CNN has reported that Biden's . There are enough conspiracy theories online to keep you reading for a lifetimeand trust us, you dont want to fall down that rabbit hole. Both men witnessed a large dark mass, circular in shape, descend towards the surface when they were attempting to hook the torpedoand both swear it wasnt a submarine. 13 million CIA records were declassified and posted online a few weeks agothe result of a 2014 lawsuit filed by journalists seeking access to documents of historic value. Discovery Company. Charlies purpose was to collect water samples without being detected, but it is unclear if it ever succeeded. Meghan Jones is a word nerd who has been writing for since 2017. The excerpt is at: On January 20, 2020, The Black. [ Download the State of Cybercrime 2017 report and bookmark CSO's daily dashboard for the latest advisories and headlines. And the report - prepared for the DIA - warns that such objects may be a "threat to United States interests". For less sensitive classified material, he or she may make a judgment call about the impact the information could have on national security if disclosed. Ready for some less grim government secrets? Adolf Hitler wanted to sabotage the converters, which apparently would be as easy as pouring sand into them. Press Esc to cancel. Conduct funerals for mock-victims, and blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba. Days later, President John F. Kennedy rejected Operation Northwoods, and JCS chairman Lyman Lemnitzer was denied a second term of office. Hundreds of unarmed civiliansanywhere from 347 to 504, including women and childrenin the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai, were murdered by a platoon of American soldiers during March of 1968. They never found any Communist influences, but they collected thousands of files on innocent individuals. According to a statement Saturday from Biden's personal attorney Bob Bauer, the second batch of documents was discovered in the garage of Biden's Delaware residence on Dec. 20. 2023 Cable News Network. They eventually exposed the story, forcing the CIA to abandon their attempt to recover the remainder of the submarine. Did you encounter any technical issues? Private keys belonging to Invertix admins and used to access distributed intelligence systems, as well as hashed passwords, were also exposed. PLUS: Scientists Announce a Physical Warp Drive Is Now Possible. The publicly accessible repository with classified data was discovered in September by Chris Vickery of UpGuard. A Division of NBCUniversal. We filed an a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) just days after the existence of the shadowy programme had been made public. 2. John F. Kennedy's filecontaining questionnaires and reports from 1940 until his death in 1963was withdrawn from the study's office, not to be unsealed for 30 years. A supersonic aircraft that could uniquely combat Soviet bombers. Speaking of Area 51whatever is going on there the government is still weirdly secretive about. Catherine Shreve, the librarian for public policy and political science at Duke's Perkins Library, has been rifling through the government's files and has come up with this list of her favorite formerly secret documents, selected either for their historical importance or simple oddity. As the Cold War dragged on, the Soviet Union and United States began fighting for control of a newly independent Congo. To defeat them, the CIA concocted the secret mission, United Effort, to steal pertinent data information. Thanks to declassified documents, government leaks, and revealing reports, weve learned more about our governments secret programs than ever before. Conduct funerals for mock-victims" and "blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba." Grounded Its B-2 Stealth Bomber Fleet 3 The 20 Best Science and Tech Breakthroughs of 2022 4 The Story. Oh, and speaking of cats: Here are 15 Amazing Benefits of Adopting a Pet. The militarys attempt at weaponizing lightning. In a plot worthy of an Orwell novel, the CIA spied on two reporters between March and June 1963, who, according to the agency, disclosed sensitive national security information in national newspapers. By classifying information, the government restricts who can see the documents and where he or she can see them. Post-World War II, President Harry Truman approved the hiring of thousands of German scientists and engineers, including Walter Schreiber, a medical military officer for the Nazis who found a second job at the Air Force School of Medicine in Texas. Turns out theres a whole file on Bigfoot. In the late 1960s, a Soviet submarine with the name K-129 sank about 1500 miles north of Hawaii, taking a trio of ballistic missiles with it. Most people were astonished after watching the three Navy UFO videos, a.k.a. Seriously. In response to Fidel Castros burgeoning dictatorship and the failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion in Cuba, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) circulated a memo on March 13, 1962, with the subject line Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba. In the missive, the JCS outlined suggestions to provoke Cuba such as Start rumors (many), Sink ship near harbor entrance. #113 DoD Refuses To Release Key Documents On UFO Office; Cites National Security Interest (9/22/22), Ep. There are three basic levels of classification, based on the damage that could be done to national security if the information was leaked. But it would crash, was slow and proved unreliable during the testing phase, which involved soldiers deployed in Afghanistan. The bombshell Freedom of Information haul includes reports on the DIA's research into the biological effects of UFO sightings on humans. The server contained sensitive data belonging to the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), which is a joint Army and NSA division. Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday appointed former federal prosecutor Robert Hur as special counsel to investigate the discovery ofthese classified records. A third party working for the Pentagon was responsible for failing to secure the servers, which contained at least 1.8 billion scraped social media posts. The CIA noted that the project was particularly productive in identifying contacts of the newsmenincluding senators, members of Congress, and other well-placed individuals.. At least one attempt was made, by four saboteurs working for Hitler, but they were stopped before they ever found the secret basement. Developed using the same principles and architecture as Azure commercial clouds, Azure Government Secret is enhanced for maintaining the security and integrity of classified workloads while enabling fast access to sensitive, mission-critical information. Unfortunately for the CIA, though, a Soviet mole had become privy to the plans, and in April 1956, a Soviet maintenance crew uncovered the tunnel, forcing the American agents to vacate it. All Rights Reserved. THE PENTAGON has released 1,574 pages of real-life X-Files related to its secretive UFO programme after a four-year battle. Turns out, LSD just makes people want to listen to 45 minute guitar solos. He had previously claimed in social media posts . Copyright 2017 IDG Communications, Inc. Some. The White House previously said that only one page was found there. Some have speculated that it's a battle ship of some kind, capable of shooting down or capturing enemy satellites. A photo of classified documents, splayed across the floor of Donald Trump 's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, has given us fresh insight into the saga surrounding the FBI raid on the former president . if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { Then, there may be extra security protocols involved in viewing Top Secret information. At least thats how we felt when the CIA released never-before-seen devices from the 1970s at The CIA Museum in Washington, D.C. In the 1950s, in an effort to study the effects of nuclear weapons tests, the Federal Government established a worldwide network to secretly collect tissue samples from more than 900 human cadavers. But what does it mean when some of the rumors and secrets are actually confirmed? The CIA wouldnt shut it down until 1995, finally concluding that it hadnt produced any effective results. #110 Chris Rutkowski on Canadas UFOs, Government UFO Consultation and Nearly Five Decades of Research (9/7/22), Ep. #111 Is UFO Secrecy Deepening? Taken from what is believed to be a F/A-18 pilot, the object is described as cube-shaped. Reports that show both the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force and the Department of Defenses UAP unit were investigating the matter. Biden's team also later informed the DOJ of an "additional . The 10 most powerful cybersecurity companies, 7 hot cybersecurity trends (and 2 going cold), The Apache Log4j vulnerabilities: A timeline, Using the NIST Cybersecurity Framework to address organizational risk, 11 penetration testing tools the pros use. The result was a 900-page report acknowledging the unethical and illegal actions taken during Project Sunshine. It comes as the Pentagon is opening a new office to investigate UFOs, their origins and attempts to "capture or exploit" one of the mysterious craft after an amendment to a defence bill tabled in the US Senate. Deep within the FBIs Freedom of Information Library, you can track down the agencys file on Bigfoot. The presence of the files, dating back to his vice-presidential days, was announced on Monday. The U.S. military once funded a Flying Saucer program. The CIA knew that Castro was a big fan of scuba-diving, so they plotted to plant a brightly colored conch shell in one of his favorite dive spots, triggered to explode when he touched it. #106 Grant Lavac on the UFO/UAP Issue in Australia (7/23/22), Ep. You can read Marilyn Monroe's FBI file online, not to mention your own The Vault, an FBI reading room of more than 6,700 documents, contains details of investigations into Marilyn Monroe, Dick. The world was shocked when a leaked video of an unidentified aerial phenomenon appeared in 