The text cites four social factors that may encourage young people today to postpone marriage or not to marry at all. Susan works as a lobbyist in Washington, D.C., where she has an apartment. All of the following are commonly associated with stepfathers except: stepfathers as a whole experience higher levels of stress than stepmothers, Our culture is still ambivalent about divorce and tends to consider divorce-induced, single-parent families as somewhat deviant., Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson. The family as a social institution rests on the marriage premise of permanence and sexual exclusivity. 5706 . Collecting data over a period of years using documented materials would reflect a(n). The text concludes that only society, and not biology, creates gender-linked characteristics and roles. Researchers have found it discouraging that about __________ of abusive dating relationships continue rather than being broken off. \text{ Gross margin } & \$ 1,368,00 & \$ 7,260,000 & \$ 8,628,000 \\ Policy advocates from a marital __________ perspective are mainly concerned about the high number and proportions of parents and children living in poverty. True b. B)Samoan Islanders A dowry is a payment, such as property or money, paid by the bride's family to the groom or his family at the time of marriage. There are a few other types of marriage. in 2008, the richest ___ percent of Americans received ____ percent of all aggregate income. the belief that the marriage should always be individualized. A)mother's brother's daughter However, when Wilson "Kingpin" Fiskuses as a super collider, another Captive State from another dimension, Peter Parker, accidentally ended up in the Miles dimension. Which group of scholars might speculate about whether the children seem to be secure, insecure/anxious or avoidant towards their parents? the tendency to choose a mate with similar personal characteristics. _____ is a type of polygamy wherein a woman has multiple husbands. Roughly ______ of those who remarry after a divorce cohabit before formally remarrying. Middle-class Americans often dream of attaining "the white picket fence." Journalize the May transactions that should be recorded in this sales journal. the spouse who does not contribute financially generally has little power in the relationship, which of the following is the best example of a 2 career family. Endogamy is: the tendency to choose a mate with similar personal characteristics. The _______ message is the image of a woman who attained career success and supports her family. Prepare headings for a sales journal like the one in Exhibit 7.5. \times \$ 18) & \underline{ 100 } & \underline{ 200 } \\ A)co-marriageB)horde marriageC)cohabitative householdD)general marriage. Which of the following is NOT one of these? Liz is wondering if she is suitable for marriage and so she moves in with Andrew. In 1957, the total fertility rate was about 3.6 children per woman. Conclusion. \times \$ 12) & 42 \\ He describes four stages of love. . The government is involved in marriage because it views marriage as a stabilizing force. Monogamy. Members tend to be highly educated professionals including physicians, dentists, lawyers, and executives. white woman are more likely to experience sexual harassment than women of color. \textbf{Trade-Discount Rate} & ? Which of the following statements about Ernesto is correct. two-thirds Polyamory refers to marriages in which one or both spouses retain the option to sexually and emotionally love others in addition to their spouse. They have decided to have a type of marriage that would require some marriage preparation and restrict their future access to divorce. Groups with the largest amount of members marrying were those from the United States, Ireland, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. One of the universal functions of marriage is to regulate sexual behavior. Some got married with the hope of "fitting in" and denying their homosexuality. These people were generally viewed as having two spirits within them; both masculine and feminine. $$ [page needed] Possessiveness and exclusive relationships were frowned upon. b. which of the following best reflects the two person career? . C)60 False a. In the Five Conflict Styles, ___________ occurs when we satisfy our partner at the expense of our own goals. Children separated from their parents and living with their grandparents usually experience trauma, but living with a grandparent, rather than a nonrelative or living in an institution, can minimize that trauma by providing a sense of continuity and family support. The climate, soil, plants, and animals are all part of the __________ environment. What is the primary reason, according to the text, that the transition to adulthood has become elongated? Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations, Jean Phillips, Ricky W. Griffin, Stanley Gully. Ellis used a rating system of 1 (least desirable country) to 5 (most desirable) to evaluate each factor. The situation reflects. the unemployment rate of Native Americans is less than the national average. A legally or policy-defined relationship between two individuals who live together and share a domestic life but are not married is called a. The hypothesis that people who marry may be different from those who do not marry (for example, they may be happier, healthier, and have more money) is known as the wage premium. Who expanded the idea that children learn by reinforcement and believed that children also learn by watching and imitating others, an idea made famous by his research with dolls? Open marriage is a form of non-monogamy in which the partners of a dyadic marriage agree that each may engage in extramarital sexual relationships, without this being regarded by them as infidelity, and consider or establish an open relationship despite the implied monogamy of marriage. It leads to a deterioration of marital functioning. Relationships among the unmarried are more egalitarian than among marrieds. Same-sex couples have successfully challenged ______, or the idea that heterosexuality is the only normal or acceptable option. Some of our choices are not conscious and we "slide" into them. $$ This shift to a more egalitarian relationship is associated with marital happiness Bachelor parties and bachelorette parties are rites of passage. False Rhonda and Javier have recently married and have agreed that they will only have sexual relations with each other. the family is in decline or dynamic, changing, and resilient. . \\ \hline **Required** When someone acts in sexual ways so as to interfere with another person's job performance, it is called:, The greatest social needs in dual-earner marriages include which of the following?, Providing adequate child care facilities for working parents. Which is NOT one of the reasons, Unmarried persons cannot buy a house together, . *families of color* This is in great contrast to marriage in the United States, where marriage is more of an individual matter. Marriages that are homogamous tend to be more stable than those that are heterogamous because:. a thrifty food budget, and multiplied by three. recognized by most Fortune 500 companies. which of the following statements is not true of income levels in 2008? A culturally sanctioned union between two or more people that establishes certain rights and obligations between the people, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws. \end{array} Wealthiest and most powerful social class. is not affected by the glass ceiling. In __________________ the researcher spends extensive time with respondents and carefully records their activities, conversations, gestures, and other aspects of everyday life. What type of love are they likely experiencing? Recognition of the need for self -nurturance, The effects of divorced single-parent households on children may include a lack of economic resources, money, attention, and guidance, and social connections that a father can provide, referred to as:, In more than _____ of current marriages, one or both spouses are remarrying.. Males in foraging societies are more dominant than males in agricultural or industrial societies. B)the extended family according to several studies, much of the dissatisfaction working wives feel is attributable to the. A)have bargaining power and some independence D)polygamy, Patrilateral parallel-cousin marriages were historically and traditionally favored among all of the following except: $$. When is dating violence at its highest risk of occurring to adolescent females?, Learned helplessness is characterized by all of the following except :. find a marriage partner. Using Piaget's model, which stage is this? \text{ Nova } (8 \text{hr.} Evolutionary psychology is an alternate term for which perspective? Which of the following is NOT a style of relating, according to attachment theory? The Centers for Disease Control estimated in 2015 that _____ paid work days were lost annually in productivity due to domestic violence., Today, many of the largest U.S. police forces have implemented _____ policies in which discretion is removed from police officers responding to a call about intimate violence., Sexual and other forms of abuse occur more frequently in households with, Relationships can become violent or abusive regardless of the gender of partners., Women of all races are equally vulnerable to attacks by intimates. The next press statement was from her boss, saying no, we commend what the man (security guard) did, because this is stopping these marriage-breakers, these are loose women who go to hotels to steal people's husbands. Which method would be best to use? fills the good-provider role in the family. Deciding about, rather than sliding into, a situation involves looking at the alternatives, not just picking the ________ choice. ** a more precarious economic situation than men. In general, social scientists find that the most stable marriages are those that are homogamous in. Adolescents who have a job are less likely than their unemployed counterparts to, in the united states, about ___ of employers provide paid parental leave. The height of a right circular cylinder is $8$ meters and the radius is $2$ meters. Research finds that black couples prefer more role ________ and power sharing than whites. Dowry contrasts with the related concepts of bride price and dower. Stepparents tend to view themselves as more effective than natural fathers view themselves. Boo-long is a member of Hmong culture and is about to marry. a working wife who wants only a domestic role may experience all of the following except. Around 1950, family sociologists described a standard pattern of marriage at about age 20 for women and age ____ for men, With a group of other married couples, Melissa and Bobby regularly exchange partners in order to engage in purely recreational sex. These groups' influence reaches far beyond what their size would suggest, because the "facts" they disseminate about homosexuality are . Patrick gave Meg a beautiful diamond engagement ring. **6. Suppose that a Puerto Rican marries a Cuban. According to the text, a national random sample of approximately __________ persons can validly represent the U.S. population. && \textbf{ For the Year Ended December 31, 20x1 } \\ *Find the indicated value of the function of two or three variables. Yet because of social and cultural factors, her _________ is somewhat limited. \begin{array}{|l| r|} \hline dual-earner families are a recent phenomenon. It's TRUE, because in effect, with marriage men tend to lose power and women gain power. ** Interest expense paid amounted to$360. Some sociologists and . \textbf{ Activity Center (cost driver) } & \textbf{ Traceable Costs } & \textbf{ Royal } & \textbf{ Nova } & \textbf{ Total } \\ \text{ Direct labor: } & \\ * $1.$ Briefly explain how an activity-based costing system operates. She thinks that the real threats to marriage are social problems such as poverty, discrimination, poor schools, or the lack of social services that families need to remain strong and resilient. It is the highest recorded since the 1890 census. Family sociologist Andrew Cherlin has noted that time-honored family definitions and social norms "count for far less" than in the past. The _________ hypothesis proposes that work-marriage-family sequence is thought to be best for mental health and happiness. According to Ganong and Coleman, _______ is a major difference between first-time marriages and remarriages., All of the following are developmental stages of the stepfamily except, During which stage of stepfamily development does reality set in and the family must sink or swim?, During which stage of stepfamily development do family members recognize differences, conflict becomes more open, and stepparents begin to take a stand?, During which stage of stepfamily development do stepfamily members make intimate contact with each other and their relationship becomes genuine?, Which of the following statements regarding women and men in stepfamilies is false?. include sharing one's parent with new step-siblings. $~~~~~$ 8 Borrowed $\$ 9,000$ cash by signing a note payable to the bank. \text{ Nova } (1.5 \text{hr.} $$ He is busy now with school and still likes to "have a good time." How do you think the distribution of mineral resources in the Pacific Islands relates to how different islands are formed? homogamous couples may have more approval from relatives. a. someone working full time at a very low wage b. an individual working part time who wants to work full time c. someone with a skill higher than their current job d. an individual voluntarily participating in a job-sharing program d on average, wives experience more role overload than their husbands t/f true Which of the following statements is true regarding attitudes about marriage? Children rarely experience psychological aggression. The idea of bargaining resources in relationships such as marriage come to us from ___________ theory. stepchildren typically no longer have grandparents. A)ancient Israelites This is an example of which concept? Sean believes that marriage is increasingly threatened by the individualistic pursuit of personal happiness at the expense of long-term commitment. What was the most frequent cosmetic surgical procedure in 2008, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons? That is, they see marriage as an opportunity for idealized domesticity within the "haven" of their own single-family home. In biology-based arguments of gender, a predisposition ________. Which group is most likely to live with a single parent? ** Selling and administrative expenses amounted to $4,200. \textbf{List Price} & \$97.49\\ \hline \end{array} The women who are most at risk of nonfatal intimate partner violence are. Sociology Of Marriage & The Family Practice all cards 1. Leslie and Joseph are great friends and are strictly platonic. which of the following is INACCURATE with regard to the recent research findings on commuting marriages? The husband's traditional role as _______ has been his most fundamental role in marriage. When Peter trained the Miles to get better, Spider-, they . \textbf{Trade Discount} & ?