He works as an aide to Senator Phil Gramm's Presidential campaign in Delaware. -, Is Deep State Behind Efforts To Release Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Pics To Use Against Those Who Reported Honestly On The Laptop From Hell? After recovery and unzipping, it could balloon to 450 GB. JMAXONE, Is Deep State Behind Efforts to Release Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Pics to Use Against Those Who Reported Honestly on the Laptop from Hell? . (YA:1) The problem was that once GTV started publishing their disinformation about the child porn, no media outlet would touch the content and do a deep dive reporting. The Washington Post and the Daily Mail both obtained their copies of "The Laptop" from JACK MAXEY, . Jack Maxey Age & Wiki - Is He On Twitter? Elizabeth Talbott Bryan, a daughter of Mrs. William Gordon Pannill of Palm Beach, Fla., and John Stewart Bryan 3d of Richmond, is to be married this evening to Jack Forrester Maxey, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fleming Maxey of Berwyn, Pa. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()). (YA:1) Yes, JP gave them the original laptop and kept a copy for his own record. My answer to this is that it was written by Sam Faddis, so you can safely disregard it (well, maybe not everything, the publication date is probably correct). Interment followed in Union Springs Cemetery. HB used two-factor authentication for all of his online activity (and frequently changed burner phones). You all make it really hard for those who love our country to believe anything; you all contradict each other and tell different stories/information. Ayer, Inc., Philadelphia, 1972-1973; senior vice president, N.W. Having followed the drops since they began anyone with military experience could see this was a counterintelligence op; not a LARP or disinfo site. Suppose now that there were two such magic rings, and the just put on one of them and the unjust the other; no man can be imagined to be of such an iron nature that he would stand fast in justice. He weirdly blessed himself, Catholic-style., Also, see Would love your thoughts, please comment. THE NEWS BEYOND DETROIT, Is the deep state behind efforts to release photos from the fake Hunter Bidens laptop to be used against those who reported honestly to the laptop from hell? So whats the deal with Jack Maxey and his friends at the Daily Mail? How did Garett Ziegler acquire the messages unredacted? This New York advertising firm was considered to be one of the oldest agencies in the country and one of the most prominent, with a reported $826 million in billings during the 1980s. The third laptop is the device that became the laptop from hell. I remembered when Maxey was on the blog with Steve Bannon and the Indian guy. In this regard, hes not alone; other members of his Palm Beach society were engaged in a similar activity and donated to causes like lip service election fraud investigations. Keep in mind the Flynn said just recently that Q was a CIA op and a leafiest influence operation ;-). After running the original drive through various data, linkage, image, and forensic analytics, we concluded that the content was authentic and identified dozens of areas where Biden family members broke the law. The laptop of the presidents son is part of the federal investigation into Hunter Biden; its also been the recent subject of stories in major news outlets that verified it belonged to Hunter Biden. Is it Payback Time?Jacks father, Thomas Fleming Maxey (BoA, Yale, 1959), was the vice chairman and CEO of N.W. After college he was an officer in the United States Navy, the website says. And this we may truly affirm to be a great proof that a man is just, not willingly or because he thinks that justice is any good to him individually, but of necessity, for wherever any one thinks that he can safely be unjust, there he is unjust. Maxey stated that he is sitting on the data, and in the coming weeks, he plans to put it all online in a searchable database. >>> END BURN NOTICE >>>. Rudy Giuliani told The New York Times that he gave the New York Post a copy of a hard drive that led to its story on Hunter Biden because other news outlets would spend all the time they could to try to contradict it before they put it out. This was a terrible media strategy that (in the absence of evidence which Im looking for) give the MSM an excuse now to say they were never offered a clone device for verification until Maxey in June 2021. It Didnt Come from the CloudThe argument that Maxey could have recovered the 450 GB from HBs cloud account is also unlikely for the following reasons: Either way, if Maxey indeed accessed HBs cloud account, that would be considered hacking and he could be charged with conspiracy and computer fraud. For example, in mid-October 2020 Tucker Carlson/Sean Hannity and Josh Boswell from the Daily Mail had access to detailed intel product about the content of the drive (see sample below) but made a political decision not to publish it. 4. With all of Bidens money and lots of incriminating evidence on the hard