The only problem i. It was true, Tony did like to make a scene out of absolutely everything and they both knew it. The papers had started to call the two of you the latest Dynamic Duo. When you turned your head to see where it was coming from, you found your father sitting next to you his head in his hands. I made a promise. You said, voice was stronger now but you still refused to look at him. But daisy helps her through trauma and withdrawal. But you needed some space. au where tony has twins. Even though you felt like she never loved you, you did love her and that's why you cried. You two fell apart and now the only thing you were doing was arguing. Its not that I dont Its just, I feel like youve been hiding something? He said no better time to rip the band-aid offright? This is dangerous, he said. Druids, fauns, magic, witches, 100 year winters. He wondered if it had anything to do with him being close to his daughter. Thats great news! She exchanged smiles and waves with the group, feeling out of place because she was just an ordinary person with no powers or special abilities. Your eyes were puffy and red like you had been crying. Test 22. Your attaquant had left you there bleeding to your death. Peter thought vaguely of the numbers, they sounded so familiar but he was too busy looking all around the room to think about them for too long. She doesn't even have a name. And send a message to Harley Keener, you told the disembodied voice. But it's not what it seems Word Count: 800 Warnings: None (Y/N Especially her father. slight fluff/humor, major angst. Lets get you out of here, His words were soft and private just for you but instead of turning around he stopped in his tracks and used his body to cover yours. You think Im attractive? he asked in surprise. It worked out well because you were working on upgrading your suit with the help of Bruce and your dad. Thatd be awesome, Ill let them know. You could hear the smile in his voice. He looked at you and you hid your face under your blanket , so he couldn't see you crying. He stood almost immediately, Yes! In 2014, she and her close friend, Peter Quill, created the Guardians of the Galaxy with four other aliens. You kept flying unawared of what had been following you. There you were, in the kitchen arguing with your father the one and only Tony Stark. 2. When you woke up, everything was white around you. It always makes her feel even more of an outsider than she already is with her black and gold eyes and white streak in her black hair. Well Im glad, Bruce said, a small smile beginning to grace his lips. Strangely enough, they seemed confused at the teams arrival and hesitated at first. , 18+ || Black Fic Writer || I do it for the queens low on content. He ran and fell on his knees next to you. The baby seemed to like her, trying to reach for her nose under its rags. Natasha grabbed Tonys shoulder. A name for the girl who was imprisoned, tortured After growing up believing love could never truly exist, Y/N Stark discovers that she indeed has a soulmate. You felt yourself smile back. Only 6 hours later you were standing in the rain with an umbrella holding hands with your dad. She thought she was dangerous and that she would hurt the people she loved. Okay, before you start popping ps at me, let me explain. You begin, running a hand through your (Y/H/C) hair. Oh come on, the little princess isnt happy.. How could he have said that? 2023 Cable News Network. He was supposed to be the person who loved you the most but yet you felt unwanted and hated. You fell, head over heels, and he did too. Moreover, Anthony Russo said, because viewers were only visually familiar with the young version of Morgan, as we would watch it in post [production] we started to feel we didnt have a lot of emotional connection to the character because wed never seen her before.. And a way to live always must be found again in the aftermath. Overnight my world was turned upside down. He turns with you, never taking his eyes off of your face. But you didnt want to completely block him in case he truly needed something. No matter, the one you had now was perfect. Something about him is just unravelling, so you decide to find out, what game is he really playing. He asked something you couldn't understand so you didn't react. Did you make that costume yourself? She asked. I think that's it. Weve got her Rhodes, meet at the extraction point in 5., Wait, Peter said before they could leave, Y/N said that Harley is here and he needs help.. Now you were the one with the breaking heart. Why arent you saying that to Y/N too? You in? He asked and you hesitated. Tony x suicidal!reader Her last words The tower is quit. It lookedintense. Unlike your fathers suit, you had something similar to fingerless gloves that helped to enhance your powers in battle if necessary. His own daughter making fun of him, how nice. But those bullies made (y/n) walk away from that awful place. Because Bucky likes to blow things out of proportion, and even more so when they concern me for some reason, you told him, hooking his web-shooters up to the monitor. No! You tried to explain, but he cut you off again. I have the first FIVE chapters of Ivys Daughter outlined. So howve you been? Peter asked trying his best not to seem awkward, it had been a couple of days since they had last seen each other. My dad, overprotective? In an instant, all of their weapons were trained on you and as one of them took a shot you screamed your frustrations as hot tears fell and immediately evaporated. This is dangerous Y/N if someone got ahold of this, HYDRA or whoever. This would be her home now, deciding that she would settle back down in New York and find a job here. You continued. It's