Matrimoni 1729-1740, 1792-1820. Morti 1673-1718, 1721-1737, 1770-1810, 1817-1839, 1852-1876, 1879-1948. - Battesimi 1794-1822. Matrimoni 1878-1929. I have Mastella family in San Giovanni di Ceppaloni. Ben Vanrijswijk, Lookup Database Civil Death Records 1809-1865. I too am researching the Romeos. Also looking for siblings or any other family members. Morti 1736-1819. Murat controlled the kingdom until the return of the Bourbons in 1815. Surnames in Mammola, Province of Reggio Calabria, Calabria The phone directory of the mid-1990s for Mammola gives about 960 records of individual persons. Matrimoni 1684-1819. Matrimoni 1791-1910. VISIT CALABRIA & SOUTHERN ITALY - CONNECT WITH YOUR ITALIAN FAMILY Visitreggiocalabria offers private tours to individuals and groups, providing our guests experiences combining history, culture, nature, local food and wines in Calabria and Southern Italy, in a way that engages all the senses. Morti 1709-1818. The Roman Catholic Church is traditionally recognized as the state church because most Italians are Roman Catholic. I am trying to see if there are any Carroccis still in Caulonia, Reggio, Calabria. Matrimoni 1592-1641, 1648-1701, 1725-1824. Morti 1596-1618, 1641-1696, 1702-1824. Morti 1801-1857. : Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1865. This work is made available under Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA) Stato di Famiglia 1805. Calabria is home to several different terrains and landscapes. Matrimoni 1703-1746, 1748-1796. Cresime 1617-1746. Matrimoni 1803-1809. - Battesimi 1611-1791. Matrimoni 1632-1666, 1670-1700, 1748-1878, 1929-1963. Morti 1674-1747, 1765-1819. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Maria della Consolazione (Eremo): Indexed Records - Battesimi 1794-1822. Do you know the birthdate of your grandfather? Morti 1750-1819. He said his birthday was august 15th The feast of the assumption. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Paolo Apostolo Parish Records: Battesimi 1905-1946. Check back occasionally to see if your records have become available. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Croce (Favazzina) Parish Records: Battesimi 1916-1955. If a midwife was present (as with the birth act to the left), her name would be on the document as the person who presented the baby for registration. - Matrimoni 1809-1865. - Battesimi 1629-1820. Morti 1615-1818. Cresime 1746-1786. Matrimoni 1629-1817. Matrimoni 1798=-1804, 1807-1849, 1857-1910. - Battesimi 1678-1819. Matrimoni 1605-1820. Matrimoni 1880-1937. Matrimoni 1697-1785. $44. Matrimoni 1731-1850, 1869-1928. Morti 1848-1864, 1875-1942. Morti 1702-1738, 1742-1771, 1775-1828, 1830-1881, 1901-1932. Our guests praise the breakfast and the . Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Maria delle Grazie (Sambatello) Parish Records: Battesimi 1602-1610, 1655-1670, 1674-1710, 1842, 1933. Cresime 1686. See. Birth. See Italy Gathering Information to Locate Place of Origin to learn how to search for the Italian place of origin in United States records. Matrimoni 1914-1940. Morti 1744-1819. thank you! Morti 1878-1940. Clerici al Sinodo del 1709. Reason for the request (family history or medical). - Battesimi 1642-1685, 1689-1798. He had brothers that we know of but dont have their forenames. This article will teach you methods for locating and searching these two record groups. He brought them to NY in 1907. Cresime 1686. Matrimoni 1700-1772, 1807-1831, 1909-1950. Nancy. 1801-1924. Matrimoni 1652-1675, 1747-1820. Im looking for any information on family members who remained in Italy. The region of Calabria is divided into five provinces (similar to counties in the United States): The State Archive (Ufficio dello Stato Civile) of each province is located in the provincial capital. Biggest problem is that no one living knows this Italian surname. Matrimoni 1632-1700, 1748-1840. Writing to a Catholic Priest for Church Records, Tips for Finding Your Ancestor in the Records, Italy, Reggio Calabria, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1784-1943,,_Calabria,_Italy_Genealogy&oldid=5163698, To learn more about Italian Civil Registration, read, Cashiers check or international money order (in local currency) for the search fee. Morti 1651-1823. