Blue stands for the sky, liberty. Tensions between the Fulani and the Biafrans and English-speaking Cameroonians date back decades. European traders from several nations visited Ambas Bay beginning with the Portuguese in the 1470s. Watch FPs Ravi Agrawal in conversation with two of the contributors to the magazines cover story, Anne-Marie Slaughter and retired Gen. David Petraeus, as they reflect on whats surprised themand how to prevent future wars. The English speaking people of Southern Cameroons are demanding an independent, sovereign nation they call Ambazonia.Thanks for watching, please kindly Subsc. A county may secede from a state and become a state or join another state based on a referendum that supports it. The Germans, who had established substantial trading centers to the southeast on the Wouri River delta (modern Douala), and the British, who had extensive interests to the west in Nigeria, both raced to sign agreements with local rulers. (Former British Southern Cameroons) STATE HOUSE BUEA OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 6218 Georgia Avenue NW Suite 1-459 | Washington DC 20011-5125 Phone Number (318)243-6715 Fax: (318)274-3202 Email: Saturday 31 December 2022 Ref. The Counties are governed by a County-Minister who is elected into office during State election by a Plurality vote. Jonathan Pershing, formerly the Biden administrations No. On the west towards the border to Nigeria the lowlands of the Mamfe basin can be found. On the other hand, Cameroon's state Army is using shrewd military tactics against the guerilla warfare of these militias. In the post-war settlement, most of Kamerun went to France as a League of Nations Mandate . Ambazonia is located in the west of Cameroon and southeast of Nigeria on the Gulf of Guinea. The previous year, Nigerian security forces arrested more than 30 other Anglophone activists. Browse Ambazonia news, . In 1966, he succeeded in banning opposition political parties, establishing a one-party state. I think it is that third option which is disturbing Southern Cameroonians up to this day. Ever since the two territories became one, Anglophone Cameroonians have complained they arepolitically and economically marginalized. Ultimately, Biafra surrendered to the federal government, but pro-Biafran and anti-government sentiment remained and has hardened in recent years. Flying bird stands for Freedom, wisdom and protection). The Bahamas represents how global capitalism can go very right, and very wrong, at exactly the same time. At independence, a plebiscite was held, and voters in Southern Cameroons opted to join Cameroon as a constituent state of a federal republic. Despite long years of fighting, the two countries now work together after a negotiated agreement to grant Ethiopia access to the sea; something that underscores that everything always ends up at the negotiating table, regardless of the outcome. The hills stand for the terrain of the land and determination to succeed. Against a backdrop of bomb blasts, sporadic violence and repressive state measures, Cameroon's Anglophone crisis has entered a new and intensified phase. if (DWDE.dsgvo.isStoringCookiesOkay()) { [33], Flag of Ndian County. Security Two of its border regions with Nigeria (northwest and southwest) are Anglophone, while the rest of the country . Hassan Mounp is a man with big plans for his small peanut-selling business. Biafrans and Ambazonians are predominantly Christians, while the Fulani are mostly Muslim. Premiers (or State Governors) are responsible for State finance and economic developments. White flower stands for hope, rebirth and peace. [34] In February 1984, Biya changed the official name of the country from the United Republic of Cameroon the name adopted after unification with the Southern Cameroons - back to the Republic of Cameroon. Red stands for Blood and strength of the people. Too dangerous at the moment. Blue stands for the Meme River and Liberty. Weekly update on developments in India and its neighbors. Symbolism (Green stands for the Fertility of the land. s.parentNode.insertBefore(t, s) The problem is that when European powers partitioned Africa, they split up families, relatives and communities that got along very well, whereas in some cases, communities that were enemies or competed against each other were bundled together into one territory, Jrgen Zimmerer, a historian at the University of Hamburg, told DW. Modern Peanuts of Cameroon: Selling with style. The worlds longest-serving autocrat will be feted this week in Washington. Any of the states can secede from the federation based on a referendum that supports it, provided certain constitutional laws and human rights are broken. Evening roundup with our editors favorite stories of the day. Green stands for the Land and prosperity. function facebookTracking() { The two also discussed climate cooperation with China, the road to COP28, and much else. Since October 2016, protests and strikes related to sectoral demands have escalated into a crisis over the economic and political marginalisation of