Benhayon was required to sign an undertaking by the Charity Commission that he wouldnt profit from the charity if it folded. In 2012, Serge Benhayon told Seven News his business turned over around$2M per annum. It's just sick stuff. Benhayon hit back by suing her for defamation. (Esoteric Development Group notes, taken by Kathleen Baldwin, September 2008). No accident I laid out Benhayons death drive in blogs starting 3 years ago. WebThe Truth about Serge Benhayon By Students of Universal Medicine. She wrote of unqualified Serge Benhayon providing her with healings and counselling free of charge while she underwent radiotherapyin Lismore. There was an emptiness in this. The hall and land are all the name of Serge Benhayon and are his personal property. What have I been involved in, what emotions do I allow, how do I walk, sit speak and interact with everybody from an energetic point of view that allows some form of energy to enter that is not good for me to come into my body and create what we call a cancerous cell or a cancerous tumour? More disturbing still is Benhayons bizarre treatment for victims of sexual assault, detailed in one of his training manuals. Simple. Sickening. Why didnt Judith donate to the charity? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Something else to consider. 8.12.2 Not encouraging patients to give, lend or bequeath money or gifts that will benefit you directly or indirectly. Hes been handed money from the government (a part of $700K) when he has no qualifications, runs a tax free education business (hes not registered for GST and all of the family have ABNs, non GST) gets lots of cash donations, anonymous donations to buy properties in his name, bequeaths, and more and there doesnt seem to be a regulator in sight that cares less. When Sarah opened her mothers computer, she discovered emails from Serge Benhayon coaching the dying woman on how to restrict her childrens share of her fortune. Lets hope it makes it to print. On the exposed blog a palliative care nurse has expressed her anger at the case. Simple. My deepest condolences to the family. Living True Purpose from my Inner-knowing. (The Book of Proverbs was written centuries before Jesus was born). More at Fitting I suppose for a new era Messiah. Growing up I was taught that my main purpose was to be However, we know the premises is used for UM Pty Ltd commercial purposes. Property searches by the ABC show Mr Benhayon and his family have bought or sold 23 properties worth $11.4 million since he founded Universal Medicine, many of them owned jointly with followers. UM boasts 700 followers, including doctors, academics and lawyers. This article contains external content that failed to load. I turned to drugs and alcohol to soothe the pain. EDG notes taken by Elizabeth Dolan, September 18, 2011, p.4. Serge really is a teflon man. Women In Livingness Magazine. Maybe UM thought it convincing this woman should best be sent off to Arctucus or wherever! Benhayon has also surrounded himself with professionals health professionals, including five medical specialists and a half dozen or so psychologists; four lawyers, teachers, chartered accountants, media professionals, Eric Walsh, the dropkick cult cop lol, social workers, child safety workers and wealthy sycophants like Rob and Deborah Wild, Neil and Jean Gamble and Michael and Tricia Nicholson. And Each time I When I can, I go to our local park, which is a bus ride away, and the feeling of being in green space brings me a lot of joy. Not so for Sergio. WebSerge Benhayon is the founder of Universal Medicine and a well known presenter and practitioner of Esoteric Medicine. As a result, the CoUM, though quite obviously never set up as a charity to benefit anyone other than Serge and a few members, was allowed to continue provided Serge undertake that he would not benefit from it. Even the smaller papers who picked up the story from the wire largely reported the same thing. Oh, you could use some more nurturing. Suffice to say the SLAPP is all about shutting me down so they can get on with the robbing and exploitation unscrutinized. Last year as it was fast approaching the end of the year, most were starting the wind down to the Christmas and New Year period: the beginning of December, where Christmas carols are played and decorations put up on display to celebrate the upcoming festive season. I said to her, What in god's name are you doing? and she was getting rid of spirits., You couldn't go into the kitchen and give her a hug. Michael Serge Benhayon. (Benhayon, 2011, p.586), If everything is energy, then there is an energetic harm and an energetic true good. Uh oh, a not so very flattering version of Serges Estate Grooming Case in NY Times. Founder of Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon is a renowned teacher, practitioner and trainer of therapies that are complementary to If you drink alcohol and then hold a baby, the baby can be raped by the entity that's in you. Fair does not matter. Its not worth reading what the members have to say. ..and we know thats been breached in abundance. Cu MIX za . Its imperative I get the financial backing to fund this defence and get him to court, on the stand and answering to all of this. I am shocked the court didnt hear the coercion that goes into getting bequests from members. That is- clearly- what Universal Medicine is really all about. Judiths testimonial walks us through Benhayons grooming process. Northern Star this is a local story that has made national & overseas headlines. Christoph Schnell was