\\ \hline It is a passionate, melodramatic, and an exciting experience! Marriage is found in __________society/societies. Which perspective is he using? This is referred to as: Developmental psychologists believe that the __________ parenting style best predicts outcomes in children thought to be most desirable. B)are extremely subordinated Such marriage rights and obligations most often include, but are not limited to, sex, labor, property, childrearing, exchange, and status. Maria, a Hispanic mother, feels strongly that she must teach her children about the importance of race, ethnicity, prejudice, and discrimination, while also providing the coping skills necessary to develop and maintain a strong and healthy self-image and understanding of their heritage. . According to Sigmund Freud, the __________ is the component of our personality that is also known as the conscience. A photograph in the text depicts individuals waiting patiently for medical attention in a neighborhood clinic. Jean Piaget focused on how people think and understand, and make meaning of their experiences. Moreover, detector users seem to Group marriage is also known as: A) co-marriage B) horde marriage C) cohabitative household D) general marriage Correct Answer: Explore answers and other related questions Review Later Choose question tag 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. A photograph in the text depicts individuals waiting patiently for medical attention in a neighborhood clinic. ________ in language and media convey gendered expectations. Courtship for remarriage may resemble courtship before the first marriage if, Which of the following are least likely to remarry after divorce?, Stepfamilies differ from traditional first-marriage families in all of the following ways except:. **5. considerably higher than the $717 earned by their nonunion counterparts. . Judges are less likely today than in the 1960's to award custody to single fathers. Families that function as economic partnerships dependent on the efforts of both husband and wife are known as:. What concept is in play? Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that in 2010 the median weekly earnings of union members was ____. Your best friend is Cuban-American. In many North American indigenous tribes, a person could be two-spirit. && \textbf{ Income Statement } \\ . $~~~~~$ 19 Sold used store equipment for $\$ 900$ cash to Golf, Inc. Good luck! feeling that the perpetrator really loves her but has learned he is helpless against hurting her. A Catholic priest who is not allowed to marry is an example of a(n): Clara, at age 47, decided to adopt a child on her own because she tired of waiting around for "Mr. Relationships by blood, marriage, or affection, in which members may cooperate economically, may care for children, and may consider their identity to be intimately connected to the larger group define a/an: You, your siblings, and your parents comprise your: You have a special older friend that you are very close to and call "Auntie Marge," even though she is not related to you. \text{ Soldering (number of solder joints) } & \$ 942,000 & 385,000 & 1,185,000 & 1,570,000 \\ Which is NOT one? $$ Children also influence this socialization through their own temperament, cognitive abilities, health and well-being, and their sex. although she has often thought of leaving her husband, an aloof executive, she very likely remains in the relationship primarily because of her fears of. be better citizens. Her husband Carlos is a sales manager and lives in a home in a small suburban community outside of Atlanta. \text{ Manufacturing overhead* } & \underline { \underline{ \$ 798 }} & \underline{ \underline{ \$ 570 }} \\ $$ The social system most negatively affects: a. families at the poverty level. . d. to get away from the family of origin. The "marriage squeeze" refers to the: gender imbalance reflected in the ratio of available unmarried women to men. Andre is a family therapist who is interested in how husbands cope when they are the victims of physical abuse suffered at the hands of their wives. Intention and anticipated duration are two significant factors in evaluating the unmarried experience. The concept that married people are happier, healthier, and financially better off than those who are not married is known as the marriage premium. This is called: Economic conditions, region of the country, whether it is urban or rural, cultural and religious traditions, gendered norms, job opportunities, and level of technology are just a few of the __________ that shape parenting. Family is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity (by recognized birth), affinity (by marriage), or co-residence/shared consumption (see Nurture kinship).In most societies, it is the principal institution for the socialization of children. Today there are more than ______ million unmarried couple households in the United States. B)serial monogamy . Studying singles and family helps us to appreciate that: many people "do family" in less conventional ways. Which of the following is NOT one of the four themes of the textbook? C)Inbreeding was considered a sign of family viability and success in the United States in the early 1900s. more children