Cameroon's Anglophone minority. In 2016 and 2017, a widespread protest movement was met with a violent government crackdown, which led to rioting and violence against security forces and, in 2017, a unilateral declaration of independence by Ambazonian leaders. Despite a shared religion, the increasing involvement of Fulani in Cameroons Anglophone conflict is unlikely to fuse with the Boko Haram insurgency in the Far North region, and there is no evidence to suggest there has been a merging of the conflicts thus far, according to Akem Kelvin Nkwain, a human rights officer at CHRDA. Though, the Federal Republic of Ambazonia is not recognized by most states, there has been a proposed constitution for the territory. Gorji Dinka became the first head of the Ambazonia Restoration Council. Consequently, Biafra and Ambazonia loyalists have found common ground in each others movements. The name Ambazonia comes from Ambas Bay, the area of a settlement of freed slaves which is regarded as the boundary between Anglophone and Francophone Cameroon. Major non-ASC groups include the Ambazonia Defence Forces (ADF) and the Southern Cameroons Defence Forces (SOCADEF), which both cooperate with the ASC on some level.[61]. Western Africa Map showing the 16 countries of Western Africa Benin Burkina Faso Cabo Verde Gambia Ghana Guinea The rough terrain of the Cameroon line and the lack of navigable rivers in much of the interior of the region claimed by Ambazonia limited colonial activity outside the coastal regions. Separatist Movements in Nigeria and Camero Want to read more on this topic or region? In December 2020, Kanu announced the creation of the Eastern Security Network, a pro-Biafra paramilitary wing, which Nigerian authorities have accused of carrying out a spate of attacks this year. Tree stands for connection, unity and growth of the people. Star stands for Leadership and prosperity. Representatives can either be party affiliated or independent and are elected during national and state elections (which are similar to the U.S. midterm election and takes place every two years, in the middle of a presidential term), The State Council is responsible for the check and balances of the State Government and its leaders. Many of the problems from the initial draft have been solved. This is going to be a very good opportunity for us, because what we see on the field is there have been some alliances between the Cameroon government and Fulani, Daniel, the Ambazonian deputy military leader, said. In Nigeria, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) is a secessionist group that advocates for the creation of the independent country of Biafra. Ambazonia enjoys good relations with members of the West African Union, and other Anglophone African nations. [27], In 1961, the government of Cameroon, with continuing assistance from France, was fighting a civil war against remnants of pro-independence fighters still dissatisfied with continued French influence in Cameroon or hoping to overthrow the pro-Western government and implement a Marxist program. [27] The result was a constitution that provided for a federal structure with two constituent states,[28] East Cameroon (former French Cameroon) and West Cameroon (former Southern Cameroons), but which gave power over most critical issues to the national government (dominated by Francophones). [4] In recent years, the death toll from ethnic and intercommunal violence has reached unprecedented levels, even exceeding that of violent extremism and terrorism in Mali, according to ACLED. Click + to receive email alerts when new stories are published on. [23], Flag of Menchum.Symbolism (Red stands for the Blood and strength of the people. Green stands Fertility of the land. Watch the video now! All three states are further divided into 13 counties,[15] represented by the 13 Stars of the national flag, and in turn further divided into 61 Districts (Local Government Areas) and further into Sub-Districts. Located along the Atlantic Ocean, it shares its borders with the Central African Republic, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Nigeria. In a shocking video widely circulated on social media, three suspected separatist fighters in Muyuka, South-West region, beat and drag a 35-year-old woman, identified as Confort Tumassang by the. The mountains stand for Mount Kupe and Mount Manenguba and the determination to succeed. The Interim Government of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia represents the People of the Former British Southern Cameroons and their aspirations as declared on 1st of October 2017: To restore their Independence, which was voted for, on 11 February 1961 and endorsed by United Nations General Assembly in Resolution 1608 (XV) of 21 April 1961. The separatist group, however, stated that there would not be peace in the sub-Saharan region of Africa until Biafra and Ambazonia agitators in Nigeria and Cameroon respectively get their . Africa Institute of South Africa . d provide massive tax credits to programs investing in clean energy. Across the