her financial advisor (remember the recent article about in the cult journal the Northern Star about death planning by Christoph? And please everyone, read the whole blog I just wrote and think about what that means. I wonder how much he has taken ftom them. Its obvious your not a fan of Serge, but I get the feeling most people here, including myself, are not fans of any religion. Each time I encounter Serge I am left feeling of value, confident that I am worth being on this earth and that genuine love and kindness is still One devotee is heard in a video: It can be shared that spirits have a mid-grey coloured body, long thin fingers. Esther Rocketts campaign to expose Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine had started to gain traction. In just a few short years, Serge Benhayon has gone from bankrupt tennis coach to living god, with a sprawling property on the NSW North Coast, paid for by some of his 2000 devoted followers, many of them professionals, doctors, lawyers and academics. Dirty little shit bag he is. WebSerge Benhayon is a prolific writer and has since the inception of UniMed Publishing in 2007 written at least one book a year, with eight in print and a number of others queued 'in the Of course not. Serge Benhayon I wonder if that if the same woman were penniless, would Serge and his fledgling UM vultures have lavished so much attention on her, video her last wishes, made sure her kids promised not to contest the Clearly he wasnt countingdonations toUMs UK charity front, the Sound Foundation which received1.2M from charity trustee, Michael Nicholson alone, in 2011-12. Thats coercion. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); More at IMDbPro &raq Wiki: Salary, Married, Wedding, Spouse, Family Michael Benhayon is an amazing self-taught musician producing music covering many genres and styles. In my family it would be seen as getting too big for your boots if you even celebrated yourself for something you did that was felt to be amazing. I think he creates doubt. Rather than save up our celebration for one day, what if every day was a celebration of us, our connection to the true nature of what we are and the lived outward expression of this? I could see how I had squandered my life energy and made myself vulnerable to cancer in spite of my healthy lifestyle, He told me that he was willing to see me throughout my cancer treatment and that other cancer patients who came to him usually did very well with their treatment, I was seeing Serge weekly for counselling and esoteric acupuncture and began to feel so well physically that I could take longer and more lively walks than I had been able to do for many months before my diagnosis. It lives with a unifying impulse to unite all as a living brotherhood of one race under the One God in accordance with the spirit of a one-humanity.. Two things the family provisions act only needs for the provision to family to be adequate. I acutely felt disgraced, disregarded, disconnected and appalled by the lovelessness in the world. This website offers another insight into the life of Serge Benhayon and the multi-faceted aspects of his expression, the prolific output and contributions as well as his tireless dedication to humanity at large. It was a nasty experience. I felt during these times that there was a constant striving to attain things and academic qualifications to get on in life. In 2016, he had a taxable income of more than $188,000, WebSerge Benhayon Presenter, Philosopher, Author, Practitioner. I used to work as an acupuncturist [and they were] saying that I was unfit to practice because I was a hate blogger and a troll, therefore I must be some sort of psychopath, so I'm not fit to practice.. Its a terrible time of year to have a birthday, a family member said one day whilst on the subject of going through the timing of birthdays and where everyone in the family fitted in. Ive not had time to stay abreast of everything. It was a day of connecting with friends and family, enjoying and appreciating how much grander life is when it comes from the appreciation within. In one recording, Benhayon states: Youve become involved with sport, which women should never be, because the right ovary becomes more powerful than the left. Yes, Serge became aware of me being in the courtroom. Sarah told the court she had agreed not to challenge her mothers will before her death because she didnt want to upset her or to argue with her. Meeting Serge Benhayon A Meeting on the Edge of Eternity Judiths final blog. Unimed Living Ummm maybe because they are a narcissistic egotistical, . Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Because everything is energy, the way you have been living energetically has allowed your body to operate with an ill energy that then manifests the ills you physically, physiologically, emotionally and psychologically will have. Im also a career health practitioner. Pathetic and morally wrong. The student body will have to buy back this property from Serge. Occultly the energy of charity is the same as the energy of a paedophilia as it tries to use an innocent expression to disguse its ill pranic ways. For more than a decade, Esther Rockett has waged a one-woman battle to expose Universal Medicine. Cult leader, Serge Benhayons 2016 build at Airheaded it might be, but thats some powerful PR. Despite Serge Benhayons weird and harmful ideas, his disciples blindly trust his every word. It angers and upsets me to think that Serge has had such a detrimental effect on so many people and hes largely gone