What do you think about this? I feel that instinctively we want Palestine on the map because it feels like erasure without it. 2022 The Islamic Information - Duplication not allowed. DID APPLE AND GOOGLE REALLY REMOVE PALESTINE FROM MAPS? A Google statement said the companydoesn't label Palestine's borders since there is no general agreementon the bodies that make up itsterritory. Not only has a US-based global tracker removed an entire country, but the horrific situation people in the occupied territories face trying to deal with the outbreak mean they need our solidarity now more than ever. Company registration number 09788095. Israeli Settlements | IMEU Policy Backgrounder, The Nakba and Palestine Refugees | IMEU Questions and Answers, The Gaza Strip | IMEU Policy Backgrounder, Fact Sheet: Meet Israels New Government (December 2022). Inhumane. Are we not allowed to be Palestinian on Instagram? NHS scraps long Covid treatment targets but is it linked to forcing sick people back to work? a Google spokesperson confirmed to Engadget. im so angry i have no words". So why is Palestine removed from Google Maps in 2020 and is it actually as suspicious at it seems? An onlinepetitionasking Google to add a label for Palestine has accumulated more than 2.1 million signatures on Change.org. No matter what flag or government are imposed on the land, it is ours, it is Palestine. See our, As deaths occur and coronavirus cases start to rise in British prisons, campaigners express their concerns, What not to believe: coronavirus myths you should ignore. A Time Warner Company. Because it came with the latest update of Google Maps, which shows no sign of Palestine on the map. All rights reserved. But we can only do this with our readers support. Sorry, we are unable to accept comments about this article at the moment. Seeing Israel only feels like defeat. Google maps changes throughout countries to avoid confrontation. "Why would they even think of erasing the name of a country off the map?????? Were working quickly to bring these labels back to the area.. The Washington Posts Caitlyn Dewey wrote: .css-cumn2r{height:1em;width:1.5em;margin-right:3px;vertical-align:baseline;fill:#C70000;}In their attempts to dispassionately document the physical world online, tech companies often end up shaping our understanding of it, too. The Tories are waging a class war against us were all having to fight. But there is no mention of Palestine. Now, that decision is drawing renewed focus amid the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Today Google and Apple Maps have officially taken Palestine off the world map, further pushing the agenda of erasing Palestine from the world, WE CAN NOT SIT BY AND LET A COUNTRY BE ERASED FROM HISTORY IN THIS DAY AND AGE! ", Another added: "U can remove it from the map , but u can't remove our history, our pain, Palestine is the only country we know ! Please see our. On 29 March, the West Bank and Gaza reported 97 confirmed cases and one death. READ MORE:Israel-Palestine: Four 'crucial' points concerning conflict explained. The UN estimated that around three-quarters of those people live in Gaza. . Why not? But like trade unions and community organising, truly independent working-class media is a vital weapon in our armoury. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. But in the midst of our personal chaos and confusion, the challenges we face seem easy in comparison to those facing people in Palestine. The city of Jerusalem is marked, and it appears almost like Google has classified Palestine as a part of Israel - with no identity of its own. Let us know in the comment box below. The map also shows Israel existing in 1946. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The decision ignited a long-lasting conflict which continues to this day, with advocates for the two-state solution weary of potential advances from Israel. Muslim leaders all around the world have been working to free Palestine and give them their right which they have been diprived of. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Staff Desk of The Islamic Information covers the latest news and valuable information that Muslim readers need. Zionism meaning: What is Zionism, what does it mean. The Canary doesnt have the budget of the corporate media. However, you will find some great articles which you can comment on right now in our Comment section. Wait what? While it was not a recognized independent state under British rule in 1946, Palestine as a political entity existed prior to the formation of the state of Israel in 1948, going back to ancient times when it was a province of the Roman empire until more recently when it was British Mandatory Palestine, immediately preceding Israels creation.. The Israeli army has murdered another young Palestinian in Dheisheh refugee camp, More people are in court this week for taking direct action for Palestine. The decision ignited a long-lasting conflict which continues to this day, with advocates for. the forum of Palestinian journalists released a statement condemning Google. Muslim leaders all around the world have been working to free Palestine and give them their right which they have been diprived of. Gonna be honest: Im not signing the petition. You can unsubscribe at any time. But its not actually the case that Palestine has been deleted from Google Maps. Located to the north of Jerusalem, in the central part of the West Bank is the city of Ramallah - the current administrative center of Palestine. It called for the tech giant to rescind its decision and apologise to the Palestinian people. Throngs of people are flocking to Twitter to voice their disbelief that Google Maps has removed Palestine from its application yet again. 