drive why not just buy a new laptop and download all the data onto it? We have no more Information about his Father; we will try to collect information and update soon. But we are sure that it is not available and his spouses name is not available. Jack Maxey is sharing something especially significant -- the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop -- and discusses the importance of the content to every American patriot. Nows your chance. I was wondering if you could clarify or provide context for this, from Miranda Devines Laptop from Hell: There is one photo of potential concern in Hunters image library, of a topless pubescent girl. and are referencing a third disinformation artist (Garret Ziegler) who is currently working on another fake version of the HB laptop. Flynn and McChrystal reused that concept and launched a company with the same exact name. Image 3: Attending endless charity balls is hard work but someone has to do it. Out of the four works, 1 is an obituary, one was co-authored with Patrick Howley (a rabid frothing- at-the-mouth racist, bigot, and a Jew hater), and two with Cassandra Fairbanks, a Bernie Sanders supporter, the go-to person for the Guccifer 2.0 disinformation operation, and a paid Russian propagandist with the Russian Sputnik news. America is worth it., In January, he wrote, Anybody want to know purpose of Hunters first trip to Kazakhstan in June 2014 on behalf of ChiComs and using Burisma as cover? Ayer, Inc., New York City, 1981-1987; president international, N.W. In 2017, he returned from the cold and was inserted into the conservative movement as a journalist. The bridegroom, 30, is a graduate of Yale University. I always thought Maxey was a bit of a squirrel that always bragged he had the goods and never produced anything. Green Pass News, Is Deep State Behind Efforts to Release Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Pics to Use Against Those Who Reported Honestly on the Laptop from Hell? Political activist Jack Maxey recently claimed that he'd discovered an additional 450 gigabytes of deleted data on a copy of Hunter Biden's laptop's hard drive. Thank you for your comment regarding the spelling of hari kari vs. Hara Kiri. (Al Levy/Courtesy) Jack Maxey, former co-host of Steve Bannon's "War Room" podcast, discussed the history, contents and what he felt were the ramifications to the safety and security of the. Maxey's role in exposing the scandal Facebook Twitter Posted in TV Show Previous With Chuck DeVore, Christine Douglass-Williams and Bradley Thayer Next With Sam Faddis, Bradley Thayer and David Wurmser Required fields are marked Comment Larissa Sielicki / April 13, 2022: But, there was some good news as well, the notorious black SUVs that were allegedly following him were no longer an existential threat, and the prodigal son was leaving Switzerland and coming home. I could find no public source for that. (YA:1) The laptop wasnt planted there. (YA:1) I can confirm that this is a fact. HBs cloud storage and downloaded it. DC Weekly, Is Deep State Behind Efforts to Release Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Pics to Use Against Those Who Reported Honestly on the Laptop from Hell? | 365 World News, Is Deep State Behind Efforts to Release Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Pics to Use Against Those Who Reported Honestly on the Laptop from Hell? Right now, he resides in Switzerland and attends each of his meetings from there. Then the actions of the just would be as the actions of the unjust; they would both come at last to the same point. Exfiltrated with a Submarine in the Wee-Hours of the Night As I wrote back in October 2020, after running the original drive through various data, linkage, image, and forensic analytics, we concluded that the content was authentic and identified dozens of areas where the Biden family members and their network broke the law. Jack is a retired Navy soldier, whose name has come forward as he claimed to be in possession of Hunter Biden's laptop information. This is like the ultimate defense for the Biden family and how they mix public service and private gain, is that you don't know where to dig. Kim Dotcom, AKA Kim Schmitz, AKA Mega Kimble, AKA Kim Tim, AKA Jim Vestor, a lifelong career criminal, a known fabricator, and a purveyor of child porn who is fighting extradition to the US since 2012, has joined the Maxey HB laptop disinformation campaign, Image 14: Welcome to the Republican grifter disinformation network Ann Vandersteel (the former princess of BalaBURN and a wholesale disinformation purveyor) with two disinformation artists (Patrick Byrne and Jack Maxey) who are accusing each other of lying (both are!) 3. Grace interviewed Maxey and called him the "laptop King", giving Maxey a chance to talk about his personal background, including his background in research and financial operations. I think youre all on the OUTSIDE and dont really know anything; whatever happens will happen because the right ppl are running the show; otherwise, Obama and the globalists win and we become a ONE WORLD GOVERNEMT with