unscathed. If you believed in decency and respect you would never take anyone elses inheritance. Universal Law and Serryn ORegan will be Gloriously on the hop hurling around legal threats lol. Your teachings are obsessed with them And ironically you did it to yourself The very weak code of conduct the HCCC doesnt actually enforce, sort of covers it. Its headquarters, known as the Lighthouse, is set on a stunning, 35-acre estate in Somerset. But how often do we look deeper than simply fixing the external layer and consider what is happening behind the issue that is needing to be resolved? In Australia Serge bought a property for the student body so that he could secure it. Similarly, that money went towardconstruction ofa 1.8M premises forUMs UK commercial events in Somerset rented for three months of the year at a knockdown rate of 6,000. For the tiny outlay of a few free undue influencesessions, the unqualified shyster received a heftyreturn. Sydney Morning Herald. http://WWW.SMH.COM.AU. Sergio was squirming on the stand at pains to differentiate the charity from the business, and point out he has no relationship to the charity (on paper). Judith was already desperately ill when she met Benhayon at a Byron Bay festival eight years ago. When I first met Serge Benhayon I was 17 years old, just going into Year 12 at high school. No surprise APN closed the comments on the story it would have been spammed with UMers vouching for the bogan messiah, and begging APN to print the real story how hundreds have benefited from throwing all their money at the holy Benhayons. We are simply not entitled to more than that but our industry is filling with mercenary bastards, like BenhayonCorp preying on the vulnerable, and that should be prohibited by law. Death is in. Yes serge a member of the hierarchy just like Jesus and buddha obviously needs more money in this more material age, It all makes perfect sense I can see why the followers gather around him and worship him I can see why the followers gather around him and worship him He is such a perfect man taking those evil dollars off those evil children so that he can put it in his bank account and make sure that it is only spent in energetic integrity, He surely is the next Messiah in 1000 years everyone will gather to talk about how serge took the money from the evil children so that they may she worship God in the most perfect way Furthermore, I realised that instead of leaving it for others to celebrate me, what if I could celebrate myself and all I am? She gifted the money to Serge personally. Back in 2005, Esther was feeling stressed and run down, so she booked a healing session with Serge Benhayon at his then home in Goonellabah, just outside Lismore in northern NSW. Universal Medicine is booming in Britain. ArchivedEsoteric Breast Massage site erased in 2012, We know breast cancer is out of control and energetically from an esoteric point of view this is caused by the lack of nurturing a woman has toward herself. And rather than needing gifts, see myself as a gift to the world and to feel the depth and beauty of who I am and celebrate this fact with all those around me. I abused myself through food, sex, and had completely dysfunctional relationships with those around me and with myself. How beautiful would life be? Help fund my defence. How often do we consider the steps that were taken that lead to that issue in the first place? Constantly linking to um blogs, all for nothing. WebAbout Serge Benhayon TV. Universal Medicine wields extraordinary power over its flock. Now Im very busy, so dont get upset if Im too busy to respond to messages etc. Women In Livingness Magazine. Fire& prana correspond with good and evil in Benhayons worldview. WebAkce tdne. To his followers, Serge Benhayon is a healer and a god-like figure. A quote translated from the Chinese article. Those few who challenge his teachings are shunned and discredited. He preaches that were surrounded by aliens, and that disabled children are evil reincarnated. First they tried to have me deregistered, Ester recalls. If you really believed in karma you wouldnt take what isnt yours. Everything makes a normal citizen feel so creepy and awful. The $800K gift from Ms McIntyre to Benhayon was used to renovate the Wollongbar College of Universal Medicine charity premises, which Benhayon owns outright, purchased for $2.3M. Universal Medicines Serge Benhayon to inherit bulk of devotees million-dollar estate Sydney Morning Herald 28 December, 2015. The court went over Sarah & Seths expenditure with a fine tooth comb. Benhayon vs Rockett help fund my legal defence. She appears to have weighed up the competing considerations of the need to leave a legacy to Sarah and Seth and her desire to promote the teachings of Mr Benhayon.. True believers are taught that they are being constantly watched by alien-like creatures that shape their lives. he took plus interest to this ladies children. The other thing was that the court cant do anything if the evidence is not brought. In the next days I will update on my legal defence. What a little fucking c. Her fears were justified Judith eventually gave Universal Medicine $1.4 million. There is no record in the Bible of Jesus asking for money for himself. Continue reading Breaking the Cycle of Abuse , Healing usually comes with the notion of fixing something that needs to be fixed. They wouldnt earn a cent from Serge just the right to a firey next life. Last year, a 10-month-old baby placed on the Universal Medicine diet was admitted to Lismore Base Hospital, dangerously