country, Fulani have been accused of killing thousands of Nigerians amounting to crimes against humanity and genocidal massacres against Christians, according to Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch. The President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia (former British Southern Cameroons), Dr. Samuel Ikome Sako, has disowned the allegation that his country was responsible for the recent attack on . The Federal Republic of Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons) is an unrecognised and disputed region located in the armpit of Africa, a crossroad between west and central africa, on the Gulf of Guinea. FPs Ravi Agrawal sat down with industry leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss how businesses can build resilience amid a turbulent geopolitical era. Britain established Ambas Bay Protectorate in 1884 with Victoria as its capital. Symbolism (Blue stands for the Ndian River, Akpa Yafe River, the Ocean and Liberty. A few weeks later, Britain and France issued a statement known as the Simon-Milner Declaration, delineating the frontiers between the British Cameroons and French Cameroon. In an open letter to U.S. President Joe Biden, published in local media outlets, the Biafran leader Kanu requested that the U.S. government suspend arms sales to Nigeria, citing human rights abuses and Buharis draconian measures to put down peaceful pro-Biafran protests. In April 2014, the kidnapping of nearly 200 Chibok girls from their school gained international attention. All projects of the former West Cameroon I had either initiated or held very dear to my heart had to be taken over, mismanaged and ruined, e.g. However, many towns and villages in the hinterlands had no German administration and may have only seen German soldiers a handful of times. . For Saudis like me, nothing could be more disheartening than a divorce from the United States. Many inhabitants identify as Anglophones and resent what they perceive as discrimination and efforts to eliminate Anglophone legal, administrative, educational, and cultural institutions by the Cameroonian government. The quest for independence for Southern Cameroons began in October 2016 as lawyers and teachers took to the streets to decry perceived economic injustice as well ascultural and linguistic discrimination. Mountains stands for the Two peaks of mount Fako (Mount Cameroon), determination and leadership. [8], The term "Ambazonia" is derived from the word Ambozes, the local name for the bay at the mouth of the Wouri river, known in English as Ambas Bay. NEW FOR SUBSCRIBERS: In early 1916, the last Germans surrendered or withdrew from Cameroon into neutral Spanish Guinea. Daniel, the Ambazonian deputy defense chief, acknowledged the potential regional impact of the alliance but said that after almost five years of low-level armed conflict in Cameroon, there was no other choice. The bay, which is located in southwestern Cameroon, is considered to be the border between southern Cameroon and the Republic of Cameroon. The self-declared state borders Cameroon to the east, Nigeria to the west and north and the Atlantic Ocean to the south. Cameroon and gave the new name of the country as Republic of Cameroon without r ecognizing the Ambazonia in the term. Tensions between the groups date back decades. The Ambazonian leader narrated a story of how security officials shot dead a five-year-old child at a checkpoint in southern Cameroon. The government claims armed English-speaking separatists who want to create a new nation called Ambazonia have terrorized civilians and attacked government forces, prompting the military to. The full list is shown in the table below, with current population and subregion (based on the United Nations official statistics). Placing the blame for Cameroon's underdevelopment and poorly implemented public policies on the federal structure and arguing that managing separate governments in a poor country was too expensive, he announced a referendum on a new constitution, which did away with the federal structure in favor of a unitary state and granted more power to the President. [10][11][12] Headed by economist, politicians, businessman and lawyers who are either in exile or in the diaspora, the Anglophone Crisis has prolonged due to the determination of separatists forces and diaspora funding. Ambazonia, officially the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, also referred to as Amba Land, is an unrecognised breakaway state in West Africa which claims the Northwest Region and Southwest Region of Cameroon, though it currently controls almost none of the claimed territory.No country has formally recognized Ambazonia's independence, and it is currently the site of an armed conflict between . Blue stands for The Bui River and Liberty. In 1914, as World War I began, British forces from British Nigeria and French forces from French Equatorial Africa and Gabon attacked German Kamerun. From: Africa Direct. Blue stands for Perseverance and liberty. The Biafran and Ambazonian movements have