big money at the top and the rest become serfs! Media General dates back to 1850 with the founding of the Richmond Dispatch, a predecessor to the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Follow 36.2K. See the article in its original context from. Lived In Dinuba CA, Squaw Valley CA, Hemet CA, Riverside CA. Well have to do it over a cup of coffee. TRAITORS FACT. With the proliferation of new technology, the business continued to evolve and change. The Right Thinker, Is Deep State Behind Efforts to Release Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Pics to Use Against Those Who Reported Honestly on the Laptop from Hell? DISCLAIMER: I have minimal apple product experience. Therefore, you are an ****. Mr. Maxey was united in marriage on March 7, 1964, at Richland to Ms. Ruth. re: "I've got more on Hunter" -Jack Maxey Posted on 4/6/22 at 1:44 pm to ItzMe1972. Would love to see how you came to that conclusion, and if youve written about it. As a result, he fled the US to Switzerland, where the long arm of the Biden ninja assassins couldnt reach him. Create shiny object claims about the HB laptop in order to divert public attention from the republican party leaderships (i.e., McConnel, McCain, Graham, and others) linkage to grifting/laundering operations in Ukraine. Jack Maxey, previous co-host of War Room Pandemic, showed up in a meeting this week to uncover insights regarding the contents of a PC that had a place with Hunter Biden, the child of Joe Biden. How much are the Communist/Globalist Oligarchy paying you to write this ****? 3. Is Deep State Behind Efforts to Release Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Pics to Use Against Those Who Reported Honestly on the Laptop from Hell? The Stand Up America US Show with MG Paul Vallely, Massive amounts of new child porn, documents and emails found on Hunter Bidens laptop, PA Senate Public Hearing on Ballot Drop Boxes Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee hearing, March 31, 2022, Jack Maxeys Father Thomas Fleming Maxey R&R in N.W. Bad actors like US Attorney David Weiss (who spent years shielding Hunter Biden), Judge Freeh (the former director of the FBI), who likely paid bribes to the Bidens and was aware of their corrupt practices, Judge Guido Calabresi (who as the dean of Yale Law school likely enabled HBs admission in return for an appellate judge appointment on the Federal 2nd Circuit), or James Baker who in his capacity as Twitters Deputy General Counsel suppressed the laptop story should be exposed as well. Interesting observations you made about the collapse of the Ayer advert co and Rudys role in that long before he was Mayor of NYC. She received a master's degree in social work from Widener University. 2749 |, Is Deep State Behind Efforts to Release Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Pics to Use Against Those Who Reported Honestly on the Laptop from Hell? This whole story bothers me tremendously. Lucky Hand Insider, Is Deep State Behind Efforts to Release Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Pics to Use Against Those Who Reported Honestly on the Laptop from Hell? Why not combine your fictitious research facilities/teams? , Maybe 10 days ago I saw the Jack Maxey self-interview/closeup with him in a Swiss cafe or something. 1. Interested in your thoughts on him. It describes him as a former co-host of War Room Pandemic who was born in Pennsylvania and received a history degree from Yale University. Dear Grateful American AKA Shari M Seaman AKA Shari M Goodman. He said that after some serious deliberation about the publication plan, he decided not to release the HB hard drive to the public after all. He delves into the absurdly horrifying contents of Hunter Biden's laptop from hell. He went home to. Thank you for your diligent excavations, Yaacov. Math is real. I doubt if JM was on the run who posts a picture of himself at an airport if he doesnt want to be found If you instruct the OS to overwrite the 500 GB data with lets say another 500 GB set of files, when you are done with the second file copy operation, the old 500 GB of files will no longer be accessible or recoverable. The bride, 28, is known as Talbott. On August 28 2020, John Paul Mac Isaac overnighted a 500 GB external SSD drive with a copy of the HB laptop image to Rudy Giulianis office. Thanks for any insight you may have. "Oct 15 2020, is when I got the laptop, who got it from Rudy's lawyer," Maxey, a former co-host of the War Room Pandemic, said. Ill also point out the obvious problem with Maxeys claims to have recovered 80K image and video files cant be attributed to some hidden compressed archive because Images and video dont compress well ;-), 5. is it possible that Maxey is simply out of his depth, and therefore making inaccurate statements? they make me ill. because they suck. in Johnson City. Jack Maxey and Hunter Biden. (YA:1) Bannon gave it to Maxey in order for him to develop a narrative about the drive (not to analyze it). Why did the New York Post need get it from Costello (another excerpt from LFH): Tracker Bidens PC is back