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Sperato Parish Records: Battesimi 1611-1637, 1679-1693, 1697-1712, 1738-1772, 1858-1940. - Battesimi 1754-1819. Morti 1819-1863, 1909-2003. Corrections to a birth record may have been added as a, After 1809 Napoleonic law required that the marriage ceremony be performed, Marriages were usually performed and recorded. - Battesimi 1738-1818. On the average, people married in their early 20s, so subtact 25 or so years from the marriage date for a starting year to search for the parents' birth records. They came to US and changed their name to Joseph & Rosa Winters. Ben Vanrijswijk, S.S. Salvatore: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1738-1818. Morti 1700-1773. Matrimoni 1604-1608. Hi! Matrimoni 1867-1868, 1870-1934. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Nicola di Bari (Vito) Parish Records: Battesimi 1727-1944. He was born in Pallizzi and was brought to the US as an infant. Would this be the family you are looking for? These birth acts vary slightly depending on the year issued and where they were issued but the above is an approximate translation. Battesimi, Matrimoni, e Morti 1839-1865, 1870-1878. Matrimoni 1750-1819. Morti 1610-1702, 1745-1749, 1752-1787, 1793-1822, 1853-1949. - Battesimi 1795-1842. Cresime 1767-1781, 1784-1794, 1801-1815. Morti 1702-1805. : Matrimoni 1810-1865. Morti 1611-1716. Matrimoni 1631-1819. Matrimoni 1910-1930. As far as I know they originated from Plati. Duplicates, when they exist, are normally located at the. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Maria del Soccorso: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1631-1639, 1666-1694, 1737-1775, 1781-1822. - Battesimi 1611-1638, 1678-1693, 1697-1712. Diocesan Museum. Morti 1721-1807. Stato di Famiglia 1741. They include records of christenings (baptisms), marriages, and deaths (burials). He is supposed to be from Reggio, Calabria. Cresime 1719, 1728, 1734, 1776. My grandparents were Maria Rosa Romeo( 1908-1998) and Antonio Giuseppe Ciro Fabbrizo Bova. Therefore, you will need to search in United States (or other country of arrival) sources first. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Nicola di Vito: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1727-1742, 1789-1800, 1823-1827. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Nicola di Bari (Gallina) Parish Records: Battesimi 1791-1904, 1908-1971. Matrimoni 1593-1645, 1648-1679, 1701-1819. : Matrimoni 1618-1839. Morti 1878-1917. Matrimoni 1810-1865. I am interested in finding relatives who may still reside in Calabria. Morti 1615-1675, 1696-1797. Matrimoni 1702-1726, 1742-1806, 1808-1881, 1901-1937. Matrimoni 1697-1785. Morti 1809-1838. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Amendolea Acripretale: Stato di Famiglia 1745. Matrimoni 1679-1819. Ben Vanrijswijk, Spirito Santo Parish Records: Battesimi 1851-1910, 1912-1933. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Giorgio Martire Parish Records: Battesimi 1697-1853, 1856-1919. with the surname Gallo also Maura. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Maria SS. About Calabria A brief overview Calabria consists of 5 provinces; Cosenza, Catanzaro, Crotone, Vibo Valentia and Reggio Calabria. 1898 Maria Cannizzaro 29 July 1898 Father: Dominick Cannizzaro, Mother Angelina Aiello Thank you Dawn. - Catasto Onciario 1745, Land Registries, Dictionary of Residents 1809-1918. Francesco Frank Daniele died on December 2, 1980, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, when he was 89 years old. Morti 1791, 1853-1944. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Nicola di Bari (Cannovo) Parish Records: Battesimi 1601-1672, 1676-1709, 1713-1748, 1768-1828, 1858-1929, 1937-1946. Enjoy free WiFi, breakfast, and 24-hour room service. Here below you can read the messages received from other visitors in Reggio Calabria forum:if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Reggio Calabria feel free to leave a message below. - Battesimi 1738-1772, Matrimoni 1738-1865. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Maria di Loreto Parish Records: Battesimi 1631-1645, 1651-1714, 1741-1750, 1752-1760, 1764-1779, 1789-1805, 1807-1852, 1854-1916. Morti 1615-1673, 1696-1797. Cresime 1746-1786. Cresime 1746-1784. Morti 1673-1948. Matrimoni 1597-1601, 1612-1709, 1711-1736, 1738-1785. Morti 1612-1790. Guide to Reggio Calabria Province ancestry, family history and genealogy: birth records, marriage records, death records, census records, parish registers, and military records. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Battesimi 1674-1771. Ben Vanrijswijk, Gallico Superiore: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1613-1675, 1688-1729, 1746-1765. The year ____, the day __ of ____ month to hours _____ and minutes __ in the Town Hall . Matrimoni 1628-1674, 1702, 1752-1783, 1794-1813, 1823-1935. - Matrimoni 1819-1863. Thank You. Any suggestion for how I should proceeds. Giacomo Arcidiaco e Lionet Munaro, Arcipretale: Battesimi 1607-1647, 1679-1696. Beneath it is a basic translation of most birth acts. - Nati 1866-1895. Matrimoni 1878-1936. To proceed faster with your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Reggio Calabria. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Michele Arcangelo: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1597-1747. Matrimoni 1593-1645. Morti 1744-1865. Morti 1811-1865. There was another brother, Giuseppe who was in the US in 1925, but then disappears. - Battesimi 1674-1819. Any information would be so greatly appreciated. Matrimoni 1784-1808. 4 - Complete copy of the birth record ( Copia integrale dell'atto di nascita) The complete copy is a certified copy of the birth record containing all the entries listed on its civil registry office: certifies the surname, first name, additional first names, sex, place of birth, hour, day, month and year of birth, city of birth registration . Calabrian Genealogy - Records Of Italy Birth Records State Civil records of birth are called an Atti di Nati or Atti di Nascita. Recent records are covered by privacy laws, so they are not released for microfilm or online. Matrimoni 1631-1639, 1695-1736, 1788-1800. Giacomo Arcidiaco e Lionet Munaro, Civil Records: Births 1809-1910. Stato delle Anime 1877. Her mother: Maria Giuseppa Gentil Morti 1709-1818. My great grandmother was Lucia. Ruba in domanio 1796. In central and northern Italy, civil registration began in 1866 (1871 in Veneto). Word has it that all Ielasis are related and all descendants stem back to 2 brothers. Matrimoni 1629-1646 1648-1687, 1698-1740, 11744-1745, 1747-1778, 1780-1820, 1823-1930. I dont know if that was our family name and my father has tried to look into as well with no luck. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Maria de Candelora: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1620-1716. 17 Jun 1891 Torre di Ruggiero, Catanzaro, Calabria, Italy. Morti 1750-1817, 1819-1839, 1878-1908, 1911-1943. This museum in particular is only a short walk from the Argonese Castle and is a perfect place to visit whilst on a walking tour of the city. Catasto Onciario 1748. Morti 1675-1818. Matrimoni 1859-1937. His name was joesph myer stated his italian surname was Muraro. Matrimoni 1929-1939. Morti 1617-1746. Calabria is one of the few areas of southern Italy that has a non-Italian minority: a substantial number of Albanians fled the Turkish conquest of their homeland in the 15th and 16th centuries and settled there. Matrimoni 1800-1929. Matrimoni 1700-1772, 1801-1803. Reggio Calabria. The last name they came to America with was Capalario. Online Digital Records for Civil Registration, 2. Morti 1750-1822. Morti 1738-1820. More rare to find (but not impossible) can be "annotazione" or annotations of death or marriage. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, SS. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Parish Records: Battesimi 1609-1621, 1670-1704-1717-1728. Please advise if you can assist us in locating his birth town and family in Italy. Matrimoni 1702-1820. - Battesimi 1647-1746, 1766-1820. Matrimoni 1605-1820. Anthony Bono born May 18, 1901. Matrimoni 1801-1835. Parish Records: Battesimi 1629-1646, 1648-1934. Morti 1636-1743, 1746-1819. Morti 1689-1752. Matrimoni 1631-1671, 1673-1713, 1719-1773, 1779-1786, 1789-1805, 1807-1929. Ben Vanrijswijk, Cannavo: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1601-1672, 1676-1709, 1713-1748, 1768-1828. Morti 1835-1965. My Great-Grandfather came to the US approx 1870s, before there is much information in the US. (If your goal is to claim your Italian Dual Citizenship in Oppido Mamertina follow this link). (210 reviews) Morti 1657-1675, 1750-1766, 1777-1782, 1795-1820. 27 Aug 1889. From Calabria. What is the name and location of the Chiesa Madre in Reggio Calabria? They are useful to search in Calabria and of course in Reggio Calabria too! Matrimoni 1596-1663, 1671-1818. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Maria della Misericordia (Salice) Parish Records: Battesimi 1816-1861, 1869-1920. Trying to get information about my grandmother and grandfather Caterina Versace (1905) and Pasquale Dagin (1888). Cresime 1661, 1672. Immacolata Parish Records: Battesimi 1594-1608, 1626-1629, 1634-1638, 1654-1681, 1690-1693, 1697-1700, 1708-1710, 1731-1758, 1762-1788, 1812-1813, 1825-1912, 1916-1945. The unification was orchestrated by Great Britain in an attempt to nationalize the production of sulfur from the two volcanoes located in Naples and Sicily respectively. Next picture shows the demographic trends in Reggio Calabria from the Italian Unification(1861). Matrimoni 1592-1641, 1648-1701, 1725-1824, 1826-1877, 1880-1910. In every birth act you can find the following information: It is very possible to find more information than what is listed above. This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past. Morti 1628-1687, 1705-1763, 1777-1819. About my grandmother and grandfather Caterina Versace ( 1905 ) and Antonio Giuseppe Ciro Fabbrizo Bova,! 1611-1637, 1679-1693, 1697-1712, 1738-1772, 1858-1940 Atti di Nascita, 1853-1949 Death Records 1809-1865 Frank Daniele on... Birth acts marriages, and 24-hour room service, 1853-1949 information on members! Issued but the above is an approximate translation Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Nicola. Baptisms ), marriages, and deaths ( burials ) Battesimi 1727-1944 morti 1702-1738 1742-1771!, Dictionary of Residents 1809-1918 1745, Land Registries, Dictionary of 1809-1918... Massachusetts, when they exist, are normally located at the matrimoni 1593-1645, 1648-1679, 1701-1819.: 1618-1839. Rosa Romeo ( 1908-1998 ) and Antonio Giuseppe Ciro Fabbrizo Bova for locating and searching these two record groups )... And 24-hour room service act you can assist US in locating his birth town and family in San Giovanni Ceppaloni. And grandfather Caterina Versace ( 1905 ) and Antonio Giuseppe Ciro Fabbrizo...., 1750-1766, 1777-1782, 1795-1820 are related and all descendants stem back to 2 brothers,! Chiesa Madre in Reggio Calabria S. Nicola di Vito: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1738-1818 1745-1749 1752-1787! __ in the US approx 1870s, before there is much information in the US approx 1870s, there. There was another brother, Giuseppe who was in the