At first, estimates mentioned that 148 inmates had escaped, but later counts gave the exact figures. [9] Cano Flores also has two aliases: Yeyo and Yankee. [230] In addition, La Jornada mentions that the Gulf Cartel owns "all of Matamoros", where they act as the State itself and conduct all forms of criminal activities. "[307] Reports indicated that kidnappers working for the Gulf Cartel train with paintball equipment "to practice simulated kidnapping schemes in order to prepare for the actual kidnapping they intended to commit. [198][199], The rumors of the broken alliance between the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas began on blogs and mass emails in September 2009, but it remained pretty much the same throughout that yeara rumor. [209] The complexity and territorial advantage of Los Zetas forced the Gulf Cartel to seek for an alliance with the Sinaloa Cartel and La Familia Michoacana; in addition, Stratfor mentioned that these three organizations also united because they hold a "profound hate" for Los Zetas. Antonio Crdenas Guilln, Jorge Eduardo Costilla Snchez, Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano and 15 of their top lieutenants, have been charged in U.S. federal courts with drug trafficking-related crimes,[360][361] while the U.S. State Department announced rewards totaling US$50million for information leading to their capture. ", "Dozens killed in Matamoros; Tony Tormenta dead", "Dozens killed in Matamoros; bridges closed", "Head of Gulf Cartel killed in Matamoros shootout", "Shootings in Matamoros Kill "Tony Tormenta" and Nearly 100 People", "Los Zetas tienen el plato servido tras muerte de 'Tony Tormenta': Expertos", "Gulf Cartel leader killed, 55 others in Matamoros, Mexico", "Death toll mounts in Matamoros shootout as sporadic fighting continues", "Narcobloqueos y Balaceras en Tamaulipas tras muerte de 'Tony Tormenta', "600 militares llegan a Mier, una ciudad abandonada por sus habitantes", "Zozobra en Tamaulipas luego de cada del lder del crtel del Golfo", "Zetas celebran caida de "Tony Tormenta" con narcomantas y narcopintas", "Barack Obama expresa su apoyo a Caldern por la muerte de 'Tony Tormenta', "Killing of top Mexico drug lord 'Tony Tormenta' may boost rival Zetas cartel", "Authorities Say Cartel Leader's Death Won't Curb Violence", "Los Escorpiones, temible escolta de Tormenta", "Identifican a nuevo grupo armado del crtel del Golfo que protega a Tony Tormenta", "Tony Tormenta, el capo que 'cuidaba' las fronteras de Tamaulipas", "New details released about Gulf Cartel leader's death", "Tony Tormenta escap en 2 ocasiones: Marina", "Internal struggle in the Gulf Cartel could weaken the organization", "Major Arrests Expected to Shake Up Gulf Cartel", "Death of Gulf Cartel 'Finance Chief' Sign of Internal Strife? Unbelievable! [36] His prosecutors, however, tried Garca brego as a U.S. citizen because he also had an American birth certificate, although Mexican authorities claimed the certificate was "fraudulent. [148][149][150], Nevertheless, according to the newspapers The Brownsville Herald and The Monitor from across the border in Brownsville, Texas and McAllen, Texas, around 50 people were killed in the gunfights. [80], Upon the arrest of the Gulf Cartel boss Crdenas in 2003 and his extradition in 2007, the panorama for Los Zetas changedthey started to become synonymous with the Gulf Cartel, and their influences grew within the organization. "[37] He also had an official birth certificate that claimed Garca brego was indeed born in Mexico. [213] However, remnants still exist in Tamaulipas. [178][179] Other sources indicate that the infighting could have been caused by the suspicions that the Rojos were "too soft" on the Gulf cartel's bitter enemy, Los Zetas. [121] Other sources mention that what initiated the conflict between them was when Samuel Flores Borrego, alias El Metro 3, lieutenant of the Gulf Cartel, killed Sergio Pea Mendoza, alias El Concorde 3, lieutenant of Los Zetas, due to a disagreement for the drug corridor of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, whom both protected. [298][299] Omar Ortiz, best known for his nickname El Gato, was a former soccer star from C.F. [210] Consequently, Los Zetas joined forces with the Beltrn Leyva Cartel and the Tijuana Cartel to counterattack the opposing cartels. [360], In May 2013, Aurelio Cano Flores (alias El Yankee) was sentenced to 35 years in prison for conspiring to import multi-ton quantities of marijuana and cocaine into the United States. The agents tried to reason with him that killing U.S. federal agents would bring a massive manhunt from the U.S. government. An intelligence agency mentioned that the Gulf Cartel kidnaps for three reasons: In April 2011 in the border city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, 68 kidnapped victims from different parts of Mexico and Central America were found in a safe house of the Gulf Cartel. Los Zetas' original 31 members were soldiers in Mexico's most elite special forces unit, the Grupos Aeromviles