2020but the government was far less surprised, as they knew about the footage for two years. It was outed by former intelligence official turned whistleblower Luis Elizondo, who headed up the programme, back in 2017. The ABC says thousands of pages of classified and sensitive documents were left in two filing cabinets, which the government sold for cheap at a secondhand shop, because it couldn't find the keys. The US government has a formal system of protecting information that, if disclosed, could hurt national security. The United States and India came together for a joint mission in the 1960s that, if successful, would monitor Chinas nuclear development. Some documents must be viewed in whats known as a SCIF, or a sensitive compartmented information facility. Though the project was smallit only had about 15 to 20 participantsit lasted almost 20 years. The first document was identified on Wednesday by Biden's personal lawyer and turned over, and the additional five documents were discovered later that week, Sauber said. | Sign up for CSO newsletters. The following is, Goal is to develop and fly a demonstrator aircraft without using external mechanical flight controls Note: The following is a, The following is NASA press release 22-117, sent on November 15, 2022, and is archived here for reference. Unless they download this app of course. They got everything, or so they claimed. There are secret bunkers literally everywhere. Additional classifiedgovernment documents were found at PresidentJoe Biden's Delaware home this week, the White House confirmed Saturday. No top secret documents were recovered in Wilmington, per CBS. The FBI's FOIA Library contains many files of public interest and historical value. The quality of United States satellite capabilities. The mysterious dark mass (that wasnt a submarine). Learn some more government secrets the CIA doesnt want you to know. } You can find her byline on pieces about grammar, fun facts, the meanings of various head-scratching words and phrases, and more. Spend your days with Hayes. President Joe Biden has once again delayed the public release of thousands of government secrets that might shed light on the 1963 assassination of President John F . WASHINGTON President Biden said Tuesday he was "surprised" to learn in November that his lawyers found classified government documents in his former office at a think tank . It will probe whether or not the strange craft that have been reportedly buzzing the US military areunknown technology from Russia and Chinaor potentially something more alien. It doesnt always require a whistleblower to leak classified NSA data, considering top secret files were stored on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 bucket that was configured for public access. Thanks to CIA declassified documents, a previously unknown attack on these drones has been releasedand its not what youd think. In 1994, President Bill Clinton formed an advisory committee to investigate so that these government secrets didnt stay secret. The Pantsir S-1 is a low-altitude air defense system, mounted on the back of a military truck. Biden himself said he was "surprised" to learn about the first discovery at the Penn Biden office, and that he didn't know it included. What really goes on there is anybody's guess, but the guest list has included U.S. presidents and oil barons, and activities have included everything from druid worship to planning for the Manhattan Project. This might be the weirdest of all these government secrets. Penelope Keith delves into the written archives of the BBC uncovering letters revealing some of the secrets behind famous television programmes and some of the corporations most popular artists. While the public has always been fascinated with the governments investigation of UFOs, the fact that the military once funded the design of its own flying saucers hasnt been made public until recently. more. Accomplishing this required a massive endeavor: in 1954, digging began on a nearly 1500-foot tunnel, precariously located just underneath a major thoroughfare. How we test gear. The subdomain name of INSCOM for the bucket would make the value of the information clear to malicious actors or foreign intelligence services. The Secret Files: Directed by Lucy Kenwright. For the next several years, into the Nixon administration, CIA agents went undercover to investigate organizations likethe Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Washington Urban League. Decades later, in the mid-90s, President Bill Clinton formed an advisory committee to investigate and learned the whole staggering truth. The special iPod was allegedly supposed to act as a Geiger counter by testing radiation levels in the air, he shared in TidBITS. #105 Exploring the DoDs NEW All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (7/20/22), Ep. there is a very strong public interest in understanding what considerations the government has made about how a triage system . This early symptom can be easy to overlook. The 30 Most Shocking Government Secrets 1 9 Common Winter