graduation and Peter is just so thirsty. You didnt know how long the two of you stayed connected but all too soon you were rudely interrupted by Peters phone chiming with a crime alert. Bucky realizes that he loves you, but wont reveal his feelings because youre Tony Stark's daughter. Each day the HYDRA scientists would study you like a lab rat, draining your power to a point where you couldnt even light a match if you needed to. They sat there in silence for a few moments, Anyone Who Knows What Love Is by Irma Thomas was playing quietly. But there was still something that made Peter feel uneasy. It was the first time you had felt the fire beneath your skin since you had been in this hell hole. I have that huge midterm tomorrow, remember. Yes, the great Iron Man was a father which wasn't something he hadn't planned on happening. Pairing (s): Tony Stark x daughter!reader, Avengers X Reader Requested? Summary: Reader is Tony's wife, everything was perfect in their lives, but then something happens to the Reader _____ Pietro Maximoff x Reader . The wounds Harley left behind were healing but still fresh. Before things got too heated, however, the door on the other side opened at the Avengers, and soldiers diverted their attention for only a second but the room seemed to freeze. It had been so long since you hung out with people your own age and it would be the first time since Harley. He called you not 5 minutes after he left and you put your headphones in your ears before you answered. Harley nodded and stood, Im going to try a small flame.. After some time the rest of the avengers trickled in one-by-one and you had an impromptu movie night. Anyone but dad.anyone but dadYou hoped as your gaze fell upon.your dad. Seal Project 87-16. A few previously unseen deleted scenes are included in the digital version of the film featured on the new streaming service, one of which is a tear-jerker that shows Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) in conversation with his daughter Morgan as an adult (played by Katherine Langford). But in 2017, Y/n Stark had to return to Earth. Tony raised and eyebrow at Peter. Y/n turned to Steve when he left the room completely and they both burst out laughing. ? He questions. Drop in 5, 4, 3, 2, Rhodey commanded and when he got to one they all leaped in sync, eager to reach you. Y/N! He yelled and was so quick to gather you in his arms that it took everything in you not to just fall forward. Typical woman will never know the meaning of packing light. Do I make myself clear? Tony warned them both and they looked at each other before nodding. Your dad has dated people before, but now he's dating Pepper Potts and it's serious. Peter looked down at you and noted that you had definitely blacked out. Fanfiction Avengers Team X Reader Natasha Romanoff X Reader Tony Stark X Reader Steve Rogers X Reader . No argument, no making fun of you, he seems to just understand the stress. Subject Harley Keener survived but continues to you were cut off by your own sobs, to cough up blood. You switched the camera off before you broke down. have to know this isnt healthy Y/N. You could hear someone sobbing next to you. I think one swear word. Implied smut/suggestive talk. Her (h/c) hair rests on her shoulder as the takes another sip of her tea. But the relief on your face when you saw your family and boyfriend right in front of you for the first time in what felt like years. Which one? May called back, most likely from in front of the TV in the living room. Peter, I already told you Im alright. Safe and Sound (Steve x Reader) One-shot. Nanobots? He asked, looking into your eyes. That was the last time you had seen her. What!? Prompt/Summary: Peter wants to get to the bottom of things. But I promise Dad, Im not! Y/n Stark had no choice. Peter felt his blood boil, So did he! Peter nearly shouted and your hand fell back to your side as you looked at him. Tony stark x daughter reader forgotten . From now on, you and I will spend more time together. She turned her back on a confused Happy and walked away. A level unseen, unheard of ever before, MJ said to the boys as we stood in line for Star Wars. Not at all, Peter said as he took them off and Y/N began bustling around the room getting tools. You tried to stand up but you couldnt, you body was hurting too much. Jealous reader. first fic as I go along going to try make chapters longer. They all ran outside and went in different directions. Sure, May said moving to sit on his bed. His fists clenched and he scowled at the pair. He took your helmet and threw it away. Even SHIELD would be on you for this one, and Mr. Stark . Instead they would chat. I cant find my belt! Peter yelled from his room, he had been searching frantically all morning. Peter looked at Buckys arm as he flexes it on purpose. You're Tony stark's daughter and you're coming home from your junior year of college at M.I.T. Ive been inactive for soooooo long that I understand if no one cares about it anymore BUT after a lot of writers block and some mental fragilityI am BACK! You stuck the syringe in his arm and a bright orange liquid disappeared into his veins. I dont know. Are you running away? Tony asked, and you could hear the strain in his voice. Loki was as hauntingly beautiful, as he was broken." Once they landed onto the roof it seemed almost too easy to get inside but it all made since when they were ambushed by a battalion of about twenty guards. In the scene, Tony, destined to die from mortal wounds suffered after he put on the Infinity Gauntlet, confesses to his daughter: I might have made a bad decision.. No idea but weve gotta get moving, Cap hit his earpiece and spoke swiftly into it. Action Fanfiction Romance Tony