in the news after Jack Maxey reached out with more information about its content. Ayer, Inc., New York City, 1987-1989; vice chairman, N.W. He really is a legend in his own mind, the way he lingers the selfie camera on his odd face and hair and just stares like a droopy bloodhound. As I recall it Biden did not want to run for president then all of a sudden he did. There is a big difference between this claim and the suggestions that some people are making that the 450 GB came from HBs cloud storage (which is also untrue, because we know how much cloud storage he was using based on the file pointers on his laptop to the cloud storage). so, they had access to it for three years. In 2012, Media General implemented an historic transformation of its business when it sold the vast majority of its newspapers to World Media Enterprises, Inc., a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway. The N.W. Multiple fabricators are usually used to justify a Big Lie. Sorta reminded me of the guy in high school who always bragged he banged the prom queen. Im not an expert. (YA:1) Q has always been a republican operation and was funded by the same sources who run the Lincoln project. Maxey has also started a public campaign using a number of SM suck poppet accounts explaining that he actually didnt himself find/see the child porn on the laptop but was told by others about this content. 1 year ago. A 2015 survey of nearly 1,400 Oscar acceptance speeches found that Harvey Weinstein is thanked more frequently than God on Hollywood's special day. Born November 14, 1933, in Lynchburg, he was the son of the late Robert Carlton Maxey and the late Annie Mae Maxey. I dont know anything about the Devolution theory. Indy News, Is Deep State Behind Efforts to Release Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Pics to Use Against Those Who Reported Honestly on the Laptop from Hell? 2. Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. Ayer was conducted by none other than the USA for the Southern District of New York, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani. Child pornography is a form of child sexual exploitation. The Dashing and Debonair Jack Maxey Some have criticized the media for not trying to aggressively verify the laptop before the 2020 presidential election. Variety Newz, Is Deep State Behind Efforts to Release Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Pics to Use Against Those Who Reported Honestly on the Laptop from Hell? He traded his tuxedo for a western belt buckle and chowing Tobacco and published a few pieces for the Miami Standard and Big League Politics (two articles with Cassandra Fairbanks). According to his IMDb profile, Maxey is known for The Stew Peters Show (2020) and Bannons War Room (2019).. ., In July 2021, he wrote, Senator Grassley and the Judiiciary Committee now have their very own copy of Hunter Bidens laptop. 270 days since these people received copy of #Hunters #Laptop from me on July 8th 2021. Graphic Video Captures Death of 14-Year-Old Boy on Orlando Free Fall Amusement Ride. The story about Hunter Biden leaving his laptop at a computer repair shop seems hard to believe to begin with. I will definitely bookmark your site for future visits. There is a lot of adult porn and other bad content (like drugs and drinking), on the laptop, but the laptop does not contain the child porn that Maxey claim to have recovered, that is a fabrication. David Nino Rodriguez W/ JACK MAXEY. In an exclusive interview with The Star News Network, Maxey explained how he and his team discovered hundreds of thousands of deleted emails, images, and videos while working in their Zurich, Switzerland, safe house. Federal law defines child pornography as any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (persons less than 18 years old). The emails were given to The Washington Post on a hard drive by activist Jack Maxey, who received it from Giuliani . Including 80,000 images and Nat Security Issues I had to deal with first. Jack Harle Maxey, 74. She is a graduate of Washington College in Chestertown, Md. Yes, SM is behind several of these operations going back to 2016. This was Mr. Maxey's second appearance on the podcast to present evidence about the depth and breadth of illegality that is present on Hunter Biden's laptop computer. Sorry, no Communist/Globalist Oligarchy has been involved in the production of this post. Jack, I have a productivity suggestion for you; why dont you move in with the 2000 Mules team? READ NEXT: Graphic Video Captures Death of 14-Year-Old Boy on Orlando Free Fall Amusement Ride. Following his graduation, he was commissioned into the US Navy. It has also reportedly been claimed that a PC has evidence proving his association in Ukraine with the biological weapons related industry. The Rev. After going off the grid, agent Maxeywith the help of his Daily Mail handler, Josh Boswell (who had access to the HB laptop content in October 2020 but suppressed its publication)started promoting various false claims about the laptop. I do this for free of charge :-), there is no such thing as Qanon. 