ill. He said he urged his mother to reconsider bequeathing the majority of her estate to Universal Medicine. Serge also spoke about the nursing homes we will have to cater for all of us who are getting older and who will be looking for a place to live and die in our old age. I had little regard for myself and others. If a registered doctor or practitioner took $800,000 from their patient shortly before dying, and also changed their will at the same time so that they also became the largest benefactor, what would happen to that practitioner? It appears to be regular Universal Medicine courses, formerly ran in venues he had to lease at commercial rates. Unimed Living It mightnt sound that bad, but Esther Rockett says its making people ill. If you followed that diet, one meal a day, that is very restricted, you are going to get seriously sick, says Esther. Especially if they are already loaded? In answer to how the court came to the judgement they did? They are but mere reflections of our many choices. What an absolute charmer Serge is. Who is Cuba Gooding Jr. ex-wife. (John 2: 14-16). I could feel him like touching my bottom, and he said, I just pulled an energetic snake out of your arse. You know, you're dealing with that kind of stuff all the time.. Universal Medicines marketing and indoctrination are aimed to establishing a therapy dependency among students and patients in order to benefit to Universal Medicine commercially. This was exemplified, for instance, by having a boyfriend, earning some money, getting good school and college results and carving out a life where I was comfortable. Because then we all miss out. Universal Medicine However, Serge Benhayon has only grown richer and more powerful. In this case, I am quite sure that the budget of the family decided the outcome. Web2 quotes from Serge Benhayon: 'If everything is energy, which it is - then everything is because of energy.' He calls himself an Ascended Master - one of The Hierarchy - and teaches that all of us are reincarnated multiple times. Im sorry to say that the familys legal team opted to spend less time in court and simply did not bring the evidence and did not cross examine Sergio the parasite anywhere near enough for the judge to be able to make a determination on his Esoteric integrity. And then theres the Universal Medicine website which paints a very different version of events. A good doctorpatient partnership requires high standards of professional conduct. Another charity the same investigator was looking at had its directors flee overseas with the money. (Mathew ch 23. Serge Behayon also controls what his followers eat, forbidding dairy, coffee, gluten, even vegetables like carrots and potatoes. It hasnt changed since he was a young man. Its *our job* to help sick people. Serge will say that if you drink alcohol, supernatural entities can invade you, Esther explains. It is not possible for them to see what it really is, and the courts piss weak decision will vindicate their dodgy thinking. All of them acting out their best soul-full Love and Truth performance and burbling about nurturing and integrity and other cult fictions. Probably very little as theyll be hoping for campaign contributions. I had to ask permission., I was so stupid, so nave. There were no fancy gifts or a massive party. So the question is, if the charity is squeaky clean, why give it directly to Serge? ie- ticking boxes. The gate to the property says its the College of Universal Medicine. Thank you Esther for all of your HUGE efforts. I felt really hurt, because it was really clear that Serge was trying to drive a wedge between mum and her children.. Jim Tom Hedrick (Moonshiner) Net Worth, Dead, Age, Twitch Streamer HAchubby: Age, Real Name, Net Wort Key from 'SHINee' Biography (Kim Kibum) Age, Heigh YouTuber Phylols Biography - Age, Height, Girlf Stephanie Faracy Net Worth, Spouse. Continue reading Freeing Myself inLockdown , Last year as it was fast approaching the end of the year, most were starting the wind down to the Christmas and New Year period: the beginning of December, where Christmas carols are played and decorations put up on display to celebrate the upcoming festive season. The building at Wollongbar is the College of UM building, supposedly., Yep Northern star can write an article on this as news! At the time I knew what was happening was indecent and intrusive but felt powerless to speak out about what was going on. As last years birthday approached, something shifted in me. WebSERGE DAUTRIFS Post En 1997, John Hagel III crit le livre Net Gain (sur les places de march) avant de publier Net Worth quelques annes plus tard. It didnt take long to realise that her healing experience wasnt unique. The ACNC also did nothing. Benhayon, S.The Way It Is, UniMed Publishing, Goonellabah, 2006, Benhayon, S. Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, UniMed Publishing, Goonellabah, 2011. Outright greed. Why are so many Australians devoted to him? Its a terrible time of year to have a birthday, a family member said one day whilst on the subject of going through the timing of birthdays and where everyone in the family fitted in. There you were sitting in the Courtroom. The trauma or scarring imprint from this abuse was then an overlay through which I experienced life. If UMers cant see this is a massive abuse of power & travesty of justice, they are in deep denial with no conscience. Woman should best be sent off to Arctucus or wherever a narcissistic egotistical, years.! 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