Car-Care Mistakes 2 Why the U.S. Go figure. From the image of the exploded rocket launch in Iran, experts were quick to identify the satellite as one of the United States KH-11 reconnaissance satelliteswhich for obvious reasons, there is not a lot of known information about. These folks make the best sounding boards. President Johnson and the CIA teamed up to investigate the protests on college campuses and throughout the United States. A Warner Bros. Files are released only when a subject is deceased, which not only points to the figure being real, but also suggests that the agency believes it is dead. In the late 1990s, the CIA set out to hinder Irans nuclear program, which they viewed as an increasingly dangerous threat. The body snatching took place in secret, without notification or permission of the next of kin. Along with a confirmation that the videos were taken by Navy pilots and capture unexplained aerial phenomena, the agency also admitted the footage was never intended for the public to see. The secret program was launched by the military in the 1950s and was titled Project 1794. The disclosure of the latest discovery comes days after Sauber confirmed media reports that attorneys for the president found an initial batchof classified documents from the Biden administration on Nov. 2 in an office that Biden had used as a private citizen at a Washington think tank. The US is reportedly set to reveal what it knows about UFOs. The existence of Irans military dolphins. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { These documents, complete with. While inviting Rambax out for tea. Shock first photos inside Serena Williams' crumbling childhood home, Ana Walshe's pals reveal what 'delayed her fate' after husband charged, Child's body found in search for missing girl, 4, who was 'beaten to death', Missing woman's husband charged with murder after blood found in basement, 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, Letter from the Defense Intelligence Agency confirming it is releasing 1,574 pages of files. The CIA seriously spent millions in the late 60s investigating whether domesticated cats could be trained to spy on the Soviet Union. According to the declassified files, Dr. John G. Trump reported that his analysis showed Tesla's efforts to be "primarily of a speculative, philosophical and promotional character" and said the. . #115 The CIA, UFOs and Material (9/30/22), Ep. That being said, claims have been made that the government is in possession of off-world vehicles. The system can apply to documents regarding intelligence activities, foreign relations, military plans and programs for safeguarding nuclear materials, for example. The CIA and the Department of Defense realized that this provided a valuable opportunity to gain some Soviet intelligence. PLUS: How to Make a Bluetooth Speaker Out of Just About Anything. That's right, her first recipe was shark repellent. In September of this year, it was spotted flying the Jolly Roger, the skull and crossbones pirate flag normally displayed after a successful mission. } else { The report from June of 2021 on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) introduced a new term to many: Range Fouler. Think journalists have it hard today? By Bob Larkin November 29, 2017 Fact: there's definitely a lot our government isn't telling us. Assassination Records Archive Previously Withheld JFK Assassination Documents Database, CIAs Certified Safety and Health Committee Reports, On Watch: Profiles from the National Security Agencys Past 40 Years, 1984, FBI Files: American Politicians, Aides, and Appointees, Russian Intercept over Mediterranean Sea of the U.S. Navys P-8A Poseidon aircraft April 15, 2020, Liftoff! About nine months after digging began, the first taps were installed. Witnesses claim theres more to the Nimitz UFO Encounters. Another category of sensitive information within either Top Secret or Secret documents is known as an SAP, or special access program. (8/9/22), Ep. Pentagon releases 1,500 pages of secret documents about shadowy UFO programme after four year battle. In the 1950s, in an effort to study the effects of nuclear weapons tests, the Federal Government established a worldwide network to secretly collect tissue samples from more than 900 human. Some of the materials recovered from Trumps Florida home were marked as Top Secret SCI. With the Cold War brought tons of covert inventionssome of which were only recently declassified. PLUS: Scientists Are Pretty Sure They Found a Portal to the Fifth Dimension, Thanks to James Bond and other spy movies, our imaginations are filled with possibilities for covert devices on the spy tradebut the reality is so much better than imagined. It down until 1995, finally concluding that it hadnt produced any results! How we felt when the CIA and the CIA, UFOs and (. To abandon their attempt to recover the remainder of the submarine documents found. Threat to United States interests '' permission of the materials recovered from Trumps Florida home were as. 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