A chance to explore the nature and spiritual belief in Dansai village in a healthy way by mountain bike. Start with the morning or evening ride to visit Pra That Sri Song Rak, the most respected Lanchang style pagoda for locals in Loei and Laos, built in the Ayutthaya period in 1560 AD to be a symbol of camaraderie between Ayutthaya and Sri Sattana Khanahut (Vientiane) kingdoms. The ride will be continued to Neramitre Vipassana Temple, the temple that sits majestically on a hillside just a short distance away from Phra That Sri Song Rak. The beautiful hall and pagoda were both constructed of laterite and were the products of the imagination of monks and novices. One of the best visit for Dansai town is Phi Ta Khon Local Museum, where you can learn how the whole story about this famous local mask festival happens. Along the biking path, you will enjoy a paddy field panorama view.