individually grown increasingly violent in recent months and years. The South Cameroons delegation lacked much leverage as the interests of the UN and colonial powers were to expedite the unification rather than guarantee the autonomy of Southern Cameroons. Surrounded by water from all directions, Africa is a continent with clearly defined borders. County flags are symbolic for their respective county and may have several meanings. Flag of Savannah State. The Federal Republic of Ambazonia ( Southern Cameroons) is an unrecognised and disputed region located in the armpit of Africa, a crossroad between west and central africa, on the Gulf of Guinea. In 2016, the Ambazonia movement turned violent when government security forces cracked down on teachers and lawyers protesting the marginalization of Anglophone Cameroonians in a majority Francophone country. if (f.fbq) return; In November 2016, a number of large protests and strikes were organized, initially by Anglophone lawyers, students, and teachers focused on the growing marginalization of English and Anglophone institutions in the law and education. History of Ambazonia (Source: Wikipedia) Ambazonia is the territory formerly known as the British Southern Cameroons. In Nigeria, Biafrans battle with the Fulani for ethnic and political supremacy. Boko Haram is an Islamist militant rebel group that has been carrying out brutal attacks on towns in Northern Nigeria since 2011. The panelists included Anne Richards, CEO of Fidelity International; Carmine Di Sibio, CEO of Ernst & Young; Mathias Miedreich, CEO of Umicore; and Lubna S. Olayan, chair of the executive committee of Olayan Financing Company. The last few years have brought historic challenges for multinational companies. Yellow/Gold stands for the prosperity. The Cameroonian government is seeking to implement a 1996 law it refused to enact for over two decades. Lying spear stands for peace rather than war. Official results claimed 98.2% turnout and 99.99% of votes in favor of the new constitution. It raises the question: How do companies with large global footprints decide which side to pick? Flag of the Cameroon 19611975 with two stars representing the two federated states, Federal Republic of Cameroon and 1972 Constitution (19611972), Unitary state and growing Anglophone discontent (19722015), Nohlen, D, Krennerich, M & Thibaut, B (1999), African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation, Southern Cameroons Ambazonia Consortium United Front, Cameroon: Confusion as detained Ambazonia leader impeached by peers, "Cameroon: Regions, Major Cities & Towns Population Statistics, Maps, Charts, Weather and Web Information", Cameroons Anglophone separatists have created their own cryptocurrency, "Who are Cameroon's self-named Ambazonia secessionists?". This February, in an unprecedented surge of attacks, armed Fulani raided 18 villages in Nwa subdivision, killing at least 17 people and displacing 4,200 local residents. Just over the border, armed separatist groups are fighting to carve out Cameroons English-speaking Northwest and Southwest regions into a breakaway state called Ambazonia. Cameroon's Anglophone crisis has brought the country to the brink of civil war. [16], The British Cameroons Administration Ordinance, 1924 divided British Cameroons into the Northern Cameroons (administered as part of Northern Nigeria) and the Southern Cameroons (administered as part of Eastern Nigeria). In early 1985, Anglophone lawyer and President of the Cameroon Bar Association Fon Gorji Dinka circulated a number of essays and pamphlets arguing that the Biya government was unconstitutional and calling for an independent Republic of Ambazonia. n.version = '2.0'; Youre on the list! [27], Flag of Boyo. [4] Over time, the power of the central government, dominated by Francophones, expanded at the expense of the region's autonomy. The groups will work to secure their shared border and ensure an open exchange of weapons and personnel, representatives of both the Ambazonia and IPOB movements said. When the League of Nations mandate system was transmuted into the UN trusteeship system in 1946, this arrangement was again provided for in the Order-in-Council of 2 August 1946 providing for the administration of the Nigeria Protectorate and Cameroons under British mandate. The flags also represent the traditional colours of the Mezam cultural wear (traditional clothes)). Tribal leaders have the ability to make laws but must not go against County laws, State Laws or National (Federal) laws. There is another risk: that the alliance will ignite cross-border ethnic violence that may have regional consequences. }(window, document, 'script', White flower stands for Purity, innocence, peace, respect and hope. Blue stands for the Menchum River and surrounding lakes, as well as Liberty. Allied naval superiority allowed the swift capture of the Cameroonian coast, cutting the Germans off from reinforcement or resupply. For statistical purposes, LGAs (Districts) are further divided into wards or sub-districts which are administered by a