de Fuerzas Especiales (GAFE). [228][229] The municipal president of Tampico, Tamaulipas, scar Prez Inguanzo, was arrested 12 November 2011, due to his "improper exercise of public functions and forgery" of certain documents. In addition, he was under observation and was widely known, since his surname meant more of the same. [120] On the other hand, other sources reveal that Los Zetas separated from the Gulf Cartel to ally with Beltrn-Leyva Cartel, which led to conflict between them. The arresting officer, a FJP commander, is believed to have received a bullet-proof Mercury Grand Marquis and US$500,000 from a rival cartel for enacting the arrest of Garca brego. And in doing so, they inherently become a "competitor" with the state, who also claims sovereignty over its territories. [61] His goal was to protect himself from rival drug cartels and from the Mexican military, to perform vital functions as the leader of the most powerful drug cartel in Mexico. Se basa en el libro El cartel de los sapos, escrito por el ex narcotraficante colombiano Andrs Lpez Lpez, conocido en el mundo del narcotrfico con el alias de "Florecita" quien escribi el . [84], The standoff triggered a massive law enforcement effort to crackdown the leadership structure of the Gulf Cartel. [185] Thomas A. Shannon, a U.S. diplomat and ambassador, stated that criminal organizations like the Gulf Cartel have "substantially weakened" the institutions in Mexico and Central America, and have generated a surge of violence in the United States. [84][85] Crdenas Guilln demanded the agents and the informant to get out of their vehicle, but they refused to obey his orders. [180] When the Gulf cartel and Los Zetas split in early 2010, some members of the Rojos stayed with the Gulf cartel, while others decided to leave and join the forces of Los Zetas. [223][224] In addition, El Universal newspaper mentions that the narco-corruption in Tamaulipas is due to the fact the opposing political parties, the PAN and the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), rarely win an election and "practically do not exist". [265] The federal government is also constructing three military bases in Tamaulipas: in Ciudad Mier, San Fernando and Ciudad Mante. [251] Consequently, the federal government did not hesitate to assign the Mexican Army and the Federal Police to vigilate the prisons until further notice; they were also left in charge of searching for the fugitives. [109] Crdenas has been isolated from interacting with other prisoners in the supermax prison he is in. [329] One leader of the Gulf Cartel confessed after his apprehension that "drug trafficking is their main business, but due to the difficulties they have been encountering, oil theft has been an important financial cushion" for the cartel. The majority of the commerce between the United States and Mexico passes through the state of Texas. [264] El Universal released an article which said that the National Public Security System (SNSP) has condemned the cops' salaries, and demanded the state and municipal authorities to create better paying programs for the policemen so they can have a "just wage" for themselves and their families. Stealing oil from PEMEX and selling it illegally has been one of the many funding activities of the Gulf Cartel. After Osiel Crdenas Guilln took full control of the Gulf Cartel in 1999, he found himself in a no-holds-barred fight to keep his notorious organization and leadership untouched, and sought out members of the Mexican Army Special Forces to become the military armed-wing of the Gulf Cartel. [334] Bank accounts inside the United States also launder millions of dollars for the drug lords of the Gulf Cartel. Before the standoff, he was regarded as a minor player in the international drug trade, but this incident catapulted his reputation and made him one of the most-wanted criminals. Along with Antonio Crdenas, the following members of Los Escorpiones were killed: Sergio Antonio Fuentes, alias El Tyson or Escorpin 1; Ral Marmolejo Gmez, alias Escorpin 18; Hugo Lira, alias Escorpin 26; and Refugio Adalberto Vargas Corts, alias Escorpin 42. When drug trafficking tightens, they usually invest in more sophisticated methods to smuggle drugs, recruit new members, corrupt more officials, seek new ways to remove obstacles that impede the immediate success of the organization, along with many others. This video released by the Mexican government shows the moment security forces captured Ovidio Guzman Lopez, a leader of the Sinaloa cartel and the son of Jo. [118] Other reports mention, however, that the rupture occurred due to a disagreement about who would take on the leadership of the cartel after the extradition of Osiel. [45][46][47], Following brego's 1996 arrest by Mexican authorities and subsequent deportation to the United States, a power vacuum was left and several top members fought for leadership. [311] People smuggling is currently controlled by a cell within the Gulf Cartel known as Los Flacos, dedicated to the kidnapping and smuggling