B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth December 17. Before the full bearing and value of these verses can be realized, I think they require to be read several times over. God never demands of us what we cannot do; and Paul tells us that there is no limit to our power; he poor, weak, frail as he was, could do all things when strengthened by Christ. What is the way to lay your burden down? B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth December 17. Chapter 8 The Intercessory Prayers of Christians (Luke 11:5, 6.) "Why should I do that today," it cries, "which I can do any day whenever I please?" To resist temptation.3. (Text in conjunction with John 15:5.) She put her feet on one shelf of the rock, then on a second, and then on a third; and in this manner, amid the trembling hearts of all who were looking on, she rose to the very top of the cliff, and at last whilst the breasts of those below were heaving, came down step by step, until, amid the shouts of the villagers, she stood at the bottom of the rock with the child on her bosom. When we are lost.REJOICE! So, if we give our trials to Him, He will carry them. Perhaps you found the first dose ineffectual. We must Charles Haddon SpurgeonSpurgeon's Sermons Volume 25: 1879How to Keep the HeartThis evening we shall use another figure, distinct from the one used in the morning, of the reservoir. iv. Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.'--PHIL. For years he had not known one day's rest. Chapter 7 A Manifestation of God in Answer to Prayer (Acts 4:31.) You can do nothing without that. iv. The grandeur of the Christian life. Nothing braces a man's nerves like the cold winter's blast. '"Power through the Spirit of ChristW. "The peace that passes all understanding" is the very breath of God in the soul. Chapter 9 The Three Essentials of T. Chapter 7 A Manifestation of God in Answer to Prayer (Acts 4:31.) That is the way to take His burden up. )The fountain of strengthJ. By instructing us in the knowledge of our weakness and His own strength.3. iv. Birch. Chapter 4 The Praying that Glorifies God (John 14:13.) For years he had not known one day's rest. To suffer and endure.(J. Birch.A young Italian boy knocked one day at the door of an artist's studio in Rome, and when it was opened, exclaimed, "Please, madam, will you give me the master's brush?" What do you need: - Red and green cards In Philippians 2: 1 -11 Paul writes about the importance of unity. The Christian becomes "a law unto himself," but behind the Christian and the law is the great Inspirer Christ. Have you a violent temper? Hence it follows that we ought always to be in a thankful condition of heart: since we are to pray without ceasing, and are not to pray without thanksgiving, it is clear that we ought to be always ready to give thanks unto the Lord. iv. Do you suppose your Father will let you carry the banner of His victory and His gladness on to Rev. A. 5). Now, let's look at the verse in its full context: [Philippians 4:10-13] But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at last you have revived your concern for me; indeed, you were concerned before, but you lacked an opportunity to act. A fine harmony in the two statements. And then he goes on to tell them, and all Christian people, why they should make up their, Chapter 1 The Fellowship of Prayer (Philippians 4:6.) I can do all things in Him that strengtheneth me. 4). To resist temptation.3. A. Alexander, D. D.We all need strength. As I walked in and through those rooms, and went from one story to another, and saw the rolling of the pinions and heard the rattling of the wheels, and felt the vibration of the floor beneath my feet, while the raw material was being, as by magic, brought out at the other end to be a robe for a peasant or a prince, I said, 'Why, where in the world is the motive power that sets all this to work?' Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:13: Here We Find: W. Forsyth. It may not be easy to see what this text has to do with the story of Joseph, which we have just been reading, or with the meaning of the Bible of which I have been speaking to you Charles KingsleyThe Gospel of the PentateuchPreface. "Be careful for nothing" (Phil. And so he concludes with prayer and salutations.Dictionary of Bible ThemesPhilippians 4:131105God, power of5598victory, over spiritual forces5955strength, divine6163faults8485spiritual warfare, conflict9313resurrection, spiritualPhilippians 4:10-134966present, the5939satisfactionPhilippians 4:10-187402offeringsPhilippians 4:11-135871greed, response to6705peace, experiencePhilippians 4:11-145569suffering, hardshipPhilippians 4:12-135805comfortPhilippians 4:13-145776achievementLibraryNovember 24. And as to Christ Thy LordPreface. We linger around the four great landmarks, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Gethsemane, Calvary, and they are a ceaseless inspiration to us. "Without me nothing." 