1. Company registration number 14315286 Contact: [emailprotected]. All rights reserved. In the latest shocking update, Google has removed Palestine from Google Maps. However, neither tech giant included the state in their maps before, and it has drawn controversy in the past. We made a video, to see if Palestine was listed on the Google Maps, and we found out there was no Palestine. Services like Google Maps have not just functional but symbolic importance, as a bug on a map of Israel has proved. ", A third said: "Palestine is reality. 71 Windsor St, Salisbury, SP2 7EA, UK, Google Removes Palestine From Google Maps, 5 Lessons To Learn From Surah Yusuf That Will Make Your Life Better, Eid Ul Adha 2020 Salah To Be Offered In Masjid al-Haram and Nabawi, Saudi Arabia Lowers Umrah Cost in 2023 For Foreign Pilgrims, India Demolished Historical Mosque in UP To Widen The Road, Over 2 Million Pilgrims To Perform The Hajj 2023, Iranian Imam Meets with Netanyahu Officials in Secret Visit to Israel, 12 Facts Every Muslim Need To Know About Abu Bakr (RA), Women Can Perform Hajj and Umrah Without Mahram, Quran And Islamic Books Torned In Attack On Jamia Abdullah Bin Masood Mosque in Sheffield, Worlds First 3D Mosque To Be Built In Dubai By 2025, Jeddah Airport Now Provides Free Shuttle Service To Masjid al-Haram For Umrah and Hajj Pilgrims, Answers To Frequently Asked Questions About Islam, Muslim Teen Stabbed To Death On Way Home From Mosque in Dublin, Hindutva mobs vandalize mosques and Muslim homes in India in response to last weeks attack, Omar Suleiman Arrested Among Others In Washington DC, From Muhammad SAWW to Adam AS An Overview. Other major mapping companies approach this decision in different ways. Removing #Palestine from the map doesn't mean it ceases to exist. In fact, our income is over. 17 2020, Updated 5:55 a.m. One . Apartheid. (sic)" The claim was also viral on Facebook. "There has never been a 'Palestine' label on Google Maps, however we discovered a bug that removed the labels for 'West Bank' and 'Gaza Strip.' Back in 2016, Google had clarified that they had never included Palestine as a searchable option in their Maps application. Bella followed up by asking her followers to post pictures of where their parents were born, which prompted an influx of reflective responses from her fans. Amid the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, Palestine has been removed from the map. Strategically situated between three continents, Palestine has a tumultuous history as a crossroads for religion, culture, commerce, and politics. East Jerusalem, unlike other parts of Palestine, is also where Palestinians have zero representation or organized leadership, since Israel has barred the Palestinian Authority from operating there. Seriously. https://imeu.org/article/fact-check-msnbcs-palestinian-loss-of-land-map/ Arabs in Palestine and surrounding Arab states did not want that, demanding that Jews get out of the way so they could establish the Arab State of Palestine on *all* the land. Member (MLA) of the Northern Ireland Assembly, Declan As a black man, I wanted to know if me being a big Oman has criminalized ties with Israel . Israel prevailed in the 1948 war, but for the next 19 years Jordan occupied the West Bank-the region now proposed as the heart of a Palestinian state, just as the UN had proposed in 1947. With much of the world now in lockdown, for most Palestinian people this experience is nothing new. It doesn't work like that," she wrote. Recently, high-profile celebrities like Chris Evans and Bella Hadid have had their names brought up in discussions around Palestine, too. She had accused IG of "bullying" her: "Instagram removed my story that only said 'My baba And his birthplace of Palestine' with a photograph of his American passport. More info. This is what apartheid looks like in Hebron, Occupied Today 40-year old Hamdi Abu Dayyeh was murdered by the Mo has been renewed for season two on Netflix! PUT PALESTINE BACK ON THE MAP. And although West Bank and Gaza do now appear on the tracker, this doesnt change the fact that its removed an entire country: Palestinians are used to being erased in order to benefit the occupation, even during the #COVID19 pandemic. Google did, however, find a glitch that led to something being removed from the map, and could explain the concerns of the journalists in Gaza. Google has just removed Palestine from its maps. Over 250,000 people have signed the petition calling for Palestine to be re-added, calling it a grievous insult that undermines efforts for the areas independence. The state is marked out on the map, intersected with lines outlining Palestinian territory. Our fact check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook. Making us look like a bunch of fools, stop this. However, the Maps app never had that label in the first place, and Google tells Engadget that a glitch is to blame for the change. Google has always attempted to stay out of regions where there are border disputes, including Kashmir in India and Pakistan. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. It claims Google is making itself complicit in what it called the Israeli governments ethnic cleansing of Palestine. It Was Never There in the First Place. The issue sparked concern once more in 2011, leading the forum of Palestinian journalists to release a statement condemning Google. Were working quickly to bring these labels back to the area.". That applies particularly in politically sensitive regions, where people see maps as a lot more than just a collection of data points. These cookies do not store any personal information. Another added: "How is it even possible? Last week, MSNBC aired a map (above) showing loss of Palestinian land to Zionist settlers and then to Israel from 1946 to the present. Palestine, where part of the holy city of Jerusalem is located, has been rife with its border disputes: it has had annexation, it has had military occupations, it has had its territories being encroached, intifadas, and . They would starve to death anyway, mind as well die honorably while resisting rather than die silently. Meanwhile, the Washington Post has pointed out that Googles rival Apple Maps service neither labels Palestine, or differentiates it at all from Israel. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. So, I genuinely dont understand how you can say that Israelis are superior to Arabs, or that British South Africa is a thing. Social media users have accused both Apple and Google of erasing Palestine, a partially recognised state and neighbour of Israel. You cannot Undo it by removing it from the World Map.Disappeared Palestine from the world map is a serious crime. All Rights Reserved. Even website India.com published it as news. Because of that, the Mandate for Palestine mandatedso to speakthat a permanent Jewish home be re-established in geographic Palestine. Palestinian homes are bulldozed, children are arrested in the middle of the night, and acts of peaceful resistance are met with snipers and bombs. By Mustafa Gatollari. Why is Palestine not on Google Maps? Jerusalem. But was it? The map purported to show Palestinian Loss of Land 1946-present, and it did precisely that, accurately. Middle East media outlets reported users could no longer see a label for Palestine, after the Forum of Palestinian Journalists started a campaign demanding it be re-added to the map. Palestine is located in the Middle East, It is bordered by the countries of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan Egypt and Israel. There has never been a Palestine label on Google Maps, said a spokesperson. Israeli settlers attack Palestinians & foreigners who A video of Israeli pro-democracy protesters forcefully Brazil: new President Lula Da Silva has dismissed the Today 14-year old Omar Khamour was murdered by the IOF in We are Israeli anti-Zionists Communists - Ask us anything! PUT PALESTINE BACK ON THE MAP. Searched why Palestine was trending. "Care to point out the location of Palestine? Copyright 2023 Distractify. Google has been accused of deleting Palestine from Google Maps but the truth is, it was never labelled by Google in the first place. #FreePalestine pic.twitter.com/0ItAs3dIlC Kendrick Sampson (@kendrick38) July 16, 2020, THEY TOOK OFF PALESTINE FROM GOOGLE MAPSTHEY TOOK OFF PALESTINE FROM GOOGLE MAPSTHEY TOOK OFF PALESTINE FROM GOOGLE MAPSTHEY TOOK OFF PALESTINE FROM GOOGLE MAPSTHEY TOOK OFF PALESTINE FROM GOOGLE MAPS#FreePalestine (@remusloopinn) July 16, 2020. Palestine map: Why is Palestine not on Google Maps? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. A Gaza City journalism group spotted a change in the way Google represented Palestine on a map of Israel, causing outrage on both mainstream and social media in the Middle East. #IStandWithPalestine #FreePalestine pic.twitter.com/zMn7EAbvBD ubs (@_graveyardd) July 16, 2020. This most likely has to do with the fact the United States does not officially recognize Palestine as a nation. The Washington Posts Caitlyn Dewey wrote. What we do have is a radical agenda that disrupts power and amplifies marginalised communities. Palestine was never ON google maps to begin with. This has been an important date since 1976 which honours six Palestinians shot dead by Israeli police that year and the ongoing apartheid and violence Palestinian people suffer as a result of the illegal Israeli occupation. According to Google, Palestine does not exist.. The map accurately depicts the land that has been forcibly taken from Palestinians since 1946, two years before Israel was established and the accompanying expulsion of between 750,000 and a million Palestinians to make way for a Jewish state. Because of this, whenever any map of the region is drawn is becomes a political issue. This should tell you something. #FreePalestine". Palestine, is recognized as a de jure sovereign state by the UN. Palestinians inPalestine live under a brutal military occupation that is largely funded by the 3.8 billion dollars that the US gives Israel yearly, more money than we give to any other country in the world. According to Express.co.uk and previous statements from Google, similar outrages occurred in 2016 and 2011, when Palestine's "removal" from the mapping service was met with a similar online uproar. Palestine Removed From Google Maps? Because 30 March is Land Day in Palestine. If it were not for that war, I wouldnt be here to type this. When searching for Palestine on Google Maps, it shows an outline, but with no label for Palestine and Israel labelled alongside it. We have decided to fact check this news, which turned out to be true. However, a deeper look into the issue proves that it's a bit more complex than most people understand. The small areas in white are the occupied Palestinian territories. There is an Israeli government, but its not on Israeli land. However, this is not the first time the issue has erupted onto Twitter, and Google has clarified the situation. The tiny area of the Gaza Strip is in the left/southwest of corner of Israel. 61. One Twitter user posted: "Google and Apple have removed #Palestine from their maps, something the Israeli occupation has been wishing since long time! In 2016, #PalestineIsHere began trending after supporters of the Palestinian cause condemned Google for supposedly removing the word "Palestine" from Google Maps, according to the New York Times.. Over the course of the past century, Israel has rapidly been taking over and erasing Palestinian's culture, land, and presence in the world. I wouldnt be a free individual. Not actually the case that Palestine has accumulated more than 2.1 million signatures on Change.org Palestinian journalists to a. Find some great articles which you can comment on right now in lockdown, for most Palestinian this... 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