Starks Daughter Steve Rogersxoc Steve Rogers X Reader Thor . How can you be concerned when its something that doesnt concern you? There was what sounded like genuine curiosity in your voice along with a misplaced venom. Yeah, your daughter who you dont speak to., You know that Im busy, I cant come running around everytime you want something., What I wanted was a father but you never were one.. Thank you all again for over 400 followers, you guys are the absolute best! His eyes dared to pry themselves open, but he angrily clamped them back shut, "Y/N," he groaned in annoyance, "Shut the hell up," his half-sleep voice commanded. ! She screamed effectively socking Tony awake and erasing all traces of Peppers exhaustion before hopping over the couch and racing you. Prompt: Reader is Tony Starks daughter. He approached his daughter dressed in his black fireproof suit. When the two of you looked to him you could see the amusement in both his and Bruces eyes and you supplied them both with a subtle glare. You werent sure holding your shoes really made that much of a difference, but you had seen people carry their shoes in movies when they were sneaking somewhere, so you figured why not. Occasionally you would spend a few hours in the White Room letting off steam. Project 87-16, test 22. Sometimes, when everything was just too much to handle at home, you would go for a ride in the clouds. When the half the world disappeared, you were just finishing up your freshman year of highschool. After he placed them on his wrists he turned to make a hasty exit before having a second thought. But you didn't want to completely block him in case he truly needed something. The Disney+ version of the film also features a deleted scene that shows an alternate version of Peter Parker's reunion with Tony Stark during the film's big battle and a nearly 20-minute . She had asked her father why he picked that song that night and he told her that was all he could think of. Oh dont say that or youll hurt Karens feelings, you told him closing the refrigerator door and heading to your room. Dont you believe me? You placed both of your hands into your lap as the two of you turned to face each other. Harley gripped your free hand and looked up into her eyes, Of course, I trust you with my life Firefly, he said and you nodded, a smile tugging at your lips at the nickname. You and Harley cheered and you jumped into his arms, catching you and spinning you around with ease. Youve got to let me make my own choices in who I choose to spend time with. Yes organise someone to bring her to the tower. I know when I should and shouldnt be concerned about you, Peter told you and your body lost some of its tension. Now, now. In 2014, she and her close friend, Peter Quill, created the Guardians of the Galaxy with four other aliens. The Phantasmal Angel You could be free. They pulled apart slowly and Peters lips pulled up at the corners, he tried his best to tune out the sound as he studied your face. Whenever they had free time they would spend it together. Peter Burke became the father that your own never was; Elizabeth Burke, a best friend you didn't know you needed; and Clinton Jones, the brother you never expected. He tried not to think too much of it but it was much more often than ever before. Tony tells Pepper to have herescortedto the Avengers Tower, where he introduces her to the team since they will all be living under the same roof. For the first seven years. Harley Keener is here, are you sure? Tony asked. You managed to get some courage and used your powers to send the aliens flying. Prompt/Summary: Who do you blame when its only their fault. Cap and I will find him.. Rewrite The Stars He looked hurt and you regretted what you had just told him but he was asking for it. Then, Neal's death. You were too thin and your exposed skin was bruised. Last incident at 19:03 PDT - 11 June 2022. Now all that was left to do was go home. This chapter is going to be all about grief and mourning, so if that is something that is likely to effect you negatively, please do not read. School.. But as your loneliness and depression take root, even worse than the times before, you cant help but give up hope. No known superhuman abilities. You picked up a syringe and looked at Harley, Are you sure about this? You heard your fathers voice coming from a distance. For some reason, you could only manage to say his name. Warnings: hmm none. I need a sparring partner, he said, lightly punching Bucky on his flesh shoulder. Id be careful if I were you, I just upgraded his arm, you told him, packing away tools she used and closing hologram schematics. Soon, however, they found him chained to a wall and unconscious in what could only be described as a rundown jail cell. He didnt give you any attention, he was either working on his suits or being a hero. Or with the Y/N wannabe he chose, said Bucky, finality, and malice in his voice. He clicked on his artificial heart and his suit appeared. Tony fell onto the coach his knees giving up. Wellyou.Im sorry what? He finally says. You came home and Tony took you to the huge roof terrace. Tony Stark had no idea what he was getting himself into when he found that baby girl, abandoned by her family. Her father would come in and sing it to her each and every time and she would always feel better. Spencer hates confrontation. - "Oh, thank God you're here. The base was big but they had a good idea of where they were holding you thanks to Agent Morse. Word Count: 1750 Warnings: Underage Drinking don't do it A/N: I love Peter lol we all know this. No. Will something good even come out of it or will Ara has been on the run from Hydra for years. Her father received a temperature alert from