7. Iv. It applies to the whole life. 5). We begin our Christian life by working, trying and struggling in the energy of the flesh to save Rev. Iv. No Christian worker can ever be used of God until the proud self-will is broken, and the heart is ready to yield to God's Rev. Jesus promises to provide contentment no matter what you face. THE DIVINE ASSERTION. Whether conscious or unconscious of it, we are all weak. iv. 4. But he was not discouraged. "Be careful for nothing" (Phil. . Is there life after death? We begin our Christian life by working, trying and struggling in the energy of the flesh to save Rev. REJOICE! Our strength is not superseded. It is linked with God's and made the grander for the union. Hugh BinningChristmas Peace(Sunday before Christmas.) We may trust it and be deceived by it. After telling his audience that he's experienced both poverty and affluence, the Apostle Paul writes these well-known words: "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." )Strength in Christ"I was requested," said the late Dr. Macleod, "by a brother minister, who was unwell, to go and visit a dying boy. We shall use the figure of a fortress, which is to be kept. Spurgeon. Before the full bearing and value of these verses can be realized, I think they require to be read several times over. How does Christ strengthen us?1. Even when you fall into divers temptations, reckon it joy, and delight, and God will make your reckoning good. Every word of His is the bread of life.4. "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God" (Phil. 13). That turned two men, Sam and Jed, into fortune hunters. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. So should our gratitude be.(J. The word Jehovah means the self-existing One, the "I am"; and it is generally used as a direct revelation of what God is. 1. This assurance covers all the necessities of our Christian life perseverance, cross-bearing and self-crucifixion, Christian work, the prospect and experience of death.(S. Paul was remarkable for humility; it grew with him. Even if the sentences are read through slowly, just as they stand, a deep sense of blessing and rest steals into T. Chapter 3 God's Peace Obtained in Answer to Prayer (Philippians 4:6, 7.) Iv. This continual refrain of gladness is all the more remarkable if we remember the Apostle's circumstances. We shall use the figure of a fortress, which is to be kept. 5). Though Paul's is not quite so universal as Christ's, it forms a pleasing testimony to the correctness of Christ's statement, and the usefulness of the promised aid.I. Object Needed: Sunglasses. For four hundred years noisy crowds have fought, and sorrowed, and fretted, beneath the dim inscription in an unknown tongue; Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy Scripture, Think on These Things' . "Let your moderation be known unto all men" (Phil. Christians, like those in Philippi, know that they can do anything because Christ is the One who gives them strength (Philippians 4:13). "Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and and lowly of heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls." M. AndersonPrayer Availeth MuchWorry Versus PeaceBe careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Chapter 3 God's Peace Obtained in Answer to Prayer (Philippians 4:6, 7.) and as to Christ thy Lord, most comely "as the lily among thorns," being his "love among the daughters," Cant. 6, 7.) Before the full bearing and value of these verses can be realized, I think they require to be read several times over. Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureHow to Say 'thank You''But I rejoice in the Lord greatly, that now at length ye have revived your thought for me; wherein ye did indeed take thought, but ye lacked opportunity. H. 6, 7.) Iv. "And Again I Say, Rejoice" (Phil. Do you remember the blessing we have been saying? iv. By instructing us in the knowledge of our weakness and His own strength.3. "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due time." (Based on Philippians 4:11b-13) Background thoughts This Children's Sermon probes the concept of "enough" from children's viewpoint. 3. We begin our Christian life by working, trying and struggling in the energy of the flesh to save Rev. Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therein to be content. The very test of consecration is our willingness not only to surrender the things that are wrong, but to surrender our rights, to be willing to be subject. Birch.A young Italian boy knocked one day at the door of an artist's studio in Rome, and when it was opened, exclaimed, "Please, madam, will you give me the master's brush?" We have to work hard and practice every day being a Christian. No Christian worker can ever be used of God until the proud self-will is broken, and the heart is ready to yield to God's Rev. )Power through the love of ChristManual of Anecdotes.ONE day, one the gigantic eagles of Scotland carried away an infant, which was sleeping by the fireside in its mother's cottage. A robust Highlander, accustomed to climb the hills, tried next, and even his limbs gave way, and he was in fact precipitated to the bottom. Phil. Chapter 9 The Three Essentials of T. But, at last, a poor peasant woman came forward. This is a glorious text, and one fit to be the key-note of Christmas-day. B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth March 10. We must Charles Haddon SpurgeonSpurgeon's Sermons Volume 25: 1879How to Keep the HeartThis evening we shall use another figure, distinct from the one used in the morning, of the reservoir. Paul gives particular instances, then generalizes. Birch. The words I have chosen set forth very simply and beautifully the bond which knit Paul and these Philippian Christians together, and the chief desire which his Apostolic love had for them. It is a good thing to rejoice in the Lord. As in all his letters, the Apostle follows the natural instinct of making his last words loving words. Phil. Curriculum. Now I can burn!"