Ward Councilor. There are 54 countries in Africa today, according to the United Nations. "They just shot the child, going to school, dressed in. [35] Biya stated that he had taken the step to affirm Cameroon's political maturity and to demonstrate that the people had overcome their language and cultural barriers but many in Southern Cameroons saw it as yet another step to erase their separate culture and history. List of countries in Africa. Symbolism (Green stands for the Fertility of the land and growth of the nation. n.loaded = !0; Orange stands for Courage and sacrifice. The Ambazonia dispute arose from the disposition of Germany's African colonies after World War I. Ambazonia Interim Government, a separatist group in Cameroon, has emphasised that its agitations for a separate country have nothing in common with that of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). Symbolism (Black stands for the People and Culture. [13][14], As of 2020, during an end-of-year speech, the interim government, headed by President Samuel Ikome Sako proposed the division of the formerly northwest and southwest regions into three autonomous states: Equatorial, Midland and Savannah. Source link, Your email address will not be published. [38][39] Due to harassment and arrests by the government, many leaders of he SCNC and other organizations fled the country. .png 300 300; 10 KB. White stands for Hope, Peace and wisdom under God. Cameroons Anglophone Crisis: How to Get to Talks? Blue stands for the Sky, the Ocean and Liberty. Secession related crises are fast becoming omnipresent in Africa and have led to the fragmentation and division of many nations. Nigeria and Cameroon, both critical international partners in U.S. anti-terrorism campaigns and once beacons of economic stability in the region, may be on track to becoming failed states, which would have a devastating regional and global impact. Ambazonia, officially the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, also referred to as Amba Land, is an unrecognised breakaway state in West Africa which claims the Northwest Region and Southwest Region of Cameroon, though it currently controls almost none of the claimed territory. This African country is the second oldest democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa after Ghana and has access to natural wharfs on her Atlantic shore overlooked by the grandeur of the highest mountain peak in West Africa. Even before the Anglophone crisis, nomadic cattle-grazing Fulanis, known locally as Mbororos, clashed with locals, who are sedentary farmers, over land use in Cameroons Northwest region. Click + to receive email alerts when new stories are published on fbq('track', 'ViewContent'); The Nigerian and Cameroonian militaries are well equipped and well trained, as both countries receive military support and training from foreign governments including the United States, France, and the United Kingdom for anti-terrorism efforts. [8], Armed separatists are split into dozens of guerilla groups of various sizes, many of which have joined the Ambazonia Self-Defence Council (ASC) under the Interim Government. Media in category "Ambazonia" The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total. As the violence intensified, international efforts to resolve the crisis picked up. s = b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; One-stop digest of politics, economics, and culture. [29], After achieving near total control over East Cameroon, in spring 1972 president Ahidjo targeted the autonomous powers of West Cameroon. From the late 1800s until 1916, Germany held sway over a vast territory it called Kamerun, geo-engineered to reach the heart of the Sahel at Lake Chad. The unrest usually comes with devastating impacts largely responsible for the continent's current economic and social retardation. Black fist stands for power and justice). Email:, 2022 All Right Reserved by The African Nation. Watch FPs Ravi Agrawal in conversation with two of the contributors to the magazines cover story, Anne-Marie Slaughter and retired Gen. David Petraeus, as they reflect on whats surprised themand how to prevent future wars. Further east towards Cameroon a series of volcanoes like the Manengouba or Kupe can be found. Dissatisfaction with these agreements led to the brief Douala War in 1884, in which Germany assisted its local allies in winning, essentially cementing its colonial position in Cameroon and by 1887 Britain had abandoned its claims in the region.[13][14]. And what happens if the United States and China continue down a path of decoupling? [24], Flag of Donga-Mantung. [49] In practice, pro-independence militias operate largely autonomously from political leaders, who are mostly in exile.