2746 |,,,,,,,,,,,,, Two weeks later, after JP challenged Maxeys disinformation about recovering an additional 450 GB from the drive, he threated him with bodily harm. True, you would of gotten bounced off the internet if you attempted to answer the question correctly. Correspondence also links the Bidens to possible Chinese espionage and illegal Beijing-backed business arrangements. There is Q and there is the anons. Are you insinuating that Stanley McChrystal is behind Q? He obtained the laptop from Rudy Giuliani in 2020. Now hes transformed into an attack dog, going after you viciously, not very Christian at all! A2ZnewsFeed Latest News, Sports News, World News and Sports Video, Is Deep State Behind Efforts to Release Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Pics to Use Against Those Who Reported Honestly on the Laptop from Hell? He wrote on March 28, 2022, For people moaning 450GB of erased material we have to go through and catalogue. Jack and Talbott Maxey, who divorced in 2009, donated over $10,000 to one such organization called Fight Voter Fraud, which, not surprisingly, to date hasnt found any concrete evidence of voter fraud. It has been weeks since we last heard from former co-host of Bannons War Room Jack Maxey. I also suggest you go back and read the HB laptop related posts in the reference section at the bottom of the post. Required fields are marked *. - Ediwinaussie, Is Deep State Behind Efforts to Release Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Pics to Use Against Those Who Reported Honestly on the Laptop from Hell? Jack Maxey is missing on Wikipedia. The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow; Maxey said that I think justice needs to be done here. Ayer and Media General); theyre true blue-blood American aristocracy. I would like to think that your work has a higher degree of accuracy, especially since you write on important subjects. It Aint Worth Jack With all of Bidens money and lots of incriminating evidence on the hard drive why not just buy a new laptop and download all the data onto it? Jacks age is freely inaccessible, however, it is almost certain that he is over 60 years old. In 1887, Joseph Bryan acquired the Daily Times and subsequently additional newspapers. (Sept 22, 2021). It was Jack who gave a copy to the Daily Mail of London and most recently to the Washington Post. Many reports claim that he served the US in some of its important wars and was one of the bests on his team. As far as the fairytale that he fled to Switzerland to avoid prosecution by US authorities is concerned, yeah, well, good luck with that one, the US has an extradition treaty with Switzerland, and child pornography is also illegal in Switzerland per article 197 of the Swiss Criminal Code. Jack Maxey is a former US Marine and this is an explanation that what he has been stating is taken extremely seriously. Before the 2020 presidential election, a New York Post story on the laptop was censored by Twitter, ignored by many media outlets, and derided as Russian disinformation. Image 6: Jack Maxey, a man of action, and yes, blonds do have more fun!, On March 16, Maxey uploaded a photo from Zurich airport with the caption NOT on vacation. Following the sale, the company has focused on local broadcast television and digital media. a few contemporary offshoots of this initiative are domestic political influence operations like Q, the great awakening movement, mimetic warfare such as Pepe the Frog, and many more, O-kay If Maxey wanted to help get the word out all he had to do was to report the information accurately. Which, btw, you could clear up; most decent forensic imaging software does tend to note the parameters of the originating media. Following some time in Spain he worked on Wall Street for Merrill Lynch trading treasury bills on the repo desk. It was not found on Twitter. So answer this. Due to the hash-hash nature of this new operation, Maxey couldnt share the exact location of his research facility, but he hinted that it would be in a large state like Taxes. The accusations stemming from the laptop involve Hunter Biden setting up a meeting between a Ukrainian business partner and his father. #Tillis, Thom (NC) Image 7: The top-secret Swiss cyber laboratory? On March 28, Maxey was promoting JP Mac Issac as an American hero. The Daily Mail was the only publication to take information from the hard drive which was part of a computer President Joe Biden's son abandoned in a Wilmington, Delaware, repair shop and . I thought the FBI was aware of the laptop before before the story broke on Tv. Copyright 2022 Yaacov Apelbaum, All Rights Reserved. "He says, Maxey, that was the dumbest thing I've ever done. - Let's Go Brandon News! Is it possible the problem with the laptop from Hell was manufactured? Bridget Rooney Koch, Bill Koch's wife of 16 years, anonymously donated $500 on Dec. 10 to a campaign called Fight Voter Fraud on the Christian crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo, according to the. 5. Who is Jack Maxey? 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