(J. A. A. Birch.A young Italian boy knocked one day at the door of an artist's studio in Rome, and when it was opened, exclaimed, "Please, madam, will you give me the master's brush?" Why did that woman succeed, when the strong sailor and the practised Highlander had failed? It applies to the whole life. A. This treasure is earthly treasure, and it is like our chocolate coins. By God's help the weakest of us may be strong, and it is the way to become so, to resolve never to give up a good work till we have tried our best to achieve it. By himself the Christian is as weak as any one else. A. Alexander, D. D.)Dependence on ChristJ. III. How does Christ strengthen us?1. And then he goes on to tell them, and all Christian people, why they should make up their Charles KingsleyTown and Country SermonsTable of ContentsChapter 1 The Fellowship of Prayer (Philippians 4:6.) Beloved, are you there? 6). )PeopleClement, Epaphroditus, Euodias, Paul, Philippians, SyntychePlacesMacedonia, Philippi, ThessalonicaTopicsAble, Anything, Christ, Christ's, Gives, Power, Strength, Strengtheneth, Strengthening, StrengthensOutline1. )PeopleClement, Epaphroditus, Euodias, Paul, Philippians, SyntychePlacesMacedonia, Philippi, ThessalonicaTopicsAble, Anything, Christ, Christ's, Gives, Power, Strength, Strengtheneth, Strengthening, StrengthensOutline1. 4). When God begins to subdue a soul, He often requires us to yield the things that are of little importance in themselves, and thus break our neck and subdue our spirit. Sep 9, 2018 - Posts about Philippians 4:13 written by wallbuilder. He SweetUnderstanding SeriesTeach the TextOne VolumeSermon 5). If we will take it to heart, it will tell us how to keep Christmas-day. A. 2. so also, thou, in a special way, art the dearly beloved and longed for, the joy and crown, of every sincere servant of Christ in the gospel, Phil. iv. he proceeds to general exhortations,10. Sermon Illustrations For Epiphany 3 (2023). He is the Saviour from the curse of life sin. Chapter 4 The Praying that Glorifies God (John 14:13.) The strength of the Almighty One enters into the believer. The words I have chosen set forth very simply and beautifully the bond which knit Paul and these Philippian Christians together, and the chief desire which his Apostolic love had for them. Every word of His is the bread of life.4. 3. Take courage. We must look out of ourselves; and to save us from a vain search God sets Christ before us as our strength and strengthener.I. It is not peace with God, but the peace of God. It applies to man's spiritual life.2. The lady placed the brush belonging to her departed husband in the hand of the boy, saying, "This is his brush; try it, my boy." M. AndersonPrayer Availeth MuchWorry Versus PeaceBe careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. There are two hands there--God's hand pressing us down, humbling us, and then God's hand lifting Rev. Those who heard him supposed he intended to recant, but they misunderstood him. This is a Sunday for reminders that Jesus is our only way out. 1. We may feel our dignity affronted, and our first impulse will be denial of, or objection to the universality of the statement. Before the full bearing and value of these verses can be realized, I think they require to be read several times over. 6). Even when you fall into divers temptations, reckon it joy, and delight, and God will make your reckoning good. iv. Beloved, are you there? It is opposed to dissatisfaction, and by submission to the hardships of life disarms them of half their power. B. . Chapter 4 The Praying that Glorifies God (John 14:13.) and as to Christ thy Lord, most comely "as the lily among thorns," being his "love among the daughters," Cant. Martin. A prisoner in a Roman prison; and when Rome fixed its claws it did not usually let go without drawing blood. In every part of our life we have Christ's influence. )Strength through ChristT. 7. )PeopleClement, Epaphroditus, Euodias, Paul, Philippians, SyntychePlacesMacedonia, Philippi, ThessalonicaTopicsAble, Anything, Christ, Christ's, Gives, Power, Strength, Strengtheneth, Strengthening, StrengthensOutline1. B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth December 17. (2)Providence, under which all things work together for our good. "Be careful for nothing" (Phil. 7). Say,Paul says in Philippians chapter 4 to REJOICE all the time! It is not peace with God, but the peace of God. This is a defect we cannot supply. (Manual of Anecdotes. )PeopleClement, Epaphroditus, Euodias, Paul, Philippians, SyntychePlacesMacedonia, Philippi, ThessalonicaTopicsAble, Anything, Christ, Christ's, Gives, Power, Strength, Strengtheneth, Strengthening, StrengthensOutline1. A. H. HowardStandards of Life and ServiceJehovah"That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most High over all the earth." Before the full bearing and value of these verses can be realized, I think they require to be read several times over. "Follow my example, of not trusting in my righteousness, but in the righteousness of Jesus (Philippians 3:17). 3. B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth March 10. 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