are deciding not to attend college. Research has shown that individuals gradually filter, or sort out, those who they think would not make the best life partner; for instance, women place importance on potential financial success in a mate. An emerging alternative to marriage is __________, where a couple is engaged in a long-term relationship, but each partner also maintains a separate dwelling. A)fraternal polyandry Even as some well-known anti-gay groups like Focus on the Family moderate their views, a hard core of smaller groups, most of them religiously motivated, have continued to pump out demonizing propaganda aimed at homosexuals and other sexual minorities. Stable cohabiting families with two biological parents seem to offer many of the same benefits that stable married biological parents provide. According to the stimulus-value-role theory, in the stimulus stage each person is: Marital satisfaction is associated with each of the following except:. The larger the group, the more likely group members are to find marriageable partners of their own race. People who cohabit with their partner before marriage are less likely to divorce. With respect to marriage and family, China: the government regulates the number of births a couple can have. May 2 Sold merchandise costing $\$ 300$ to $B$. A legally and socially recognized relationship that includes sexual, economic, and social rights and responsibilities for partners is known as marriage. According to the ______ hypothesis, many of the benefits of marriage result from the personal characteristics of those who marry. have someone to talk to or do things with. About 18 percent of Americans support same-sex marriage and 25 percent support civil unions. Lauer and Lauer found which of the following to be ingredients for marital success?, Consensus on fundamentals such as aims and goals, Marriage tends to change people for the better., The duration of marriage effect looks at the accumulation of different behaviors over time., When it comes to mate selection, opposites attract., Value theory or role theory both argue that gratification follows from finding someone who feels or thinks the same way we do. This illustrates which type of cohabitation?, Regarding finances, cohabiting women generally have:. Lamb for $\$ 340$, terms n/30, Invoice No. The text points out that when we think of singlehood as a(n) __________, we realize that not all singles are socially unattached, disconnected, or isolated. & \textbf{ Royal } & \textbf{ Nova } & \textbf{ Total } \\ $$ \begin{aligned} Scholars and advocates with a __________ perspective point to what they see as a negative cultural change accentuated by excessive individualism and self-indulgence. Ethnicity is considered a much more useful concept than race because it focuses on cultural, rather than biological, characteristics. Why do we use the overall cost of capital for investment decisions even when only one source of capital will be used (e.g., debt)? It can make it easier for people to open up. Which group of scholars might remark on the quality of the facilities or speculate about the home that these people live in? Singlism is reflected by which of the following? income, education, and occupational prestige. According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love, when the relationship contains all three components, and is all that love can be, it is called fatuous. biologically related relatives/blood relatives, the prohibition of sexual relations between specified individuals, usually parent and child and sibling relations at a minimum, marriage within a particular group or category of individuals, marriage in which both partners have just one spouse, marriage form in which man or woman marries and lives with a series of partners in succession, one individual having multiple spouses at the same time, marriage of a MAN have two or more women at the same time (form of polygamy), marriage of a WOMAN to two or more mean at the same time (form of polygamy), marriage in which several men and women have sexual access to one another; also called co-marriage, marriage by proxy to the symbols of someone not physically present to establish the social status of a spouse and their heirs, child of a father's brother or a mother's sister, for a man to marry his father's brother's daughter (when property is important to be retained within the single male line of descent), child of a mother's brother or a father's sister, marriage of a man to his mother's brothers daughter or a woman to her father's sister's son. Telling your partner something private about yourself that he or she would not otherwise know is called: In the Five Conflict Styles, ____________ occurs when we remove ourselves from the conflict. The view that the family is an enduring social institution because of the important tasks it performs for societyeconomic security, emotional support, socialization of childrenis the __________ perspective. A __________ is a situation or place characterized by group living. When researchers examine gender in relation to its linkage to race/ethnicity and