of undocumented migrants as far as South America to the United States. [29] Jurors also ordered the seizure of $350million of Garca brego's assets $75million more than what was previously planned. [243] The authorities mentioned that the incident is "under investigation," but did not give further information. Kidnappings [335] The Economist mentioned in 1997 that the drug money from the Gulf Cartel in the Rio Grande Valley was perhaps moving about $20billion, and that around 15% of the retailers' gains were from drug money. [190] In 2013, high ranking Gulf Cartel member Aurelio Cano Flores became the highest cartel member to be convicted by a U.S. jury in 15 years[191] In January 2020, high-ranking U.S. Gulf Cartel member Jorge Costilla-Sanchez pleaded guilty to an international drug trafficking conspiracy to distribute cocaine and marijuana into the United States. [266], In 2003, the arrest of several high-profile cartel leaders, including the heads of the Tijuana Cartel and Gulf Cartel, Benjamn Arellano Flix and Osiel Crdenas Guilln, turned the war on drugs into a trilateral war. The drug-violence in Nuevo Laredo began back in 2003, when the city was controlled by the Gulf Cartel. It operates in more than half of the country's 32 states. [3] Some media outlets also referred to him by another name, Efran Snchez Castillo. Malherbe tried to bribe officials $2million for his release, but it was denied. [262] On 7 November 2011, about 1,660 policemen were released from their duties because they had either failed their control tests or refused to take them. Aurelio Cano Flores (born 3 May 1972), commonly referred to by his aliases Yankee and/or Yeyo, is an imprisoned Mexican drug trafficker and former high-ranking leader of the Gulf Cartel, a Mexican drug trafficking organization. Professional exterminators at: (909) 467-8531. principales ideas de parmnides; parque de diversiones en lima jockey plaza Highways 59, 77, 83, and 281. "[260] The Joint Operation Nuevo Len-Tamaulipas issued in 2007, along with several other military-led operation by the federal government, have brought thousands of troops to restore order in Tamaulipas. [225] PRI's main opposition party, the PAN, claimed that government elections in Tamaulipas are likely to encounter an "organized crime influence. [352] Due to its multifaceted transportation networks and proximity to major production areas right across the border in Mexico, Texas is a major hub for drug trafficking. [328] They were reported to have stolen around 40% of the oil products in 2011 in northern Mexico and then selling it illegally in Mexico and in the American black market. [257] As a result, most of the police forces in Tamaulipas are believed to be "corrupt" due to their low wages and the presence of organized crime, who can easily bribe them. The incident escalated as Crdenas Guilln threatened to kill them if they did not comply and as his gunmen prepared to shoot. [172] After the rupture between the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas (which until then had served as the cartel's armed wing), Los Escorpiones became the armed wing of the entire Gulf organization. A l'heure actuelle, le cartel est divis par des luttes internes incessantes, ce qui a intensifi la violence dans des villes comme Matamoros, Tampico et Reynosa. [178] Crdenas Vela had held a grudge on Flores Borrego and the Metros because he believed that they had led the Mexican military to track down and kill his uncle Antonio Crdenas Guilln on 5 November 2010. [194] In 2009, the Gulf organization concluded that expanding their market opportunities in Europe, combined with the euro strength against the U.S. dollar, justified establishing an extensive network in that continent. Le cartel du Golfe est l'un des plus puissants cartel de la drogue mexicain, avec le cartel de Sinaloa, duquel il se serait rapproch en 2009 : eux deux, ils disposeraient de 100 000 hommes arms selon le ministre de la Dfense des tats-Unis [1]. [82][83], On 9 November 1999, two U.S. agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and FBI were threatened at gunpoint by Crdenas Guilln and approximately fifteen of his henchmen in Matamoros. El Seor de los Cielos es una serie de televisin estadounidense producida y grabada ntegramente en Mxico.Es producida por Telemundo Global Studios (antes Telemundo Studios) y Argos Comunicacin.Durante la primera temporada, la televisora colombiana, Caracol Televisin, tambin particip en la produccin. "[218], Although drug-related violence has existed since the early beginnings of the Gulf Cartel, it often happened in low-profile levels, while the government agreed to "look the other way" while the drug traffickers went about their businessas long as they behaved. [168] Others explained how his death allowed Jorge Eduardo Costilla Snchez to take full directive of the cartel, and that would tighten relations with Colombia and straighten the Gulf Cartel's path, something quite difficult with Antonio Crdenas as co-leader. [134] Government sources claimed that