[50]. This adds to the volatility engulfing Cameroon as the country gears up for a presidential election in 2018. Lets watch and see if the so-called Amnesty International will condemn this attack, and CALL the ambazonia TERRORISTS for what they are. The main point is that I'm pretty sure that Biafra 2.0 and Ambazonia will try to form a new country together in the end, although there's no talk about it now. t = b.createElement(e); Accordingto lawyer Henry Baaboh, Southern Cameroons or Ambazonia does not need to fight for independence because it already attained it in 1961. In 1858, British missionary Alfred Saker founded a settlement for freed slaves at the bay which was later renamed Victoria. A referendum in 1961 sealed the future of British Cameroon: The northern region. Britain established Ambas Bay Protectorate in [] [51] On 4 February 2018, it was announced that US-based preacher Dr. Samuel Ikome Sako would become the Interim President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, temporarily succeeding Ayuk Tabe. European and Asian leaders began to call the IRA unfair competition and protectionist. [4], The State Council has the power to impeach the Premier (State Governor), through a Motion of confidence. One critical concession was to require that laws applying to both states could only be adopted by the federal assembly if a majority of deputies in both federated states vote for them. IPOB was designated a terrorist group in Nigeria in September 2017. Security. In May 1985, he was arrested, imprisoned, and then put under house arrest for three years before escaping first to Nigeria and then to the United Kingdom.[36]. For the past three weeks, an encampment of activists from Ambazonia, the English-speaking territory also known as Southern Cameroon, has been holding vigil outside the Nigerian Embassy in South . A year after the invasion, Ukraine is riddled with Russian collaborators and sympathizers. There is confusion in the terms used; some people speak of restoration of independence which means going back to the UN Trust territory status.. In 1990, opposition political parties were legalized and John Ngu Foncha, the leading Anglophone in Cameroon's government, resigned from the governing party and encapsulated much of the dissatisfaction with the central government's attitude toward the Anglophone regions in his public resignation letter: [I]t became clear to me that I had become an irrelevant nuisance that had to be ignored and ridiculed. Although the government has made some concessions, it must rebuild mutual trust with Anglophone actors in order to avoid instability ahead of the 2018 general elections. Equatorial State Counties (demonym; Equatorian): County Flag of Fako. Yellow/Gold stands for wealth and justice. White stands for Hope and wisdom under God. I still do not understand why the United Nations did not give a third option, Feh Henry Baaboh, a legal expert in Doula, told DW. So this is very big for our cause, in our fight against these Fulani, particularly those who are coming in from Nigeria.. Cameroon cracks down on Anglophone separatists. However, in the 1880s, the Scramble for Africa reached full swing with European powers rushing to gain diplomatic or military control over Africa to secure colonial claims. sia invaded Ukraine, and businesses around the world confronted a decision on whether to pull out of the Russian market. Among the 10 who were convicted was Sisiku Ayuk Tabe, the leader of the so-called Governing Council of Ambazonia - the name separatists have given to Cameroon's Anglophone North-West and South . A Biafra-Ambazonia weapons exchange will bolster the Anglophone separatist movement, which has suffered in recent months from a severe lack of financial support from the diaspora, perhaps due to waning interest, pervasive human rights abuses carried out by separatist groups against civilians, or major divisions in the diaspora leadership. [25], Flag of Bui. Golden Star stands for Leadership).[32]. The country split from Sudan in 2011 and remains the African continent's youngest country. 2 global climate envoy, joined FP editor in chiefRavi Agrawal to discuss Washingtons climate policy, and how it is being seen around the world. Email: Telepon: +14083105204 Situs: Meanwhile, Cameroonian security forces have funneled weapons to the Mbororo communities that have gone on to attack English-speaking farmers, a CHRDA report notes. Delivered Wednesday & Sunday. Ambazonia must be an independent African country Kontak stasiun radio. In 1967, following two failed military coups and targeted ethnic violence and persecution, the Igbo people came together to form the secessionist state of Biafra, triggering a brutal two-year civil war during which the Nigerian military imposed a blockade of the state, which caused between 500,000 to 2 million civilians to die from starvation. Symbolism (Green stand for the Land. t.async = !0; The referendum was held on 20 May 1972 and in the one-party state, the outcome was never in doubt. The Germans off from reinforcement or resupply county flags are symbolic for respective... Tribal leaders have the ability to make laws but must not go against county laws, State laws or (... 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Most of Kamerun went to France as a League of nations Mandate, Akpa Yafe River, Akpa Yafe,!
52nd Infantry Battalion Jblm, Articles I