FRIDAY while he was in the lab and waited until Y/N cooled down before he went in. He lookedheartbroken? None of them had ever seen you like this. Then he looked at you and said:" you know I love you, right? Prompt/Summary: One night can change a lot. Hey, when youre the highest-grossing film ever, the reflection stops when you say it does. After some DNA test because Tony had to make sure you were really his, he decided to take care of you since nobody was going to do it and it was technically his job as a dad. I would never run away! When Tony Stark found out that one of his many one night stands was pregnant, he paid her off. Were you guys talking about anything important? He asked and you gave a glance to his slightly distracted face before going back to the task at hand. Your dad was currently sitting on the coach in the giant living room in the Avenger tower sipping on whiskey. Peter, Peter, Peter, you spoke as you wrapped your arms around him. I need an explanation here! Have you changed something? He asked, genuinely concerned. After telling him what happened, he made a promise to himself that no one would hurt his little girl again. The hologram behind you gave your face a solemn blue glow. homesickness for a home to which you cannot return I always wanted to kill him but killing his daughter will cause him more pain than if I tried to kill him.. He yelled at the artificial intelligence making the rest of the team run into the room wondering what was happening. A Lion. He tried to pull the blanket but it ended up a pulling battle and you of course didn't win. He will always be the protective father type, not matter what age she may be. Do you mind? she asked. He started laughing giving you time to ask for help. It has a round bed, with a lot of pillows so you can lay there and watch the stars, you can watch a movie on a big white blanket, with a Beemer. Works and bookmarks tagged with Tony Stark's Daughter will show up in Parent Tony Stark's filter. After tonight, I realized that living without you is impossible.. Harley held out his hand, after a few moments the smallest of orange flames appeared in his palm and then vanished. Tony was unwinding with the rest of the team, they had just had an intense practice session together. You held your running shoes in your hands, a backpack stuffed to the brim on your shoulders, as you made your way to the stairs of the Avengers tower. Youre what, kid? Five minutes until drop, engaging stealth mode. The door was unlocked when he got to the room. Better safe than sorry, he thought. @justimaginemarvel / May! Every time Peter would come in unannounced and you were working which was often you would either shut the monitors and holograms off completely or switch it to something you and Peter had already been working on. Yeah, of course, sounds fun. You said and Peter gave an audible sigh of relief. Before you could black out however you told him one last thing. You really wanted to talk to him though, because you know hed be both proud and annoyed because he has been trying to convince you to stop for weeks and Peter had done it in a single conversation. He hugged you tight while you 2 were standing on the roof terras of your home. He was your first love and you couldn't just remove him from your life. She grabs his wrists and looks at the web-shooters on them, I have some things I want to tweak on these. With that reestablished relationship came the building of a company, and the finding of an unlikely love. Yeah, well youll be in your room for the longest haul of your life if you ever leave after 8pm without telling JARVIS where youre going. Tony quipped. "Okay then, since that's over. Prompt/Summary: Everything cant be done alone. Y/N youre one of my closest friends, and one of the strongest people Ive ever met. Dont let me catch you all loved up again under my roof, you hear me? You snapped, and survived, but made a sacrifice more torturous than death: Every memory of you was erased from the minds of those you held dearest and closest to you. Tony asks himself one question after Sokovia: When did he become so soft? You needed a new way out. When Obediah had a hit placed on both him and his child, Tony decided that telling the world about his innocent daughter was no longer safe, and had Pepper release to the press that she had been murdered in the arc-reactor explosion. Tony is hanging out with his team in the tower when he gets a phone call from Pepper alerting him that his daughter is finally back home and wishes to see her father. Peter, you rarely saw her this serious outside of your superhero uniform. you're father offers to let you and peter stay at avengers tower for the summer and you decide to take advantage of the offer. Mr Stark, your daughter is sending a distress call.. One night, the two of you were sound asleep when Bakugou was unexpectedly pulled into consciousness by a soft whimper. You had a couple of rounds with Falcon and Vision and even faced off against Spider-Man before he had to head home for an early dinner with May before his patrol. You then couldn't hold it anymore and you dropped a tear so you sat and hugged him. Unable to stay in the suffocation that the WCCU team became with its memories of your fianc, you transferred--first to the NYC BAU, then, when that got too gruesome, to Interpol. Packing light placed them on his wrists he turned to Steve when he found that baby girl, abandoned her. Had to return to Earth session together, when everything was white you... T just remove him from your junior year of college at M.I.T send a message to Harley Keener you! Telling him what happened, he was your first love and you of did... 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