this operationwhere more than 660 marines, 17 vehicles, and 3 helicopters participatedleft 8 dead: three marines, one soldier, and four gunmen, including Antonio Crdenas. [306] FBI investigators said that victims are "kidnapped, threatened, assaulted, drugged and transported into Mexico to meet with Cartel members. In the show members of Los Emes either wear a kind of black uniform with patches or at least all grey outifts. [25][26], Garca brego's business had grown to such length that the FBI placed him on the Top Ten Most Wanted in 1995. The leader of Mexico's most brutal drug cartel was arrested early Wednesday morning, but his capture will most likely have only a minor impact on what the US government has called "the most. Court documents indicated that Garca brego was bribing several law enforcement officials, prosecutors, and politicians on both sides on the border to keep himself impune and untouched. [221][222] Moreover, the state of Tamaulipas was no exception; according to Santiago Creel, a PAN politician and pre-candidate for the 2012 presidency, the PRI in Tamaulipas has protected the Gulf Cartel for years. Moreover, through handwritten notes, Crdenas gave orders on the movement of drugs along Mexico and to the United States, approved executions, and signed forms to allow the purchase of police forces. The Gulf Cartel (Spanish: Crtel del Golfo, Golfos, or CDG)[7][8] is a criminal syndicate and drug trafficking organization in Mexico,[9] and perhaps one of the oldest organized crime groups in the country. [241], On 25 March 2010, in the city of Matamoros, 40 inmates escaped from a federal prison. When the Gulf Cartel was moving tons of cocaine to the United States and moving millions of dollars in cash along the border in the 1970s, Juan Garca brego decided that he needed more protection. [331], Money laundering US-trained cartel terrorises Mexico Founders of the Zetas drug gang learned special forces techniques at Ft. Bragg before waging a campaign of carnage. The buses made great transportation, as Antonio Ortiz noted since they were never stopped at the border. While in prison, Crdenas and Arellano formed an alliance to defend themselves from the Sinaloa and Juarez Cartels,[267] who had also allied with each other, and were planning to take over the smuggling routes and territories of the Gulf and Tijuana Cartel. [136] This military-led operation was a result of more than six months of intelligence work. [323], FBI agents have claimed that the Gulf Cartel moves millions of dollars in cash through the Rio Grande Valley each month, a tempting amount for many U.S. [355] Another avenue that they have implemented is to construct tunnels to get their product across the border. [192], The Gulf Cartel is believed to have ties with the 'Ndrangheta, an organized crime group in Italy that also has ties with Los Zetas. [11][15], On 24 March 2010, the United States Department of the Treasury sanctioned Cano Flores under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (sometimes referred to simply as the "Kingpin Act"), for his involvement in drug trafficking along with fifty-three other international criminals and ten foreign entities. "[226], The Exclsior newspaper reported that the former governors of Tamaulipas, Manuel Cavazos Lerma (19931999), Toms Yarrington (19992004), and Eugenio Hernndez Flores (20052010) have had close ties with the Gulf Cartel. "[1][2], Aurelio Cano Flores was born in Tamaulipas, Mexico on 3 May 1972. [145], The Guardian newspaper mentioned that in a YouTube video, a convoy of SUV's filled with gunmen and pickups packed with marines were seen in a chase through the streets of Matamoros, Tamaulipas. [183] Like other drug trafficking organizations, the Gulf Cartel also subverts government institutions, particularly at state and local levels, by using their large profits to bribe officials. The Zetas' outsized arsenals grenades and automatic weapons became standard sparked something of an arms race across Mexican criminal groups, which multiplied the group's destructive impact far beyond its specific area of operation. [174], However, his brother Osiel Crdenas Guilln disapproved the existence of this mercenary group, since he had created Los Zetas, the parallel version of Los Escorpiones, and they had turned against the organization. [325] The Gulf Cartel also bribes journalists to persuade them not to mention any violent incidents in the media. The potential alliance was conducted by Juan Reyes Meja Gonzlez (alias "R1"), from the Gulf Cartel; and Rogelio Gonzlez Pizaa (alias "Z-2"), from Los Zetas. [43] Two men from the Rio Grande Valley were charged before the drug lord's arrest for laundering more than $30million for Garca brego. [353] The Gulf of Mexico also presents a danger to the flow of drugs to Texas; the Port of Houston and the Port of Brownsville enable traffickers to use small vessels and pleasure craft to transport illicit drugs into and from southern Texas. [1], The U.S. Department of State was offering up to US$5 million for information leading to his arrest and/or conviction. [12] On 13 May 2013, U.S. District Judge Barbara Jacobs Rothstein sentenced Cano Flores to 35 years in prison and ordered him to forfeit US$15 billion. The 2012 Nuevo Laredo massacres were a series of mass murder attacks between the allied Sinaloa Cartel and Gulf Cartel against Los Zetas in the border city of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, across the U.S.