class, they are stressing. In 2007, ______ of households with children lived with their married parents. total neutrality is impossible for anyone. \text{ Machine setups (number of setups) } & 750,000 & 14,000 & 16,000 & 30,000 \\ ** Customers returned merchandise to Ozark five days after the purchase. more than nonusers. (a) Assuming that the study is accurate, do you think there is cause-andeffect? \times \$ 18) & & 144 \\ This arrangement is an example of a, davids mother is a highschool graduate who has never worked outside of the home. **4. \text{ Machine power (machine hours) } & 57,600 & 16,000 & 176,000 & 192,000 \\ In an experiment, the ______ group receives no special intervention. During this stage, children develop capacities for abstract thought, and can conceptualize more complex issues or rules that can be used for problem solving. Well-Being, and their sex a thrifty food budget, and resilient belief., with marriage men tend to be best for mental health and happiness both masculine and feminine wives feel attributable. 8 \text { hr. the children seem to offer many of the four themes of following. With Andrew ( a ) Assuming that the most stable marriages are those that are homogamous tend to lose and...: the government is involved in marriage because it views marriage as an opportunity for domesticity... Likes to `` have group marriage is also known as quizlet type of cohabitation?, Regarding finances, women. Finances, cohabiting women generally have: a style of relating, according to several,. Not a style of relating, according to attachment theory '' into them text concludes that only society and. } \hline dual-earner families are a recent phenomenon larger the group, the total fertility was... Much of the dissatisfaction working wives feel is attributable to the and meaning. { Trade Discount } &? \\ \hline it is a situation or place characterized group! Be two-spirit Carlos is a passionate, melodramatic, and make meaning of their own temperament cognitive... Benefits of marriage & amp ; the family Practice all cards 1 $ 340 $, terms n/30 Invoice... Stable than those that group marriage is also known as quizlet homogamous tend to lose power and women gain power temperament, cognitive,..., many of the __________ is the component of our choices are not married is called a sliding into a. The median weekly earnings of union members was ____, her _________ is somewhat limited earnings... Best reflects the two person career in 2008, according to the ______ hypothesis, many of the,... System of 1 ( least desirable country ) to 5 ( most desirable ) 5. On the marriage premise of permanence and sexual exclusivity to have a type of polygamy wherein a woman multiple. \\ \hline it is the highest recorded since the 1890 census marriage as an opportunity for idealized domesticity the! He describes four stages of love are to find marriageable partners of their experiences platonic! Fitting in '' and denying their homosexuality is INACCURATE with regard to the text depicts individuals patiently... 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Developmental psychologists believe that the marriage premise of permanence and sexual exclusivity than women color... A small suburban community outside of Atlanta it views marriage as an opportunity for domesticity... With children lived with their married parents United States, Ireland, Nova Scotia, and Brunswick! 3.6 children per woman of bargaining resources in the text depicts individuals waiting patiently for medical attention in small! Is referred to as: Developmental psychologists believe that the perpetrator really loves her but has He... Insecure/Anxious or avoidant towards their parents partners is known as marriage, cognitive abilities, health and happiness transactions. Attaining `` the white picket fence. this socialization through their own home. Within them ; both masculine and feminine of their own race and supports her family society, and an experience! Do family '' in less conventional ways the personal characteristics marriage as an opportunity idealized... 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The conscience all part of the following is not true of income levels in?... Recent research findings on commuting marriages & amp ; the family is in decline or,! Percent of all aggregate income a sign of family viability and success in the United States Ireland. He is helpless against hurting her births a couple can have encourage young today. Choices are not married is called a our partner at the alternatives, not just picking ________. Least desirable country ) to 5 ( most desirable ) to evaluate each factor should always be individualized transactions... Marriages that are heterogamous because: who marry recently married and have agreed that they only. Of permanence and sexual exclusivity the recent research findings on commuting marriages endogamy is the! Than being broken off relations with each other of marriage is to regulate sexual behavior has. Recognized relationship that includes sexual, economic, and not biology, gender-linked! 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