-day IT training course for 12 GOI employees in Mosul, reaching Directorates General in the provinces to address their particular needs. The Treasury Department is responsible for managing over $ 1 trillion in American Rescue plan and. 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