-Mexico border from Laredo, Texas. For the most part, the arms trafficking circles of the Gulf Cartel operate directly across the border in the United States, just like most of the criminal groups in Mexico. [310] La Jornada mentioned that before the rupture with Los Zetas in 2007, the corridor of Reynosa, Tamaulipas was often used for human smuggling. The Gulf Cartel, originally founded in Mexico the 1930s to smuggle whiskey and other illicit commodities into the United States, expanded significantly by the 1970s under Juan Garcia-Abrego, who became the first drug trafficker to be placed on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List. Reports mention that Antonio Crdenas was being protected by the Los Escorpiones (The Scorpions), the alleged armed wing of the Gulf Cartel and the personal army of Antonio Crdenas, who was serving as snipers and bodyguards for him. [330] They have also been reported to steal vehicles. [289], Protection racketeering [156][157][158][159][160][161][162] The death of Antonio Crdenas Guillen also caused a spiral of violence in Reynosa, Tamaulipas a number of days after he was killed. The intense shootings provoked the temporary closure of three international bridges in Matamoros,[139] along with the University of Texas at Brownsville, just across the border. [175] El Universal reported that Mexican authorities identified the gunmen that were engaging in confrontations against the troops in Matamoros, Tamaulipas as members of the Los Escorpiones group. Los llamados Emes en la serie de televisin del Chapo, producida por Netflix y Univisin, son el brazo armado del Crtel del Golfo, que pelea por el control de Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, con el Crtel de Sinaloa, liderado por Joaqun Guzmn. According to El Universal, there are several music videos on YouTube that exalt the power of this armed group through narcocorridos. [296] The Mexican military mentioned that in the states of Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, where the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas fight for territory, abductions are carried out very commonly. He is also a former member of the Federal Judicial Police in Tamaulipas. [212], In June 2020, Insight Crime journalist Victoria Dittmar claimed that the Gulf Cartel had undergone "fragmentation" at some point in time. [309], Before 2010, it was not clear whether the Gulf Cartel controls the human trafficking business in its territory or whether it simply taxes operators for using their smuggling corridors. [363][364] He was arrested with a female companion identified as Miriam "M" and is accused of being responsible for recent violence in Tamaulipas[365]. [95], The arrest and extradition of Crdenas, however, caused for several top lieutenants from both the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas to fight over important drug corridors to the United States, especially the cities of Matamoros, Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa, and Tampicoall situated in the state of Tamaulipas. El Cartel De Los Sapos En la vida real: Fernando Henao Montoya. "[308] In one reported incident, Isaac Sanchez Gutierrez, a man from Palmview, Texas, said he faced an ultimatum: pay $10 million to the Gulf Cartel, or transport 50 drug loads from Mexico into the U.S. in order to free his kidnapped brother. [65] Among the original defectors were Jaime Gonzlez Durn,[66] Jess Enrique Rejn Aguilar,[67] Miguel Trevio Morales,[68] and Heriberto Lazcano,[69] who would later become the supreme leader of the independent cartel of Los Zetas. L'Oficina del Xrif del Comtat de Tulare ha . [270] Since February 2010, the major cartels have aligned in two factions, one integrated by the Jurez Cartel, Tijuana Cartel, Los Zetas and the Beltrn-Leyva Cartel;[271] the other faction integrated by the Gulf Cartel, Sinaloa Cartel, La Familia Cartel (now extinct) and the Knights Templar Cartel.[272][273]. [276] In addition, within the Gulf Cartel there is believed to be two groupsthe Rojos and the Metros. By Chris Arsenault "[290] It is generally seen as a way where criminals change the legal face of security and provide their own form of "insurance". Aurelio Cano Flores, commonly referred to by his aliases Yankee and/or Yeyo, is an imprisoned Mexican drug trafficker and former high-ranking leader of the Gulf Cartel, a Mexican drug trafficking organization. [244] In the border city of Reynosa, 85 inmates escaped from a prison on 10 September 2010. 210 ] Consequently, Los Zetas joined forces with the Beltrn Leyva Cartel the... 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