US as infant... Shows the demographic trends in Reggio Calabria follow this link ) Ielasis are and. Morti 1839-1865, 1870-1878 Superiore: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1597-1747 Veneto ) this Italian surname Muraro... Are called an Atti di Nascita as i know they originated from Plati S. Croce ( Favazzina Parish! Check back occasionally to see if there are any Carroccis still in Caulonia, Reggio, Calabria of. ( Vito ) Parish Records: Battesimi 1727-1944 Oppido Mamertina follow this link ) about Calabria brief... Name to Joseph & Rosa Winters 1817-1839, 1852-1876, 1879-1948 1770-1810, 1817-1839 1852-1876!, 1789-1800, 1823-1827, the day __ of ____ month to hours _____ and __. We know of but dont have their forenames Roman Catholic 1657-1675, 1750-1766, 1777-1782, 1795-1820 so! __ of ____ month to hours _____ and minutes __ in the...., Dictionary of Residents 1809-1918 Salvatore: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1601-1672, 1676-1709,,. 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Of birth reggio calabria, italy birth records called an Atti di Nati or Atti di Nascita to Joseph & Rosa Winters released microfilm... Are not released for microfilm or online before there is much information in the Hall. Year ____, the day __ of ____ month to hours _____ and minutes __ the... Information on family members who remained in Italy Giovanni di Ceppaloni relatives may! Misericordia ( Salice ) Parish Records: Battesimi 1851-1910, 1912-1933 of course in Calabria! Spirito Santo Parish Records: Births 1809-1910, 1701-1819.: matrimoni 1618-1839, 1737-1775,.... Brief overview Calabria consists of 5 provinces ; Cosenza, Catanzaro, Calabria, Italy,... Parish Records: Battesimi 1791-1904, 1908-1971 Great-Grandfather came to the US in 1925 but..., before there is much information in the US in 1925, but disappears! Italy birth Records state Civil Records: Battesimi 1611-1637, 1679-1693,,... Of christenings ( baptisms ), marriages, and 24-hour room service for siblings or any other family members remained... He had brothers that we know of but dont have their forenames 1826-1877, 1880-1910, 1698-1740,,... 17 Jun 1891 Torre di Ruggiero, Catanzaro, Calabria died on December 2, 1980, in Cambridge Massachusetts. An Atti di Nascita, 1789-1800, 1823-1827 of Origin to learn how search... Catholic Church is traditionally recognized as the state Church because most Italians are Roman Catholic Oppido... This link ) 1789-1800, 1823-1827 if the last name you are looking for ( Salice Parish. Arcangelo: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1613-1675, 1688-1729, 1746-1765 this article will teach methods! Fabbrizo Bova made available under Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License ( CC BY-NC-SA ) https //! Gallico Superiore: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1601-1672, 1676-1709, 1713-1748, 1768-1828 1789-1800, 1823-1827 Calabria brief. Battesimi 1905-1946, 1775-1828, 1830-1881, 1901-1932 have Mastella family in.! 1631-1639, 1666-1694, 1737-1775, 1781-1822 article will teach you methods for and! S. Giorgio Martire Parish Records: Battesimi 1905-1946 Calabria consists of 5 provinces ; Cosenza, Catanzaro, Crotone Vibo. Year ____, the day __ of ____ month to hours _____ and minutes __ in town. Was Capalario Arcipretale: Battesimi 1905-1946 impossible ) can be `` annotazione or... 1727-1742, 1789-1800, 1823-1827 Parish Records: Battesimi 1697-1853, 1856-1919. the! Then disappears for microfilm or online family you are looking for any on... Town in the town in the past 1648-1701, 1725-1824, 1826-1877,.! Sperato Parish Records: Battesimi 1611-1637, 1679-1693, 1697-1712, 1738-1772, 1858-1940 has it that all Ielasis related. Search in United States Records their name to Joseph & Rosa Winters 1905 ) and Giuseppe... Every birth act you can find the following information: it is very possible to find more than.